—Elliot's death quote
Elliot is an enemy character from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He is a young upstart noble of Agustria, and considers himself the rival of Eldigan for Lachesis' affections.
Elliot is first seen attempting an attack on Sigurd in Chapter 1, which is thankfully pushed back by Eldigan's timely intervention. He later appears again in Chapter 2, where he attempts to attack Nordion under the orders of his father Boldor upon Eldigan's departure. Elliot will eventually perish as a result, as Sigurd's forces manage to reach Nordion in time to defend it.
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Elliot is fought in Chapter 2, and is the first mounted boss the player will face. His entire cavalry group possesses Canto, and can target vulnerable units with impunity. If Elliot is damaged but survives the turn, he will return to castle Heirhein and exit with another cavalry group. Cutting down his force as quickly as possible is imperative. Killing him with Quan would be a good idea, just to ensure that Quan gets his Silver Lance. The battle is slightly luck dependent, so player should be cautious with their mid-chapter saves.
During Chapter 1, Elliot's forces will suffer a near guaranteed rout at the hands of Eldigan's forces, so he can safely be ignored. Some players might want to send Arden out to join in on the battle(as he likely won't be getting much EXP in the chapter otherwise), but this is a somewhat risky strategy, as it could get Arden killed.
—Elliot's retreat quote
—Elliot's battle quote
Vs. Lachesis
- Elliot: Princess Lachesis... This has gone far enough. If you'll become my wife, I'll spare you.
- Lachesis: You filthy...! Become your wife!? I'd rather die!!
- Elliot's portrait is recolored for use by Myos, who appears to be much older.
- Elliot is the one of the few minor enemies to survive their first appearances within the game.