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Paralogue 4: Anna the Merchant[]


  • Merchant: Oh, that poor girl...
  • Chrom: What's wrong?
  • Merchant: Oh! Sirs, please! Help her! A young merchant girl is being set upon by bandits!
  • Chrom: We're on our way.

After set-up[]

If Paralogue 2 has been completed

If Paralogue 2 has not been completed

  • Vincent: What terrible luck for you to wander by today... Oh, but unlucky girls still sell! In fact, the gold you net from the slavers will build Victor a fine home!
  • Anna: Careful, love. Prices aren't the only thing I can cut in half.

Chrom and Anna[]

  • Anna: Hello there, handsome! Am I being rescued?
  • Chrom: Well, that was the plan, but you seem to be holding up just fine. Can you still fight?
  • Anna: I could stand to open a few more rogues, sure. Or locks, for that matter.
  • Chrom: A thief, is it?
  • Anna: Locksmith, thank you very much! But yes. Door or chest, I'll have it smiling wide in a trice. And it looks like there bandits have quite the hoard built up.
  • Chrom: ...Huh. Well then, I think we're in business.

If Anna is defeated before recruitment[]

  • Anna: Ugh. Well, that was careless... Sorry, friends. Looks like I've got to close up shop for the day.

Attacking Vincent[]

  • Vincent: You stand no chance. I'm a conqueror by name and a conqueror by nature!

Defeating Vincent[]

  • Vincent: I... I see your face, Victor... No... No, wait... That's me...

After Battle[]

If Paralogue 2 has been completed

  • Anna: Thanks for your help. The name's Anna. Some folks like to call me the Secret Seller.
  • Chrom: Yes, I remember you.
  • Anna: Oh? ...Mmm, I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank.
  • Chrom: Huh? Oh, then I must be... I'm sorry. I thought you... Wait, what am I saying? I KNOW we helped you. I'm sure of it!
  • Anna: Oh! Hee hee! You must have met one of my sisters.
  • Chrom: Sisters? Gods, you look identical.
  • Anna: Yes, there's a strong family resemblance. Oh, and we're all traveling merchants.
  • Chrom: ...With the same name?
  • Anna: Yes, actually. That's part of the secret!
  • Chrom: Your family gatherings must be chaotic.
  • Anna: True, but aren't everyone's? Still, I can't just send you on your way after helping TWO of us. So let me come along and aid you in return. I can be quite useful. You'll never make a loss with me in tow—I guarantee it!

If Paralogue 2 has not been completed

  • Anna: Thanks for your help. The name's Anna. Some folks like to call me the Secret Seller.
  • Chrom: The roads are dangerous these days, Anna. Be careful on your travels.
  • Anna: Well, it's far less dangerous having people like you around. What do you think? Fancy taking me with you?
  • Chrom: You're probably safer on your own. We're marching into a war...
  • Anna: Well, at least I won't be bored! Besides, I can be very useful. You'll never make a loss with me in tow—I guarantee it!

If Anna was defeated[]

  • Frederick: The bandits have been dispatched, milord. It appears the peddler woman was injured and fled.
  • Chrom: As would any sane person. Perhaps our paths will cross again. For now, we'd best return to our own task.