This category contains Weapons found in the Fire Emblem series.
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All items (2313)
- Abraxas
- Absolute Defense
- Abyssal Tome
- Acceleration Axe
- Acceleration Bow
- Acceleration Lance
- Acceleration Sword
- Acceleration Tome
- Accelerationstone
- Achimenes Furl
- Adamant Club
- Adroit War Tome
- Agnea's Arrow
- Aircalibur
- Al's Sword
- Alicorn
- Alliance Guard
- Alliance Knights
- Alliance Sages
- Alm's Blade
- Alondite
- Amalthea
- Amatsu
- Amiti
- Amity Blooms
- Amped Axe
- Amped Bow
- Amped Lance
- Amped Sword
- Amped Tome
- Ampedstone
- Ancient Codex
- Anew
- Anna's Bow
- Annihilation
- Apocalypse
- Aqqar
- Arbalest
- Arcadian Axes
- Arcane Caliburnus
- Arcane Charmer
- Arcane Downfall
- Arcane Eclipse
- Arcane Euphoria
- Arcane Fellstone
- Arcane Grima
- Arcane Nihility
- Arcane Void
- Arcfire
- Arch-Sage Tome
- Arcthunder
- Arcwind
- Areadbhar
- Arm Press
- Armads
- Armorbane Axe
- Armorbane Bow
- Armorbane Lance
- Armorbane Sword
- Armorbane Tome
- Armorbanestone
- Armorslayer
- Arrow of Indra
- Arrowspate
- Arthur's Axe
- Arvanrest
- Asclepius
- Astra (weapon)
- Astral Breath
- Athame
- Atlas (tome)
- Aum Staff
- Aura
- Aura Knuckles
- Aureola
- Aurgelmir
- Aurora Breath
- Aversa's Night
- Awoken Breath
- Axe of Ukonvasara
- Axe of Zoltan
- Axe Splitter
- Axebane Bow
- Axebane Lance
- Axebane Sword
- Axebane Tome
- Axebanestone
- Axereaver
- Aymr