The Dragon Rider is a wyvern-mounted combat physical class that only appears in the Jugdral Series and TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. Considered to be the weakest out of all the Wyvern-riding classes, the Dragon Rider is an enemy-exclusive in Genealogy of the Holy War and TearRing Saga.
In Thracia 776, the Wyvern Rider class is playable in the form of Eda, where it acts as the unpromoted equivalent of the promoted Dragon Knight class.
Base Stats[]
Maximum Stats[]
Growth Rates[]
Class Skills[]
| Skill | Requirements |
FE4 | Re-Move | Hidden base skill of all mounted and flying units. |
Notable Dragon Riders[]
A Level 1 Dragon Rider, as he appears in the fourth series of the TCG.
Battle model of the Dragon Rider class from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.
Map sprite of the male Dragon Rider class from Genealogy of the Holy War.
Map sprite of the female Dragon Rider class from Genealogy of the Holy War.
Map sprite of the Dragon Rider class from Thracia 776.
Map sprite of the Dragon Rider class from TearRing Saga.