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Aether Raids is a game mode in Fire Emblem Heroes which was introduced in version 2.11.0.


The Aether Raids mode shares some similar principles with Arena Duels, where the player's team has to defeat a team built by another player and controlled by AI in an offensive battle to earn scores and increase ranking in exchange for rewards, or build their own team to defend against another team to reduce the deducted scores. However, the major difference in Aether Raids is that teams on both sides have the assistance of structures which can be built and placed on the map to create situations for the battle. A battle is also limited to seven turns for a successful attack or defend.



Structure Image Description X & Cost/Level
Infantry School (O) AR Infantry School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on infantry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Armor School (O) AR Armor School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on armored foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Cavalry School (O) AR Cavalry School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on cavalry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Flier School (O) AR Flier School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on flying foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Panic Manor (O) AR Panic Manor At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ X, converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.

40 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
45 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
50 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3
55 & 700FEH Aether Stone/4

Tactics Room (O) AR Tactics Room At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ X and they use bow, dagger, magic, or staff, restricts those foes' movement to 1 space through their next actions.

40 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
45 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
50 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3

Bolt Tower (O) AR Bolt Tower At the start of turn 3, deals X damage to foes within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure.

10 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
15 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
20 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3

Catapult (O) AR Catapult At start of turn, destroys defensive structures within the same column as this structure if their level ≤ this structure's level.

100FEH Aether Stone/1
300FEH Aether Stone/2
500FEH Aether Stone/3
700FEH Aether Stone/4

Healing Tower (O) AR Healing Tower At start of turn, restores X HP to allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on structure.

10 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
15 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
20 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3

Fortress (O) AR Fortress If structure's level > opponent's Fortress (D) level, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to all allies. (X = difference in level × 4). Cannot be removed or destroyed.

0Heavenly Dew/1
500Heavenly Dew/2
1000Heavenly Dew/3
1500Heavenly Dew/4
2000Heavenly Dew/5

Escape Ladder (O) AR Escape Ladder A lost battle's Aether cost will be returned. May be used up to X times per season.

1 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
2 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
3 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3




120px-Structure Bright Shrine
At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd-X on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Spd total through its next action. 2 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
4 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
? & 500FEH Aether Stone/3




120px-Structure Dark Shrine
At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-X on foe on the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total through its next action. 2 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
4 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
? & 500FEH Aether Stone/3


Structure Image Description X & Cost/Level
Infantry School (D) AR Infantry School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on infantry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Armor School (D) AR Armor School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on armored foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Cavalry School (D) AR Cavalry School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on cavalry foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Flier School (D) AR Flier School At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on flying foes within 3 columns centered on structure through their next actions.

2 & 50FEH Aether Stone/1
3 & 150FEH Aether Stone/2
4 & 250FEH Aether Stone/3
5 & 350FEH Aether Stone/4

Panic Manor (D) AR Panic Manor At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ X, converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.

40 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
45 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
50 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3
55 & 700FEH Aether Stone/4

Tactics Room (D) AR Tactics Room At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ X and they use bow, dagger, magic, or staff, restricts those foes' movement to 1 space through their next actions.

40 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
45 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
50 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3

Bolt Tower (D) AR Bolt Tower At the start of turn 3, deals X damage to foes within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure.

10 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
15 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
20 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3

Catapult (D) AR Catapult At start of turn, destroys offensive structures within the same column as this structure if their level ≤ this structure's level.

100FEH Aether Stone/1
300FEH Aether Stone/2
500FEH Aether Stone/3
700FEH Aether Stone/4

Healing Tower (D) AR Healing Tower At start of turn, restores X HP to allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on structure.

10 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
15 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
20 & 500FEH Aether Stone/3

Fortress (D) AR Fortress If structure's level > opponent's Fortress (O) level, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to all allies. (X = difference in level × 4). Cannot be removed or destroyed.

0Heavenly Dew/1
500Heavenly Dew/2
1000Heavenly Dew/3
1500Heavenly Dew/4
2000Heavenly Dew/5




120px-Structure Bright Shrine
At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd-X on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Spd total through its next action. 2 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
4 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
? & 500FEH Aether Stone/3




120px-Structure Dark Shrine
At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-X on foe on the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total through its next action. 2 & 100FEH Aether Stone/1
4 & 300FEH Aether Stone/2
? & 500FEH Aether Stone/3


Structure Image Description X & Cost/Level
False Bolt Trap AR Bolt Trap This looks like a Bolt Trap, but it's just a fake. 0FEH Aether Stone
False Heavy Trap AR Heavy Trap This looks like a Heavy Trap, but it's just a fake. 0FEH Aether Stone
Bolt Trap AR Bolt Trap If foe ends movement on this structure's space, deals X damage to target and units within 3 spaces. (Cancels foe's attack or Assist skill.)

10 & 0FEH Aether Stone/1
20 & 100FEH Aether Stone/2
30 & 300FEH Aether Stone/3
40 & 500FEH Aether Stone/4
50 & 700FEH Aether Stone/5

Heavy Trap AR Heavy Trap If foe ends movement on this structure's space, restricts movement of target and units within 2 spaces with HP ≤ X to 1 space through their next actions. (Cancels foe's attack and Assist skills.)

40 & 0FEH Aether Stone/1
45 & 100FEH Aether Stone/2
50 & 300FEH Aether Stone/3
55 & 500FEH Aether Stone/4
60 & 700FEH Aether Stone/5


Structure Image Description X & Cost/Level
Aether Amphorae AR Aether Amphorae Stores up to X Aether. If destroyed in an attack, it restores Aether to the raiding party (if they win). Note: Cannot be removed. Can be destroyed.

100 & 0 Heavenly Dew/1
150 & 100 Heavenly Dew/2
200 & 300 Heavenly Dew/3
250 & 500 Heavenly Dew/4

Aether Fountain AR Aether Fountain Restores X Aether to the Aether Keep each day. If destroyed in an attack, it restores Aether to the raiding party (if they win). Note: Cannot be removed. Can be destroyed.

50 & 0 Heavenly Dew/1
60 & 100 Heavenly Dew/2
70 & 300 Heavenly Dew/3


All event ornaments cost 500Aether Stone SP.

Structure Image Description
Anniversary Arch AR Anniversary Arch An arch built to welcome well-wishers during the second anniversary. It's an event item.
Anniversary Cake AR Anniversary Cake A massive cake baked to celebrate the second anniversary. It's an event item.
Bronze Throne AR Bronze Throne A throne suitable only for those who have achieved a rank from 1 to 10000 in Aether Raids.
Feh Kagami Mochi AR Feh Kagami Mochi Not the real Feh! It's a decoration that brings good luck for the New Year. It's an event item.
Feh Statue AR Feh Statue An objet d'art produced under the direct supervision of its model. It's an event item.
Fireplace AR Fireplace If it's cold where you are, this item should help you feel a little bit warmer. It's an event item.
Flower Bed AR Flower Bed An arrangement of flowers in vivid colors. It's an event item.
Golden Throne AR Golden Throne A throne suitable only for those who have achieved a rank from 1 to 3000 in Aether Raids. From the second time onward, the number of times this feat has been achieved will be inscribed upon it.
Heart Garland AR Heart Garland A decoration that symbolizes overflowing love. It's an event item.
Silver Throne AR Silver Throne A throne suitable only for those who have achieved a rank from 1 to 6000 in Aether Raids.
Anniversary Arch AR Anniversary Arch An arch built to welcome well-wishers during the second anniversary. It's an event item.
Snow Family AR Snow Family It seems they're brother and sister. It's an event item.
Streetlamp AR Streetlamp A lamp in an elegant, classic design. It's an event item.


Springwater Wintry Abandoned Castle Snowdust Desert
AR Terrain Springwater
AR Terrain Wintry
AR Terrain Abandoned Castle
AR Terrain Snowdust
AR Terrain Desert
Spring Breeze Leafy Canopy Lost Castle Bright Grassland Lava Floes
AR Terrain Spring Breeze
AR Terrain Leafy Canopy
AR Terrain Lost Castle
AR Terrain Bright Grassland
AR Terrain Lava Floes