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Count Duval is a character from Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is a minor lord of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.


Count Duval is the head of House Duval, a county containing several holy sites to the Church of Seiros, including Lake Teutates, making it a popular pilgrimage destination.

Scarlet Blaze[]

Count Duval initially attempts to defect from Faerghus to the Adrestian Empire, but changes his mind when King Dimitri marches toward Arianrhod to purge any traitors to the crown along the way. Knowing that Count Rowe will be a prime target for Dimitri's wrath due to his earlier betrayal, he implores the count to surrender for the good of his people.

Count Duval is fought as a boss in two side quests. In Chapter 8's "Defend Castle Gaspard", Count Duval attacks Castle Gaspard in Rowe territory, which is under the protection of the Imperial army in Lonato's absence. He appears again in Chapter 10's "Crush the Kingdom Reserves" to slow the Imperial army's advance through his lands in its bid for control of western Faerghus.

He is later summoned by Baron Dominic, along with the other western lords of the Kingdom, in the defense of Brennius territory, fighting the Imperial army to his last breath.

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