Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki
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Duality is the Unique Action Ability of Arval in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It returns in Fire Emblem Heroes as their exclusive type A passive.


Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Duality
Duality Lv 1
Passive / ZR -
Effects Imbue attacks with either light or dark. Press ZR to switch between the two and trigger an additional attack.
Users Arval

Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Duality
Duality Lv 2
Passive / ZR -
Effects Imbue attacks with either light or dark. Press ZR to switch between the two and trigger an additional powerful attack.
Users Arval

Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Duality
Duality Lv 3
Passive / ZR -
Effects Imbue attacks with either light or dark. Press ZR to switch between the two and trigger an additional devastating attack.
Users Arval


Name Activation SP
FEH Duality Duality During combat 300
Effects Grants Atk/Res+9, Grants weapon-triangle advantage against and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on red, blue, and green foes during combat. Neutralizes effects that boost values along with weapon-triangle disadvantage (Triangle Adept) on unit and foe. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, unit make a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat.
Users Arval
