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“I've also been training my sword skills, and I've won at many arenas around the continent. You don't have to go easy on me!”
—Fir to Rutger in a support conversation

Fir is a playable character from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. She is the daughter of Bartre and Karla, making her the niece of Karel.

She can be recruited only by speaking to her with Noah. She makes a brief cameo appearance in Chapter 17 of the Hasha no Tsurugi manga.


A swordswoman from the plains of Sacae, Fir is the daughter of Bartre and Karla. She yearns to be like her mother, who was gifted in swords, and so is on a journey around Elibe in an attempt to hone her skills. As the rebellion against Lilina and Hector occurs in Ostia, she is oblivious to the turmoil, and is acquainted with Noah, training with him in the Arena.

Fir was later tricked by pirates on the Western Isles into going against Roy, while Scott seeks to grab her sword. However, by chance she met with Noah again, and soon joined the Lycian league.


Fir is incredibly innocent and ignorant to the ways of the world, making her quite gullible, being easily tricked by others into fighting.

Still, she is quite headstrong, and exudes the same calmness and single-mindedness of purpose as her mother, with Bartre even saying she is blessed with her face.


The Binding Blade[]

Description: A girl traveling around Elibe to hone her sword skills.


  • Chapter 9: Enemy, speak with Noah.

Base Stats[]

  • Note: Like other enemy characters, Fir's hard mode bonuses can vary.
Starting ClassAffinity
FE8 Female Myrmidon Map SpriteMyrmidonGBAFireFire
WeaponStarting Items
SwordSword - DWodaoWo Dao

Growth Rates[]

HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res
75% 25% 50% 55% 50% 15% 20%

Promotion Gains[]

Item Required Promoted Class
Herocrest Hero Crest FE8 Female Swordmaster Map Sprite Swordmaster
1 +4 +3 +2 +2 +3 +2 +1 +1
Weapon Levels
Sword +1


See also: Fir/Supports


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Fir is one of two recruitable Myrmidons, the other one being Rutger. Fir joins at Level 1, at a time when most of your characters will be Level 11+ and she is a fairly difficult character to train in Normal Mode, but that only means that she has a lot of room to grow, should the player use her. In Hard Mode, she gains considerable bonuses to her stats across all areas. On top of this, she joins in a series of Chapters where the majority of the enemies fought will be Axe users, making her relatively easy to train here. Considering that most of Fir's base stats and growth rates are close to Rutger, the two will be very similar once trained. Should the player desire another Swordmaster or if Rutger died or had poor level ups, Fir can be a helpful addition to the player's army. Otherwise, Rutger can fulfill the same role with the benefit of joining earlier.

Fir's immense evasion, combined with both her weapon triangle advantage, and higher critical hit ratio thanks to Wo Dao, has enabled her to grind all the way from Level 1 to Level 14 while showcasing little to no problems on HP just from fighting against enemy pirate reinforcements. Making her low joining level not as problematic as it looks. And she will likely max out skill and speed while receiving notable buffs in HP and Luck in the process. But her low strength growths can potentially cause problems for her damaging later enemies and bosses. This can be coped with through use of energy rings and support conversations.

All in all, Fir is a certainly rewarding character to train, being able to surpass Karel, and with a bit of luck, and can potentially become on par with Rutger having inferior strength but superior luck on average.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Bond Ring[]

Hero from beyond Elyos who lives for the sword. Honed her fighting skills to emulate her mother, the "Princess of Swords." She's a bit gullible and got tricked by pirates into working for them.
Bond Ring Fir
FE17 C Rank Bond RingC Rank Spd +1
FE17 B Rank Bond RingB Rank Dex +1 Spd +1
World FE17 A Rank Bond RingA Rank Dex +1 Spd +1 Lck +1
Roy Emblem Ring Young Lion FE17 S Rank Bond RingS Rank Dex +1 Spd +2 Lck +1

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Sword Student
A woman who travels in search of the best swordplay opponents anywhere. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]

Heroes Fir Sprite (3*)Title
Sword Student
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Steel SwordFEH Sword Sword
Heroes Fir Sprite (4* & 5*)Title
Sword Student
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Killing Edge
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Sword Sword
Heroes Fir Sprite (5* Nameless Blade)Title
Sword Student
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Nameless Blade
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Sword Sword
Resplendent ✯✯✯✯✯
Resplendent Fir Heroes spriteTitle
Sword Student
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Nameless Blade
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Sword Sword


FEH skill offenseIron Sword---
Steel Sword-FEH Star Rarity 3-
Killing EdgeSteel SwordFEH Star Rarity 4FEH Star Rarity 3
Killing Edge+Killing EdgeFEH Star Rarity 5FEH Star Rarity 5
Nameless BladeKilling Edge+FEH Star Rarity 5FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH skill specialChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 4FEH Star Rarity 3
GlaciesChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 4
AFEH Speed +1 Speed +1--
FEH Speed +2 Speed +2FEH Speed +1 Speed +1FEH Star Rarity 3
FEH Speed +3 Speed +3FEH Speed +2 Speed +2FEH Star Rarity 4
BFEH Pass 1 Pass 1-FEH Star Rarity 3
FEH Pass 2 Pass 2FEH Pass 1 Pass 1FEH Star Rarity 4
FEH Pass 3 Pass 3FEH Pass 2 Pass 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Fir is among the first Sword Infantry units in Heroes and was a part of the initial launch roster. She carries a respectable 36 Spd, which was on the higher end for units of her time and most interestingly carries higher Res than Def, giving her more resilience to mages and dragons earlier on. However, Fir is held back by a low neutral 25 Atk, preventing her from dealing meaningful damage in most instances. Unfortunately, her earlier release left her to become something of a niche pick for her long term Heroes existence, though her easy availability as a 3-4 Star unit makes her a interesting budget option for those willing to making something out of her. While she will struggle to compete on par with modern units with vastly superior kits and better stat distribution, one being her own Ascended form, Fir can be applied in meaningful ways, especially since she has obtained a Resplendent form.
Fir began with a Killing Edge, a moderately weak sword with its plus variant, though the draw of its Special Cooldown acceleration is useful. However, Fir is stuck with a low 36 neutral Atk. Fir benefitted from the weapon Refine System as she could upgrade her Killing Edge into a Slaying Edge, which has a higher Mt, but her Atk only improved to 39 with this version. Finally, Fir was gifted her own Personal sword, the Nameless Blade. Once again, this sword copies her initial weapon effect of special cooldown acceleration but with more might, finally achieving a 41 base neutral Atk. While still not a particularly strong Atk stat, it is still 5 points higher than she originally had. Plus the sword's refine not only grants a +3 HP boost, but also adds 10 damage when she procs her special.
Glacies is a perfect fit for her as it does take her higher Res to boost her damage by 80% of her Res when it procs and with her special cooldown acceleration, she can usually activate it in a single round of combat. Speed +3 is a flat Spd boost, which does bring her Spd to a higher tier to avoid further doubling from most of the apex sword users and more doubling on more units onto other units, but there are better options out there for the same boost. Pass provides Fir a means to escape enemy entrapment should she find herself boxed into a corner or against a wall, but the gimmick is overall unreliable in most situations as she should rarely find herself boxed in.


Nearly all blue units, even those with mediocre defense can easily take hits from Fir. Bulky Red units similarly can withstand a few hits from Fir and counterattack easily such as Zephiel, Xander, and Adult Tiki. Guard is particularly dangerous skill against Fir as most of her damage output comes from her special activation. Any means to slow it down severely reduces her overall impact. While she naturally can resist mages, she still takes significant damage from blue mages, particularly the strong ones like Reinhardt, Lute, and Ophelia can dispatch her easily.

Skill Inheritance[]

Fir demands a lot of quality skills, but investment in them doe result in promising returns. Reposition is a standard option for all direct combat units for unit placement manipulation. Iceberg charges faster than Glacies which does lead to better overall damage output despite the 30% drop in Res used to calculate the bonus damage.

Like most sword infantry users, Fir likes having Wrath for the accelerated special cooldown and the bonus damage when it procs, which does stack on top of her Weapon Refine, leading to 20 bonus damage. On a budget, Swordbreaker or Desperation are standard options for a typical sword unit. Fir can run any Ploy skill she wants to as her high Res allows her to apply the debuff onto most of her competition, though usually Defense Ploy is her best option as the Def reduction allows her to inflict more damage.

Her Skill A depends on the direction one wishes to take Fir. Distant Counter turns her into a strong mage counter as few mages has the physical bulk to withstand an attack from her while she can take theirs. Warding Breath opens the possibility for Fir to further combat Dragon units with better effectiveness by boosting her Res when attacked and accelerating her special cooldown. This does allow her to immediately charge Iceberg after a single received attack and immediately unleash a powerful +20 damage attack plus her Iceberg damage bonus. In either case, Fir become a circumstantially powerful unit, but all depends on how she is built and how she is handled in battle. On a budget, Fury gives her a necessary boost to all four of her core stats plus the recoil puts her into Desperation/Wrath range faster.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Sword Student Fir
Fir sword student pop01 Fir is a swordswoman who hails from Sacae. Her mother was also a gifted sword fighter, and aspiring to be just like her, Fir set out on a journey to hone her skills.
Fir sword student pop02 During her travels, Fir found work as a mercenary for some pirates, though she didn't realize what she was getting into. This brought her into conflict with the Lycian League's forces—and so, she ended up crossing blades with Roy and his allies.
Fir sword student pop03 But while they might have been foes by circumstance, things changed when Fir recognized Noah, an old comrade of hers. Realizing that the Lycian League was not her enemy, she sheathed her sword and joined their ranks!
Fir sword student pop04 Fir trains hard to become a true sword master one day. With her graceful moves and keen eye, I'd say she's practically there! I'm rooting for you, Fir!
Closely Associated Characters
Bartre An outpost warrior who went on a journey to find his beloved daughter, Fir.
Noah An Ilian cavalier who joined the Lycian League and fought alongside Roy and his allies. Met Fir at an arena, where he trained her in the art of combat.
Roy The son of Eliwood, Marquess of Pherae. Talented leader of Pherae's army. He gets to know Fir after she joins the Lycian League.

Student of Spring
Daughter of the warrior Bartre and the swordmaster Karla. She has taken a moment away from training to visit the spring festival. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Fir Student of Spring Heroes spriteTitle
Student of Spring
Heroes Flying Flying
FEH skill offense Bun-Bun Baton
FEH skill support Harsh Command
FEH Axe Axe


FEH skill offenseIron Axe---
Steel Axe-FEH Star Rarity 3-
Silver AxeSteel AxeFEH Star Rarity 4FEH Star Rarity 3
Bun-Bun BatonSilver Axe-FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH skill supportHarsh Command4FEH Star Rarity 3-
Harsh Command+-FEH Star Rarity 5-
AFEH Atk Spd Solo 1 Atk/Spd Solo 1--
FEH Atk Spd Solo 2 Atk/Spd Solo 2FEH Atk Spd Solo 1 Atk/Spd Solo 1-
FEH Atk Spd Solo 3 Atk/Spd Solo 3FEH Atk Spd Solo 2 Atk/Spd Solo 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Air Orders 1 Air Orders 1--
FEH Air Orders 2 Air Orders 2FEH Air Orders 1 Air Orders 1-
FEH Air Orders 3 Air Orders 3FEH Air Orders 2 Air Orders 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Student of Spring Fir
Fir student of spring pop01 If there's one thing I associate with the Spring Festival, it's bunnies. And bunnies make me think about their quick, agile movements. And that makes me think of... That's right, it's Fir!
Fir student of spring pop02 Fir's festival outfit leaves her legs and arms exposed to keep it from slowing her down. Very practical! This bunny's smart as well as quick.
Fir student of spring pop03 It looks like she's got a carrot-shaped club there too. And look, there are even adorable decorative bunnies! The colors of her weapon and outfit really pop!
Fir student of spring pop04 Fir looks a little embarrassed in her unusual attire, but I think it suits her. All right, Fir, time to charge in to the Spring Festival with a smile on your face!
Closely Associated Characters
Bartre A warrior from a remote region who takes pride in his strength. Joining his beloved daughter, Fir, and fully embracing the springtime festivities.

With blade in hand, has worked to polish her skills, following in her mother's shadow. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Fir Swordmaiden Heroes spriteTitle
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Vassal-Saint Steel
FEH skill special Night Sky
FEH Sword Sword


FEH skill offenseIron Sword---
Steel Sword---
Wo Dao---
Vassal-Saint Steel--FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH skill specialNight Sky---
Glimmer-FEH Star Rarity 5-
AFEH Atk Spd Finish 1 Atk/Spd Finish 1--
FEH Atk Spd Finish 2 Atk/Spd Finish 2FEH Atk Spd Finish 1 Atk/Spd Finish 1-
FEH Atk Spd Finish 3 Atk/Spd Finish 3FEH Atk Spd Finish 2 Atk/Spd Finish 2-
FEH Atk Spd Finish 4 Atk/Spd Finish 4FEH Atk Spd Finish 3 Atk/Spd Finish 3FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Null Follow-Up 1 Null Follow-Up 1--
FEH Null Follow-Up 2 Null Follow-Up 2FEH Null Follow-Up 1 Null Follow-Up 1-
FEH Null Follow-Up 3 Null Follow-Up 3FEH Null Follow-Up 2 Null Follow-Up 2-
FEH Phys. Null Follow Phys. Null FollowFEH Null Follow-Up 3 Null Follow-Up 3FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Atk Spd Oath 1 Atk Spd Oath 1--
FEH Atk Spd Oath 2 Atk Spd Oath 2FEH Atk Spd Oath 1 Atk Spd Oath 1-
FEH Atk Spd Oath 3 Atk Spd Oath 3FEH Atk Spd Oath 2 Atk Spd Oath 2-
FEH Atk Spd Oath 4 Atk Spd Oath 4FEH Atk Spd Oath 3 Atk Spd Oath 3FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Swordmaiden Fir
Fir swordmaiden pop01 Fir wanders the continent of Elibe, training herself in the art of the sword. Now, her exceptional skills with a blade have cleared open a new horizon for her: to stand as an Ascended Hero!
Fir swordmaiden pop02 And what's an upgrade without a new look? Her white garment was inspired by her mother, Karla the Sword Vassal, and her blue garment was inspired by her uncle, Karel the Saint of Swords!
Fir swordmaiden pop03 You can rest assured that the blade she wears on her waist will live up to the legacy of the Saint of Swords in her hands!
Fir swordmaiden pop04 Fir's father, Bartre, wept with joy when he saw what an accomplished swordmaster she'd become. But Fir isn't one to rest on her laurels—to her, there's always more to learn!
Closely Associated Characters
Bartre An outpost warrior who went on a journey to find his beloved daughter, Fir.
Noah A member of the Ilian mercenaries ordered by General Zelot to join Pherae's army. Met Fir at an arena, where he trained her in the art of combat.


The Binding Blade[]

Fir/The Binding Blade Quotes


Fir/Heroes Quotes


Fir - Heir to the Sword Saint (『剣聖』をつぐ者, "Kensei" wo tsugu mono lit. The succeeding "Sword Saint")
Fir set out again to travel around the world in training. Her name eventually spread throughout the continent as the next Sword Saint, and her legends were to be told for centuries to come.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Fir is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 152 CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade
CYL2 178
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade
CYL3 148
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade
CYL4 177
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade
CYL5 145
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade
CYL6 151
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade
CYL7 136
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade

CYL8 173
CYL Fir Portrait
The Binding Blade


In Irish Gaelic, the word "fir" is the word for "men", the plural for "man".


  • On the official Japanese website for Nintendo, Fir won 5th place out of 80 in the character popularity poll for The Binding Blade. The male-female vote ratio is 2:1. The voter comments seem to generally focus on her naïve but bold and emotional personality, her character design, and her easy usability as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster due to her high Speed, Skill, and Luck rates.
  • Fir shares her English voice actress in Heroes, Natalie Lander (Credited as Liv Strander), with Elise (Fates, Heroes) and Nina (Fates).


See main article: Fir/Gallery.