Weapons that are locked to certain characters or in some cases, classes.
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All items (808)
- Achimenes Furl
- Adroit War Tome
- Agnea's Arrow
- Alondite
- Amatsu
- Amiti
- Ancient Codex
- Arcadian Axes
- Arcane Caliburnus
- Arcane Charmer
- Arcane Downfall
- Arcane Eclipse
- Arcane Euphoria
- Arcane Fellstone
- Arcane Grima
- Arcane Nihility
- Arcane Void
- Arch-Sage Tome
- Areadbhar
- Armads
- Arthur's Axe
- Asclepius
- Astra (weapon)
- Astral Breath
- Athame
- Aura
- Aureola
- Aurgelmir
- Aurora Breath
- Aversa's Night
- Aymr
- Baked Treats
- Balmung
- Banshee Θ
- Beloved Zofia
- Beruka's Axe
- Bewitching Tome
- Binding Blade
- Blade of Jehanna
- Blessed Sword
- Blizzard
- Blood Tome
- Blue-Crow Tome
- Bolganone
- Bond of the Álfar
- Book of Dreams
- Book of Naga
- Book of Orchids
- Book of Shadows
- Bow of Repose
- Bragi Sword
- Brave Lance
- Brazen Cat Fang
- Breath of Blight
- Breath of Flame
- Breath of Fog
- Breidablik
- Bride's Fang
- Bright-Shell Egg
- Brightmare Horn
- Brutal Breath
- Brynhildr
- Bunny Fang
- Bölverk
- Caduceus Staff
- Caladbolg
- Camilla's Axe
- Caring Conch
- Caring Magic
- Celestial Globe
- Champion's Blade
- Chaos Manifest
- Charging Horn
- Child's Compass
- Chilled Breath
- Cordelia's Lance
- Corvus Tome
- Covert Cat Fang
- Creiddylad
- Crimean Scepter
- Crossbones Claw
- Crow's Crystal
- Crusher
- Cute Paper Crane
- Cymbeline
- Dahaka
- Dancing Flames
- Dark Scripture
- Dark Spikes Τ
- Dawn Suzu
- Dawnsweet Box
- Daydream Egg
- Dazzling Breath
- Dead-Crow Tome
- Death
- Demonic Breath
- Demonic Tome
- Devil Axe
- Dew Dragonstone
- Dire Thunder
- Divine Breath
- Divine Draught
- Divine Mist
- Divine Whimsy
- Divinestone
- Dosing Fang
- Doting Staff
- Double Bow
- Draconic Pacts
- Draconic Rage
- Dragon Bouquet