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Fire Emblem Wiki

Achievements is a feature in Fire Emblem Engage. They are given to the player when they complete specific goals and milestones, which rewards them with bond fragments.

List of Achievements[]

Ally Achievements[]

Deploy Vander 5 times. 100
Deploy Amber 5 times. 100
Deploy Clanne 5 times. 100
Deploy Lapis 5 times. 100
Deploy Framme 5 times. 100
Deploy Citrinne 5 times. 100
Deploy Alfred 5 times. 100
Deploy Rosado 5 times. 100
Deploy Etie 5 times. 100
Deploy Goldmary 5 times. 100
Deploy Timerra 5 times. 100
Deploy Merrin 5 times. 100
Deploy Panette 5 times. 100
Deploy Pandreo 5 times. 100
Deploy Bunet 5 times. 100
Deploy Anna 5 times. 100
Deploy Chloe 5 times. 100
Deploy Louis 5 times. 100
Deploy Celine 5 times. 100
Deploy Boucheron 5 times. 100
Deploy Lindon 5 times. 100
Deploy Saphir 5 times. 100
Deploy Mauvier 5 times. 100
Deploy Diamant 5 times. 100
Deploy Jade 5 times. 100
Deploy Alcryst 5 times. 100
Deploy Ivy 5 times. 100
Deploy Zelkov 5 times. 100
Deploy Kagetsu 5 times. 100
Deploy Hortensia 5 times. 100
Deploy Fogado 5 times. 100
Deploy Jean 5 times. 100
Deploy Yunaka 5 times. 100
Deploy Seadall 5 times. 100
Reach support level B with 15 allies. 80
Reach support level A with 10 allies. 80
Reach support level B with 10 allies. 70
Reach support level B with 5 allies. 60
Reach support level A with an ally. 50
Reach support level B with an ally. 50
Complete a support conversation with Vander. 30
Complete a support conversation with Clanne. 30
Complete a support conversation with Framme. 30
Complete a support conversation with Alfred. 30
Complete a support conversation with Boucheron. 30
Complete a support conversation with Etie. 30
Complete a support conversation with Yunaka. 30
Complete a support conversation with Lapis. 30
Complete a support conversation with Chloe. 30
Complete a support conversation with Lindon. 30
Complete a support conversation with Saphir. 30
Complete a support conversation with Veyle. 30
Complete a support conversation with Mauvier. 30
Complete a support conversation with Louis. 30
Complete a support conversation with Diamant. 30
Complete a support conversation with Amber. 30
Complete a support conversation with Jade. 30
Complete a support conversation with Alcryst. 30
Complete a support conversation with Citrinne. 30
Complete a support conversation with Ivy. 30
Complete a support conversation with Zelkov. 30
Complete a support conversation with Kagetsu. 30
Complete a support conversation with Hortensia. 30
Complete a support conversation with Rosado. 30
Complete a support conversation with Goldmary. 30
Complete a support conversation with Timerra. 30
Complete a support conversation with Merrin. 30
Complete a support conversation with Panette. 30
Complete a support conversation with Fogado. 30
Complete a support conversation with Pandreo. 30
Complete a support conversation with Bunet. 30
Complete a support conversation with Anna. 30
Complete a support conversation with Jean. 30
Complete a support conversation with Seadall. 30
Complete a support conversation with Celine. 30

Battle Achievements[]

Fight in 5,000 individual combats. 5000
Fight in 4,500 individual combats. 4500
Fight in 4,000 individual combats. 4000
Fight in 3,500 individual combats. 3500
Fight in 3,000 individual combats. 3000
Fight in 2,500 individual combats. 2500
Fight in 2,000 individual combats. 2000
Fight in 1,750 individual combats. 1750
Fight in 1,500 individual combats. 1500
Fight in 1,250 individual combats. 1250
Fight in 1,000 individual combats. 1000
Perform a chain attack with 8 units. 800
Fight in 750 individual combats. 750
Perform a chain attack with 7 units. 700
Perform a chain attack with 6 units. 600
Fight in 500 individual combats. 500
Defeat 500 enemy soldiers. 500
Defeat 500 Corrupted foes. 500
Defeat 500 thieves. 500
Avoid an attack 500 times. 500
Perform a chain attack with 5 units. 500
Use a smash attack 50 times. 500
Defeat 450 enemy soldiers. 450
Defeat 450 Corrupted foes. 450
Defeat 450 thieves. 450
Avoid an attack 400 times. 400
Fight in 400 individual combats. 400
Fight in 40 skirmishes. 400
Defeat 400 enemy soldiers. 400
Defeat 400 Corrupted foes. 400
Defeat 400 thieves. 400
Perform a chain attack with 4 units. 400
Use a smash attack 40 times. 400
Use staves 350 times. 350
Fight in 35 skirmishes. 350
Defeat 350 enemy soldiers. 350
Defeat 350 Corrupted foes. 350
Defeat 350 thieves. 350
Fight in 300 individual combats. 300
Fight in 30 skirmishes. 300
Defeat 300 enemy soldiers. 300
Defeat 300 Corrupted foes. 300
Defeat 300 thieves. 300
Use staves 300 times. 300
Land a critical hit 300 times. 300
Engage with an Emblem 300 times. 300
Use engage attacks 300 times. 300
Break foes 300 times. 300
Avoid an attack 300 times. 300
Perform a chain attack with 3 units. 300
Use a smash attack 30 times. 300
Fight 250 enemy soldiers. 250
Use chain attacks 250 times. 250
Fight in 25 skirmishes. 250
Defeat 250 Corrupted foes. 250
Use staves 250 times. 250
Land a critical hit 250 times. 250
Engage with an Emblem 250 times. 250
Use engage attacks 250 times. 250
Break foes 250 times. 250
Engage with an Emblem 200 times. 200
Fight in 200 individual combats. 200
Fight in 20 skirmishes. 200
Defeat 200 Corrupted foes. 200
Defeat 200 thieves. 200
Use staves 200 times. 200
Land a critical hit 200 times. 200
Use engage attacks 200 times. 200
Use chain attacks 200 times. 200
Break foes 200 times. 200
Defeat 200 enemy soldiers. 200
Avoid an attack 200 times. 200
Use a smash attack 20 times. 200
Defeat 150 Corrupted foes. 150
Land a critical hit 150 times. 150
Use engage attacks 150 times. 150
Use chain attacks 150 times. 150
Break foes 150 times. 150
Fight in 15 skirmishes. 150
Defeat 150 thieves. 150
Use staves 150 times. 150
Defeat 150 enemy soldiers. 150
Engage with an Emblem 150 times. 150
Fight in 100 individual combats. 100
Fight in 10 skirmishes. 100
Defeat 100 thieves. 100
Use staves 100 times. 100
Avoid an attack 100 times. 100
Defeat 100 enemy soldiers. 100
Defeat 100 Corrupted foes. 100
Land a critical hit 100 times. 100
Engage with an Emblem 100 times. 100
Use engage attacks 100 times. 100
Use chain attacks 100 times. 100
Break foes 100 times. 100
Use a smash attack 10 times. 100
Defeat 75 thieves. 75
Defeat 75 enemy soldiers. 75
Defeat 75 Corrupted foes. 75
Use staves 50 times. 50
Engage with an Emblem 50 times. 50
Avoid an attack 50 times. 50
Use a smash attack 5 times. 50
Fight in 50 individual combats. 50
Defeat 50 enemy soldiers. 50
Fight in 5 skirmishes. 50
Defeat 50 Corrupted foes. 50
Defeat 50 thieves. 50
Land a critical hit 50 times. 50
Use engage attacks 50 times. 50
Use chain attacks 50 times. 50
Break foes 50 times. 50
Defeat 40 thieves. 40
Defeat 40 enemy soldiers. 40
Defeat 40 Corrupted foes. 40
Defeat 30 thieves. 30
Defeat 30 enemy soldiers. 30
Defeat 30 Corrupted foes. 30
Defeat 20 thieves. 20
Engage with an Emblem 20 times. 20
Land a critical hit 20 times. 20
Use engage attacks 20 times. 20
Defeat 20 enemy soldiers. 20
Defeat 20 Corrupted foes. 20
Break foes 20 times. 20
Block an attack 20 times. 20
Use chain attacks 20 times. 20
Defeat 10 thieves. 10
Fight in a skirmish. 10
Block an attack 10 times. 10
Use a smash attack in combat. 10
Engage with an Emblem. 10
Use an engage attack. 10
Defeat an enemy soldier. 10
Defeat 10 enemy soldiers. 10
Defeat a Corrupted foe. 10
Defeat 10 Corrupted foes. 10
Defeat a thief. 10
Use staves 10 times. 10
Land a critical hit. 10
Land a critical hit 5 times. 10
Engage with an Emblem 5 times. 10
Use engage attacks 5 times. 10
Avoid an attack. 10
Avoid an attack 10 times. 10
Block an attack. 10
Use a chain attack. 10
Use chain attacks 5 times. 10
Use chain attacks 10 times. 10
Break a foe in combat. 10
Break foes 5 times. 10
Break foes 10 times. 10
Block an attack 5 times. 10

Somniel Achievements[]

Reach max donation for all countries. 2000
Did activities 90 times. 900
Did activities 80 times. 800
Did activities 70 times. 700
Fight an ally in the Arena 60 times. 600
Did activities 60 times. 600
Donate a total of 350,000. 500
Fight an Emblem in the Arena 50 times. 500
Did activities 50 times. 500
Fight an ally in the Arena 50 times. 500
Did activities 40 times. 400
Fight an ally in the Arena 40 times. 400
Fight an Emblem in the Arena 40 times. 400
Obtain 3 S-rank Bond Rings. 300
Bring Brodia to donation level 5. 300
Donate a total of 100,000. 300
Fight an ally in the Arena 30 times. 300
Defeat an ally in the Arena 30 times. 300
Bring Firene to donation level 5. 300
Bring Elusia to donation level 5. 300
Bring Solm to donation level 5. 300
Did activities 30 times. 300
Fight an Emblem in the Arena 30 times. 300
Make a rank S meal 5 times. 250
Did activities 20 times. 200
Bring Firene to donation level 4. 200
Make a rank A meal 20 times. 200
Bring Brodia to donation level 4. 200
Bring Elusia to donation level 4. 200
Bring Solm to donation level 4. 200
Fight an Emblem in the Arena 20 times. 200
Defeat an Emblem in the Arena 20 times. 200
Fight an ally in the Arena 20 times. 200
Defeat an ally in the Arena 20 times. 200
Make a rank B meal 20 times. 150
Bring Brodia to donation level 3. 150
Bring Firene to donation level 3. 150
Bring Elusia to donation level 3. 150
Bring Solm to donation level 3. 150
Wake up to 5 A-Support allies. 150
Make a rank E meal 5 times. 100
Make a rank D meal 5 times. 100
Make a rank C meal 20 times. 100
Make a rank SS meal. 100
Fight an Emblem in the Arena 10 times. 100
Defeat an Emblem in the Arena 10 times. 100
Bring Brodia to donation level 2. 100
Obtain an S-rank Bond Ring. 100
Bring Firene to donation level 2. 100
Donate a total of 10,000. 100
Wake up to an ally 20 times. 100
Bring Elusia to donation level 2. 100
Bring Solm to donation level 2. 100
Did activities 10 times. 100
Fight an ally in the Arena 10 times. 100
Defeat an ally in the Arena 10 times. 100
Wake up to 5 B-Support allies. 90
Make a rank S meal. 80
Polish rings 70 times. 70
Wake up to 20 C-support allies. 70
Make a rank A meal. 70
Polish rings 60 times. 60
Make a rank B meal. 60
Wake up to 5 C-Support allies. 60
Donate to Elusia. 50
Donate to Solm. 50
Make a rank G meal 5 times. 50
Wake up to an ally 5 times. 50
Donate to Firene. 50
Create 50 Bond Rings. 50
Polish rings 50 times. 50
Donate to Brodia. 50
Make a rank C meal. 50
Defeat an ally in the Arena 5 times. 50
Defeat an Emblem in the Arena 5 times. 50
Polish rings 40 times. 40
Make a rank D meal. 40
Obtain 20 B-rank Bond Rings. 30
Polish rings 30 times. 30
Make a rank E meal. 30
Make a rank F meal. 20
Obtain 3 A-rank Bond Rings. 20
Cook 20 times. 20
Polish rings 20 times. 20
Obtain 100 C-rank Bond Rings. 10
Polish rings 10 times. 10
Cook 10 times. 10
Create a Bond Ring. 10
Meld Bond Rings for the first time. 10
Obtain 5 B-rank Bond Rings. 10
Polish a ring for the first time. 10
Did an activity for the first time. 10
Meld Bond Rings 10 times. 10
Polish rings 5 times. 10
Wake up to an ally for the first time. 10
Defeat an Emblem in the Arena. 10
Make a rank G meal. 10
Fight an ally in the Arena. 10
Defeat an ally in the Arena. 10
Fight an Emblem in the Arena. 10
Cook for the first time. 10
Obtain 10 C-rank Bond Rings. 5

Shop Achievements[]

Sell 50 weapons. 500
Sell 40 weapons. 400
Sell 30 weapons. 300
Buy 30 weapons. 300
Buy 20 weapons. 200
Buy 20 staves. 200
Sell 20 weapons. 200
Buy 10 weapons. 100
Buy 10 swords. 100
Buy 10 lances. 100
Buy 10 axes. 100
Buy 10 bows. 100
Buy 10 knives. 100
Buy 10 tomes. 100
Buy 10 scrolls. 100
Buy 10 staves. 100
Refine swords 10 times. 100
Refine lances 10 times. 100
Refine axes 10 times. 100
Refine bows 10 times. 100
Refine knives 10 times. 100
Refine tomes 10 times. 100
Refine art scrolls 10 times. 100
Sell 10 items. 100
Buy 100 items. 100
Buy 10 weapons. 100
Buy 50 items. 50
Buy a weapon. 10
Buy an item. 10
Sell a weapon. 10
Sell an item. 10
Buy an outfit or accessory at the boutique. 10
Change outfits or accessories for the first time. 10
Refine a weapon. 10
Engrave a weapon. 10

System Achievements[]

Play for 48 hours. 480
Play for 24 hours. 240
Cleared Chapter 23, "The Four Hounds." 230
Cleared Chapter 22, "The Fell and the Divine." 220
Cleared Chapter 21, "The Return." 210
Cleared Chapter 20, "The Kingless Castle." 200
Cleared Chapter 19, "The Dead Town." 190
Cleared Chapter 18, "The Cold Voyage." 180
Cleared Chapter 17, "Serenity in Ruin." 170
Cleared Chapter 16, "Seashore Travels." 160
Cleared Chapter 15, "Dancer in the Ruins." 150
Cleared Chapter 14, "The Battle for Solm." 140
Cleared Chapter 13, "Heroes of the Oasis." 130
Play for 12 hours. 120
Cleared Chapter 12, "The Sentinels." 120
Cleared Chapter 11, "Retreat." 110
Cleared Paralogue, "The Exalt." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Lady of the Plains." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Radiant Hero." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Instructor." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Crux of Fate." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Azure Twin." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Holy Knight." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Sage Lord." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Dawn Maiden." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Young Lion." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Caring Princess." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Hero-King." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "The Connector." 100
Take part in 10 Outrealm Trials. 100
Cleared Paralogue, "Budding Talent." 100
Cleared Paralogue, "Mysterious Merchant." 100
Cleared Divine Paralogue, "The Ancestor." 100
Cleared Chapter 10, "The Fell Dragon Sombron." 100
Cleared Chapter 9, "A Clash of Forces." 90
Cleared Chapter 8, "The Kingdom of Might." 80
Cleared Chapter 7, "Dark Emblem." 70
Cleared Chapter 6, "The Stolen Ring." 60
Cleared Chapter 5, "Retaking the Castle." 50
Cleared Chapter 4, "A Land in Bloom." 40
Cleared Chapter 3, "Hostilities." 30
Cleared Chapter 2, "Queen Lumera." 20
Cleared Chapter 1, "Awake at Last." 10
Take part in an Outrealm Trial. 10
Win an Outrealm Trial. 10
Take part in a Relay Trial. 10
Win a Relay Trial. 10
Clear the Verdant Plain Tempest Trial at any difficulty. 10
Clear the Floral Field Tempest Trial at any difficulty. 10
Clear the Mountain Peak Tempest Trial at any difficulty. 10
Clear the Winter Forest Tempest Trial at any difficulty. 10
Clear the Desert Dunes Tempest Trial at any difficulty. 10
Clear the Vicious Volcano Tempest Trial at any difficulty. 10