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Part 1: Hare Out of Place[]

Before Battle[]

  • Fir: So, this is the spring festival I've been hearing so much about... I can't say I understand the costuming customs, but... I'll have a nice chance to spar with all the Heroes from other worlds who're here celebrating, at least!
  • Bartre: Fiiiir! Wait, my daughter!
  • Fir: F-Father? Your...clothes!
  • Bartre: You didn't think I'd let you keep all the fun to yourself, did you?
  • Fir: Huh? Well, I... How am I supposed to train properly if you escort me everywhere?
  • Bartre: Lighten up! You'll get your training in... AND we'll get to dominate the battlefield as a father-daughter team! Just try to keep up, my daughter!
  • Fir: *sigh*

(Scene transition)

  • Fae: Yay! Festivals are the BESTivals! Right, Idunn?
  • Idunn: Indeed...
  • Fae: Oh, look! There's a bunny all in black! ...I'm gonna catch him!
  • Narcian: Hm? Wh-what are the two of you doing here?! ...Hey! Do NOT soil my ears!

After Battle[]

  • Fae: Ooh! Another bunny! More bunnies means more playing. Let's go!
  • Idunn: Fae, wait...
  • Narcian: This is no way to treat the festival's guest of honor... Ingrates!

Part 2: Hopping to It[]

Before Battle[]

  • Est: Hippity hop! Are you my next hopponent? Well, then...hop you can keep up! ...Hop!
  • Bartre: I see... It must be a festival custom to say "hop" a lot... Why don't you give it a shot, Fir!
  • Fir: OK! Err... I'm Fir, hop! Let's spar! Umm... Hop, hop?

After Battle[]

  • Est: Aw, I lost? Boo! Guess it's time for me to hop on out of here, then!
  • Fir: I won't lose next time! Hop!

Part 3: The Tail End[]

Before Battle[]

  • Fae: This time, we can all play together! Hippity hop-hop!
  • Idunn: ...Hop.
  • Bartre: You've done well to get this far, but I, er...HOP you know what you're up against now!
  • Fir: This training has put a real spring in our step! Let's use our advantage while we have it! ...Hop, hop!
  • Est: I have to clinch this win to impress my sisters! Gotta keep on hopping until we reach victory!
  • Narcian: Heh... This look is devastating! Words fail to capture it! So come closer... I'll show you true devastation!

After Battle[]

  • Fir: Oh no... We lost! I'm sorry, Father.
  • Bartre: Don't fret, my daughter! You fought well! I'm proud to have stood beside you on the field.
  • Fir: Aww... Father!
  • Bartre: I just wish your mother could have seen us out there...
  • Fir: Seeing us spending time together would surely draw out a smile.
  • Bartre: Yes, that rarest of smiles...
  • Fir: Anyway, that's enough reminiscing. The festivities aren't nearly over yet. I want to see it all while we can!
  • Bartre: A fine idea. Let's go, Fir!
  • Fir: H-hey! ...Faaaatherrrr! ...Wait for ME!