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Fire Emblem Wiki

Cupid Arrow is a bow and a weapon skill that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem Heroes.

It is the initial weapon of Bride Cordelia.

Weapon Stats[]

Name Type

Cupid Arrow

FEH Red Bow IconFEH Blue Bow IconFEH Green Bow IconFEH Bow Bow

Mt Rng SP Rarity
8 2 200 FEH Star Rarity 3

Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates
combat, grants Def/Res+2 to allies
within 2 spaces for 1 turn after combat.

Name Type

Cupid Arrow+

FEH Red Bow IconFEH Blue Bow IconFEH Green Bow IconFEH Bow Bow

Mt Rng SP Rarity
12 2 300 FEH Star Rarity 5

Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates
combat, grants Def/Res+2 to allies
within 2 spaces for 1 turn after combat.

Name Cost

Cupid Arrow+

350 SP, 500Arena Medal, 50Refining Stone
Type HP Mt Spd Def Res
FEH WUp 1 +2 + 1
FEH WUp 2 +2 + 2
FEH WUp 3 +2 + 3
FEH WUp 4 +2 + 3
Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates
combat, grants Def/Res+5 to unit and
allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn after combat.


Cupid is the Roman god of love. Cupid is depicted as a nude boy with wings like an angel, armed with a bow and arrow. Anyone who is struck by Cupid's arrows is to become overwhelmed with desire; in modern Western culture, this has been reinterpreted to mean that upon being hit with an arrow, people begin to feel madly in love. Cupid's name is derived from the Latin word cupido, meaning "love" or "desire".
