- Note: Bolded text are voice clips from S-Support CG confession scenes
With Male Corrin[]
C Support[]
- Corrin: *yawn* Woke up a little early today. Maybe I should make the rounds...
- Caeldori: *pant* *pant* Oh, Lord Corrin! Good morning!
- Corrin: Morning! What are you doing up so early?
- Caeldori: Just doing my morning training. I've been sprinting for the last hour!
- Corrin: Wow! How many sprints have you done?
- Caeldori: Huh? Just the one!
- Corrin: Y-you mean you've been sprinting for an hour straight?!
- Caeldori: Yeah. I just wish I could go for longer. This is nothing compared to what Father can do. If he wanted, he'd be up even earlier, doing mountain trails at top speed, no sweat!
- Corrin: Ah...did Subaki tell you this?
- Caeldori: Nope! But Father is perfect, so I'm sure it'd be a piece of cake for him.
- Corrin: Right. Um. You really look up to your father, don't you?
- Caeldori: Don't we all? By the way, did you know that he praises you a lot too, Lord Corrin? Not just that you're a skilled fighter, but that you've a good mind for strategy too. He also says you're very knowledgeable and charismatic.
- Corrin: Huh. Really? I never knew he thought all that.
- Caeldori: He says that sometimes he thinks you must be a gift from the heavens. One of those rare people who can do just about anything. A hero who appears in times of terrible crisis.
- Corrin: Uh. Does he now? I think he might have gotten a little carried away...
- Caeldori: Lord Corrin–will you be my mentor?
- Corrin: What?! Why?
- Caeldori: I told you–Father has so much respect for you! There must be so much you could teach me! Please, make me your disciple!
- Corrin: But don't you think Subaki would make a better mentor than me?
- Caeldori: Maybe...but he always says he doesn't like doing that sort of thing. Teaching, I mean. He didn't even change his mind when I said he was the only one who'd do! I kept saying "You're the best there is!" but he started sweating and just left. Funny enough, that's when he told me how incredible you were!
- Corrin: Oh. (Oh, Subaki–why hast thou forsaken me?)
- Caeldori: Huh? Did you say something?
- Corrin: No, no! Haha! It's nothing, just talking to myself.
- Caeldori: OK! Well then, I look forward to receiving your sure-handed guidance in the future!
(Caeldori leaves)
- Corrin: Good grief. So Subaki set me up. Ah, well, I can't say I blame him. He probably just didn't want to let her down. Let's hope I don't, either...
B Support[]
- Caeldori: Hah! Hyah!
- Corrin: Whoa-whoa-whoa?!
- Caeldori: Oh no! Are you OK, Lord Corrin?!
- Corrin: Y-yeah. I think so. Just slipped. Haha...
- Caeldori: I'm sorry. I got carried away and went overboard. You could have really been hurt!
- Corrin: No, it's not your fault. I was just clumsy.
- Caeldori: Lord Corrin... You're amazing! To downplay my mistake in order to make me reflect further on it!
- Corrin: What?
- Caeldori: Wait. And now that I think about it, my blow didn't even land on you. You said you fell, but you really just dodged it, didn't you?
- Corrin: Er, tempting as it may be to say so, I really did just slip.
- Caeldori: The skill it must have taken to dodge that and make it look like a mistake! Incredible! Wait! And you're trying to deceive me... A-ha! I see what you're up to! Article 53 of Book 9 of Royal Discourses on Military Strategy! You sly fox!
- Corrin: Caeldori, look–
- Caeldori: "In war one should look to deceive one's enemies as to one's own strengths. That is the true path to success." You were trying to teach me another lesson! Wow...I wonder what other lessons you've been subtly trying to teach me!
- Corrin: Uh...
- Caeldori: "Do not be ostentatious, but rather act as if success happens by chance." Page 30 in Article 8 of Book 18! I knew Father was right about you! I'm so glad you agreed to teach me.
- Corrin: Uh, yeah...me too.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: *pant* *pant*
- Corrin: Caeldori? What's wrong? I thought you did your naginata training in the morning.
- Caeldori: I didn't...have time to train this morning... so I'm doing it now...instead!
- Corrin: But the sun's about to go down. It's not safe to train at night. Maybe you should call it a day.
- Caeldori: No! *grunt* I have...to finish. If I skip even one day...all my hard work... will have been for nothing!
- Corrin: But if you overexert yourself and get hurt, it'll be even worse!
- Caeldori: I'm fine. A few extra...repetitions aren't gonna...kill me. I know my...limits! Ahhhhh. Phew. Break time.
- Corrin: Look, Caeldori, I think it's very admirable how strict you are about your routines. But what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
- Caeldori: What do you mean?
- Corrin: I mean you're already incredibly skilled in one-on-one fights. Only very few with comparable arms and armor can stand against you.
- Caeldori: Which is exactly why I must train–to maintain my skills in this area.
- Corrin: That's a great sentiment, but I think there are other things you could be working on. For example, I've noticed that in the field, your teamwork isn't always perfect. Sometimes you go too fast, or take risks to yourself in order to help others. It's laudable, but dangerous. An army must fight as one body, not many. So it may be better to save your energy for our team drills.
- Caeldori: Hm. You're right. I never thought of it like that before. My apologies, milord. I promise to do better in the future. For tonight, I'll rest up and reserve my energy for tomorrow's team drills.
- Corrin: Wonderful. Thank you for listening to me, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Of course. You're very wise, milord. It looks as though I've much to learn from you yet.
- Corrin: Er–I mean, "wise" might be a tad overstating it. I didn't say anything special.
- Caeldori: To think, my mentor is such an incredible man. Such genius! Oh, I so look forward to our future lessons!
(Caeldori leaves)
- Corrin: Ack. I was really hoping she'd be over that stuff by now. But I guess it's not the worst thing in the world to have someone look up to you. I'll just have to work that much harder to make sure I don't disappoint her!
S Support[]
- Caeldori: Corrin. Are you free?
- Corrin: I am. Is it time to begin today's lessons already? What did you want to do first? Sparring, small-unit tactics, military logistics... Heh. It just struck me. I've been working much harder to improve myself lately. Ever since you became my pupil, I've just been so driven. It may be bad for a mentor to say this, but I almost don't want you to outpace me. I don't want to lose you, I guess. Haha.
- Caeldori: Truly? Then...I've a favor to ask you. I want you to teach me something new.
- Corrin: Something new? OK, sure. I'll do my best. I'm a little nervous though. I'm anxious you'll throw a really complicated question at me. But whatever it is, I'll answer it! It's my duty as a teacher!
- Caeldori: OK. Here goes.
- Corrin: Something the matter, Caeldori? You're blushing.
- Caeldori: I've admired Father all my life, and so I've always striven to be perfect like him. But since I became your pupil, I've come to see other things are more important. Instead of trying to be a perfect person, I now want to be a good person.
- Corrin: A good person?
- Caeldori: Yes. Like you. You always put the needs of others before your own. Even when dangerous, you choose mercy, compassion, and kindness over all else. And I started to think that I'd like to be that kind of person too.
- Corrin: Haha. Thank you for the kind words, but I don't know if I'm as saintly as you think. But as far as trying to be a good person–that's a noble goal. It's a bit vague, though. Is there anything in particular you'd like me to teach you?
- Caeldori: Yes. You have many wonderful qualities, but the one I admire most is your compassion... So...I want you to teach me...about love.
- Corrin: Agh–um–er–you–what?!
- Caeldori: I see. That's OK. It was foolish of me to ask.
- Corrin: I-I just don't think I have anything to teach you. I mean, there's nothing to teach, right? You just have to learn for yourself. Besides, I'm not sure how it would help you to be a good person...
- Caeldori: OK! I'm sorry! You look so flustered. This isn't at all how I'd wanted things to go... Why do I always fall in love with men who never love me back? In the Deeprealms, I fell in love with my guardian...who was married. With kids. And after I left, I fell for someone who turned out to be engaged to another. Agh! I'm so pathetic! How will Father ever respect me?
- Corrin: You went through all that? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to– I never– Wait, does this mean you love...?
- Caeldori: You? Yes, it does.
- Corrin: I-I see...
- Caeldori: If you're going to reject me, then get on with it. I understand. It's what's always happened. I'm used to it by now.
- Corrin: No, no. Caeldori...I love you too. It's just...
- Caeldori: What? What is it?
- Corrin: If we're to be together, I can't be your mentor anymore. We must be equals. I'll still teach you things, but I want to learn from you as well. Is that OK?
- Caeldori: Yes! Of course it is! Oh, Corrin. So then you'll be mine?
- Corrin: Well, in that case...yes. I will.
- Caeldori: Really?! Thank you! Thank you so much!
- Corrin: Haha. There's no need to thank me, Caeldori. I'm not doing it as a favor. I'm doing it because I love you.
- Caeldori: Oh. Yes, of course. I'm just so happy. It's like all my prayers have been answered. It's the first time in my life I've ever felt this way. I promise, I will do everything in my power to make you happy...my love.
- Caeldori: Our love is eternal; somehow I just know it. If we cross paths again in a distant future, dear love...promise you'll remember me. Promise...
With Female Corrin[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: ...
- Corrin: Hey there! Whatcha reading?
- Caeldori: Finderbinders! M-milady!
- Corrin: Er, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
- Caeldori: No, don't be sorry. It's all right. To answer your question, I'm not reading anything of interest.
- Corrin: Oh? Then why are you trying to hide it?
- Caeldori: Er, well... it's a little embarrassing.
- Corrin: Ooooh. Embarrassed, eh? C'mon, you can tell me.
- Caeldori: I-it's sort of kind of a love story.
- Corrin: Oh, is that all? That sounds normal enough.
- Caeldori: I suppose it is... I just imagine it's not exactly the best use of my time. I don't want anyone thinking I'm shirking my duties.
- Corrin: So that's why you were hiding it. Well, I wouldn't worry about it so much. Plenty of people love that sort of thing. I've read some myself.
- Caeldori: You have?
- Corrin: I wasn't allowed out as a child, so I used to spend a lot of time indoors. As a result, I ended up reading a lot of books. Romance VERY much included.
- Caeldori: I see. Your childhood doesn't sound so different from mine. I didn't know many children growing up, so books had to serve as my companions. In the end it was good for me, as it meant i learned a lot. But it was lonely at times.
- Corrin: I see. I guess we've got more in common than I'd thought. So, tell me—what are your favorite kinds of love stories?
- Caeldori: What do you mean?
- Corrin: Y'know... What sets Caeldori's heart aflutter?
- Caeldori: Hm, I think my favorites are the ones where a prince falls in love with a commoner.
- Corrin: Ooh, I like those too! Or the ones where two lovers are torn apart by their families!
- Caeldori: Oh, yes! Cuddling up with a tragic love story every now and then is wonderful. I don't know why I like them so much. I always feel so sad by the end. But it's a good kind of sad.
- Corrin: Yes, I know exactly what you mean! I always end up crying and then just starting it all over again. I never would have guessed you'd be into this stuff too.
- Caeldori: Nor I you. It's a pleasant surprise, I must say.
- Corrin: Say, how about we see who else in camp likes this stuff? I'm sure we'd find tons of other fans if we just asked around.
- Caeldori: Ooh. That's a great idea! Let's do it!
- Corrin: Perfect! Now, who should we start with...
B Support[]
- Caeldori: ...
- Corrin: ...
- Caeldori: I can't believe it. We couldn't find a single woman in the entire army who liked romance novels.
- Corrin: Yeah. Everybody else turned out to be so practical. Somebody told me "The real world isn't all dashing princes and glittering manaketes."
- Caeldori: It's like they don't even get that that's the whole point—it's NOT the real world! *sigh* They must think we're just silly dreamers.
- Corrin: Maybe, but I think THEY need to be educated. If we can only show them the wonders such stories have to offer, they'll be hooked!
- Caeldori: But how will we do that?
- Corrin: Let me think...
- Caeldori: ...Oh! I know!
- Corrin: Yeah? What did you come up with?
- Caeldori: Let's write our own story!
- Corrin: What?! That's impossible. I don't even know how to write!
- Caeldori: Well, writing a novel might be hard, but I bet we could make some short stories!
- Corrin: And you think our stories will make everyone love romance novels? You have a lot of faith in us...
- Caeldori: I never do anything by half measures. I'm sure we'll succeed. And when we do, people will start wanting to see the stuff that WE like! And THAT'S when we show them our romance novels! They'll gobble them up like hotcakes!
- Corrin: Heehee. OK, count me in. Let's do it!
A Support[]
- Corrin: Th-this...
- Caeldori: What's wrong? Was my story that bad?
- Corrin: *sniff* *sniff* Waaaaah!
- Caeldori: Wh-why are you crying?
- Corrin: B-because... it was... so... so moving! *sniffle* Especially the last part, where the hero, fatally wounded, returns to his lover! How could it NOT make me cry?!
- Caeldori: Oh! Then I'm glad you liked it.
- Corrin: "Liked" it? That doesn't even begin to express how I feel about your story! I mean, wow, you really CAN do anything, can't you? Not only are you super smart and an amazing fighter, but you can write too!
- Caeldori: Aw! You flatter me. Now, when do I get to read something YOU wrote?
- Corrin: Never!
- Caeldori: What? Why not?
- Corrin: Because it's nowhere near as good as yours was! Mine seems so... pathetic now. I'd feel BAD for you if you had to read it.
- Caeldori: Don't say that! Just let me read it. I bet I'll love it.
- Corrin: No! Really, it's horrible. Not even readable. At least give me a chance to rewrite it.
- Caeldori: OK, OK. If you really don't want me to read it, I won't push you.
- Corrin: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make such a big deal out of it. But... umm... if it's OK with you, I think I'll just tear up my story and throw it away. And we can take yours around and show THAT one to everybody.
- Caeldori: I think... I'd rather not.
- Corrin: Huh? Why not?
- Caeldori: The one I wrote wasn't that good either. I think. I just took stuff from other stories I liked and put them all together to make mine.
- Corrin: Oh, I see. I guess that makes sense. I probably just liked it because I like all those clichés too... But I still think what you did takes a lot of talent!
- Caeldori: Thank you, Corrin. But I think this has taught me that writing isn't for me. I'm much happier just being a reader.
- Corrin: Me too! I can't wait until we're done with this war. The second it's over. I'm going to just disappear into a library somewhere.
- Caeldori: Me too! It'll be dashing rogues and noble princes as far as the eye can see! But in the meantime, I still want to read that story of yours!
- Corrin: So you didn't forget... OK, OK. I'll do my best to finish it for you. But your better not laugh!
With Female Corrin (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm...the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. Would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and issue a requisition for the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Corrin: Well, you've certainly been busy, haven't you?
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Corrin: I heard the supply division was short-handed and thought I could help. But it looks like you've got it all under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Corrin: Oh, you're just being modest. Now, how can I be of service?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate the offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Corrin: You were planning on doing the inventory for the entire army by yourself? Nonsense! It will go much faster with two people. Or more, if we can find them.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that–
- Corrin: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I– Er. Please give that back. It's important.
- Corrin: Hm? This isn't an inventory. What is it? A floor plan?
- Caeldori: Yes, essentially. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Corrin: I see. Very good! So...you're sure there's nothing else I can do?
- Caeldori: Um... Oh! I prepared some tea earlier! If you'd like, you may certainly help yourself to some! It's over there. In the corner.
- Corrin: O-oh. OK. (I've never felt so useless before. Well. Um. That's OK. This is all right. This is fine.) (I'll just sit back, take a break, and sip some tea. Yeah.)
- Caeldori: Huh? Did you say something, Mother?
- Corrin: N-nope! Nothing. Nothing at all.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Good. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: It will be done, milady.
- Corrin: ...Hello.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you even doing?! It isn't safe to hide in there, you know. We put weapons in those barrels.
- Corrin: Oh, sorry. I was just watching you work and didn't want to interrupt.
- Caeldori: ...Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Corrin: Oh, no. I'm fine! I just came by to offer my help again, but it looks like you still don't need any. I'm impressed, though. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Intense focus. In fact, you were so impressive, I had absolutely nothing to offer. So I guess I'll just sit back in this corner and drink my tea while you work. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Corrin: You really take after your father, don't you? Intelligence, charisma, beauty... You've got all his gifts. I suppose there's not all that much of your mother in you though, huh? Heehee.
- Caeldori: I— Mother, you—
- Corrin: Oh, hush, Caeldori. It's a good thing. Really. It is. Now, I guess there's not much point in me tarrying here, so I think I'll be going. Keep up the good work! I'm very proud of you!
(Corrin leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, pumpersnickles! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Corrin: Oh, um. Hi, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Corrin: Yes, of course, dear. What's the matter?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking—it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Corrin: What do you mean? You're an incredibly talented warrior. And I don't think this army's ever seen such a capable administrator!
- Caeldori: I mean that... I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. It was your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I didn't need to be naturally perfect to succeed in life. Everything I have achieved, I have done through hard work. Not natural genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Corrin: No, thank you. It makes me very happy to hear you say that. I— *sniffle* Oh gods. I don't know what to say.
- Caeldori: There's no need to say anything. Just, please, never think you are any less important a part of me than Father, OK?
- Corrin: Yes, of course. I'm sorry. I won't ever say something like that again. Caeldori...I am so very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter.
With Azura (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Let's see... The advance troops have more men than usual, so they'll need more tents. They'll also need more supplies. I'll speak with the supply leader about provisioning.
- Hoshidan: What about the weapons and armor, milady? Who will manage those?
- Caeldori: I will continue to coordinate the armory. Please take this requisitions request to the blacksmiths for me.
- Hoshidan: Right away, milady!
- Azura: It looks like you're really busy, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Oh, hello, Mother! What can I do for you?
- Azura: Oh, nothing, nothing. I just had some free time and thought I could help out. I'd heard that you were shorthanded down here. But it looks like you've got everything well in control! It seems like you're absolutely perfect at doing this job.
- Caeldori: No, no. Not at all, Mother. I still have so much more to learn. I'm very much a novice.
- Azura: I don't believe that for a second. Anyway, do you need my help with anything?
- Caeldori: I appreciate the offer, but I've just finished giving orders. Everything here is covered. I'm about to head over to the armory to do a check on the inventory. There really isn't a lot left to do.
- Azura: I can help count supplies! It would go faster if we shared the work, right? With an army this size, there must be a lot of weapons and armor to keep track of.
- Caeldori: Um... Normally, yes. But...
- Azura: Just show me the logs. We just need to be sure the numbers are correct, don't we?
- Caeldori: That's right, but... Well, just take a look at this.
- Azura: Is this the log? Excellent, now— Hang on... This looks more like a blueprint of the armory than a log.
- Caeldori: I suppose it is a blueprint, yeah. I made it myself when I had a little free time. Basically, as long as the supplies are stored correctly, I can easily check them. It takes a fraction of the time, and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother!
- Azura: Well, that really is quite efficient! I guess I'll just go have tea. Over...there. I've never felt this strange feeling of uselessness before...
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something?
- Azura: N-no. Nothing at all...
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have the damaged weapons been stored?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. All the weapons are where you indicated.
- Caeldori: Perfect! Then all that's left is... That's right. Could you make sure the new weapons are delivered to the front?
- Hoshidan: Right away, milady!
- Azura: You handle everything so well, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Wah! Mother! I didn't see you standing over there.
- Azura: That's OK. I meant to be unobtrusive. I was just watching you work.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little uneasy today.
- Azura: You've got such a good handle on how to run things here—it's really amazing. I'd actually thought I would need to offer my help for you to get started... Even planned on it, really.
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother...
- Azura: You resemble your father so much. You inherited his perfection, his keen mind... You can manage other people so well, too.
- Caeldori: Mother! You're making me blush...
- Azura: Heehee. Well, I'll leave you to your work. I wouldn't want to distract you from it.
(Azura leaves)
- Caeldori: Oh, it's fine, Mother, I... Oh, she's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother...
- Azura: Caeldori...
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something...
- Azura: Of course, dear. What is it?
- Caeldori: The other day you were saying how much like Father I am... But I really don't think that is true.
- Azura: Why would you say that?
- Caeldori: I've always wanted to be like Father with his perfect genius. And his will that lets him accomplish anything he sets his mind to. But...I know I haven't reached his excellence.
- Azura: But you've done such amazing work. I was stunned by that blueprint you showed me the other day.
- Caeldori: But it wasn't as good as Father could have done. I think that is because he and I are fundamentally different. I don't yet have the experience he has, so I have to do things one step at a time. And when I thought about it, I realized that I may never be exactly like Father.
- Azura: Caeldori...
- Caeldori: Don't worry, Mother. That's good! Though I may never be as perfect as Father, I will always have him to strive for! I like to think that I'll learn quite a few things as I move forward. And I got this drive and this motivation from you, Mother. I know you've been feeling like you haven't been able to help me, so... I wanted you to know that, without the part of me that is from you being my mother... I would not be able to pursue my mission of improving and perfecting myself.
- Azura: Caeldori... That is so wonderful to hear. *sniff* I can't express in words how happy I am. Oh no... I can feel tears coming on.
- Caeldori: Mother, don't cry! I don't want to see tears rolling down your face!
- Azura: Oh, don't worry, dear. These are tears of joy, after all! I'm so proud to have a daughter like you.
With Felicia (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm...the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Felicia: You certainly have been busy, haven't you?
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Felicia: I heard the supply division was short of hands and thought I could help. But it looks like you've got it all under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I've only just begun to learn the ropes.
- Felicia: Oh, you're just being modest. Now. How can I be of service?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate the offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Felicia: Y-you were going to do the entire army's inventory all by yourself?! I'm not going to let you do that! Let's go. It'll be much faster if I help.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that–
- Felicia: Here, show me the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I– Er. Please give that back. It's important.
- Felicia: Wait, this isn't an inventory! What is it? Some kind of diagram?
- Caeldori: Er, something like that, yes. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Felicia: I see. With this, you certainly wouldn't need any extra help... You're certain there's nothing I can do?
- Caeldori: Hmm... Well... Oh! I prepared some tea earlier! If you'd like, you may certainly help yourself to some! It's over there, in the corner.
- Felicia: Oh. O-OK. (I...I feel so useless. I want...to die...)
- Caeldori: Hmm? Did you say something, Mother?
- Felicia: N-no! Nothing. Nothing at all.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Good. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Immediately, milady.
- Felicia: ...Hi.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you doing?! It's dangerous to hide in there! We put weapons in those barrels...
- Felicia: Oh, r-really? My goodness, I could have died! I didn't even realize... I was just watching you work and didn't want to disturb you...
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Felicia: Oh, no. I'm fine! I just came by to offer my help again, but it looks like you still don't need any. You're very impressive. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Intense focus. You're a born natural! So natural, in fact, that I had nothing to offer you. So I guess I'll just sit in the corner here and drink my tea while you work. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Felicia: You really take after your father, don't you? Intelligence, charisma, skill, beauty... You've got all his gifts. Not much motherly resemblance there, I suppose...
- Caeldori: I– Mother, come now, you–
- Felicia: Heehee. Don't worry, Caeldori. It's a good thing. Really, it is. I don't want to get in your way, so I'll just be going now. Keep up the good work!
(Felicia leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, hogwhistles! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Felicia: Oh, um. Hi, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Felicia: Y-yes, of course. What's the matter?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking—it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Felicia: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I mean that... I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. It was your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I didn't need to be naturally perfect to succeed in life. Everything I've achieved, I've done through hard work. Not inborn genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Felicia: Caeldori... thank you. It makes me so very happy to hear you say that. Oh, goodness, I'm–*sniffle*–I'm about to cr–*hic* I don't know–*sniff*–what to say.
- Caeldori: There's no need to say anything. Just, please, never think you are any less important a part of me than Father, OK?
- Felicia: OK. Heehee. You're right. How did I get so lucky as to have a daughter like you? I love you so much, Caeldori. Thank you.
With Mozu (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. Would you also like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No, I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and issue a requisition for the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Mozu: Well, you've certainly been busy, haven't you?
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Mozu: I heard the supply division was short-handed and thought I could help. But it looks like you've got it all under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Mozu: You're just being modest! Now, how can I help?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate the offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Mozu: Then I'll help with that! With an army this size, taking inventory must take a minute.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that-
- Mozu: That there's the inventory list, right? Let me have a look.
- Caeldori: I- Hey! Would you please give that back? It's very important.
- Mozu: Huh? This ain't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram?
- Caeldori: Er, yes, something like that. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Mozu: I see. Uh. Very good! So...you're sure there's nothing else I could do?
- Caeldori: Um...well... Oh! I prepared some tea earlier! You should have a seat and help yourself to some! It's riiiight over there. In the corner.
- Mozu: Oh. O-OK. (So...I'm just...useless to her.) (I know she don't mean anything by it, but it sure sores my heart.)
- Caeldori: Hmm? Did you say something, Mother?
- Mozu: N-nope! Nothing at all, dear.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these craters are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Good. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: It shall be done, milady.
- Mozu: ...
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother?! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you doing?! It's dangerous to hide in there like that! We put weapons in those barrels!
- Mozu: I'm all right, dear. I was just watching you work and didn't want to interrupt.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Mozu: Oh, no, I'm fine. I just swung by to help out, but it looks like ya still don't need any. I'm impressed. You don't hesitate, you're precise, and you're quick on your feet. In fact, you were so impressive, I couldn't figure out any ways to help. I guess I'll just sit right over here and drink my tea while you work. Again. *siiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Mozu: You really are a lot like your pa, huh? You're smart, and strong, and charming, and pretty. All his gifts, you got too. Guess there's not all that much of your mother in you, though...
- Caeldori: Mother, that's- you-
- Mozu: Don't worry, Caeldori. It's a good thing. Really, it is. Now, there's not much point in me loafing around here, so I think I'll be going. Keep up the good work! I'm very proud of you.
(Mozu leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, sorrels and morels! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Mozu: Oh, um. Hi, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Mozu: Yeah, of course. What's the matter?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking-it all comes to hi as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Mozu: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. It was your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I didn't need to be naturally perfect to succeed in life. So, thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Mozu: No, thank you. It makes me so happy to hear you say that. I-*sniff* Oh gods. I don't know what to say.
- Caeldori: There's no need to say anything. Just, please, never think you're any less important a part of me than Father, OK?
- Mozu: Yeah, of course. I'm sorry. I won't ever say anything like that again. Oh, Caeldori, I'm so lucky to have a daughter like you.
With Hinoka (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Hinoka: Well, someone's been busy, huh?
- Caeldori: Oh, Mother! How can I help you?
- Hinoka: I heard the supply division was short of hands and thought I could help. But it looks like you've got it all handled. Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing, huh? It's a good fit for a workhorse like you.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Hinoka: Yeah, yeah, enough with the false modesty, kiddo! Now, what can your ma help with? Any heavy lifting in need of doing?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Hinoka: Then I'll help with that! With an army this size, it's got to take a while for one person to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
- Hinoka: Here, show me the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I—Er. Please give that back. It's important.
- Hinoka: Huh? This isn't a log. What is it? Some kind of map?
- Caeldori: Er, something like that, yes. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Hinoka: I see... So you're sure there's nothing else I can do?
- Caeldori: Well, I've prepared some tea for just such an occasion. Please, help yourself. Over there.
- Hinoka: Uh. OK, Sure. Sounds delicious... (Am I... am I being coddled? Who does she think she is?)
- Caeldori: Hmm? Did you say something, Mother?
- Hinoka: N-no! Nothing, dear.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Immediately, milady.
- Hinoka: ... Boo.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Was there something you needed?
- Hinoka: Oh, ho. Don't mind me. I was just watching you work.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Hinoka: Oh, no. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. Why would anything be wrong? Hahahaha! I just came to offer my help again, but it looks like you still don't need it. I'm impressed, to be honest. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Intense focus. You were so impressive, in fact, that I had absolutely nothing to offer you. So I guess I'll just sit over here and drink my tea while you work. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Hinoka: You really take after your father, don't you? Intelligence, charisma, skill, and —heh— beauty. You've got all his gifts. Not too much motherly resemblance though, huh?
- Caeldori: I—Mother...
- Hinoka: Don't worry. It's a good thing. Really, it is. I don't want to get in your way, so I'll be going now. Keep up the good work!
(Hinoka leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, ginger taps! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Hinoka: Oh! Uh... hi, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Hinoka: S-sure, of course. What do you need?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking—it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Hinoka: Huh? What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I mean that... I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do, so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. It was your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I didn't need to be naturally perfect to succeed in life. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Hinoka: Caeldori... Thank you. It makes me so happy to hear you say that. Gah, I feel so stupid! Getting this emotional over something so silly.
- Caeldori: No, Mother, it's all right. Just... please, never think you are not as important a part of me as Father, OK?
- Hinoka: OK. OK. You're right. Heh. How did I get so lucky, to have a daughter like you? I'm so proud of you, Caeldori. Thank you.
With Sakura (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. Would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee it personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Sakura: You certainly seem busy these days, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Oh, Mother! How can I help you?
- Sakura: I'd heard the supply division was short of hands and thought I might be able to help. But it looks like you've got everything under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Sakura: Heehee. No need to be so modest. Now, what can I help you with?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Sakura: Then I will help with that. With an army of this size, it must take a long time to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that-
- Sakura: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, correct?
- Caeldori: Well, yes, but... Here, look at this.
- Sakura: Hm? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram?
- Caeldori: Er, something like that, yes. I drew it up for the armory a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be recounted with ease. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Sakura: I see. So...uhm... Are you sure there's nothing else I could do?
- Caeldori: Well...I have prepared some tea over there for just such an occasion. Please, help yourself!
- Sakura: (Am I b-being coddled by my own daughter?) (Truly, I am the most useless of humans...)
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
- Sakura: N-no, dear.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Understood, milady!
- Sakura: ... ...Hi.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you DOING? It's dangerous to hide in there. We put weapons in those barrels.
- Sakura: I apologize. I was just watching you work, and I didn't want to disturb you.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Sakura: Oh, no. I am fine. I just came by to offer my help again, but it looks like you still don't need it. I'm impressed, though. You never hesitate, and you give precise orders very quickly. You were so impressive, in fact, that I felt I had nothing to offer whatsoever. So I suppose I will just sit over here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Sakura: You really take after your father, don't you? Intelligence, charisma, strength... You have all of his gifts. Not like me! Teehee.
- Caeldori: I-Mother...
- Sakura: Don't worry. It's a good thing. Now. I don't want to be in your way, so I should get going. Keep up the good work!
(Sakura leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, pickled hen feet! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
- Sakura: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Sakura: Of course, dear. What is it?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But...I don't think that's true. I've always wanted to be like Father. He does everything so effortlessly. Fighting, riding, speaking...it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Sakura: What do you mean? I don't think this army has ever seen such a capable administrator.
- Caeldori: I mean that I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you have trained for years to acquire your skills. And it was YOUR work ethic that gave me the courage to try to improve myself. It made me understand that I did not need to be naturally gifted to succeed in life. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Sakura: I-I don't know what to say. And now I'm starting to- Oh, goodness. I'm a mess.
- Caeldori: Please, don't cry. There's no need to say anything. Just...never think you are not as important a part of me as Father, OK?
- Sakura: Of course, of course. I promise. Thank you, Caeldori. You make me so proud to be your mother.
With Kagero (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Kagero: Well, you've certainly been busy.
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Kagero: I had some spare time and thought I should come by to help out. I'd heard that the supply division required assistance. But it looks like you've got everything under control. It seems whoever appointed you chose wisely.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Kagero: Don't be so modest! Now, what can I help you with?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you. All I've left is the inventory.
- Kagero: Then I'll help with that! With an army of this size, it must take a long time to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
- Kagero: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I—Would you please give that back? It's important.
- Kagero: Hm? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram?
- Caeldori: Yes. I drew it up for the armory a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted with ease. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Kagero: I see. And there's nothing else I could do?
- Caeldori: Well, um... I have prepared some tea over there for just such an occasion. Please, help yourself!
- Kagero: Oh. (I've never felt this useless before.) (And she's being so nice... It's as though she's...coddling me.)
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
- Kagero: N-no! It's nothing.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: P.erfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady.
- Kagero: ...*cough*
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you DOING in there? It's dangerous to hide like that. We put weapons in those barrels.
- Kagero: Apologies. I was watching you work and did not want to interrupt.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Kagero: No, no, of course not. I just came by again to offer my help, but it looks like you still do not require it. I am impressed, though. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Very good. In fact, you were so impressive, I had nothing to offer whatsoever. So I suppose I will just sit over here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Kagero: It is fine. You just have much more of your father in you. Charisma, intelligence, beauty... Yes, you are truly Subaki's child.
- Caeldori: I-Mother...
- Kagero: Do not worry. It is a good thing. Truly. Now, I do not wish to be a nuisance. I will away. Continue the admirable work.
(Kagero leaves)
- Caeldori: M-Mother! Oh, fetid scallions! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
- Kagero: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Kagero: Of course. Speak freely.
- Caeldori: The last time we talked, you said I was just like Father. But I don't think that's the case. He does everything so effortlessly. Fighting, riding, speaking-it all comes to him as naturally to him as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Kagero: How do you mean? You are a very talented soldier, and I've never seen a more gifted administrator.
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. And it is this work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. It made me understand that I did not need to be naturally gifted to succeed in life. What I have accomplished, I have done by hard work, not natural genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Kagero: Caeldori... I-I don't know what to say.
- Caeldori: There is no need to say anything. Just...please, never think you are not as important a part of me as Father, OK?
- Kagero: Of course. I apologize. I will not say such things again. You make me so proud to be your mother. Thank you.
With Setsuna (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm...the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. Would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No, I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and issue a requisition for the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away milady.
- Setsuna: You seem to be working very hard, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Oh, Mother! How can I help you?
- Setsuna: I heard the supply division was short of hands and thought I could help. But you seem to have it handled. You must be very good at this.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Setsuna: Oh, OK. If you say so... What can I help with?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate the offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Setsuna: Then I will help with that. With an army this size, it must take a long time to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that-
- Setsuna: Please, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, correct?
- Caeldori: Well, yes, but... Here, look at this.
- Setsuna: Huh? This isn't an inventory. What is it? A drawing?
- Caeldori: Er, something like that, yes. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It only takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Setsuna: Amazing... Such efficiency...
- Caeldori: So you don't need to trouble yourself about us, Mother. Here, I've prepared some tea! Please, help yourself. It's right over there.
- Setsuna: I see. My assistance is not required... I feel...so sad...
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
- Setsuna: N-no... It's nothing... Nothing at all...
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Understood, milady!
- Setsuna: ...
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you DOING? It's dangerous to hide in there. We put weapons in those barrels.
- Setsuna: Sorry. I was just watching you work... I did not want to disturb you.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Setsuna: Oh, no. I am fine. I just came by to offer my help again, but it looks as though you still don't need it. I am impressed. You show no hesitation and give precise orders very quickly. You were so impressive, in fact, that I have nothing to offer you... So I will just sit here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Setsuna: You really take after your father, don't you? You think so quickly...and you know how to speak to other people so well... Not like me. Heehee.
- Caeldori: I-Mother...
- Setsuna: Don't worry. It is a good thing. I'll be leaving now. Don't want to get in your way.
(Setsuna leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, leaky bunions! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
- Setsuna: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Setsuna: Of course, Caeldori. What do you need?
- Caeldori: The last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. I've always wanted to be like him. He does everything so effortlessly. Fighting, riding, speaking...it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. But I'm not like that.
- Setsuna: Huh? What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have to work hard at everything I do. Father does not. And for a long time, I struggled with this. I thought something was wrong with me. But then I saw how you practiced archery. How you fought in battle. I saw no anxiety. No strain. It was like the world fell away when you drew your bow. So I decided to let my insecurities fall away and focus only on the training. And THAT is what has helped me grow strong. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I was without you.
- Setsuna: I-I don't know what to say.
- Caeldori: There's no need to say anything. Just, please...never think you are not as important a part of me as Father, OK?
- Setsuna: OK, I promise. Thank you, Caeldori. You make me so proud to be your mother.
With Oboro (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm...the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee it personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Oboro: Well, now, aren't you busy?
- Caeldori: Mother! What can I do for you?
- Oboro: Oh, nothing. I just had some spare time and thought I should stop by to help out. I'd heard that the supply division was shorthanded. But it looks like you've got everything under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement. I'm still very new to this work.
- Oboro: I don't believe that for a second. Now, what can I help you with?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you. All I've left to do is the inventory.
- Oboro: Then I'll help with that! With an army this size, it must take forever to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
- Oboro: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers are correct, right?
- Caeldori: I— Would you please give that back? It's important.
- Oboro: Huh? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram?
- Caeldori: Yes. It's a plan I drew up for the armory a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted with ease. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Oboro: So...uh...are you sure there's nothing else I can do?
- Caeldori: Well...um...I prepared some tea over there! You're welcome to help yourself to it!
- Oboro: OK... (I've never felt this useless before in my life. Gods, what an awful feeling.)
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
- Oboro: Nope! Not me.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Right away, milady!
- Oboro: ...Hi.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what were you DOING? It's dangerous to hide in there. We put weapons in those barrels!
- Oboro: Oh, fie. I'm fine. I just didn't want to interrupt, is all.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Oboro: I came by to help, but it looks like I'm still not needed here. You really know your stuff, kiddo. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Very nice. In fact, you were so good, I had nothing to offer whatsoever. So I guess I'll just sit here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Oboro: Heh. It's fine. You've just got a lot of your father in you. You're intelligent, you're charismatic, you're beautiful. You've got all his gifts. I'm proud of you.
- Caeldori: I— Mother...
- Oboro: Haha. Don't worry about it! It's a good thing, really. Well, I'd best take off. Don't want to get in the way. Keep up the good work, kiddo!
(Oboro leaves)
- Caeldori: M-Mother... Oh, sobbentoddles! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
- Oboro: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Oboro: Um, sure. What do you need?
- Caeldori: The last time we talked, you said I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true.
- Oboro: Huh? Why would you say that?
- Caeldori: I've always wanted to be like Father. He does everything so effortlessly... Fighting, riding, speaking—it all comes as naturally to him as breathing. But I'm not like that.
- Oboro: What do you mean? You've done such amazing work. I don't think we've ever had such a capable administrator in our ranks before.
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. And it is your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. It made me understand that I did not need to be perfect to achieve my goals in life. What I have accomplished, I have done through hard work. Not natural genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Oboro: Oh gods, Caeldori, I— *sniff* It's— You're so— I'm gonna...cry...
- Caeldori: It's all right. There's no need to say anything. But please, never think you are not just as important a part of me as Father, OK?
- Oboro: OK, OK. Heh. *sniff* Thank you. You make me so proud to be your mother.
With Hana (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Hana: Well, you've certainly been busy.
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Hana: Oh, I just had some spare time and thought I should come by and help. I'd heard the supply division was short-handed, so it seemed like a good idea. But it looks like you've got everything under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Hana: Don't be so modest! Now, what can I help you with?
- Caeldori: I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you. All I've left is the inventory.
- Hana: Then I'll help with that! With an army this size, it must take a long time to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
- Hana: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I—Would you please give that back? It's important.
- Hana: Huh? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram or something?
- Caeldori: Yes. It's a plan I drew up for the armory a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted with ease. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Hana: I see. So...uhm... Are you sure there's nothing else I could do?
- Caeldori: Um... Oh! I have prepared some tea over there for just such an occasion. Please, help yourself.
- Hana: *grumble grumble* (So you want me to just sit here and do nothing?)
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
- Hana: N-no! Nothing, dear.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Understood, milady!
- Hana: ... ...Hi.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you there! Wait, what are you DOING? It's dangerous to hide in there. We put weapons in those barrels!
- Hana: Oh, sorry! I was just watching you work, and I didn't want to interrupt.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Hana: Hahahahaha! No, of course not! You're such a joker! I just came by to offer my help again, but it looks like you still don't need it. I'm impressed! No hesitation; precise, rapid orders; intense focus. Good work! In fact, you were so impressive, I felt I had nothing to offer whatsoever. So I guess I'll just sit over here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Hana: You really take after your father, don't you? Heehee. Intelligence, charisma, beauty... You got all the good stuff from him. Not at all like me!
- Caeldori: I— Mother...
- Hana: Don't worry, Caeldy. It's a good thing. Really, it is. Now, I don't want to get in your way, so I'll be going. Keep up the good work!
(Hana leaves)
- Caeldori: M-Mother! Oh, sour cabbages! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
- Hana: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Hana: Of course. What is it?
- Caeldori: The last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. I've always wanted to be like him. He does everything so effortlessly. Fighting, riding, speaking...it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. But I'm not like that.
- Hana: Don't say that! You're a very talented soldier. And this army's never seen such a capable administrator before.
- Caeldori: Mother, please. Allow me to finish. I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. And it is this work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. It made me understand that I did not need to be naturally gifted to succeed in life. Everything I've achieved, I have done through hard work. Not genius, not talent. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Hana: But...I... I don't know what to say.
- Caeldori: There is no need to say anything. Just...please, never think you are not as important a part of me as Father. OK?
- Hana: OK. Heehee. You got it. Thank you, Caeldori. You make me so proud to be your mother.
With Subaki (Father)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Heeee-yah! Hah! Hyah! Pchew! Pchoo pchoo pchoo! Blamm-o! Nyoom! Kshaw!
- Subaki: I have to say, I'm quite impressed.
- Caeldori: F-Father?! What are you doing here?
- Subaki: Oh, nothing. Just observing. Your form is flawless, even when there's no one around. You could have stepped out of an Arms Scroll, I swear. Or even a painting. I can see it now: your naginata set athwart beams of evening sunlight–
- Caeldori: Stop! I get it. I have much to work on. There's no need to mock me like this!
- Subaki: I'm not mocking you. I'm serious. Your skill is astounding.
- Caeldori: You're only saying that because I'm your daughter.
- Subaki: Oh, so I'm just being a doting father, eh? Well, I guess it can't be helped, with a daughter as perfect and adorable as you!
- Caeldori: Oh, knock it off!
- Subaki: All right, all right, fine. Haha. Well then, on with it. Don't stop training on my account. I can't wait to see more of that gorgeous naginata work.
- Caeldori: It's a little hard to concentrate when you keep saying things like that.
- Subaki: There it is again! You know, you keep saying that, but you never miss a step. You might be the most frightening warrior in the world, you know that? I look forward to seeing how far you'll go.
- Caeldori: (HE'S looking forward to seeing MY skills? Ugh. I can't mess up now.) Here we go! Hyah! Wah! Yahhh! SEIYAAA! Take...that... evil! And that! And that!
- Subaki: Flawless. Heh. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I should be worried...
B Support[]
- Caeldori: Hello, Father.
- Subaki: Caeldori! What do you need?
- Caeldori: I was wondering if you would be my sparring partner.
- Subaki: Sparring partner? Are you sure?
- Caeldori: Yes. I want to learn to fight as flawlessly as you.
- Subaki: High praise, coming from one such as you! I'm honored, my child. Very well. I'll teach you all that I know.
- Caeldori: Really? Thank you so much, Father!
- Subaki: Heh. Let's get started then, shall we?
- Caeldori: All right! Prepare yourself!
(scene transition)
- Caeldori: *huff* *puff* How... did I... do?
- Subaki: Honestly? I think you were the very image of perfection.
- Caeldori: Really?!
- Subaki: Really. I don't think there's a person alive who could match your movements. And you seem to have developed your own style of fighting. It's interesting. Yes, you were elegant and impressive, as always, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: "As always"? You mean I haven't improved since the last time you saw me training?
- Subaki: W-well, yes, but that's to be expected! It hasn't been that long since then...
- Caeldori: So you were just complimenting me like you always do. Regardless of my actual merit.
- Subaki: Well, when you say it like that, it sounds terrible! But...yes. But only because I think your fighting style has always been perfect! Honest! Even when you were just beginning!
- Caeldori: Ugh... So now I'm only as good as I was when I was a beginner? I guess I can't even trust my own father for an honest opinion. Oh well. I'd better just keep training. HIII-YAH!
A Support[]
- Caeldori: *huff* *puff* Ogre toes! I'm still not improving!
- Subaki: You're working even harder than usual, Caeldori. What's up?
- Caeldori: Hello, Father. Nothing is up. Since I can't train with you, I've decided to just train twice as hard on my own.
- Subaki: Hey, come on, now. Don't say that! Of course you can train with me.
- Caeldori: No. You're too gentle on me. You never give me honest feedback. Even when my thrusts are weak, or my balance is off, or I step too wide. Even if I were to fall on my backside, you'd probably just say I did it gracefully. But if you always do that, then I'll never perfect my technique.
- Subaki: Caeldori, why are you obsessed with being perfect?
- Caeldori: What?
- Subaki: Answer me. What is it that's driving you?
- Caeldori: I-er... It's you, Father. I want to be a fighter you can be proud of.
- Subaki: Well, if that's the case, don't sweat it. I am already proud of you. And your fighting skills truly are remarkable. I'm not just saying that. I think whatever idiosyncrasies and flaws you might have only add to your power. There's value in having a unique style. You can surprise your enemies, for one thing. Well, as long as there aren't any amateur mistakes. Those will get you killed. But you're no amateur, Caeldori. I promise.
- Caeldori: But I-
- Subaki: You shouldn't be so concerned with perfection. It's a dream. A myth. You're fine just the way you are. More than fine. You are an outstanding young woman.
- Caeldori: Father...
- Subaki: Don't get me wrong. You shouldn't stop training so hard on my account. But you shouldn't continue to do it simply to impress me- or anyone else. If you try to be perfect for everyone else, it will destroy you inside. That's not something I want for you.
- Caeldori: ...Do you find it difficult to appear perfect sometimes, Father?
- Subaki: Haha! Very perceptive of you. I suppose it might get trying from time to time, sure.
- Caeldori: Well, whatever the case may be, know you don't have to put up a front around me. You're my father. My esteem for you will not diminish so easily.
- Subaki: Caeldori... Thank you. But don't worry about me too much. Just take care of yourself, OK?
- Caeldori: I see... Very well then. Thank you, Father. Well, let's call it a day. Would you like to get something to eat with me? I know a particularly good place in a town not far from here.
- Subaki: That sounds great. Let's go!
With Orochi (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm...the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee it personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Orochi: Well, you've certainly been busy.
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Orochi: Oh, I just had some spare time and thought I should come by to help out. But it looks like you've got everything under control! It seems whoever appointed you really know what they were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Orochi: I don't believe that for a second! Now, what can I help you with?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you. All I've left is the inventory.
- Orochi: Then I'll help with that! With an army like this, it must take forever to count everything.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
- Orochi: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I— Would you please give that back? It's important.
- Orochi: Huh? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of diagram?
- Caeldori: Er, something like that, yes. It's a plan I drew up for the armory a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted with ease. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Orochi: I see. So...uhm. Is there really nothing else I can do?
- Caeldori: Um, well...Oh! I've prepared some tea over there that you could drink! Please, help yourself!
- Orochi: O-oh... Thank you... (Gods, am I being coddled by my own daughter.)
- Caeldori: What was that? Did you say something, Mother?
- Orochi: N-nope! Not a thing.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady!
- Orochi: ...*cough*
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother?! I didn't see you! Wait, what are you doing?! It's dangerous to hide in there! We put weapons in those barrels.
- Orochi: Oh, sorry! I was just watching you work, and I didn't want to disturb you.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little odd today.
- Orochi: Hahahahahahaha! Oh, if course not, dear. Nothing's wrong. You're such a joker! I just came by again to offer my help, but it looks like you still don't need any. I'm impressed! No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Extreme focus. Good work! In fact, you were so impressive that I felt I had nothing to offer. So I suppose I'll just sit over here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Orochi: Haha! It's fine. You've just got a lot of your father in you. You're intelligent, you're charismatic, you're strong. You've got all his gifts. Not much like your mother though, huh?
- Caeldori: I-Mother...
- Orochi: Heehee! Don't worry about it. It's a good thing, really. Well, I'd best make myself scarce. Don't want to get in the way. Keep up the good work, girly!
(Orochi leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, figgleworts! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah, there you are, Mother.
- Orochi: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Orochi: Um, sure. What do you need?
- Caeldori: The last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father... But I don't think that's the case. I've always wanted to be like him. He does everything so effortlessly... Fighting, riding, speaking-it all comes as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Orochi: What do you mean? You've done such amazing work. I don't think we've ever had such a capable administrator within our ranks before.
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. And it is this work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. It made me understand that I did not need to be perfect to achieve my goals in life. What I have accomplished, I have done through hard work, not natural genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Orochi: Oh, gods, Caeldori, I... *sniff* *sob* It's- You're so- I'm...gonna...
- Caeldori: There's no need to cry. And please, never think you're not as important a part of me as Father, OK?
- Orochi: O-OK. Heh. *sniff* Thank you. You make me so proud to be your mother.
With Rinkah (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm... the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. Would you like him to resume his duties managing the arms and ammunition?
- Caeldori: No, I will continue to oversee the army personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Rinkah: Well, you've been busy.
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Rinkah: I'd heard the supply division was short-handed and thought I could help out. But it looks like you've got it all under control. Whoever appointed you really knew what the were doing.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Rinkah: No need to be so modest. Now, what can I help with? Need any heavy lifting done?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate the offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Rinkah: Then I'll help with that! With an army this size, taking inventory must take a while.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that-
- Rinkah: Here, let me see the inventory. We just have to confirm the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I-Hey! Would you please give that back? It's very important.
- Rinkah: This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of map?
- Caeldori: Er, yes, something like that. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Rinkah: I see... And you're sure there's nothing else I can do?
- Caeldori: Um... Oh! I prepared some tea earlier. Please, have a seat and enjoy a cup or two! It's right over there! In the corner.
- Rinkah: I- All right, fine. (Gods, I feel like a child...and by the hands of my own daughter, no less.)
- Caeldori: Huh? Did you say something, Mother?
- Rinkah: Me? Oh, no. Not a word.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Good. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: It shall be done milady.
- Rinkah: ...Boo.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you! Wait, what were you even doing?! It's dangerous to hide in there like that! We put weapons in those barrels!
- Rinkah: I'm fine. I was just watching you work and didn't want to interrupt.
- Caeldori: ...Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Rinkah: Oh, no. I just swung by to help out, but it looks like you still don't need any. I'm impressed. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Singular focus. In fact, you were so impressive, I couldn't think of any way to contribute. So I guess I'll just sit right over here and drink my tea while you work. Again. *siiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Rinkah: You really have a lot in your father in you, don't you? Smarts, charisma, beauty. You've got all his gifts. Guess there's not all that much of your mother in you though, huh?
- Caeldori: Mother, that's- You-
- Rinkah: Don't worry about it, Caeldori. It's a good thing. Really, it is. Now, the very least I can do is get our of your way, so I think I'll be going. Keep up the good work!
(Rinkah leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! ...Oh, barnacles. She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Rinkah: Oh, uh...hello there Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Rinkah: Of c-course. What's the matter?
- Caeldori: The last time we talked...you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking-it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Rinkah: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. It was your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I didn't need to be naturally perfect to succeed in life. Everything I have achieved. I have done through hard work. Not natural genius. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Rinkah: No... Thank you. You've made me very happy. I... I don't know what to say.
- Caeldori: There's no need to say anything. Just, please, never think you're any less a part of me than Father, OK?
- Rinkah: Heh. OK. Sure. I promise. Caeldori...I'm so lucky to have a daughter like you.
With Selena (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm...the advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. And would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Selena: Heehee. Yup. Just like him.
- Caeldori: Mother! How can I help you?
- Selena: I heard the supply division was short-handed and thought I could help. But it looks like you've got it all under control! Whoever appointed you really knew what they were doing, huh? This job's a perfect fit for a workhorse like you.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Selena: No need to be so modest! Now. How can I be of service?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate the offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Selena: Then I'll help with that. With an army this size, taking inventory must take some time. Far more than one person can handle, at least.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that–
- Selena: Here, let me see the inventory list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, right?
- Caeldori: I— Hey! Would you please give that back? It's important.
- Selena: Huh? This isn't an inventory. What is it? Some kind of map?
- Caeldori: Er, yes, something like that. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and...only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Selena: I see... Are you certain there's nothing else I could do?
- Caeldori: Um... Well... Oh! I prepared some tea earlier! You should have a seat and help yourself to a cup! It's right over there. In the corner.
- Selena: O-OK. (Huh. I'd forgotten what it was like to feel so...useless.) (And this time at the hands of my own daughter, no less.)
- Caeldori: Huh? Did you say something, Mother?
- Selena: N-no. It's nothing.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Good. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: It shall be done, milady.
- Selena: ...Hi.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you there! Is there any reason you were lurking in the shadows?
- Selena: Oh, no. I was just watching you work and didn't want to interrupt.
- Caeldori: ...Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Selena: Oh, no. I just swung by to help out, but it looks like you still don't need any. I'm impressed with you, though. No hesitation. Precise orders. Singular focus. In fact, you were so impressive, I had absolutely no advice to offer you. So I guess I'll just sit right over here and drink my tea while you work. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Selena: You really have a lot of your father in you, don't you? Smarts, charisma, beauty. You've got all his gifts. And all of my mother's gifts as well... Maybe it skips a generation.
- Caeldori: Mother, that's— You—
- Selena: It's fine. Don't worry. This isn't the first time I've felt this way. And besides, what kind of mother would I be if I were sad that you inherited talent? It's a good thing. Even if you didn't get it from me. Now, I should head out. I don't want to get in your way. Keep up the good work!
(Selena leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, pig's liver! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Selena: Oh, hello, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Selena: Uh—of course. Sure. What is it?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking—it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Selena: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you trained for years to acquire your skills. It was your work ethic that gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I didn't need to be naturally perfect to succeed in life. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Selena: I... You...you big, dumb— Oh gods, I'm going to— *sniffle* *sob* You look just like my mother, you know that? Identical. From head to toe. And what you said just now... It threw me. It's taken me a while, but I'm beginning to realize you are truly two different people. And I've been holding things against you unfairly. Things meant for her. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. You don't deserve this. And...neither did my mother. Can you...forgive me?
- Caeldori: Of course, Mother. I love you. Just, please, never think that you aren't as important a part of me as Father. Or anyone else. OK?
- Selena: OK... I promise. I'll never say anything like that again. After all, you're just like me: you're a genius of hard work. Thank you. For everything. I am so proud to have a daughter like you.
With Nyx (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hm. The advance troops have just received fresh recruits, so they'll be needing tents. And a larger shipment of grain. Have the quartermaster make the arrangements.
- Hoshidan: At once, milady. Would you like him to resume his duties managing the armory?
- Caeldori: No. I will continue to oversee the armory personally. On that note, please go to the smiths and requisition the items on this list. Delivery is expected within the fortnight.
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. Right away, milady.
- Nyx: You seem to be working very hard, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Oh, Mother! How can I help you?
- Nyx: I'd heard the supply division was short of hands and thought I could help. But it looks as though you have it all handled. You must be very good at this.
- Caeldori: You flatter me, but I've got plenty of room for improvement yet. I'm still very new to this kind of work.
- Nyx: Heh. How modest. It's adorable. Now, what can I help you with?
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your offer, truly, but I have nothing for you to do. All I've left is the inventory.
- Nyx: Then I will help with that. With an army of this size, it must be very difficult for one person to count.
- Caeldori: Well, see, about that—
- Nyx: Here, let me see the list. We just need to make sure the numbers match, correct?
- Caeldori: Well, yes, but... Here, look at this.
- Nyx: Hm? This isn't an inventory. What is it? A floor plan?
- Caeldori: Er, something like that, yes. It's a plan for the armory I drew up a little while ago. If the supplies are stored according to the plan, they can be counted very easily. It takes a fraction of the time and... only one person. I'm sorry, Mother.
- Nyx: I see. Very efficient. Are you sure that there's nothing else I can do?
- Caeldori: Well, I have prepared some tea for just such an occasion. Please, help yourself. Over there.
- Nyx: Oh. Ah—OK. That sounds pleasant. (What is this? It's like I'm being...coddled. By my own daughter, no less.)
- Caeldori: Hmm? Did you say something, Mother?
- Nyx: N-no. Nothing. Nothing at all.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: All right, these crates are fully loaded. Have we moved the damaged weapons yet?
- Hoshidan: Yes, milady. They are en route to the smiths as we speak.
- Caeldori: Perfect. Then all that is left is to deliver the new ones to the front. See to it.
- Hoshidan: Understood, milady!
- Nyx: Boo.
- Caeldori: Wah! M-Mother! I didn't see you there! Did you need something?
- Nyx: Oh, no. Don't mind me; I was just watching you work. I didn't want to disturb you.
- Caeldori: Is something wrong? You seem a little off today.
- Nyx: Oh, no. I'm fine. I just came by to offer my help again, but it appears that you still do not need it. I'm impressed, though. No hesitation. Precise, rapid orders. Intense focus. You were so impressive, in fact, that I had nothing whatsoever to offer you. So I suppose I'll just sit here and drink my tea. Again. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
- Caeldori: Mother...
- Nyx: You really take after your father, don't you? You think so quickly...and you know how to speak to others so well... Not much like your mother, huh?
- Caeldori: I— Mother...
- Nyx: Don't worry. It's a good thing. Truly. I'll be leaving now. I don't want to get in your way.
(Nyx leaves)
- Caeldori: Mother! Oh, zucchini's blood! She's gone.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Mother!
- Nyx: Oh, hello, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Do you have some time? I wanted to speak to you about something.
- Nyx: Yes, of course. What do you need?
- Caeldori: Well, the last time we talked, you said that I was just like Father. But I don't think that's true. Fighting, riding, speaking...it all comes to him as naturally as breathing. I'm not like that.
- Nyx: What do you mean? You're a very talented soldier. And I doubt this army's ever seen such a capable administrator.
- Caeldori: Mother, please. Allow me to finish. I mean that...I have never seen Father work hard at anything. But I have seen you do so. I know that you sacrificed much to acquire your skills. I know that you still bear the scars from these sacrifices as well. It was you who gave me the courage to improve myself. You made me understand that I did not need to be naturally perfect to succeed. So thank you, Mother. I would not be who I am without you.
- Nyx: Caeldori... You've made me so...happy...
- Caeldori: Please...don't cry. There's no need to say anything. Just...never think you are not as much a part of me as Father, OK?
- Nyx: Heh. OK. I promise. Never again. I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much.
With Kana (Male)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: This is a nightmare...
- Kana: Caeldori, what's wrong? You look really upset. Did something happen?
- Caeldori: My skin is breaking out really badly today. It's so depressing... I can't even focus on training when I look like this. My heart's just not in it. I don't know what to do.
- Kana: Oh, that's it? Your skin?
- Caeldori: You're probably wondering why something so trivial would bother me, right? Maybe you just can't understand since you're so young... but having my face be all splotchy drives me crazy.
- Kana: Ahh, I understand. Wait, I have an idea! Here, take this piece of fruit. It's supposed to be a excellent for curing breakouts. It also tastes really great too!
- Caeldori: Kana, I couldn't. This fruit belongs to you. It would be rude to eat your snack.
- Kana: Not at all. Really, I want you to have it. I'll just grab more later today.
- Caeldori: That's very thoughtful of you, Kana. Thank you.
- Kana: No problem. I hope it makes your skin clean up!
- Caeldori: You and me both, heehee!
- Kana: I'm a little surprised to see you like this. You're always so energetic and happy. I've never seen you depressed before.
- Caeldori: Everyone has a bad day occasionally, right? I assume you do too once in a while.
- Kana: Yeah I guess so. Sometimes I just want to run around and play all day. But then sometimes it will be rainy and I can't talk to anyone, so I get sad. Is that what you mean?
- Caeldori: Yes, exactly. If things were always prefect, we wouldn't appreciate the truly good days. Anyways, I'm going to eat this fruit now. Would you like to split it with me?
- Kana: But I just gave it to you...
- Caeldori: I don't think it will be less effective if I don't eat every bite. Really, I'd be more than happy to share.
- Kana: Hmm, that's a good point. I guess I will have a bite. But only if you don't mind.
- Caeldori: I don't at all. It's decided then. Just give me one second to get this open.
- Kana: OK!
B Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are, Kana. I've been wanting to ask you something.
- Kana: Oh yeah? What is it?
- Caeldori: Where did you get the fruit you gave me the other day? I'm dying to know.
- Kana: Fruit? Oh, you mean the one that I thought might help clean up your skin, right?
- Caeldori: Exactly! After I ate it, my skin tone was back to normal in no time. I wanted to try eating it again. Maybe that way, my skin won't break out again.
- Kana: Oh, well there were a ton of them piled up in a food storage shed. I bet if you ask the guard nicely, he'd probably give you some.
- Caeldori: Hmm, OK. Good to know.
- Kana: Why don't you and I go together? We could probably get a whole bunch of fruit if we teamed up!
- Caeldori: Sure, that's a good idea. Thanks, Kana.
- Kana: No problem! I'm glad that I could help. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I've always admired you.
- Caeldori: What? Really? I had no idea.
- Kana: It's the truth. You almost have a shining aura around you. You're so cool in every way. The way you ride into battle or even just make a simple meal is amazing. I've always thought so. There's just no one else like you around!
- Caeldori: What? I'm shocked to hear you say that. No one has ever talked about me like that before.
- Kana: Seeing you in action always makes me want to work harder to improve. Talking about all this makes me feel a little bashful, hahaha.
- Caeldori: Heehee, I feel the same way. You're very sweet, Kana.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: I appreciate you helping me out the other day, Kana. Thanks to you, I managed to get a whole bunch of fruit.
- Kana: No problem. I'm glad that I could help out. We did get quite a haul.
- Caeldori: I just realized how much time w'eve spent chatting together recently. It seems like we're really on our way to becoming good friends. Don't you think?
- Kana: Haha, you think so, huh? I guess we have been supporting each other lately. Needles to say, I'm always happy to help you any way I can.
- Caeldori: I appreciate that, Kana. I've been feeling a little guilty about asking for your help all the time. Is there anything I can do to pay you back?
- Kana: Huh? You don't need to repay me, Caeldori. Like I said, I was happy to help!
- Caeldori: No, you don't understand. I want to. It would mean a lot to me for us to be even. Doesn't that make sense?
- Kana: Sure, I guess so. But off the top of my head, I can't think of anything. Hmm... Wait a minute—I know!
- Caeldori: You thought of something?
- Kana: Sure did! I've been studying a ton lately. But I can't wrap my head around some of the subjects. It's really frustrating. Would you be willing to be my tutor? I don't want to fall behind...
- Caeldori: Of course. That's no problem at all. I'm always studying anyways and have a knack for explaining tough concepts. Feel free to ask me as many questions as you like!
- Kana: I knew I could count on you, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: You sure can. I'm just relieved that we can be square now. So what did you need my help with? Math? Battle tactics? Or is it history, perhaps?
- Kana: All of the above. But maybe we should just start with math. With your help, I bet studying will be all kinds of fun! We should get started right away!
- Caeldori: You're going to be a math genius in no time, Kana.
S Support[]
- Kana: Hey, Caeldori! Wait up!
- Caeldori: Why hello, Kana. Why are you so cheerful today?
- Kana: My studies have been a breeze since you began tutoring me. I've been tackling subjects I never thought I could handle before. Even my mama has noticed how much I've improved. And it's all because of you!
- Caeldori: Heehee, that's wonderful to hear!
- Kana: You're so amazing, Caeldori. I hope that you'll be my teacher forever!
- Caeldori: That's sweet of you to say. But you flatter me too much, Kana.
- Kana: It's the truth though! I'm always having fun when we're together. You even make studying a blast! So um... W-will you be my girlfriend?
- Caeldori: Oh, Kana. I can't be your girlfriend, silly! But I'll always be your friend.
- Kana: *sigh* OK... Promise you'll be my friend forever?
- Caeldori: Of course. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
- Kana: I feel a little embarrassed...
- Caeldori: Don't be! You just surprised me a bit, but I'm not mad. It was very sweet, in fact.
- Kana: Phew, that's a relief.
- Caeldori: It's rare to find people who you can relax an be yourself around. When we're together, I'm always laughing and having fun.
- Kana: I feel the same way! Would you mind helping me with a math problem? This one is really tricky.
- Caeldori: Of course!
With Kana (Male) (Brother)[]
C Support[]
- Kana: Hey, Caeldori! Wanna go on patrol with me?
- Caeldori: Hm? You mean right now?
- Kana: Mhm! I want to help everyone out as much as possible! Which right now means patrolling as much as possible! Are you in?
- Caeldori: Sure! What kind of big sister would I be if I refused?
- Kana: Yay! Let's go!
- Caeldori: Wait. You mean just the two of us?
- Kana: Yup! You'll be OK, though. I've been training a whole lot!
- Caeldori: I'm not worried about myself.
- Kana: It'll be fine, it'll be fine! With our special sibling powers, we can take on anything!
- Caeldori: Heh. All right, fine. But you better stick close to me, OK?
- Kana: Woohoo! We should go patrolling every day!
- Caeldori: E-every day?
- Kana: Yeah! I mean, patrols need to be done every day anyways. Why not by us?
- Caeldori: Every... day...
- Kana: What's the matter, Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Oh, nothing. Just trying to figure out when I'll find time for my usual drills. I suppose I don't really need sleep on Mondays... Anyways, let's go.
- Kana: Neat! OK!
B Support[]
- Kana: Thanks for coming on the patrol with me again today, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: Oh, no problem, Kana. I've been enjoying these little patrols. It's neat seeing my little brother grow into such a capable young man.
- Kana: You mean it?!
- Caeldori: Mhm. I think you've got a natural talent for this sort of thing.
- Kana: Heehee. Thanks! What about you? Do you have any special talents?
- Caeldori: Me? Well, I'm not sure about talents, but I have become proficient with the lance.
- Kana: Heh. I bet if we teamed up, we'd be unstoppable!
- Caeldori: Well, I'm still no match for Father, but we'd be formidable, for sure.
- Kana: Yeah! Now we should get moving. We're burning daylight here! We've still got a long ways to go if we're gonna be the best patrollers in camp!
- Caeldori: K-Kana? Kana! Hey, wait for me!
A Support[]
- Kana: Caeldori! Guess what time it is! That's riiiiight! Iiiit's PATROL TIME!
- Caeldori: OK, Kana. Let me just grab my pack, and we'll be on our way.
- Kana: Oh, but... first I wanted to ask you a favor.
- Caeldori: Oh? What kind of favor?
- Kana: I want you to teach me how to be like you!
- Caeldori: Hm? What do you mean?
- Kana: You're just so amazing, Caeldori! You can do, like, anything! And, well, I'm the youngest kid in camp, right? So there's a lot I still can't do. But if I learn a bunch of new skills, maybe I could be more useful. Besides, I've always wanted to learn something from my big sister! I used to wonder a lot about what it would be like to spend more time with you...
- Caeldori: Kana...
- Kana: So I wanna learn as much from you as possible! ...Is that OK?
- Caeldori: Of course it's OK! I'm so glad you asked. I'll teach you everything I know.
- Kana: Thank you so much!
- Caeldori: But I'm not going to let you get ahead of me that easily. I want to learn from you too. How about we have a contest to see who can grow stronger the fastest?
- Kana: OK, but you better be ready to lose!
- Caeldori: We'll see about that! So, then—today, patrol duty. Tomorrow, the real training begins.
- Kana: Sounds good to me, Sis!
With Kana (Female) (Daughter)[]
C Support[]
- Kana: Mama! Mama!
- Caeldori: Yes? What is it, dear?
- Kana: I picked some flowers for you, Mama! Some pretty yellow ones!
- Caeldori: Oh, these are beautiful. Thank you!
- Kana: Do you like them?
- Caeldori: I love them. You seem to really like bringing me flowers, though.
- Kana: I just remember that when I was real little, we'd go looking at flowers together. You always smiled so much. And I love your smile, Mama! So I decided to start bringing you lots and lots of flowers to help you smile!
- Caeldori: I'm happy you remembered. That's quite some memory you've got there. But I do have one small favor to ask of you.
- Kana: Anything, Mama! What do you need?
- Caeldori: Remember how I told you that flowers are living things too? Well, picking them hurts them, and they start to wither away. So I think it would be better if you didn't pick the poor little things from now on.
- Kana: Oh no! You mean I've been hurting them the whole time? I'm sorry, flowers! I've been such a big meanie...
- Caeldori: It will be all right, dear. As long as you understand, I'm sure they'll forgive you. You just need to promise not to pick any more in the future, OK?
- Kana: OK! But then how will I show you the neat flowers I find?
- Caeldori: Hm... Next time you find some, come and get me, OK? Then we can go look at them together!
- Kana: Really? You won't be too busy?
- Caeldori: Of course not! This way I get to see them AND go on an adventure!
- Kana: OK! Then next time I find some, we'll go and see them together! That's a promise, Mama!
B Support[]
- Kana: La la lalala-la-la ♪ And now it's Mama time!
- Caeldori: My, my, aren't we in a good mood today?
- Kana: Of course I'm in a good mood! I found the best flowers for us to go look at. I can't wait for you to see them! ...Ah! There they are, Mama! Over there!
- Caeldori: Ooh, you mean those red flowers? You were right. They're very pretty, in a dignified, stately sort of way.
- Kana: Yeah! They reminded me of you, Mama!
- Caeldori: M-me? I don't know how flowerlike I am, Kana. But...well...it is a bit flattering to be compared to one. Thank you.
- Kana: Heehee. I might love flowers, but I love your pretty smiles even more!
- Caeldori: Oh? Well I love your pretty smiles even more than that!
- Kana: Really? Yay!
- Caeldori: Oh, that's right! There's something that I wanted to show you.
- Kana: What is it? Is it something good?
- Caeldori: Heehee. It's great! I don't have it now, but it's a—
- Kana: Wait! No! I don't want to spoil the surprise!
- Caeldori: Haha. OK, then. I guess I'll just have to keep it a secret until next time.
- Kana: Yay! I can't wait!
A Support[]
- Kana: Hey, Mama! Do you have that thing you wanted to show me?
- Caeldori: Mhm. It's right here. Take a look.
- Kana: Wow! This is such a big book! And look at all the flowers! Where did you get them?
- Caeldori: These are all of the ones you've been bringing me. I dried them out and pressed them between the pages to keep them safe. I figured it was the perfect way for me to preserve all your little gifts.
- Kana: This is amazing! Really, really amazing! Oh! And look! These are the daisies I gave you the other day! I hadn't realized how many flowers I'd given you.
- Caeldori: Yup! I was surprised by how many there were when I was looking through them.
- Kana: Oh, Mama. Thank you for taking such good care of the flowers I gave you.
- Caeldori: No, I'm the one who should be thanking you. You brought them all to me. And more than that, you brought me a bunch of love, each time.
- Kana: You're welcome!
- Caeldori: You know, we didn't pick those flowers we saw the other day... But I think we'll hang on to that memory for a long time, regardless. I hope we'll have many, many more memories like that. How about you?
- Kana: Me too, Mama! I love you so much!
- Caeldori: I love you, too, Kana!
With Shigure[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: All right. I think that's enough training for today!
- Shigure: Afternoon, Caeldori! Just finishing up your training?
- Caeldori: Yes. And you?
- Shigure: I just got back from a little pleasure fight with my pegasus.
- Caeldori: A pleasure flight?
- Shigure: Yes. My mount and I love to go on them. It's extraordinarily relaxing. Do you not often do the same?
- Caeldori: No. I train of course, but flying for leisure seems strange to me.
- Shigure: How odd. I'd have thought a rider as skilled as you would love flying.
- Caeldori: It seems stranger to me that you love it so much. Flying is a battlefield skill. Although I suppose some types enjoy combat simply for the sake of it...
- Shigure: Hm. It's true. We typically fly only for military purposes. But that's why I think it is so important to fly for leisure as well. We should never allow the love of it to die in our hearts. Perhaps you might enjoy it more with company? Will you fly with me next time?
- Caeldori: If I can find the time. How far would we be going?
- Shigure: Oh, I hadn't considered it. I thought we could fly wherever the winds took us. What do you say?
- Caeldori: ...Sure. All right. Perhaps it will prove more refreshing than I imagine.
- Shigure: Then it's settled! I'll call on you when the time comes.
- Caeldori: I look forward to it.
B Support[]
- Shigure: See, this isn't so bad. Going on a nice, leisurely flight like this can be relaxing.
- Caeldori: Yes. I didn't think I'd like it, but it's a refreshing change of pace.
- Shigure: I'm happy to see you're enjoying yourself!
- Caeldori: But i don't think I could do this too often. It's not really my style. Hm... How about we have a little race?
- Shigure: A race?
- Caeldori: Yes. I hear you can go pretty fast on that pegasus of yours. How about we put that famous speed of yours to the test?
- Shigure: Haha. Sure, that sounds fun.
- Caeldori: All right! Let's start after we pass that tree over there. I'm not going to lose to you!
- Shigure: I won't make this easy for you! Let's go!
(scene transition)
- Caeldori: H-how? I lost...
- Shigure: Yes, but only just. Don't feel bad.
- Caeldori: A loss is a loss. You are tremendously skilled at handling your pegasus. I've got to practice more.
- Shigure: You're a competitive one, aren't you? But i don't think the problem was in your skill. It was in your connection.
- Caeldori: What?
- Shigure: Your connection to your mount. I ride and care for mine every day. And over time, our bond has deepened. It was this bond, I believe, that won the day.
- Caeldori: It's true... I rarely see you without your pegasus. Even at mealtimes...
- Shigure: Haha. I only eat with her occasionally. But either way, don't worry too much. I'm sure if you spend more time with your steed, your bond will deepen naturally.
- Caeldori: I suppose you're right. We'll just have to start training even more! It's so nice to have a clear goal! I'm excited. Thanks, Shigure! Let's have a rematch soon!
- Shigure: Sure!
(Caeldori leaves)
- Shigure: Hm... I'm not sure she understood what I meant...
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Grrr...
- Shigure: Hm? You look upset. Did something happen?
- Caeldori: Er, well... it's... uh...
- Shigure: I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It may be presumptuous of me, but, if you're upset, it might help to fly for a bit. A little air and exercise can do wonders for the mind.
- Caeldori: Er... the problem is that flying is precisely what's bothering me.
- Shigure: Hm? How so?
- Caeldori: I've been training more with my pegasus since I lost that race to you the other day. But it's only made things worse. He doesn't listen to me anymore.
- Shigure: I see... I was afraid that might happen. May I ask you something? Exactly how much training have you been doing?
- Caeldori: Hm? About three times as much as I was before... so something like fifteen hours?
- Shigure: F-fifteen?! Every day? No wonder...
- Caeldori: Was that a mistake?
- Shigure: Yes. Your pegasus must feel enormously strained under that much pressure. Even if it wants to be close with you, you're probably driving it mad.
- Caeldori: Oh... I must have been so focused on winning our next round that I didn't notice. I've got to find a way to apologize to him...
- Shigure: Why don't we go flying together after your mount's had some rest?
- Caeldori: Not this again...
- Shigure: No. I'm serious! Pegasi love flying! Can't get enough of it. Perhaps if you go sightseeing together instead of training, it would help things. Do something fun together. Learn to take it easy now and then.
- Caeldori: Heehee. Fine, fine. I guess you'd be the one to know.
- Shigure: Good! Then let's go on a trip soon.
- Caeldori: Yes, let's!
S Support[]
- Shigure: Oh, hello there, Caeldori. Are you all right? You look troubled.
- Caeldori: I had a question for you, Shigure. Do you... have a girlfriend?
- Shigure: Wh-what? No, I don't.
- Caeldori: You don't?! Oh, praise be!
- Shigure: Huh?
- Caeldori: Ah! Err, it's just that... in the past, I've only had feelings for people who were taken. And I was worried that it would be the same this time.
- Shigure: You mean...
- Caeldori: Yes... I want to be with you, Shigure.
- Shigure: Caeldori...
- Caeldori: I admire your skill and your kindness. You not only bested me, but did so with grace. And you did your best to help me fix the mistakes I was making. If it weren't for you, I'd never have become as close with my pegasus as I am now. I have so much to be grateful to you for... and I've found... I feel more than gratitude.
- Shigure: You've made me so happy, Caeldori. I have feelings for you too.
- Caeldori: R-really?!
- Shigure: Yes. At first, I just thought it would be nice to get to know another pegasus knight. But after spending so much time with you on our little flights... I began to fall for you. I want to fly by your side as your partner in life. Will you have me?
- Caeldori: Yes! Of course I will! Wh-whoa, hang on, I wasn't ready for that hug! I'd never have thought you were such a passionate person!
- Shigure: I'm usually not. You've just made me so happy. I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: Yes... me too, Shigure.
With Shigure (Brother)[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hmm... Where has Shigure gone today? I don't know why he would run off to these hills or fields... But he was nowhere to be found at camp either, so who knows.
- Shigure: *singing*
- Caeldori: Ah, there he is! I wonder what he's doing in a place like this? It's odd to see him sitting out in the middle of nowhere on a tree stump. Who are all those peop— WHAT?! Th-they aren't people! Those are... forest animals!! Rabbits, squirrels...even wolves! How can they be sitting around him so obediently?
- Shigure: I think that's enough for one day. How did you like it?
- Caeldori: Are you...talking to them?
- Shigure: Ah! Who's there?! Wait! No, don't go!
- Caeldori: Those animals sure can run fast. I'm sorry, Shigure. I didn't mean to drive them off.
- Shigure: They were just startled, Caeldori. Frankly, I was startled too! But don't worry about it. They can't help being a little shy. So tell me, what are you doing all the way out here?
- Caeldori: I was looking for you. Growing up so far apart prevented us from getting to know each other. So I thought it might be fun for us to talk for a little while. What do you say?
- Shigure: O-oh, I see. I don't know what to say. I'm really not the most interesting person around... You might have a better time talking with someone more outgoing.
- Caeldori: What? That's not true at all! I just want to try and make a connection with you. We are siblings after all!
- Shigure: You shouldn't feel obligated to be my friend just because we're related. And to be honest, I'm not in the most social mood right now. Please, excuse me...
(Shigure leaves)
- Caeldori: H-hey, don't leave! Ugh, what's with him?
B Support[]
- Caeldori: *sigh* Where could Shigure have disappeared to today...? I bet he went back to that clearing. He's probably got all of his animal friends gathered around him too. Heehee, looks like I was right. Hello, Shigure!
- Shigure: Caeldori?! What are you doing here? Ah! Wait! Don't go!
- Caeldori: Oh no! Sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare them away again.
- Shigure: N-no, don't worry about it. They aren't used to other people being around here. It's easy to startle them.
- Caeldori: O-oh, I understand... It's amazing that you get along with those animals so well. We may have the same parents, but I certainly didn't inherit that talent.
- Shigure: Why were you looking for me again? Did you need something?
- Caeldori: Well, as siblings, we have a duty to support and love each other. That's why I would really like to spend some quality time with you.
- Shigure: I see. Listen, I'm sorry for being cold the other day. The truth is, it makes me happy that you care about our relationship so much. I'm your brother, and I don't want to let you down.
- Caeldori: R-really? Can I stay here with you then? Say, can you call back those animals? I would love to play with them.
- Shigure: Honestly, I don't think they would be comfortable around you.
- Caeldori: Th-they won't? Why not? All of them seem so fond of you, right? Perhaps they could grow to like me too if I put in a lot of effort. Is there some sort of secret?
- Shigure: Hmm... I'm not sure if this will help, but... Animals are highly attuned to the feelings of people around them. Most likely, they detected something in you that drove them off.
- Caeldori: Like what? I don't have any animosity toward those critters.
- Shigure: They can sense what you were thinking. Were you sizing them up to figure out which one might make a tasty dinner? Even just for a moment?
- Caeldori: How rude! I would never think such a thing.
- Shigure: Of course not, I'm sorry. That's just the biggest reason I could think of for them to run away. I appreciate how sincere you are about befriending them. I'll try to think of what can be done to make them feel safe around you. There has to be a way to help out my adorable sister.
- Caeldori: Really? Please do!
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Oh, Shigure!
- Shigure: What's wrong, Caeldori? You look upset.
- Caeldori: Well... I wanted to talk about those animal friends of yours...
- Shigure: Oh? Did you want to go pay them a visit? I was just about to head in that direction if you want to come along. Are you ready to prove that you don't mean them any harm?
- Caeldori: Well, that's the thing... I've given it some thought. And the truth is, I think I may have been upset when I met them the other day.
- Shigure: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: The truth is... I was overcome with envy when I saw how well you got along with them. It was frustrating that you wanted to spend time with them but didn't care about me. And in that moment, I just wanted them to all go away. That must be why the animals felt uncomfortable. I feel so guilty...
- Shigure: Caeldori, I'm glad you thought about this and talked to me.
- Caeldori: The point is, I don't want to bother them. I won't be going back out there anymore.
- Shigure: Don't say that. You should absolutely go back. By opening up, you've changed, and the animals will be able to tell. I think they'll be more welcoming.
- Caeldori: I'm not sure about that...
- Shigure: Well I am. You didn't have to admit to feeling jealous, but you did anyway. That tells me that you've got a good soul. They'll be able to see that too. Look! There's a rabbit hopping this way.
- Caeldori: Ack! What do I do?
- Shigure: Just calm down... Relax, and take a breath. Quiet your mind and be peaceful... Just think about how you want to be friends with the furry critter.
- Caeldori: O-OK, I'll give it a go... Shigure, look! He's letting me pet him! What a sweetie. He's just staring at me.
- Shigure: See? I told you things would be fine.
- Caeldori: Thank goodness! This is delightful... I was afraid all the animals hated me.
- Shigure: I'm so happy that I get to share this with you, Caeldori. Now you can meet all of the other animals. I think you will get along with everyone. Let's wander to the clearing in the woods— I bet your new friends will be waiting there.
- Caeldori: All right! Thanks for being such a great brother, Shigure.
With Dwyer[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: *pluck* Perfect I will be... *pluck* Perfect will never be... *pluck* Perfect I will be... EEEP! *pluck* Perfect I will...NEVER be?!
- Dwyer: Oh, Caeldori. What did that poor flower do to deserve such brutality?
- Caeldori: How long have you been lurking, Dwyer? You didn't hear what I...?
- Dwyer: About being perfect? Or not? No. Not the slightest peep. And I wasn't lurking. I was here napping. You were so bent on perfection that you failed to even notice me.
- Caeldori: I...I'm not.
- Dwyer: Not, she says. Tell that to the flower you just mauled.
- Caeldori: It's just a child's game, plucking a flower to divine the future.
- Dwyer: Oh, is that what you call the slaying of that defenseless bloom?
- Caeldori: *sob* Dwyer, please don't tell anyone what you saw. I couldn't live it down!
- Dwyer: I'm only joking. Do you now how many dead flowers I've left in my wake? But I've learned there's no point in plucking petals. Just be you. You'll get what you deserve.
- Caeldori: Well, whatever. Just don't tell anyone. It was only a moment of weakness. I'm myself again—perfection.
- Dwyer: Oh, really.
- Caeldori: I can tell by your sour puss that you doubt me. Maybe I'm not perfect. But I'm close. I'll give you proof.
- Dwyer: I'm barely interested.
- Caeldori: Oh, no. You started this.
- Dwyer: Don't go to any trouble for my sake, I recant any skepticism.
- Caeldori: You sullen clod! I'm going to give you proof if I have to rub it in your face. Next we meet, I'll show you how perfect I am...at winning affection.
- Dwyer: That's hardly proof of anything. Well, besides being dependent on others for approval.
- Caeldori: I'll show you. Next time we meet, you'll see me in a new light.
- Dwyer: I'll be sure to shield my eyes, lest I be blinded by your brilliance.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: Ah! Found you!
- Dwyer: Hmm. I should really try this hiding thing I've heard so much about.
- Caeldori: Let my perfection commence—with a demonstration of being winsome.
- Dwyer: You know what they say: you win some, you lose some. And I'll be the one to lose my mind if I stick around. I find you tiresome.
- Caeldori: Tiresome? I see what you're saying.
- Dwyer: Uh, what?
- Caeldori: How much it must drain you to hear people yammer on and on.
- Dwyer: Yes, exactly. I'm glad you...understand.
- Caeldori: You see? It's working!
- Dwyer: ...... What is?
- Caeldori: Lesson Number One: You'll win people over if you're perfectly agreeable. The distance between us, Dwyer, has been halved. You see? Winsome.
- Dwyer: I feel used. Good-bye.
- Caeldori: You need more proof?
- Dwyer: Less. None. Negative proof. Can we turn back time?
- Caeldori: You just hold on. I will now show you Lesson Number Two!
- Dwyer: You mean from that, er, thing you're hiding behind your back?
- Caeldori: What thing?
- Dwyer: That book. I would recognize that fuchsia cover from a mile away. It's a guide to winning a man, isn't it?
- Caeldori: This? No. Oh, is it? Never mind. It's just some garbage I picked up.
- Dwyer: Garbage, indeed. I could never be hooked by tips from a book. Besides, you'll just come across as tiresome if you try so hard.
- Caeldori: I give up. You're right. I'll be heading home now, Dwyer. Good-bye.
- Dwyer: Oh, all right. See you later.
- Caeldori: Heh.
- Dwyer: What, heh? Don't heh me! Weren't you going to leave?
- Caeldori: No. I was merely stimulating the male's instinct to chase. It's in the book.
- Dwyer: Oh, what piffle. That tactic doesn't work on me. It doesn't work on anyone!
- Caeldori: You're right, Dwyer. I'll go throw out this book now. Good-bye.
(Caeldori leaves)
- Dwyer: Hmm. She's not half-bad.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Hello, Dwyer.
- Dwyer: Allow me to tip my head in passing. As I pass, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: But, uh, I need advice.
- Dwyer: I have a moment.
- Caeldori: It's more like I need you for a little experiment. Remember that book you told me to throw away? I did, of course. It was crammed of bad tips for winning over a man. You were so right! But one tip was absolute trash. I'd like to prove that. Can you help?
- Dwyer: But I'm glad to assist, if it will help put the final nail in that fuchsia coffin.
- Caeldori: I'll do exactly what the book said. You tell me if it has any effect on your heart.
- Dwyer: My heart? I doubt it will. But please, continue.
- Caeldori: I'll be starting...now. *pat pat* Why, hello there, Dwyer! *pat* The weather is sure *pat* nice today! *pat pat pat*
- Dwyer: Caeldori, I'm not a dog.
- Caeldori: The book said that when one talks to a man, one ought to touch him casually. It will get a man's heart beating.
- Dwyer: That was casual patting? I thought you were trying to pick my pocket.
- Caeldori: No effect on your heart though? All right. Let's try this... *turn* *glance over shoulder* *flip hair* *flutter flutter flutter flutter*
- Dwyer: Do you have an eyelash stuck in your eye? You should rinse that out.
- Caeldori: I was batting my lashes at you over my shoulder! Did it succeed?
- Dwyer: At making me uncomfortable? Yes. It succeeded wildly.
- Caeldori: Aw, I guess I made a mess of it.
- Dwyer: Please tell me this wasn't all some ruse to actually win me over. That book IS junk. The truth is, you of all people don't need a book of tips to be winsome.
- Caeldori: But how else will I make a man's heart skip a beat?
- Dwyer: Ugh. How awful. Heart failure? What a thing to inflict on someone. Just be yourself, Caeldori. You really will get what's coming to you. And it will be as lovely as you are.
- Caeldori: Really? Did you just say that? You, Dwyer?!
- Dwyer: Keep it between us.
- Caeldori: Then I really will throw away that stupid book. I guess I got a little more perfect, thanks to you. Mind if I come to you for more advice from time to time?
- Dwyer: As long as it's you I'm dealing with and not that book? Of course. It's been a pleasure, Caeldori.
S Support[]
- Dwyer: Hi, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Oh, hello, Dwyer. What can I help you with?
- Dwyer: I need advice.
- Caeldori: My advice? Have pigs developed wings and now require pig knights?
- Dwyer: Er, what? Anyway, I need advice about love.
- Caeldori: No! You? Love?! Well, you and I have circled this topic before. You know it's not my field.
- Dwyer: I think you'll have an informed opinion about this.
- Caeldori: All right, out with it.
- Dwyer: What kind of gift makes a woman really, really happy?
- Caeldori: I don't know. I can only say what tickles me. Just about anything though. It's really and truly the thought that counts.
- Dwyer: That's not very helpful. How about flowers?
- Caeldori: What girl doesn't love to receive flowers?
- Dwyer: Noted. Another question—what's the best way to offer one's heart to a woman?
- Caeldori: Personally, I think it doesn't matter much what he might say. He needs only to look into my eyes and speak from the heart. I hope that helps whomever is the lucky target of your affections. As for me, I've always thought it'd be wonderful for it to go just like that. Perhaps it's trite, but for a suitor to drop to his knee...? I'd simply die!
- Dwyer: Well, don't do THAT.
- Caeldori: Huh? Dwyer, why are you dropping--? To your--? Knee?
- Dwyer: Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Wh-what?
- Dwyer: I've taken a liking to you.
- Caeldori: What?!
- Dwyer: And if you're not too opposed, would you please take this flower?
- Caeldori: WHAT?!
- Dwyer: I'm serious.
- Caeldori: But I never guessed—I mean, maybe I guessed, but I never dreamed...
- Dwyer: So are you going to take this flower? My knee is starting to hurt.
- Caeldori: NO!
- Dwyer: Urk. Why?
- Caeldori: What kind of proposal was that?! It was like a proposal FOR a proposal! It has to be spontaneous. You have to fully open your heart.
- Dwyer: That was from my heart. But if you want me to pop out of a cake or something...? I'll surprise you at some point.
- Caeldori: Really? You promise?
- Dwyer: I give you my vow.
- Caeldori: Oh, Dwyer! This is exactly how I always pictured this happening! Or at least how I'll picture it when it eventually happens! I give you my vow. When the time comes, I will say...yes.
With Sophie[]
C Support[]
- Sophie: Hey, Caeldori. I'm glad I caught you. I have so many questions for you! Are you free right now?
- Caeldori: Let me consult my checklist... Sure enough! I've accomplished everything I set out to do with time to spare. Except for this one last entry, "Chat with Sophie". So this is perfect!
- Sophie: Really?! I was on your list? Yay! I've been thinking we should be friends, since you're such a good rider! And since my own horseback-riding skills are... well, you know.
- Caeldori: Err, yes, they're certainly unorthodox. I see examples of them often on the battlefield. Up on my pegasus, I get a good view of everything happening beneath me. It's not how I ride, but you've got your own method that I'm sure works well for you. It's nice that the enemy is usually afraid to get near you, right?
- Sophie: Oof! I guess I deserve that... But I can tell you care, no matter how clumsy I am.
- Caeldori: We've dwelled on this long enough... Hmmm... What else...? Ah, I know! I know we're both riders, but rather than talk about that... why don't we use this chance to get to know each other better?
- Sophie: Like... small talk and things?
- Caeldori: Exactly. For instance, appearance and grooming. I always pay careful attention to how I look, so I'm curious if you do the same.
- Sophie: Grooming, huh...? Well, I might be a warrior, but I still like to look my best when I can.
- Caeldori: You too, huh! I feel like looking beautiful actually gives me and edge in combat. When I put a lot of care into how I look, it makes me stronger, even in training. I just feel better about myself when I put the effort in. So I pay very close attention to my clothes and hair care, compared to some.
- Sophie: I did notice how nice your hair was! I'm pretty particular about that, too. It's important to style it before a fight. If I don't, Avel mistakes it for oats and tries to eat it...
- Caeldori: Haha, really? Why don't we share hair-care techniques next time? I have lots of great styling tools I can show you, if you want to borrow them.
- Sophie: Really? That would be fantastic!
- Caeldori: I'll make sure to bring them with me next time, then. I'll see you soon!
- Sophie: OK! I can't wait!
B Support[]
- Caeldori: Sophie!
- Sophie: Caeldori!
- Caeldori: Remember our chat about hair care the other day? I brought those styling tools I mentioned so you could see.
- Sophie: Whoooooa! ALL of these are for styling your hair?
- Caeldori: That's right. This is my favorite comb. Its teeth are coated in camellia oil. So every time you comb your hair, it adds glossiness and sheen.
- Sophie: Nice!
- Caeldori: And here are some products you can apply. This one you wash out, and this one you have to leave in. I always use both.
- Sophie: So much stuff...
- Caeldori: This bottle here is styling oil tailored perfectly to my hair. I mix it myself.
- Sophie: Whaaaat?! That's incredible... You really ARE a genius.
- Caeldori: Oh, not at all! Anyone could do this if they put their mind to it. Your turn, Sophie! Tell me how you get your hair looking that way.
- Sophie: Well, I haven't done anything as fancy as mix my own hair goop, but... I like to wash my hair with this soap that has a nice herbal scent.
- Caeldori: I've never heard of such a soap! But now that you mention it, I do smell a faintly pleasant fragrance in your hair.
- Sophie: Yeah! I have this farmer friend who hooks me up with her soap. It's a funny story—I met her when Avel trampled some of her fields... *sigh*
- Caeldori: Hey, Sophie... can I ask a favor?
- Sophie: You want some of that soap, huh?
- Caeldori: Yes, please...!
- Sophie: OK! I'll ask for a little extra next time. And in exchange... do you think I could have a little bit of whatever you're putting in your hair?
- Caeldori: Oh, of course.
- Sophie: Yippee! That might be just what I need to turn my tangled hair into smooth locks like yours.
- Caeldori: For myself, I'm hoping that your soap will make my hair smell as nice as your does. This is so exciting! Thanks, Sophie. Don't forget the soap so we can trade!
- Sophie: Sure thing!
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Sophie, thank you very much for that soap. It makes my hair smell so lovely!
- Sophie: I'm glad it's working out for you. That product you gave me has smoothed out my hair a lot, too! And look! It's so shiny that even Avel doesn't think it's food anymore!
- Caeldori: I was going to say, it's a big improvement! Trying something new paid off, hmm?
- Sophie: I'll say! Thanks a bunch, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: No, thank YOU. We may be at war, but that won't stop us from looking good on the battlefield, right? If I can get enough ingredients, I can make enough for everyone who's interested.
- Sophie: Oh, good idea. Just think what a whole team of fabulous-looking warriors could do!
- Caeldori: You know, Sophie... You originally came to me hoping that the two of us could be friends. But you might not know that I wanted to be friends with you too, even before that.
- Sophie: Huh? Why bring that up now?
- Caeldori: Err... I just think thought I should tell you. Since we're friends. I-is that strange?
- Sophie: No, not strange. Just a little awkward.
- Caeldori: Y-you're right. I'm sorry. This is the first chance I've had to make friends with any girls my age... I was just too happy to finally see an opportunity like this!
- Sophie: Oh, totally! I feel the same way! Our little chats are so much fun!
- Caeldori: Heehee, they really are. Maybe next time we can finally get back to the subject of horseback riding?
- Sophie: T-too son, Caeldori... too soon... I'd much rather talk about grooming tips for horses, though.
- Caeldori: Oh, yeah? I'm interested in that, too. I have very specific methods of taking care of my pegasus's coat...
- Sophie: I know just what you mean! The brush I use on Avel is custom made for this thick hair.
- Caeldori: Haha, we could talk about this for hours, I bet. It feels like we've been friends for a long time.
- Sophie: And I hope we stay that way for a long time to come!
With Shiro[]
C Support[]
- Shiro: Lamps out at bedtime, everybody! Only you can prevent fires!
- Caeldori: Shiro! Not so loud. You'll wake the poor people just getting to bed.
- Shiro: Aw, c'mon! I've always wanted to say that.
- Caeldori: "Only you can prevent fires," though? We're on perimeter patrol tonight, not fire watch.
- Shiro: Don't be so tense! I bet some sloganeering would relax you.
- Caeldori: But it's dark out! This isn't the best time to go shouting your head off. What if there was an enemy scout in the area? He'd hear us coming a mile off.
- Shiro: Sure, but listen... They picked us for this job because everyone knows how good we are, right? Between the two of us, there's nothing we can't get done.
- Caeldori: Yes. Our prowess is well known around the camp...
- Shiro: You don't sound too happy about that.
- Caeldori: What if we only get these assignments because of our parentage? The thought keeps gnawing at me.
- Shiro: If that's all people see when they look at us, there's nothing we can do about it. We grew up in the shadow of our fathers, always trying to be as good as them. It makes sense that their influence would swing the other way, too.
- Caeldori: I wouldn't mind it so much if I knew we were chosen on our own merits. But I don't want to get the plum duties because of nepotism.
- Shiro: Eh, it doesn't matter to me. It just means we've gotta prove ourselves by doing a good job!
- Caeldori: Haha! I guess that's true.
- Samurai: It's the night watch! Come quick! We heard reports of someone suspicious lurking in the area!
- Shiro: So they're here... Let's go, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: Right behind you! We'll deal with this quickly and efficiently!
B Support[]
- Shiro: Lamps out, everyone! Fire safety is everyone's responsibility!
- Caeldori: At it again, huh, Shiro?
- Shiro: Hahaha! Why not? We caught those thieves on our last patrol, didn't we?
- Caeldori: We got a lot of praise for that one. I guess that went some ways toward getting recognition for our own merits.
- Shiro: Yep! Even if we benefit a little from our folks' influence... that shouldn't stop us from taking pride in what we accomplish on our own.
- Caeldori: That's true. Sometimes I wonder, though... What would we be doing now if we'd been born in a different time?
- Shiro: Hmmm...that's a tough question. I don't know.
- Caeldori: Our greatest strengths are in battle. But what use are martial virtues in a world at peace?
- Shiro: What would you want to be doing?
- Caeldori: Huh?
- Shiro: Never mind what you're good at. If you could do anything, what would it be?
- Caeldori: My ideal job, hm? I think I'd like to care for animals. That might be fun.
- Shiro: Oh, like a farmhand or something?
- Caeldori: Maybe. I haven't given it much thought.
- Shiro: Oh. Well, I'm sure it would be fun! You're good at taking care of things.
- Caeldori: Haha, thank you. What about you? I guess you'd be busy ruling Hoshido...
- Shiro: Yeah, a crown prince doesn't have much say in it. But I like getting outdoors, so maybe a hunter or fisherman would be good for me. Or a lumberjack! Yeah, that's my answer!
- Caeldori: Hahaha! I didn't expect to hear a prince wish he could be a lumberjack today.
- Shiro: But for now, all we can do is try to restore peace as soon as we can. Then maybe later the day will come when we can make good on those dreams.
- Caeldori: Yeah. That's worth fighting for.
A Support[]
- Shiro: I feel like we're getting pretty good at this night-patrol thing.
- Caeldori: Definitely. Well...? Aren't you going to holler about fire safety tonight?
- Shiro: Why, Caeldori...do you miss my hollering?
- Caeldori: That's NOT why I asked!
- Shiro: Well, who am I to say no? ONLY YOU CAN PRE— Holy smoke!
- Caeldori: Wh-what's that smell?!
- Shiro: I-I just told you! It's smoke! FIRE! EVERYONE, OUT!
- Caeldori: Over there! I can see the flames!
- Shiro: Ugh...I can't believe there's ACTUALLY a fire! Caeldori, go get the bucket brigade! I'm going to the site to see what I can do there!
- Caeldori: I'm on it! Just don't take any unnecessary risks, Shiro!
- Shiro: I won't!
- Caeldori: Shiro...
- Shiro: Owww! Hot hot hot!
- Caeldori: I warned you not to take any stupid risks!
- Shiro: No need to get upset. It's just a little burn.
- Caeldori: Why would you run into a burning barn?! It's because of things like this that I told you to be careful!
- Shiro: Hey, I didn't do it for nothing! I went to help a foal who was trapped inside. You should be happy I got him out in time!
- Caeldori: I know, I know... *sob*
- Shiro: Caeldori? Are you crying?
- Caeldori: I'm not crying!
- Shiro: Haha! At least no one was hurt. And you should be happy I saved the foal for you!
- Caeldori: For me?
- Shiro: Think about it. That's one more animal you might look after someday. You should be thanking me!
- Caeldori: ... Haha, oh, Shiro...what are we going to do with you?
- Shiro: Hah! I finally got you to smile!
- Caeldori: Just don't ever make me this worried about you again!
- Shiro: I'll try my best.
S Support[]
- Shiro: Hi, Caeldori! Are we on for patrol today?
- Caeldori: No, not today.
- Shiro: Then what's up?
- Caeldori: There's something I want to tell you.
- Shiro: You don't have to be all ominous about it...or do you?
- Caeldori: I noticed something about you on all the patrols we went on. You're kind, pleasant, and trustworthy. I don't know why it took so long to see...
- Shiro: Wow...that's some high praise!
- Caeldori: And when you saved the foal from the fire that night... There was that moment when I was so scared for you. It was right after that when I realized how much I like you, Shiro.
- Shiro: Caeldori...
- Caeldori: This might feel like it's coming from nowhere for you, but... I wanted to make myself plain.
- Shiro: It's funny, 'cause I've been thinking the same thing about you.
- Caeldori: Huh?
- Shiro: That night we talked about the future... I don't think I could have opened up like that for anyone but you. That's when I noticed how I felt about you. I just wish I'd had the guts to say it first...
- Caeldori: No, it's fine! I don't mind at all!
- Shiro: That's what I'd expect to hear from my patrol buddy. Haha! That must be what brought us together.
- Caeldori: Yeah, I'm sure it was.
- Shiro: Well, Caeldori...I think we've got a good future in store. Let's keep fighting for it.
- Caeldori: I'm with you all the way.
With Kiragi[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Kiragi! There you are. It's your turn for latrine duty. Glove up.
- Kiragi: Fishmongers! But I was just about to go hunting. Think it could wait until I got back?
- Caeldori: No, it absolutely cannot. The camp needs them cleaned now. Unless you think we should enjoy using a latrine overflowing with–-
- Kiragi: Come on, cut me some slack! Just this once? Please?
- Caeldori: I'll tell you what. If you best me in a duel, you can clean them after you get back. Is that acceptable?
- Kiragi: No, that's not fair! You know I can't beat you!
- Caeldori: Oh? You'll never know unless you try. Of course, you can always refuse and get to work immediately.
- Kiragi: Wait, no! How about we have an archery contest?
- Caeldori: Archery? That would give you quite the advantage.
- Kiragi: No, no, we can even things up. I'll place my target twice as far as yours. And if I don't hit my target 10 times in a row, we'll declare you the winner! How about it? Fair, right?
- Caeldori: I suppose that might be acceptable.
- Kiragi: Sweet! Let's make it best out of three! Ready? Let's go!...I lost?! How could I have lost?! And two rounds in a row!
- Caeldori: Heh. Looks like someone underestimated me.
- Kiragi: You're amazing. Caeldori! You really are as talented as everyone says!
- Caeldori: Oh, no, I'm not–-
- Kiragi: I've been looking for somebody to train with, and I think you fit the bill perfectly. How about it? Want to be my training partner?
- Caeldori: Well...I don't see why not. But before we discuss this further, I believe there are some latrines in need of cleaning.
- Kiragi: Of course! I'm a man of my word. And after that, we can practice even more!
- Caeldori: Hey! Kiragi! Don't rush it! If you don't do a good job, you'll be cleaning them twice!
B Support[]
- Kiragi: Caeldori! I've been looking for you! *pant...pant*
- Caeldori: Kiragi? Is something wrong? Why are you so out of breath?
- Kiragi: I just heard there's going to be an archery competition coming up. I think I'm gonna enter!
- Caeldori: Hm? An archery competition? Oh, I see. It must be a way of motivating the archers to brush up on their skills.
- Kiragi: You'll enter too, right?
- Caeldori:What? Why would I do that?
- Kiragi: Because you're just as good as I am! It'd be a shame if you didn't enter.
- Caeldori: I don't have any particular interest in archery though...
- Kiragi: But if nobody else who enters is as good as I am, then what's the point? And think about it! If there are more good archers, it'll put pressure on everyone! All the entrants will have to improve even more in order to compete. And you always want what's good for the army, riiiiight?
- Caeldori: V-very well. I suppose I can't say no when you put it like that.
- Kiragi: Yahoo! Just so you know, though, I'm not gonna lose! First prize is all mine!
(Kiragi leaves)
- Caeldori: He's sure excited. Hmph. Well, I suppose this means I'll have to draw up a new training regimen. Now, should I add four hours a day or five...?
A Support[]
- Kiragi: YES!!! I hit it! I WON!
- Caeldori: *sigh* And I've lost. I suppose I should just be happy that I made it to second place.
- Kiragi: Ahahahahahahaha! Sweet revenge! I finally beat you!
- Caeldori: Yes, you did. Congratulations, Kiragi.
- Kiragi: ...Say, Caeldori, you didn't, like, go easy on me or anything, right?
- Caeldori: Of course not. What made you think that?
- Kiragi: I pushed you into competing, so I thought maybe you'd be trying to do me a favor. Or maybe you went easy on me because you didn't want the spotlight.
- Caeldori: No. I have never gone easy on an opponent. And I never shall. The simple truth is that I am not as skilled with a bow as you are. The goddess of victory decided it was time she smiled on you, not me.
- Kiragi: So I really did beat you?
- Caeldori: Yes. Now, that's enough of this. A victor should accept both his losses and his triumphs with grace and equanimity.
- Kiragi: You're right. I'm sorry, Caeldori. Man, it DOES feel great to beat someone as talented as you, though!
- Caeldori: Heehee. Yes, yes. You did well, Kiragi. You know, somehow I almost don't mind your gloating if it makes you this happy.
S Support[]
- Kiragi: Caeldori!
- Caeldori: Kiragi. Is something wrong?
- Kiragi: You know how I beat you at that archery competition?
- Caeldori: Yes, I do. What about it?
- Kiragi: I promised myself that I'd talk to you about something if I won, so I'm here to do that. Do you have a minute?
- Caeldori: Oh. Certainly. Is it about my form? Or the arrows I used?
- Kiragi: No, no. OK, here goes... It's that I love you!
- Caeldori: Wait, what?!
- Kiragi: I've loved you for a long time now, but I couldn't work up the confidence to tell you. I thought if I beat you in the tournament, you might see me as your equal. And if I was your equal, then I'd have enough confidence to tell you how I felt. So...um...so there it is!
- Caeldori: I see. So that's why you were so worried I threw the match.
- Kiragi: Yeah.
- Caeldori: Heehee. You really didn't have to put yourself through all that though.
- Kiragi: Huh?
- Caeldori: Because I love you as well.
- Kiragi: Really?!
- Caeldori: We've spent so much time together. We've fought and bled next to each other. And over time, I realized I was enamored with you. Your earnestness, your honesty. So, you see, we both shared the same feelings for each other. All of your worries were for nothing.
- Kiragi: Heh! So...I guess this makes us girlfriend and boyfriend now, right? Woohoo! I've never been happier!
- Caeldori: Heehee. Me neither!
With Asugi[]
C Support[]
- Asugi: Something wrong? You know if you keep making faces, it'll freeze like that.
- Caeldori: Y-you ne'er-do-well! I'm only making this face because of you! Those...rags...do not come anywhere near meeting the army dress code.
- Asugi: Huh? Something wrong with my clothes? Hm... you know, I never noticed, but you're right. They could stand some patching.
- Caeldori: And they're filthy! How do you even manage to attract that much grime?
- Asugi: Oh, you know. Baking is dirty work.
- Caeldori: I am highly skeptical that is a necessary part of the process.
- Asugi: What does it matter if my clothes get a little dirty? I spend most of my recon missions in the mud and the leaves anyways. No point in fancying myself up all the time. I'm not some dandy parade soldier.
- Caeldori: This is an army. Accordingly, we have regulations. Regulations that must be met. Now, off with these clothes. They need to be mended and washed immediately.
- Asugi: Can't it wait?
- Caeldori: Do you want me to write you up for insubordination?
- Asugi: Yeah, yeah. Criminy, lady, you'd think I was thieving, not wearing some dirty clothes.
- Caeldori: That's "Yes, ma'am" to you, grunt.
- Asugi: Y-yes, ma'am...
B Support[]
- Caeldori: What have you done to the kitchen?! Did you open a portal to the Landfillrealm?
- Asugi: Oh, heya, Caeldori. I was just making something sweet. Want some?
- Caeldori: You made... a cake? Just one cake? How could you have possibly made a mess this big making ONE cake?
- Asugi: Don't get yourself all worked up. I'll clean it up in a few.
- Caeldori: Oh, really?
- Asugi: Hey! What's with the stink eye? I told you I was gonna clean it up.
- Caeldori: And how am I supposed to trust you this time? Last time you baked, we had to have a crew of eight clean up after you. Nobody in the army could eat until it was done. Two hours later.
- Asugi: C'mon, can't you just let this slide? There's a marshmallow treat in it for ya.
- Caeldori: You're not talking your way out of this. March, soldier.
- Asugi: C'mon. I think you're just grumpy 'cause you've got low blood sugar. Here, just have a bite.
- Caeldori: No.
- Asugi: Hey, I'm walking with you, see? Taking a little nibble isn't going to slow us down.
- Caeldori: ...Very well. If it will get you to shut that sticky little trap of yours. *chomp* Wh-what is this?! What have you put in this? Its... it's... It's delicious! I've never head anything like it!
- Asugi: It's a special recipe I've been developing. And there's more where that came from. All you gotta do is turn a blind eye. Just this once. Please?
- Caeldori: I... I... Fine. But only this once. Got it?
- Asugi: Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.
(Asugi leaves)
- Caeldori: This is so incredible. I can't believe it. I've never tasted something so good... Hey, Asugi! Wait! Where are you going?! You still have to clean this up later! You got that?!
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Asugi!
- Asugi: Oh no.
- Caeldori: I haven't even said anything yet!
- Asugi: Er, sorry. What can I do for you?
- Caeldori: I came to tell you that I was thinking of banning you from the kitchen before. But after I tried that cake of yours... I knew I could not bear to do such a thing. Your treats are unparalleled. The gods themselves do not eat so well.
- Asugi: I'm flattered. So! This mean I have free rein?
- Caeldori: No. We can't afford to pull so many people off their work just to clean up after you. But... I've decided I can help you while you do your baking.
- Asugi: Help me? How? Do you know how to cook?
- Caeldori: I will clean up beside you while you make your confections. It's much less of a hassle than cleaning up after everything's dried and congealed.
- Asugi: Hm. I suppose that makes sense. Are you sure?
- Caeldori: Yes. Next time you wish to bake anything, report to me, and I'll help if I can, OK?
- Asugi: You don't have to—
- Caeldori: I'll take that as a yes. Now you can make all the sweets you want! Perhaps you would be willing to sell some to me once they have been made? But for now, I must attend to some other business.
- Asugi: Wait.
- Caeldori: Yes?
- Asugi: Thank you.
- Caeldori: You're very welcome. Is that all?
- Asugi: No. I'm very grateful, but I can't let you do all that for me. I'll turn over a new leaf. I promise. I'll do my own cleaning from here on out.
- Caeldori: Oh? Really? Very well, then. I'll leave it to you. Thank you, Asugi.
- Asugi: Yep. No problem. It's only right. But, uh, maybe you could still give me a hand every now and then? I'd appreciate the company.
- Caeldori: Yes, of course. You may call on me anytime.
- Asugi: Thanks. But I don't expect you to do this pro bono. I can pay you.
- Caeldori: I don't require payment, Asugi. In fact, I'd be insulted if you—
- Asugi: No, I don't mean money. I mean sweets. I'll make you as many as you'd like. Deal?
- Asugi: Yes, of course! C-could we start right now?!
- Asugi: Haha! Sure, I don't see why not. If you could just grab me that bowl...
S Support[]
- Asugi: Hey, Caeldori. Got a minute?
- Caeldori: Ooh! Are we going to bake some more? Let me just get my apron—
- Asugi: No, no, not this time.
- Caeldori: Hm? Why not? Have I been forcing you to make too many treats for me? Was it the cake order?! I knew it! I'm so sorry! I knew 20 was pushing it...
- Asugi: No, that's not it. Just, please, listen.
- Caeldori: Huh? Then what is it?
- Asugi: I... ah... I was wondering if you'd want to do more things together.
- Caeldori: Like... making other foods? I know a few breakfast recipes, I guess...
- Asugi: No, that's not it. What I means to say is—I mean, it's just... it's just...
- Caeldori: Asugi! Are you OK? Have you been poisoned?
- Asugi: Agh, this is going nowhere! I don't know how to say this. Just... here! Take this!
- Caeldori: A heart-shaped candy? "Be mine"? *chomp* *munch munch* Hm It was sort of cute, but not very tasty... I'm surprised at you, Asugi!
- Asugi: N-no... you weren't supposed to... It was... Gah! OK! OK! I'll just say it. *inhale* I want to be with you, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: That isn't funny, Asugi.
- Asugi: I mean it! I swear!
- Caeldori: You? Want to be with me? Not buying it. What's your angle? Are you trying to get out of latrine duty? I told you, Asugi, everybody has to pull—
- Asugi: No! I don't have an angle! Can't a guy just be fond of you?!
- Caeldori: You really are serious, aren't you?
- Asugi: Criminy, but you are a slow one. Yes! I'm serious! I fancy you.
- Caeldori: I see... Teehee. You know, you're pretty cute when you're flustered. I like you too, silly. Why do you think I've been trying to get you to bake so much? Your sweets are good, but they're not THAT good.
- Asugi: Hahaha, is that right? You're craftier than I thought.
- Caeldori: Thank you. Now, on to business. If we're to be together, you're to look presentable. That means no more wearing clothes that look like a bunch of used wolfskin toys. You'll also need to stop keeping unwrapped food in your pockets. It's unsanitary. And what is that cat thing in your belt? Is that a sucker? A toy? A charm? Hm... now, what to do about your hair...
- Asugi: Ugh... The things I'll do for love...
With Hisame[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: This is a disaster!
- Hisame: I don't think anyone has cleaned this shed since it was built.
- Caeldori: When they gave us this assignment, I didn't expect it to be THIS bad.
- Hisame: I guess that's why they chose us for the job. Maybe we should be flattered.
- Caeldori: Because we're the only two competent people they could find?
- Hisame: Hahaha... Looks like it. Guess we better get to work. (scene transition) I have five extra jars of pickles here.
- Caeldori: There's more rice too. The accounting book is a mess. Still, it could be worse... At least, we have more food than what's on the books and not the other way around...
- Hisame: Yeah. It's nice to be pleasantly surprised for once.
- Caeldori: Heehee... I know what you mean. This hasn't been the only surprise I've had today. I have to admit, my first impression of you was all wrong.
- Hisame: Most people think I'm pretty uptight, but I'm just lousy around girls. It's easier when we're talking about pickles and rice.
- Caeldori: Well, we have a lot in common... We're both pretty mature for our age. I guess we get that from our upbringing.
- Hisame: Uh... You have a lot of respect for your father, Subaki, don't you?
- Caeldori: Yes, of course! I can't imagine a more perfect father. Don't you feel that way about yours?
- Hisame: We don't have enough time to get into that. Maybe we should focus on the mess...
- Caeldori: OK.
B Support[]
- Hisame: Ah, finally—this shed looks like a place you might actually want to store food. Before, it was a giant trash heap. It took forever though!
- Caeldori: Hey, Hisame. I've been thinking about our conversation...
- Hisame: Oh, Caeldori. *sigh* You're going to go there, aren't you?
- Caeldori: It's still bothering me. You don't respect your father... not even a little bit?
- Hisame: Well, I guess I do see him as a role model of sorts. He's a wonderful example of what NOT to do.
- Caeldori: Whaaaat?! Th-that's so disrespectful!
- Hisame: It's smart too. My father has never had a single intelligent thought in his head! I don't want to turn into a reckless troublemaker like him.
- Caeldori: But he's your own flesh and blood! All sons should respect their fathers.
- Hisame: Respect and admiration are not the same thing. I'll choose my own role models.
- Caeldori: That is SO rude! I would rather die than betray my father by speaking like that!
- Hisame: Are you saying that I don't deserve to be his son?
- Caeldori: W-well...
- Hisame: It's wonderful that your father is so perfect, but not everyone's father is! I didn't think you were that shallow—forcing your beliefs on everyone else!
- Caeldori: Hisame...
- Hisame: You know, there's a still a lot of work to do. We should get back to it...
- Caeldori: All right...
A Support[]
- Hisame: This shed is almost done! Just a few more shelves to organize...
- Caeldori: Hisame... I wanted to apologize after out fight the other day... You were right. I was too forceful with my opnions.
- Hisame: ... And we're back to our father issues again, huh? Seriously, though... I'm sorry too.
- Caeldori: I don't understand. You didn't do anything wrong.
- Hisame: I'm apologizing because I wasn't completely honest with you. The truth is... all that anger I have with my father only stems from jealousy.
- Caeldori: Jealousy? Wha?!
- Hisame: My father doesn't have a care in the world. He never worries about... anything... And people love him for it! The truth is I wish I could be more like that sometimes. Instead, I'm so uptight, I keep everything bottled up inside.
- Caeldori: That sounds exhausting... I'm sorry, i didn't mean to pick at an old wound.
- Hisame: No, it's OK. I have to face reality sometime. I should at least be honest with myself.
- Caeldori: I hope it helped...
S Support[]
- Hisame: Hey, Caeldori! I haven't seen you much since we finished remodeling that shed.
- Caeldori: I know. Everyone keeps telling me how wonderful it looks now... They all swear up and down they'll never ler it get that disorganized again.
- Hisame: I hear they've started calling us the Dedicated Duo.
- Caeldori: Heehee... Well, it we're going to be famous, then we need a better name.
- Hisame: Um... Do you have a moment? I'd like to speak with you about something.
- Caeldori: That sounds serious.
- Hisame: Well, that's just it... I'm sure you've noticed that we're both pretty serious people... And we can be VERY candid with each other, which I find refreshing. Our two heads are vastly superior to one. I can't imagine living my life without you!
- Caeldori: Hisame...!
- Hisame: Even when you were covered in cobwebs and dirt from cleaning that shed... you still managed to look radiant. Brains and beauty!
- Caeldori: I have really enjoyed having someone I can be so honest with, Hisame...
- Hisame: You ARE honest, aren't you? I like that even if it leads to the occasional fight.
- Caeldori: That's the thing! I worry that we're so tightly wound, we'll wear each other out! Do you really think we'll be a good match?
- Hisame: I do! We just have to remember to live a little more. I promise to help you with that.
- Caeldori: I'll help you too! If we both put our minds to it, I know we can make it happen! We'll be the most successful, productive couple this army has ever seen!
- Hisame: I like the sound of that!
With Mitama[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: *sigh*
- Mitama: My, Caeldori. It isn't like you to sigh like that.
- Caeldori: Mitama? You must think me inhuman. I have melancholy moods, just like everyone else.
- Mitama: Please, I meant no offense. Only that you are usually more cheerful. What's wrong?
- Caeldori: Oh, nothing, really. I was just reflecting on a story I read.
- Mitama: A story? Can mere prose truly / Plant such sorrow in your heart? / Unbelievable.
- Caeldori: It was a beautiful tale about unrequited love. Perhaps it is not of the highest literary quality, but I could relate so well. I knew exactly how the heroine felt... It hurt to read. It's hard, never falling in love with someone who returns your feelings.
- Mitama: I see. But you know that that is not an uncommon sentiment, correct? I think something like it has happened innumerable times to innumerable people.
- Caeldori: What? Really? How would you know this? Could it be true? Am I not so alone as I'd thought?
- Mitama: I don't know about most people, but I'm sure it is true of the great poets. Unreturned passions / Turn then into poetry / Love, the most of all. I have many anthologies that address this very theme.
- Caeldori: Really? I had no idea.
- Mitama: Oh, yes. It is one of the most popular subjects in poetry. Especially older poetry. Perhaps you should write / Take up the pen, Caeldori! / Give form to your pain.
- Caeldori: It certainly sounds intriguing. But I wouldn't know where to start...
- Mitama: I can show you some of my anthologies. We could read them together.
- Caeldori: Would you mind?
- Mitama: Not at all. I am always eager to help fresh converts to the priesthood of poetry!
- Caeldori: Then I accept your most gracious offer. I cannot wait to read them. Thank you, Mitama.
- Mitama: Anytime, my friend.
B Support[]
- Mitama: Ah, Caeldori! Here are some of the books I was telling you about the other day.
- Caeldori: Oh, thank you! I've been looking forward to this!
- Mitama: Not a problem. Now, then... Note the density / Abstractions on abstractions / Poetry abstruse. The meaning of these poems will not always be immediately apparent. Perhaps I should explain them as we go along?
- Caeldori: Good idea. Yes, please.
- Mitama: This poem was written by a powerful woman waiting for her love. Her devotion is such that she says she will wait for him until the frosts touch her hair. This could be taken to mean until winter or, metaphorically, until she is old. The "frost" in this case meaning the grayness of her hair. Unfortunately, her love is with another, and we are left in suspense, as was she.
- Caeldori: Oh my! Such powerful meaning in so few words!
- Mitama: And this poem was written by a woman whose husband was exiled to another land. She asks him not to give up hope as long as they live, for they might still meet again. They never did, though her husband was eventually allowed to return.
- Caeldori: How terrible...
- Mitama: The poems also depict love across social ranks, or the mourning of a loved one. These anthologies cover nearly all the forms of love one can imagine.
- Caeldori: These are truly incredible... I never realized how rich the world of poetry was.
- Mitama: Heehee. I'm very happy to hear that. Although I'll be even happier if you decide to immerse yourself in this world entirely. Perhaps you should try writing some of your own!
- Caeldori: Ahaha. That might be a little difficult. I think reading them suits me better.
- Mitama: Shameful, Caeldori / You must not forsake The Way! / Poetry is life. As quickly as I gained an acolyte, I lost her. Such is the torment of life.
- Caeldori: I am sorry to disappoint you. But I may be able to present you with your themes.
- Mitama: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I told you I was reading a story before, correct? Well, I have quite a lot of them. I bet that somewhere in my collection are stories that will feed your talents. You should borrow some!
- Mitama: I see. You want to see if your novels can inspire any new poems in me. How interesting / Your suggestion intrigues me / I humbly accept.
- Caeldori: Perfect! Then I'll bring you some of my favorite books next time I see you.
- Mitama: I look forward to it.
A Support[]
- Caeldori: Mitama, I wanted to thank you for showing me all those poems the other day. Now it's my turn to repay you! I brought a bunch of my old novels for you to read.
- Mitama: Thank you! I'll be sure to— Wh-why are you carting around that wagon? Don't tell me those are all your books!
- Caeldori: Oh, no, of course not! These are just the ones I picked out for you. I hope you like them! It took all night.
- Mitama: A-all night?! A mountain of books / I gaze and am astounded / Vertigo attacks. Oh, my poor head...
- Caeldori: Mitama! Are you OK?!
- Mitama: I'm sorry, but I have to take back what I said before. I'll never be able to read all these books.
- Caeldori: What?! B-but you said you would! I spent so much time choosing them for you...
- Mitama: I can read poetry without trouble, but just looking at this much prose is exhausting. My lids grow heavy / Weighed down by the idle vow / That I cannot keep.
- Caeldori: Now wait just a minute! You have to at least try to read them! You were so fired up over those love poems, I just know you'll like these! Please, Mitama...
- Mitama: ... You're right. I mustn't throw away your gift as if it was nothing. I apologize / For my selfish behavior / Mitama repents.
- Caeldori: You mean...?
- Mitama: Yes. I will read your books. Or as many as I can. This will be a valuable learning opportunity, if nothing else. And if it takes a long time, so be it. I will simply have to be content to go slowly.
- Caeldori: Thank you, Mitama! I can't wait to hear your opinions on them every day!
- Mitama: E-every day?
- Caeldori: Yep! It'll be wonderful!
- Mitama: O-OK, sure...
- Caeldori: Oh, I'm so excited. I wonder which book I should have you read first... Oh, oh! I know! I've got the perfect one for you! It's called Falling for Her in a Fortnight! Let me go grab it!
(Caeldori leaves)
- Mitama: She really doesn't waste any time, does she? But it is nice seeing her so happy. She's always working herself so hard... So. Love stories, huh? I wonder what kind of delights I'll find in them... Heeheehee. Perhaps this will be rather fun after all.
With Rhajat[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Rhajat, may I ask you something?
- Rhajat: You just did, but go on... What is it?
- Caeldori: How did you get to be so... uh, you know... ?
- Rhajat: Hmm. I'm afraid I don't know. What are you asking me?
- Caeldori: Well, it's just that you're really... uh...
- Rhajat: Waving your arms around like that isn't helping. You'll want to use words.
- Caeldori: Fine! I'll just spit it out... You're so mysterious!
- Rhajat: Oh, am I? Heehee! I'm not trying to be. That's just my nature.
- Caeldori: But how do you do it? I'm sick of being called a Goody-Two-Shoes all the time!
- Rhajat: That's a rather apt description, don't you think?
- Caeldori: Can't you help me learn to be a bit more... uh... ?
- Rhajat: Devious?
- Caeldori: *gasp* No! I don't want to be devious! I just want to be more interesting.
- Rhajat: Hmm. That is a delicate balance, I think I can help you. We'll begin our lessons soon, but first I must prepare. I look forward to it. See you!
(Rhajat leaves)
- Caeldori: *gulp* Lessons? I was hoping she could lend me a book!
B Support[]
- Rhajat: Caeldori, are you ready to begin our lessons?
- Caeldori: I guess so... but the way you're staring at me is making me nervous.
- Rhajat: Really? Well, I was just thinking, what you could use is a little makeover.
- Caeldori: What's wrong with the way I look?!
- Rhajat: Nothing, but your outfit is a bit drab. I might have something you could borrow.
- Caeldori: What?! No! I can't wear something of yours! I'd look like a—
- Rhajat: Like a what?!
- Caeldori: Erm... never mind. Let's just focus on the lessons and save the makeover for later.
- Rhajat: Fair enough, but you'll have to work twice as hard to overcome that prim outfit. So, let's begin. Now, Caeldori, tell me—where were you yesterday?
- Caeldori: Yesterday? Oh, I had training in the morning, and then I returned some books—
- Rhajat: Stop! Just stop. You returned some books? What are you—some sort of librarian? I'll ask you again, but this time, try to leave a little to the imagination. Make me guess. Now Caeldori, where were you yesterday?
- Caeldori: Yesterday? I was around... you know, doing stuff.
- Rhajat: That was better. Next time, arch and eyebrow and smile a little.
- Caeldori: You mean like this?
- Rhajat: Very nice! I'll ask you one more practice question. So what are you doing later?
- Caeldori: Later? Well, I thought it would be fun to reorganize the food shed again. I hate it when the labels get all messed up and the food isn't alphabetized anymore!
- Rhajat: *sigh* ... And I had high hopes for you too.
(Rhajat leaves)
- Caeldori: Rhajat! Where are you going? We're not finished yet, are we?
A Support[]
- Caeldori: I'm getting that creepy feeling I'm being watched. My spine is tingling!
- Rhajat: Heehee!
- Caeldori: Rhajat? What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?! Are you here to give me my next lesson?
- Rhajat: No. I'm afraid we won't be able to continue.
- Caeldori: What?! But I've been practicing everything you taught me. See? Look at my eyebrow! I'm arching it just like you told me! And I've been practicing that laugh you do. Heehee!
- Rhajat: Not bad, but being mysterious is more than wiggling your eyebrows and giggling. I've thought it over, and being devious doesn't look good on everybody.
- Caeldori: *sigh* If you say so...
- Rhajat: Caeldori, there are plenty of people in this army who wish they could be more like you.
- Caeldori: Me? But I'm so predictable!
- Rhajat: That's not a bad thing. You're good and fair and dependable. People count on you to take care of things, just like they count on me to cause trouble! See? We need both types of people. Can you imagine an army of only Rhajats?
- Caeldori: Actually, no. I can't.
- Rhajat: Now that I think of it, it's not a bad idea. In the meantime. I'll be me, and you be you.
- Caeldori: That sounds good. Thanks, Rhajat! I'll see you later.
- Rhajat: Anytime! ... Hey, Caeldori, where are you hurrying off to?
- Caeldori: Heehee! Wouldn't you like to know? ...That's my little secret!
(Caeldori leaves)
- Rhajat: Huh?! Maybe she paid more attention than I thought!
With Siegbert[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Hah! Hya! Take THAT!!
- Siegbert: Very impressive. You really know your way around a naginata.
- Caeldori: Siegbert! Hello there. You think so? I didn't think I was doing anything fancy.
- Siegbert: Not in so many words, no. But the ease with which you handle your weapon... It's remarkable. Truly.
- Caeldori: Ah. It probably only seems so because I've practiced with it since I was little. If you spend enough time doing anything, you'll grow used to it.
- Siegbert: Come on, don't be so humble! Your skill is apparent at first sight. And I hear that in addition to your skills with a lance, you are very well educated.
- Caeldori: Oh, stop. You're going to make me blush.
- Siegbert: No, really. You're very impressive, Caeldori. I see now why everyone calls you genius.
- Caeldori: A genius? I'm not so sure about that.
- Siegbert: No, no. I'm sure of it. The throne should belong to someone like you.
- Caeldori: Pardon? I couldn't hear you.
- Siegbert: ...I'm sorry. It's nothing. Please, excuse me. I have some things to attend to.
(Siegbert leaves)
- Caeldori: Siegbert looked awfully upset. I hope he's all right.
B Support[]
- Siegbert: Damn it all...
- Caeldori: Siegbert? Are you all right?
- Siegbert: Hm? Oh, yes. I'm just worried about something. It's silly, really.
- Caeldori: Huh? That's not silly. Everyone has worries, you know.
- Siegbert: I suppose you're right. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Thank you.
- Caeldori: Would you like to talk about it? It might make you feel better.
- Siegbert: A good point. Very well, I'll take you up on that.
- Caeldori: Perfect! So what's wrong?
- Siegbert: Well, I've been worried about whether I'm fit to be the king of Nohr someday. When I think of all the things a great leader must be and then look in the mirror... I find myself... wanting.
- Caeldori: In what ways?
- Siegbert: A king must be a paragon, capable of leading his people in both war and peace. He must be excel at combat, diplomacy, administration, history, and law. And he should know his people intimately... In shorts he must be perfect. If he is not, he does not deserve the power vested in him. But I excel nowhere. All around me, I see my superiors in every talent and subject. Nor can I even claim to be well rounded... I am not fit for the throne.
- Caeldori: That was quite the speech. This must have been troubling you for a long time. I think that the people would, of course, be happy with a perfect monarch. But they do not expect or need one. Such rulers are the stuff of fairy tales. Even the hero-kings of old were not perfect, whatever the stories. I wouldn't worry so much. There's no such thing as a perfect person.
- Siegbert: I'm not so sure about that.
- Caeldori: Hm?
- Siegbert: To be frank... you appear to be one such person. Someone gifted at everything. You are kind, generous, and bright. You are a fierce warrior and brilliant thinker. Perhaps only very few are gifted with genius such as yours. But... some are. You are proof. And the rest of us are so unlucky as to be only witnesses to it.
- Caeldori: ... I see.
- Siegbert: I apologize for my outburst.
- Caeldori: Good day, Siegbert.
(Caeldori leaves)
- Siegbert: Gods, I am such a fool...
A Support[]
- Siegbert: Caeldori?
- Caeldori: Siegbert.
- Siegbert: I would like to apologize for what I said. About you being gifted with perfection. It was... insensitive of me.
- Caeldori: It's fine. It's not as though you were the first to say such things.
- Siegbert: It is not fine. You tried to console me in a moment of weakness. But I was paying attention only to my own pain, so much so that I didn't notice yours. It was insulting to say you were simply lucky or gifted. You have worked extremely hard for your skills. I am so sorry. I have failed you as an ally and a friend.
- Caeldori: Siegbert... You haven't failed me. If anything, you understand me better than most. Thank you. And, for what it's worth. I think you'll be a great king.
- Siegbert: Haha. When you say it, I can almost believe it.
- Caeldori: You will be. I'm sure of it. You are capable of perceiving the needs, pains, and desires of others. This is the most important ability a king can have. I believe you will do incredible things.
- Siegbert: Thank you, Caeldori. That means a lot to me.
- Caeldori: Anytime, my friend.
S Support[]
- Siegbert: Caeldori! May I have a moment?
- Caeldori: Hello, Siegbert. How can I help you?
- Siegbert: I have a question for you. Do you have any admirers right now?
- Caeldori: Huh?! Why should that matter?! It's none of your business!
- Siegbert: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend! Let me try again... Heya, Caeldori! I was wondering... is there anyone around camp you fancy? Bah, that's not right either...
- Caeldori: Why are you so curious?
- Siegbert: Is it a weird thing to ask? I thought friends asked each other about this kind of thing all the time! Hahaha...
- Caeldori: You can't just laugh your way out of this one, Siegbert. Why do you want to know?
- Siegbert: *gulp* Here.
- Caeldori: Is this... a ring?!
- Siegbert: Yes. One that's been passed down in my family for generations. I want you to have it.
- Caeldori: Wh-what is it for?
- Siegbert: It's a gift. I... I want to be with you, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: You do? Really?
- Siegbert: I'm sorry. I know it must seem like this came from out of nowhere. But I couldn't hide my feelings from you any longer. Will you be with me?
- Caeldori: Oh, Siegbert... You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that... The truth is, I feel the same way.
- Siegbert: You do?!
- Caeldori: Of course I do!
- Siegbert: Haha... and to think, I almost gave up hope. Heh. You look a little flustered, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Oh, hush! So do you!
- Siegbert: Maybe so... but I never expected to see YOU so red! You're always so calm!
- Caeldori: W-well how am I supposed to look?! I never expected... never dreamed... In the past, all of my feelings have gone unrequited... I assumed that this time would be no different...
- Siegbert: Well, you need not worry about that. I have eyes only for you, Caeldori.
- Caeldori: Thank you, Siegbert... You've made me so happy today.
- Siegbert: Here's to our future together! May it be a long and happy one.
- Caeldori: To our future!
With Ignatius[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Say, Ignatius, what's that you're holding? Some kind of good-luck charm?
- Ignatius: Oh, this? Yeah, that's right.
- Caeldori: Is it the one you always make a wish on before a battle?
- Ignatius: The very one. Why do you ask?
- Caeldori: I don't know. I guess I just don't understand why you'd have one.
- Ignatius: What do you mean?
- Caeldori: I guess it just seems too risky. A fighter should rely on their strength and allies. Once they start trusting to luck, they're doomed. And who knows if those trinkets even work?
- Ignatius: Oh, they don't work. But that's not the point. I don't think someone like you would understand, though. You're...brave. And talented. You don't need this stuff. I do. Anyways. Nice chatting with you.
(Ignatius leaves)
- Caeldori: Hm.
B Support[]
- Caeldori: Hello, Ignatius. I see you're fiddling with that good-luck charm again.
- Ignatius: Hm? Oh, yes. It's a habit. I've done it since I was a child. Whenever I'm scared or worried, I play with it. It's soothing.
- Caeldori: I see.
- Ignatius: I am sorry. I'm sure you don't feel those things very often. It must be difficult to understand.
- Caeldori: Why do you say that?
- Ignatius: Is it not obvious? You may be the most gifted person any of us have ever met. There's no reason for you to be scared of anything.
- Caeldori: That's not true. I get scared and fret about things all the time.
- Ignatius: It's all right, Caeldori. You don't have to do the whole false-modesty thing for me.
- Caeldori: I'm not. I'm telling you the truth. I'm not strong. And I'm far from being gifted. When people say I am, it bothers me. It makes me feel like I'm alone. I have as many flaws as anyone else. If not more.
- Ignatius: Hm.
- Caeldori: Never mind. I don't need to explain myself. Forget I said anything.
(Caeldori leaves)
- Ignatius: Caeldori...
A Support[]
- Ignatius: Caeldori. Here. I have something for you.
- Caeldori: A good-luck charm?
- Ignatius: Yes. I made it myself.
- Caeldori: Thank you! But why for me?
- Ignatius: Because you are a genius.
- Caeldori: What? Now, listen here—
- Ignatius: I'm not the only one that thinks so. All of our comrades agree. Which is why I think you were right when you said they keep their distance from you. They worry that you will embarrass them or outdo them. And they don't think you can relate to them because you don't share their weaknesses. They aren't entirely wrong, either. That may be your biggest flaw—your strength.
- Caeldori: I suppose you're right... I am not the best at understanding others. Like when I told you that your charm was useless, even foolish... I didn't think about how much comfort it must give you in trying times. I'm so sorry, Ignatius. I wasn't thinking.
- Ignatius: It's OK. Truly. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling you gifted. I didn't mean to make you feel as though I was pushing you away.
- Caeldori: It's all right. I shouldn't have been so sensitive about it.
- Ignatius: Be that as it may, I thought I would give you this good-luck charm, to apologize. I know you don't really believe in them, but I thought you might like to try one out. Not for a battle, but for when you feel alone or sad because of how people treat you. I am sure it has caused you a lot of pain. I hope this charm helps to ease it.
- Caeldori: Oh! Thank you, Ignatius. I'll treasure it always.
- Ignatius: It is my pleasure. I just hope you don't get discouraged about connecting with others. People are complicated, but you just have to keep trying. I believe in you.
- Caeldori: Thank you, Ignatius. It means a lot coming from you.
- Ignatius: There's nothing to thank me for. It's just the truth.
- Caeldori: Well, all the same, I'd like to thank you. If you ever need anything, I've got your back. OK?
- Ignatius: Thank you. And the same to you, Caeldori.
S Support[]
- Ignatius: It's nice out here tonight.
- Caeldori: It is. The lake is beautiful...
- Ignatius: ... Someone would have to be pretty strong to stand beside you, wouldn't they?
- Caeldori: Hm? You mean like in battle? Strength doesn't matter much to me there. I will gladly take up arms beside anyone who shares my cause.
- Ignatius: That's a good answer, but it's not quite what I meant. I mean your partners. They must have been strong.
- Caeldori: Partners...? Wait! You mean, like, boyfriends?!
- Ignatius: Yeah. Them.
- Caeldori: Y-y-yeah! Sure have! Er, I mean, they sure were! Strong. Yup! I've gone out with tons of boys!
- Ignatius: I see. What were they like? If you don't mind my asking.
- Caeldori: Oh, gods, it's so hard to remember them all! Just...so many! So, so many! All those past boyfriends of mine! Haha! Very strong...and courageous! And noble! Like, the one who could crush boulders with his forehead! Or the one that used to bench-press elephants! Wowie! He was a hoot! Hahahaha! Oh, the memories! I'm tearing up just thinking about them!
- Ignatius: I see...
- Caeldori: Wh-why do you ask?
- Ignatius: They were very blessed, then. I wish I could say the same for myself.
- Caeldori: Huh? How's that?
- Ignatius: Because if I were more like them, then maybe I could have been your boyfriend.
- Caeldori: You mean...
- Ignatius: Y-yes... I've fallen for you. But I'm not strong enough to be the man you deserve. You need someone equally as talented, equally as skilled, and intelligent. It is all right, though. I am more than happy to remain your loyal—
- Caeldori: Ignatius, stop! I love you too!
- Ignatius: What?! But I've never crushed a boulder before in my life! And, I mean, I could lift a few chickens, but an elephant is just out of the question...
- Caeldori: Ignatius, wait. You don't have to do any of those things. I just made those guys up. I'm sorry.
- Ignatius: Huh?
- Caeldori: I've never gone out with anyone before! I just wanted to sound cool.
- Ignatius: Oh. Well that's OK.
- Caeldori: I'm sorry I lied. But I promise you, I'm telling the truth when I say I love you.
- Ignatius: So...then may I have the honor of being your first boyfriend?
- Caeldori: Yes! Of course you can!
- Ignatius: Oh, Caeldori. You've no idea how happy you've made me.
- Caeldori: Heehee. I could say the same to you, big guy. I'm so glad we're finally together. I've dreamed of this day. Just make sure you never leave my side, all right?
- Ignatius: Of course. I won't give that spot up for anyone.
With Nina[]
C Support[]
- Caeldori: Nina! I need your help.
- Nina: Oh?
- Caeldori: Yes. I was hoping you could teach me how to move without being noticed.
- Nina: Huh? This is sudden. What's up?
- Caeldori: I've been asked to participate in a scouting mission, but I have no skill in stealth.
- Nina: Oh! Is that all? I'll just go for you, then!
- Caeldori: Oh, no. I couldn't ask that of you!
- Nina: Don't worry about it. Being sneaky's in my job description! I'll take care of this little scouting mission in no time. Trust me! Besides, it would take much, much longer for me to train you.
- Caeldori: Well, when you put it like that...
- Nina: Leave it to me! Heehee. You know, this feels pretty good.
- Caeldori: Hm?
- Nina: It's nice being able to help you out. I mean, you're THE Caeldori! You're the most talented woman in the whole army!
- Caeldori: N-no, you're exaggerating. I'm not nearly so talented as people say.
- Nina: And so modest! What a gal! Whoo! It's been a while since I've gone on a scouting mission. I can't wait! Well, I'd better go pack my kit! See you later, Caeldori!
- Caeldori: Thank you so much! Be careful!
B Support[]
- Caeldori: There you are! I wanted to thank you for going on that scouting mission for me!
- Nina: No problem! It was my pleasure.
- Caeldori: The others told me you're the only reason the mission was as big a success as it was.
- Nina: Aw, that's not true. I just followed the standard operating procedure.
- Caeldori: Are you kidding? We only requested you find their location and number. You, however, got us their weak points, weapon locations, and patrol routes! If I'd have gone, we'd be much worse off for it. So again, I thank you.
- Nina: Aw, that's all normal stuff. Thanks for the compliment, though.
- Caeldori: Please, a compliment isn't enough. There must be something I can do for you.
- Nina: Aw. There's no need for that. We're all in this together, after all. I benefit just as much from good intelligence as anyone!
- Caeldori: That may be the case, but I'd still feel terrible if I didn't do anything for you.
- Nina: Hmmm... Oh, I know! How about you stick close during battles and fight by my side? I'm not the strongest fighter around, so that sort of help is always welcome!
- Caeldori: Are you sure? I feel like fighting side by side would be a waste of our respective talents. If we're going to fight together, we should come up with some strategies.
- Nina: Strategies?
- Caeldori: Yes. For example, I could get the enemy's attention while you attacked from behind.
- Nina: Oh, I gotcha! Or I could taunt some into chasing me, and you could ambush them!
- Caeldori: Or you could ride with me, and jump off my pegasus to attack them from the air.
- Nina: Heehee. Sounds like we've got a lot of options. How about we practice some of these maneuvers right now?
- Caeldori: I'd love to!
A Support[]
- Nina: I can't believe it! It worked just like we planned it! Wham bam! Kapowie! We sure showed them, didn't we?
- Caeldori: Yes. I was surprised myself. I'd have thought they'd have figured it out sooner. If they'd just split into two units, then we would have had to retreat. But they kept chasing after one of us, which left them open to the other one. And then, when they chased that one, the other could attack. I would have sworn we would only have gotten away with that once.
- Nina: We must have angered them so much they weren't able to think clearly. You could tell how panicked they were at first too. Their attacks were all over. Ahhh. Nothing like a job well done!
- Caeldori: Nina, ALL of your jobs are well done.
- Nina: Aw. That's kind of you to say, but I don't know if that's true... Most of the time I feel like I'm just getting in everyone else's way.
- Caeldori: I know what you mean. I often feel the same way.
- Nina: Really?! But you're such a natural on the battlefield! I'm a little shocked, to tell you the truth.
- Caeldori: It's true. I spend time every day thinking about my mistakes and how to rectify them.
- Nina: Huh. I guess I'm not the only one, then. That's a relief.
- Caeldori: Mm, I think we make a good pair, Nina.
- Nina: I agree! Maybe we should team up more often!
- Caeldori: Absolutely. I was going to ask you if you didn't ask me first.
- Nina: Perfect! So...how about we go and get a little extra training in, partner?
- Caeldori: Sounds good to me!