Filat is a non-playable character from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Encountered in the Prologue chapter of the game, he is a messenger of King Azmur of Belhalla. Filat travels to Evans Castle after it is conquered, congratulating Sigurd on his efforts of protecting the surrounding Grannvalean castles and villages from the invading Verdane forces. He then ordains Sigurd as a Holy Knight of the Kingdom of Grannvale.
Filat reappears in Chapter 2, where he plays a rather important role in informing Sigurd of a rumor circulating in the royal court of Belhalla, where Sigurd, Quan and Eldigan are accused of conspiring against King Azmur. In addition to this, they are also accused of hiding Shannan, Prince of Isaach, the country that Grannvale is waging war with at the time. Filat then tells Sigurd of the tragic story of Lady Cigyun, where she left Lord Victor and fell for Prince Kurth.