Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki


Note: All responses result in a slight support gain. Bolded responses result in the "Correct" sfx and visual.


A beautiful panorama stretches out before you, as far as the eye can see.

  • Option 1: Pick a flower and hand it to them.
    • Dimitri: "Ah, thank you. Did you know this particular species of flower is edible?"
  • Option 2: Catch a bug and hand it to them.
    • Dimitri: "I fear I'd crush it between my fingers. Please, let it free. Death will not come to this little one today."


Note: Neither response results in the "Correct" sfx and visual.
Everything is silent - deeply, utterly silent. The forest knows true calm.

  • Option 1: Say you don't sense anyone around.
    • Dimitri: "So it would seem, but you never know where an assassin may lurk. Keep your wits about you."
  • Option 2: Confess you've lost your way.


There's a wooden fish toy floating by the shore, solitary and dejected like a lone sailor lost at sea.

  • Option 1: Ask if they like fish.
    • Dimitri: "I certainly don't dislike them. And they travel quite well when smoked or salted first."
  • Option 2: Look for the toy's owner.
    • Dimitri: "I'm sure its owner misses it terribly. I would be glad to help you look for them."


As you walk along the mountain path, you find yourself losing your footing! You fall to the ground, struck by a horrible pain.

  • Option 1: Give yourself first aid.
    • Dimitri: "I can tell you've had many opportunities to practice your skills. But please, do be careful."
  • Option 2: Ask them for a piggyback ride.
    • Dimitri: "I would be glad to, if you don't mind. I take pride in my strength, you know."

Conversation Time[]


Possible Conversations Correct Response
"At times, I feel there must be some purpose to the strength I was born bearing." Express your thoughts on the matter.
"I'd like to show you around Fhirdiad if the opportunity arises. I could introduce you to my old friends." Say you're looking forward to it.
"I'm not very comfortable around children. I never know quite what to say or how to act." Help him think of things he can try.
"Lady Rhea granted me some wisdom regarding land cultivation the other day. The breadth of her knowledge never ceases to amaze me." Express interest.
"Consider the terrain we're in. How would you assault a position such as this?" Say it depends on the situation.
"I have seen much death, often dealt by my own hand. The idea that one can die with dignity is sadly nothing more than a myth." Say he must always be ready for that.
"I prefer not to name my horses if I can avoid it. Growing attached only makes their deaths more painful." Say you understand how he feels.

Ask a Question[]

Possible Conversations Correct Response
Ask about any personal news:

"I've had much on my mind of late. The funding for our war effort is a particularly pressing concern."

State your thoughts.
Ask about any personal news:

"Many have lost their lives because of me. It is my duty to seek vengeance for their souls."

Ask about their friends:

"I owe them my thanks and more. I would not be king were it not for the support of my friends."

Offer encouragement.
Ask about their home:

"I hope you've grown to like Faerghus, even if only a little. It's a harsh place, but it is our home."

Smile and nod.
Ask what they think of you:

"I hope you stay with us after the war. You've become an irreplaceable asset to the Kingdom's army."

Act dependable.
Ask what they think of you:

"I don't care what power lurks within you. I have chosen to trust you, and that is what I'll do."

Nod emphatically.
Ask about preferred fighting style:

"There is no greater art than charging past the enemy lines singlehandedly. The fighting ends all the quicker if you can defeat their commander in one fell swoop."

Acknowledge it.
Ask about their worries:

"Do be kind to Felix. His new duties seem to be taking more out of him than I think he realizes."

Nod emphatically.
Ask about memories of the past.

"Had I not met Dedue on that fateful day... I dare say I would be a very different person than I am now."

Ask about dreams for the future.

"The future, eh? I suppose I'll have to think about it. All my dreams at the moment pertain to our present."

Ask about their likes:

"Seeing my people and my friends happy, for one. Beyond that, perhaps sparring and maintaining my weapons."

Ask about their dislikes.

"Hm. What do you think the answer is?"

State your thoughts.

Favorite Gifts[]

Gift Name Description Rank
Training Weight A weight that you can strap to your back to build muscle. Appreciated by those who enjoy weight training. ★★★
Riding Boots Boots specially made for mastering the equestrian arts. Appreciated by those who enjoy horseback riding. ★★★
Whetstone A stone used to sharpen the blades of swords or lances. Appreciated by those who enjoy weapon maintenance. ★★★★
Owl Feather A feather from a messenger owl that can be used in a variety of ways. Appreciated by everyone. ★★★
Ceremonial Sword A beautiful ceremonial sword with a mangled blade. Appreciated by weapon collectors. ★★★★