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Almyran Emblem

Almyran Emblem from Fire Emblem: Three Houses Artbook

Almyra (パルミラ, Parumira lit. Palmyra) is a powerful kingdom to the east of Fódlan, bordering the Leicester Alliance.


Almyra is a vast land replete with fertile prairies, deserts, and mountain ranges. Eastern Almyra contains pine forests. The people of Almyra are known for their horsemanship and love of battle, and elite warriors are known to wield bows from astride wyverns.

The people of Almyra embrace a warrior culture, regularly entering life or death battles with the goal of honoring the dead. Regardless of victory or defeat, they return home to celebrate the battle with a feast. Continuing the process again some time later. They look upon the people of Fódlan as cowards and show disdain for them. Though Almyra only shares a direct border with Leciester, all three nations of Fódlan view the persistent incursions by Almyra as a threat to the entire continent.


In Imperial Year 961, Almyra launched an invasion of Fódlan, sending an army across the mountains of Fódlan's Throat into the Leicester Alliance. The Alliance and the Adrestian Empire narrowly defeated the invasion force.

The threat of further invasions from Almyra prompted the Empire, Alliance, and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus to cooperate for their mutual defense. This resulted in the joint construction of the fortress Fódlan's Locket in 1101 on the Alliance-Almyra border. House Goneril was charged with manning the fortress.

In recent times, relations between Almyra and Fódlan showed signs of thawing. The previous king of Almyra loosened trade restrictions at the start of his reign, and under his son the country exports many goods. Nonetheless, skirmishes remain frequent along the border as of 1180.

Family Tree[]


Known people from Almyra[]

  • Nader - A renowned general of Almyra and Claude's instructor
  • Shahid - Khalid's brother and sworn enemy who wants to take the throne of Almyra and destroy the Leicester Alliance.
  • Khalid - Son of the current king of Almyra and the heir to House Riegan through his mother, the Leicester noblewoman Tiana.
  • Cyril - A war orphan from western Almyra who briefly served in the Almyran army.


Almyra, called パルミラ lit. "parumira" in the original Japanese is likely named after Palmyra, an ancient city located in Syria.


  • Part of the Almyran emblem is based on a Zoroastrian relic found in Iran dating back to the Achaemenid period of Persia.

