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“You shoot the breeze with the gatekeeper, who reminisces about the good old days at the Officers Academy.”
—Mission description

Eagles, Lions, and Deer is a paralogue chapter for the Gatekeeper in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It is available from Chapter 4 of the Scarlet Blaze and Golden Wildfire story routes, or Chapter 5 of the Azure Gleam story route after completing at least two different routes.


Shez and the gatekeeper recall their short, but eventful days at the Officers Academy before the start of the war, including an incident when Shez wandered onto the monastery's training field while the three houses conducted their annual mock battle. The students were confused by Shez's presence at first, but agree to combine their forces against the mysterious mercenary as a test of their own strength. To everyone's surprise (including Shez and Arval), Shez defeats everyone on the field. The three house leaders agree not to discuss the incident with anyone for the sake of the dignity of everyone involved.


First Squadron[]

  • Ferdinand
  • Ashe (appears after encountering Ferdinand)
  • Lorenz (appears after defeating Ferdinand, regardless of whether Ashe was defeated prior)

Second Squadron[]

Third Squadron[]

House Leaders (bosses)[]

As they get down to 1/3rd health, the House Leaders become drastically inspired, increasing the likelihood of failing the damage threshold for a S Rank.



  • This paralogue is the only one where its subject (the Gatekeeper) is not the player character.