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Echoes of Truth is the ninth chapter of Book V in Fire Emblem Heroes.

The five parts of this chapter are Rightful Place, Merry Diviner, Rulebreaker Mage, Wily Warrior, and Sensitive Soul.

Part 1: Rightful Place[]

Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
FEH Book V Ch 9 Pt 1
Enemy pos
Portrait Benny Heroes
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Enemy pos
FEH Staff
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Benny, a Sword Flier, an Axe Knight, and a Cleric.

Part 2: Merry Diviner[]

FEH Book V Ch 9 Pt 2
Enemy pos
Portrait Arete Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Lance
Enemy pos
Portrait Orochi Heroes
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 5 opponents: Orochi, Arete, a Sword Fighter, a Bow Fighter, and a Lance Cavalier.

Part 3: Rulebreaker Mage[]

FEH Book V Ch 9 Pt 3
Enemy pos
FEH Staff
Enemy pos
FEH Dagger
Enemy pos
FEH Wind Tome
Enemy pos
Portrait Nyx Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Tome
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 5 opponents: Nyx, a Green Flier, a Blue Mage, a Thief, and a Troubadour.

Part 4: Wily Warrior[]

FEH Book V Ch 9 Pt 4
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
Portrait Nyx Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Charlotte Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Breath
Enemy pos
FEH Lance
Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 5 opponents: Nyx, Charlotte, a Lance Cavalier, a Blue Fáfnir, and a Bow Flier.

Part 5: Sensitive Soul[]

FEH Book V Ch 9 Pt 5
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos
Enemy pos
Portrait Benny Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Orochi Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Arete Heroes
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
FEH Blue Bow Icon

You will have 4 units on your team. The objective of Part 5 is to rout the enemy, which includes reinforcements. You will have 5 opponents to start: Benny, Orochi, Arete, an Axe Dragon, and a Blue Bow. Charlotte and Nyx, amongst others, will appear as reinforcements.


  • The music playing in this chapter is No Justice (Fire) from Fire Emblem Fates.
  • This chapter marks the first time that Bruno has appeared since Book II.
    • While a nightmare version of him previously appeared in Chapter 6 of Book IV, it wasn't actually him.
  • This is the first chapter of Book V where there isn't a high ranked officer from Niðavellir or Jothünheir to face, so there is no real boss of the chapter.