The Dagda and Brigid War was a conflict fought in Imperial Year 1175 in which the allied countries of Dagda and Brigid carried out a joint invasion of the Adrestian Empire.
The Dagda-Brigid force made landfall at the Viscounty of Nuvelle and the Barony of Ochs, catching the Empire off guard. The head of House Ochs was slain in the fighting, and House Nuvelle failed to mount a successful defense and was plunged into ruin, leaving only Constance as the survivor of the household. Eventually, the Empire turned the invasion back and counter-invaded both of its aggressors.
For its role, Brigid was made a vassal state of the Empire. The king of Brigid, who had lost his son during the conflict, was compelled to send his granddaughter Petra to live in the Empire as a token of his new allegiance. Shamir, a mercenary of Dagda, lost her partner when the Empire destroyed her homeland, and became a wandering traveler in Fódlan until she was taken in by Archbishop Rhea of the Church of Seiros. Constance, meanwhile, would move to Abyss after spending a year and graduating from the Fhirdiad Royal School of Sorcery following the war.
Protagonist(s) | Byleth - Sothis | |
Black Eagles | Edelgard - Hubert - Ferdinand - Linhardt - Caspar - Bernadetta - Dorothea - Petra | |
Blue Lions | Dimitri - Dedue - Felix - Ashe - Sylvain - Mercedes - Annette - Ingrid | |
Golden Deer | Claude - Lorenz - Raphael - Ignatz - Lysithea - Marianne - Hilda - Leonie | |
Ashen Wolves | Yuri - Balthus - Constance - Hapi | |
Church of Seiros | Rhea - Seteth - Flayn - Hanneman - Manuela - Gilbert - Alois - Catherine - Shamir - Cyril - Jeralt - Monica - Tomas - Jeritza - Anna - Aelfric - Gatekeeper - Abysskeeper |
Historical Events | Fódlan timeline - War of Heroes - Rite of Rising - War of the Eagle and Lion - Crescent Moon War - Insurrection of the Seven - First Mach War - Dagda and Brigid War - Tragedy of Duscur | |
Factions | Black Eagles - Blue Lions - Golden Deer - Church of Seiros - Knights of Seiros - Jeralt's Mercenaries - Eastern Church - Western Church - Southern Church - Noble Houses of Adrestia - Noble Houses of Faerghus - Noble Houses of Leicester - Flame Emperor Army - Those Who Slither in the Dark - Ten Elites - Four Saints - Four Apostles - Resistance Army - Black Eagle Strike Force - Ashen Wolves |
Card Games | Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) | |
Merchandise | Three Houses Extra Drama CD: An Officer’s Academy Sleuthing Story - Edelgard (figma) - Dimitri (Good Smile) - Edelgard (Pop Up Parade) - Bernadetta (Pop Up Parade) - Dimitri (Pop Up Parade) - Felix (Pop Up Parade) - Claude (Pop Up Parade) - Lysithea (Pop Up Parade) - Byleth (Pop Up Parade) - Dorothea (Pop Up Parade) - Sylvain (Pop Up Parade) - Hilda (Pop Up Parade) - Fódlan Tea Break - Fódlan Tea Collection |