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“I don't claim my dance as anything special, but Khan Basilio says it renews the spirit!”
Olivia in Fire Emblem Awakening

Dance is a skill that debuted in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.


Dance is the exclusive ability of the Dancer and is the overarching term used by the Fire Emblem fanbase for any skill that performs the same type of ability. Two other commands, Play and Sing, have the same function as Dance but are designated to class variations of the Dancer class, the Bard and Songstress respectively.

Dance and its variations are mainly used to revitalize an adjacent unit that has already taken action that turn, allowing them to take another full turn of action. The general number affected are a singular targeted ally as has been standard since Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, however there have been multiple exceptions before and after this game. The power of this skill is limited due to the Dancer class and its variations usually being limited to a singular unit.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade feature Rings that can be used by dancers and bards to perform alternative dances/songs. These dances/songs will not allow a unit move again; instead, they will give them certain statistical boosts for one turn, such as increased Defense or a boost to their Critical rate. Like most items, these rings have limited Uses.

In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, the Dance/Play skills are replaced by the Galdrar sung by Herons.

In Fire Emblem Awakening, the Dance ability is exclusive to Olivia as long as she is in the Dancer class. If Olivia has the Special Dance skill equipped, her Dance will not only revitalize ally units, but also boost an ally's Strength, Magic, Defense, and Resistance by 2 points for the turn that she danced for them.

In Fire Emblem Fates, the singing ability is exclusive to Azura as long as she is in the Songstress class. If Azura has the Inspiring Song skill equipped, her Song will not only revitalize ally units, but also boost an ally's Skill, Speed, and Luck by 3 points for the turn that she sang for them.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the Dance ability is given to the winner of the White Heron Cup. Additionally, there exists a Battalion whose single Gambit use counts as a Dance.

Fire Emblem Engage features several different forms of the Dance ability. It appears in the traditional sense on Seadall in his exclusive Dancer class, which learns the Special Dance skill introduced in Awakening. Emblems Byleth and Veronica also introduce their own forms of dance through their respective Engage skills, Goddess Dance and Contract.

In Fire Emblem Heroes the Dance, Play, and Sing command serve as Support Skills on various characters. Both skills are non-inheritable off of their native unit but can be unequipped. Units with either skill equipped cannot use it on another unit with either command, preventing a continuous Dance/Sing movement chain. Some Weapons and Skills, such as Prayer Wheel and Cantrip skills, bolster effects or activate when specifically a Dance/Sing/Play skill is used. General modes allow multiple units with Dance units on a team including standard PvE modes. However, some Limited Hero Battles do not allow any units with Dancing functions and only one unit with a Dance-like Support Skill can be in a Brigade.

In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, Dance appears as an exclusive skill that only Plum is able to learn. After dancing 150 times, Plum gains the additional ability to either increase her target's Strength or Magic by 10, or halve the damage the target takes for the rest of the map, although this effect is triggered at random.

Sing also appears as a skill exclusive to Lyria. When used, Sing heals all party members around Lyria and also has a chance to refresh them. The amount of HP restored, chance to grant another turn and range all increase with usage, maxing at 5 HP, 20% chance, and 4 tiles respectively.


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Activation Capacity
Dance (SNES)
Command -
Effects After dancing, all four grayed-out, or "moved" units adjacent to the dancer get activated.
Users Base skill of the Dancer class.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Activation Capacity
Dance (SNES)
Command -
Effects After dancing, one grayed-out, or "moved" unit adjacent to the dancer gets activated.
Users Base skill of the Dancer class.
Notes -

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Activation Capacity
TS Dance
Command -
Effects After dancing, one grayed-out, or "moved" unit adjacent to the dancer gets activated. Chance to increase stats of halve damage taken for the rest of the map.
Users Plum only.
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Name Activation Capacity
Command -
Effects After singing, restores HP to all units within range and has a chance to give them another turn. Effect and range increase with usage.
Users Lyria only.
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Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Name Activation Capacity
Dance Command -
Effects After dancing, one grayed-out, or "moved" unit adjacent to the dancer gets activated.

Additional Rings can be used to perform various types of stat boost for 1 turn.

Users Base skill of the Dancer and Bard classes.
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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Activation Capacity
FE9 Canto
Command 20
Effects Restores Movement to 1 ally unit. When transformed, the user will be able to restore Movement to a maximum of 4 ally units.
Users Base skill of Reyson.
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Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Activation Capacity
Dance Command -
Effects Rejuvenates 1 adjacent ally to allow them to perform another turn.
Users Base skill of the Dancer class.
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Fire Emblem Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity
Sing Command -
Effects Rejuvenates 1 adjacent ally to allow them to perform another turn.
Users Base skill of the Songstress class.
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Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Activation Capacity
FEH skill support Dance - 150
Effects Enables target to take another action. Cannot be used on units with Sing or Dance.
Users Phina, Sylvia, Lene, Larum, Ninian, Tethys, Olivia, Peony, Mirabilis, Triandra, Plumeria and various seasonal heroes only.
Notes -

Name Activation Capacity
FEH skill support Sing - 150
Effects Enables target to take another action. Cannot be used on units with Sing or Dance.
Users Reyson, Leanne, Rafiel, Azura, and various seasonal heroes only.
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Name Activation Capacity
FEH skill support Play - 150
Effects Grants another action to target ally. (That turn only. Does not stack. Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance. This skill treated as Sing or Dance.)
Users Nils only.
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Fire Emblem Three Houses[]

Name Activation Capacity
Dance FE16
Command -
Effects Use Dance to allow an ally to move again.
Users Class skill of the Dancer class.
Notes -


  • In Heroes, Performing Inigo is the first male unit in the entire series to be able to use the Dance ability.

