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Fell Child is a class that first appears in Fire Emblem Engage. It is used as the personal class of the offspring of the Fell Dragon, Sombron.


Fell Children are the offspring of the Fell Dragon Sombron in both the main storyline of Engage and the Fell Xenologue. Due to carrying his blood, Sombron used his children as expendable pawns in his schemes to destroy Elyos. All of his children in turn saw themselves in similar fashion and simply complied with Sombron's orders out of fear. Nonetheless, by the end of the war between the Divine Dragon and Fell Dragon, nearly all of Sombron's children had been killed, either during the war by the Divine Dragons or sometimes by Sombron himself whenever they failed him. Only Veyle, Sombron's youngest child, had survived the war due to being too young to have participated in the first place.

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Alear, being one of Sombron's children themselves, was also a Fell Child in the past. However, due to meeting Lumera, their Fell traits were partially expunged, gaining Divine Dragon traits in its place.

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Fell Xenologue[]

In the alternative Elyos, whenever Sombron sired children, they were always born as twins. Desiring to purge the weak from his forces, nearly all of the twins would end up slaughtering the weaker of the pair. The lone exception to this were Nel and Nil, with the former developing a protective bond with her younger brother. Her bond was so strong, when her other siblings mockingly threatened to kill Nil themselves for her, Nel killed them in a murderous rage. Similar to the main storyline of Engage, the war between the Divine Dragons and Fell Dragons ended with the death of Sombron at the cost of the life of the Divine Dragon Alear. The only remaining Fell Children remaining were Nel and Nil, both of whom allied with the Divine Dragons near the end of the war.

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The Nil encountered in the Fell Xenologue is actually a different child of Sombron, Rafal, who took on the identity of Nil per the real Nil's request with his dying breath.

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Fell Child is the exclusive class of Veyle, Nel, Rafal, and one other character.


Veyle's version of the class wields both Knives and Tomes. Despite using mixed damage types of the weapons of choice, Veyle's Fell Child class emphasizes Magic growths and also high Resistance.


Nel's version wields Lances. It also allows her to transform into her draconic form and utilize Breath weapons. Nel's Fell Child class has better magical stats than Rafal and better physical stats than Veyle. Nel's version, however, has significantly higher Speed than both.


Rafal's version uses Axes and breath weapons, though is limited to axes during the events of the Fell Xenologue. Rafal's Fell Child class emphasizes Strength and Defense, also possessing greater Build growth than the other versions, allowing him to handle heavy axes without being weighed down too much.

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Past Alear[]

Past Alear's version is more akin to their playable Dragon Child class, allowing them to wield swords. It is the only version of the Fell Child class that is exclusive to an enemy unit.

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Base Stats[]

FE17 (Veyle)20374532754-FE17 Knife B
FE17 Tome S
FE17 (Nel)20555555555-FE17 Lance A
FE17 Breath S
FE17 (Rafal)20555555555-FE17 Axe A
FE17 Breath S
FE17 (Alear)24814865357-FE17 Sword A-

Maximum Stats[]

FE17 (Veyle)4835483633302541511-FE17 Knife B
FE17 Tome S
FE17 (Nel)6539303245373331513-FE17 Lance A
FE17 Breath S
FE17 (Rafal)7646133033194220513-FE17 Axe A
FE17 Breath S
FE17 (Alear)6841253643353525513-FE17 Sword A-

Growth Rates[]

FE17 (Veyle)10%10%25%10%5%0%10%25%-0%---
FE17 (Nel)10%15%10%10%15%0%15%15%-5%---
FE17 (Rafal)15%20%0%5%5%0%20%10%-10%---

Class Skills[]

FE17FE17 Fell Spirit IconFell Spirit
FE17 Resist Emblems IconResist Emblems
FE17 Spur Emblems IconSpur Emblems
FE17 Fell Spirit IconDark Spirit
Class Skill of the Veyle's Fell Child class.
Class Skill of Nel's Fell Child class.
Class Skill of Rafal's Fell Child class.
Exclusive to Past Alear

Notable Fell Children[]


  • Veyle - Youngest daughter of Sombron and the last remaining Fell Child. Gentle and caring, she wished more to spend time with her father than destruction and as such is considered a defect. Searches for their older sibling, who she has a deep bond with.
  • Nel - A Fell Dragon from another world and twin sister of Nil. Cold and serious, she deeply distrusts Alear once they come to her world. She'd rather keep everything to herself. Her relationship with her world's Alear was far more amicable.
  • Nil - A Fell Dragon from another world and Nel's twin brother. Easier to talk to than his sister, he shows more respect to Alear and is willing to trust them.
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  • Rafal - A Fell Dragon who posed as Nel's twin brother Nil. Initially much more malicious than what he appeared as and willing to follow Sombron's plans. Deeply regretting his actions, he now seeks atonement, especially from Nel.
  • Alear (Past) - One of Sombron's best soldiers and children. Acts in an almost robotic way and does everything they can to please their father. Despite their apathy, they deeply care for their younger sister Veyle.
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  • In Japanese, Veyle and Nel's versions of the class are called "Jaryū no Musume" (Evil Dragon's Daughter).
  • Veyle's Fell Child class animations don't show her wielding tomes.


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