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Count Geraint is a character from Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is a minor noble of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.


Scarlet Blaze[]

As the Imperial army rushes to Magdred Way to rescue Lonato, Count Geraint sends an army to attack an Imperial stronghold in Rowe territory, appearing as the boss of the side quest "Defend the Rowe Stronghold" after his assault unit is defeated.

Later, when the Empire shifts its focus to the conquest of western Faerghus, he returns as the boss of the side quest "Maintain Arianrhod's Perimeter" by once again attacking strongholds in Rowe territory closer to the Empire-occupied city of Arianrhod.

When the Imperial army invades Brennius territory, Count Geraint is among the lords summoned by Baron Dominic to see to Brennius' defenses, ultimately meeting his end on the battlefield.

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