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Anaximandros is a character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is a member of Those Who Slither in the Dark.


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Final Chapter (Azure Gleam): The End of Tragedy[]

Upon arrival[]

“The beasts have arrived. It's time we went on the offensive.”

Upon 1st defeat[]

“Despite their human guise, they are nothing more than beasts...and they fight like them too. I must retreat.”

Upon activation of the Viskam[]

“All Thales knows how to do is crack the whip. Hey! Activate the Viskam!”

Upon 2nd arrival[]

“Move out. We're taking the Viskam back. Those beasts don't deserve them.”


“Our will is eternal and undying.”

Death Quote[]

“Glory be to...Agartha... Thales, the rest is you...”


Anaximandros was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus and was mentored by Thales. He is remembered for being the first speculative astronomer, having proclaimed that everything originated from the apeiron (the infinite) and that eternal motion was originating cause of the world.
