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Fire Emblem Wiki

Easy Breezy is the Unique Action Ability of Linhardt in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.


Name Activation Capacity
Eazy Breezy
Easy Breezy Lv 1
Passive -
Effects Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a narrow range.
Users Linhardt

Name Activation Capacity
Eazy Breezy
Easy Breezy Lv 2
Passive -
Effects Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a moderate range.
Users Linhardt

Name Activation Capacity
Eazy Breezy
Easy Breezy Lv 3
Passive -
Effects Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a wide range.
Users Linhardt
