Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki
Needs Japanese name!
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“Minions of the Fell Dragon who aim to bring the world to ruin. They mow down foes with vile breath attacks.”
—In-game description, Fire Emblem Engage

The Corrupted Wyvern is an enemy exclusive class introduced in Fire Emblem Engage. A Corrupted dragon, it acts as the counterpart to the Phantom Wyvern.


Base Stats[]

FE17302545381038-FE17 Breath S-

Maximum Stats[]

FE177014383027233234328-FE17 Breath S-

Class Skills[]

FE17FE17 Miasma Domain IconMiasma Domain
FE17 Spirit Strike IconSpirit Strike
Class skill of the Phantom Wyvern class.
Maddening mode skill.

