Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

“Khadein, city of magic. Ever since Gharnef named himself ruler of this mecca for the magically inclined, the sands surrounding it had run red. Many knights had tried to oust Gharnef, but what defense did they have against the mages the fiend had bent to his purpose? One by one the heroes fell to blades unseen and fires within their armor; and it was not long at all before Khadein's wickedness outstripped its wisdom.”
—Opening Narration

An Oasis of Magic is Chapter 15 of the game Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.

Enemy Reinforcements[]

  • One Mage will appear from the south east during Turns 5 to 10 of the Enemy Phase.
  • One Dracoknight will appear from the north-eastern Fort during Turns 8, 12 and 14 of the Enemy Phase.
  • One Mage will appear from the western Fort during Turns 9 and 13 of the Enemy Phase.


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Armory 1[]

Items Price
Armorslayer 760
Rapier 900
Killing Edge 1250
Ridersbane 820
Silver Lance 1800
Steel Bow 560
Silver Bow 2200

Armory 2[]

Items Price
Silver Sword 2000
Silver Lance 1800
Silver Bow 2200

Vendor 1[]

Items Price
Vulnerary 600
Mend 1200
Recover 1550
Blizzard 700
Elfire 1250
Bolganone 1600

Vendor 2[]

Items Price
Fire 300
Thunder 460
Blizzard 700
Elfire 1250
Bolganone 1600

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]


Items Price
Steel Sword 760
Silver Sword 2000
Steel Lance 560
Silver Lance 1200
Steel Bow 560
Silver Bow 2200

Vendor 1[]

Items Price
Vulnerary 300
Pure Water 1200
Door Key 500
Chest Key 500
Bridge Key 1000

Vendor 2[]

Items Price
Fire 500
Thunder 630
Blizzard 690
Elfire 900
Heal 1000
Mend 1600

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

Armory 1[]

Items Price
Killing Edge 1500
Armorslayer 1000
Rapier 1120
Javelin 750
Ridersbane 600
Hand Axe 540

Armory 2[]

Items Price
Steel Sword 875
Steel Lance 980
Steel Axe 700
Silver Axe 1600
Steel Bow 770
Silver Bow 2100

Vendor 1[]

Items Price
Fire 300
Thunder 420
Blizzard 690
Elfire 1260
Bolganone 1690

Vendor 2[]

Items Price
Heal 800
Mend 1200
Vulnerary 360
Pure Water 600


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Be aware that Gharnef is invulnerable to attacks in this chapter. Just ignore/avoid him; he will leave of his own accord at the start of Enemy Phase on Turn 6. Alternatively, block off the eastern bridge with your highest-resistance unit (Caeda is a good option for her Resistance, and her Speed will make her avoid Gharnef's attacks),  and augment them with a Barrier Staff or Pure Water to keep him at bay and heal the unit whenever he/she takes too much damage. Also, it is highly recommended that you bring as many magical classes and flying units as possible, as they are the only ground units that are not affected by desert terrain and flying units can fly over water and defeat other enemies while Gharnef is elsewhere. They are also the best candidates for defense from Gharnef.

Another strategy would be to use a Warp Staff to send a high HP unit, such as a general, to take out the enemy guarding the castle, and then warp Marth in to seize it (if you are unable to sustain yourself in a long battle). This does, however, prevent you from looting the building to the right.

One should note that the gate-guarding Bishop isn't considered the boss of this chapter; killing him will not halt further reinforcements.


