The Demon's Ingle (ドーマの臓物, Doma's Remains) is a location from Fire Emblem Awakening. It is an active volcano towering over the southern regions of Valm. When Chrom leads the Ylissean League here, it becomes the site of Chapter 18 of Awakening.
The Demon's Ingle sits on eastern edge of a southern mountain range on the continent of Valm. It is an inland volcano, though it is near a river and not far from a lake. Due to the activity of the volcano, no trees grow on or near it. According to Say'ri, it is believed that a wicked fire god is sealed away in the depths of the volcano and the violent eruptions are a manifestation of its anger. The common man normally does not approach the Demon's Ingle due to the hazardous terrain. Even paths that seem safe may set fire or become lava. That said, there is still treasure to be found there, if one can reach it before it burns to scrap.
After being ambushed by Walhart's army and the former Resistance army at Fort Steiger, Chrom and his forces flee south in hopes of splitting up the Valmese forces by attacking the smaller army to the south. Spotting a fire on top of a mountain, Chrom asks Say'ri about it. She informs him that the Demon's Ingle is actually a fearsome volcano. Inspired, Chrom and Robin use the volcano as the means to escape the power-hungry dynasts' forces and face Yen'fay's army alone.
Fueled by his pride, Yen'fay entered the Demon's Ingle after Chrom's army. After a fierce battle, Chrom and Say'ri take down Yen'fay. Upon his death, Say'ri learns the truth from Excellus for the reason of his allegiance to Walhart despite the fact the Conqueror slaughtered their parents and people: he did it to protect her.
Physic 1800
Recover 1950
Ward 2100
Dragonstone 2300
Beaststone 2000
- Despite the name of the volcano in the Japanese version, Duma is said to have been buried where the Mila Tree is in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
- It is worth noting that Awakening was released first, and the location of Duma's resting place was likely changed during the development of Echoes.