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The Breath of Blight is a Breath and a weapon skill that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Weapon Stats[]

Name Type

Breath of Blight

FEH Fire Breath Breath

Mt Rng SP Rarity
16 1 400 ✯✯✯✯✯

Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses.
At the start of turn 4,
deals 10 damage to foes within 3 spaces,
and restores HP to Garon equal to
number of foes within 3 spaces × 5.
If foe's Range is 2, calculates damage
using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Name Cost

Breath of Blight

400 SP, 500Arena Medal, 200Divine Dew
Type HP Mt Spd Def Res
FEH WUp 1 +2 + 1
FEH WUp 2 +2 + 2
FEH WUp 3 +2 + 3
FEH WUp 4 +2 + 3
FEH WUp 208 HP+3. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk+5 to unit and inflicts Atk-5 on foe during combat and also inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. At the start of turns 3 and 4, deals 13 damage to foes within 4 spaces of unit and restores HP to unit = number of foes within 4 spaces × 13. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+5 to unit and inflicts Atk-5 on foe during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
