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Deceit is the eleventh chapter in Book V of Fire Emblem Heroes.

The five parts of this chapter are Desolation, Nowhere Left, Fallen Noble, Ashen Valiant, and Everything, Lost.

Part 1: Desolation[]

Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
FEH Book V Ch 11 Pt 1
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
Portrait Fáfnir Dragon Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Tome
Enemy pos
Portrait Balthus Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 1 boss, Fáfnir's dragon form, and 4 opponents: Balthus, a Blue Mage, a Sword Knight, and a Bow Cavalier.

Part 2: Nowhere Left[]

FEH Book V Ch 11 Pt 2
Enemy pos
Portrait Ótr Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Red Dagger Icon
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Enemy pos
Portrait Hapi Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Wind Breath
Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 1 boss, Ótr, and 4 opponents: Hapi, a Green Manakete, a Sword Cavalier, and a Red Thief.

Part 3: Fallen Noble[]

FEH Book V Ch 11 Pt 3
Enemy pos
FEH Lance
Enemy pos
Portrait Constance Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Hapi Heroes
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
FEH Staff
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 5 opponents: Constance, Hapi, an Axe Flier, a Cleric, and a Lance Cavalier.

Part 4: Ashen Valiant[]

FEH Book V Ch 11 Pt 4
Enemy pos
Portrait Yuri Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Lance
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Tome
Enemy pos
FEH Fire Tome
Enemy pos
Portrait Balthus Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 5 opponents: Yuri, Balthus, a Blue Mage, a Red Flier, and a Lance Cavalier.

Part 5: Everything, Lost[]

FEH Book V Ch 11 Pt 5
Enemy pos
Portrait Yuri Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Hapi Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Ótr Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Constance Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Balthus Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 1 boss, Ótr, and 4 opponents: Balthus, Constance, Yuri, and Hapi.


  • The music playing in this chapter is The Shackled Wolves from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
  • This is the first chapter to introduce characters originally exclusive to a DLC to Heroes.
  • This is the 11th chapter where a major character dies, in this case, Ótr.