A Boss is a specific unit deployed on a map in the Fire Emblem series.
Bosses are key enemy units, and are often the commanders of the standard units on a given map. Bosses are in general more powerful than the other enemy units encountered, and may be a higher level or possess better or unique weapons. In titles that use the system, they may also have authority stars to boost their allies' hit and evade rates. Given these factors, bosses also grant more experience than normal enemies when fought or defeated.
Boss units are typically treated as unique, named characters, though many games feature more than one boss that share the same portrait art. Bosses may have dialogue, including unique dialogue should specific player units fight or defeat them, and the battle music played while fighting a boss often differs from the standard battle themes. With some exceptions, they are typically either immune to status effects or will be cured immediately at the start of next Enemy Phase. It is also possible for a map to have more than one boss.
A common victory condition seen in chapters throughout the series is to Defeat the Boss. In some games, the player must defeat a boss that is guarding a throne or similar map point so the player can Seize it. It is also not uncommon for a boss to be positioned on a healing tile that restores a portion of their hit points at the start of the Enemy Phase. Consequently, the vast majority of bosses do not move from their starting position.
In rare cases, it is possible to recruit a boss. For example, Tiki can be recruited in Chapter 19 of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Shadow Dragon, and Oliver can be recruited in Part 4, Chapter 4 of Radiant Dawn.
- Against bosses that can heal themselves (such as those sitting on gates and thrones), the player can Attack bosses repeatedly without killing them in order to rack up experience points. This gameplay tactic is commonly known as Boss Abuse.
- "Boss" is also the name of a class in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.