Berserk is a reoccuring Staff in the Fire Emblem Series. When cast, this staff will cause a selected enemy unit to be inflicted with the Berserk condition, where the affected unit will attempt to attack (or in the case of thieves in some games, steal items), other units regardless of affiliation.
The Berserk status inflicted can be healed with a Restore Staff.
Afflicts a selected enemy unit with the Berserk Status, provided that the user's Magic is higher than the enemy unit's Magic. The staff does not work on enemies standing over gates and thrones.
Astaroth Rod - Aymur - Caduceus - Demon's Rod - Exodus - Death Rod - Heidhrun - Indra's Thunder - Iron Rod - Lilith Rod - Lorelei - Spell Rod - Silver Rod - Sha Na Ra - Sharur - Vajra - Yagrush - Yggdrasil Rod