- Note: Bolded text are voice clips from S-Support CG confession scenes.
With Male Corrin[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Oh, Corrin. Good afternoon, sir.
- Corrin: Hello there, Forrest.
- Forrest: Oh, my. There's a thread loose on your shirt... Let me take care of that for you. There. All better.
- Corrin: Thanks....
- Forrest: I-is something the matter with my face? You're staring quite intently at it.
- Corrin: Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just uncanny how you look like a young lady. An adorable young lady, at that.
- Forrest: Adorable? What a sweet thing to say.
- Corrin: Forrest, can I ask you something personal?
- Forrest: Of course. I'm an open book sir.
- Corrin: I've never met anyone like you, and I'm curious: Do you prefer boys or girls?
- Forrest: *giggle* Romantically speaking you mean? Girls, exclusively. I can't imagine why you would have been confused on that point.
- Corrin: Hahaha, sorry. Maybe it was a strange question. But it seems to me that if you walked around with your sweetheart... Well, you might get some funny looks from people who don't know you.
- Forrest: Corrin, I get funny looks even when I walk around all on my lonesome. Whether I've got a paramour on my arm doesn't change things for me appreciably.
- Corrin: Oh. Right, of course... I swear, I didn't mean anything by that...
- Forrest: *giggle* I'm teasing you. Sorry if I went overboard with it.
- Corrin: Oh... haha...hah. A joke! Of course! I need to get my act together...
B Support[]
- Forrest: Corrin!
- Corrin: You certainly seem pleased today, Forrest.
- Forrest: *giggle* Is it that obvious?
- Corrin: Having a good day, then?
- Forrest: Yes! Just look at this!
- Corrin: A bracelet? That ironwork flower looks like it took some expertise.
- Forrest: Doesn't it, though? It's divine. I saw it at the market, and it was love at first sight. I didn't think twice before opening my purse strings.
- Corrin: You're really wild about anything cute, aren't you?
- Forrest: ...
- Corrin: Forrest? I didn't offend you, did I?
- Forrest: Corrin ... do you think I'm strange? Because of my interests and clothing that is. It's not that I consider myself to be a girl. Far from it. But I see darling things such as this bracelet, and my heart simply melts. I wear what I feel most comfortable in, but I know your upbringing was ... sheltered.
- Corrin: Everyone has unique tastes. I don't think that makes you strange at all.
- Forrest: ...You mean that?
- Corrin: I do. Besides you really do look fantastic in those clothes. I think it would be a tragedy if you stopped wearing them.
- Forrest: Corrin...thank you very much. I am comfortable as I am, but I wanted to make sure you weren't troubled.
- Corrin: Not in the least.
- Forrest: Hmm...
- Corrin: Hm?
- Forrest: Then why are you ogling me again?
- Corrin: What?! No, I-I wasn't...!
- Forrest: *giggle* I was teasing again. Relax.
- Corrin: Ugh... Why am I always so gullible around you?
A Support[]
- Forrest: ...
- Corrin: Forrest? Is something the matter?
- Forrest: What makes you think anything's wrong?
- Corrin: Your usual cheer is nowhere on display, is all.
- Forrest: It's nothing...
- Corrin: Your face suggests otherwise. If you want to talk, I'm here to listen.
- Forrest: ... Very well, I went into town to do some shopping, as I often do. The clerk at one of my favorite shops discovered I'm a man, and laughed at me. I was having none of it, of course. "I dress as I like," I said. "What of it?"
- Corrin: Good. You had every right to stand up for yourself in that situation.
- Forrest: I wholeheartedly agree. But this was a man I've seen many times before. We've even chatted occasionally. I thought I knew him, but he turns out to be a mean-spirited ignoramus.
- Corrin: I see. That does sound disheartening.
- Forrest: Quite. And I wonder, who is next? How else will the world disappoint me?
- Corrin: Don't be disappointed - pity the poor world.
- Forrest: Huh?
- Corrin: Any world that doesn't appreciate your charms is a fool. The natural response to a fool is to pity their foolishness.
- Forrest: I'm charming, am I?
- Corrin: Extremely.
- Forrest: ...Thank you. That's just the encouragement I needed to stay the course.
- Corrin: That's the spirit. You look great in those clothes. Anyone who says differently is a dunce or a dastard.
- Forrest: Goodness, Corrin.
- Corrin: Hmm?
- Forrest: You protest so vehemently that I begin to wonder if you have feelings for me.
- Corrin: Oh, ah - !
- Forrest: Hahaha...I'm teasing again. In all sincerity, thank you for brightening my day. I really appreciate it.
With Female Corrin[]
C Support[]
- Corrin: Working on something, Forrest?
- Forrest: Good day, Corrin. I'm putting the final touches on embroidering this dress. Here...the last rose is complete. Go on—see for yourself. It's a little more effort, but these fine details can absolutely transform a work.
- Corrin: You're right—it's exquisite. I'd rank it with the finest needlework I've seen.
- Forrest: Oh, you flatter me, anybody with a spool of thread and some time could do this much. Though if you like it, I could embroider a few cute embellishments on your outfits.
- Corrin: Hmmm...that's a very tempting offer. Forgive me for saying so, buts it's hard to see you as anything but a young lady.
- Forrest: Is that strange to you? I can't imagine myself any other way. Ever since I was small, I've worn the clothes that enchanted me most.
- Corrin: It's not strange at all. I admire your boldness in expressing yourself.
- Forrest: Is that really and truly how you feel?
- Corrin: I promise. Objectively speaking, you look amazing in that outfit.
- Forrest: You're very kind, Corrin. Hmm, come to think of it... would you object if I sewed you a new dress? Not that there's anything wrong with what you're wearing now, but... I think you would look very chic in a frilled skirt!
- Corrin: I'd love that! I'm not as sure as you that I'd wear it well, but... if you have the time, I'd be honored to own one of your creations.
B Support[]
- Corrin: Headed out, Forrest?
- Forrest: Yes, I was making a trip into town to stock up on fabrics.
- Corrin: Glad I caught you, because I need to do some shopping too. Want to go together?
- Forrest: Together? As in... both of us? You and me?
- Corrin: Is there another meaning I'm unfamiliar with...?
- Forrest: N-no, it's just... well, I'd be delighted to have your company, but... I don't want to stir up any commotion.
- Corrin: What do you mean?
- Forrest: Well it shouldn't be a problem, I suppose. As long as I don't open my mouth, people will just assume I'm a girl. I wouldn't want you to be embarrassed when folks discover I'm a boy.
- Corrin: I'm not worried about what anyone thinks.
- Forrest: ... Well, I appreciate that. But might I get your honest opinion?
- Corrin: Always.
- Forrest: I've always dressed however I feel, and back home people respected that. Here I find that's not always the case, and my clothing makes it harder to fit in.
- Corrin: Hmm. You do dress ostentatiously, for a man or a woman, but... some people simply grew up sheltered and have trouble with the unfamiliar.
- Forrest: Yes. It doesn't happen everywhere, but I catch people staring sometimes. And once I've noticed, I wonder what other judgement they make. Who else they hurt.
- Corrin: I wish I could say you're just overthinking things, but... I know it's not that simple. Even if you're comfortable with yourself, the world around you may need to grow.
- Forrest: Quite...
- Corrin: But.
- Forrest: Hmm?
- Corrin: However anyone else reacts, I want you to know that we will accept you as you are. Hold to that, when things seem uncertain.
- Forrest: Thank you, Corrin.
- Corrin: Now, are you ready to shop?
- Forrest: Lead the way!
A Support[]
- Forrest: Corrin...
- Corrin: Hello, Forrest. What's on your mind?
- Forrest: I have a gift for you, if it's something you want. Here...
- Corrin: Huh... An angel patch?
- Forrest: Yes! I sewed it myself. It's a little touch of Forrest you can add to whatever you like. You've been kind enough to go on outings with me, regardless of what people think... I wanted to show you how much I appreciated that.
- Corrin: Thank you, Forrest. I'll take good care of it. The threadwork is so detailed. Not that I'd expect any less from our master tailor.
- Forrest: Heehee... you're too kind. I could do more in this vein for you, if you'd like.
- Corrin: Really?
- Forrest: Yes. A sleek fox or a fluffy rabbit... Maybe a moon encircled by stars. Oh, or! Remember how I offered to make you a frilly dress? What might be even better is if I made one covered in darling patches. Not too cloying, though... Maybe a six-gore skirt without the ruffles would do well. Ahh, I can picture it now! And I'm picturing it looking adorable on you, Corrin. What do you say?
- Corrin: Y-You're sure about this?
- Forrest: Yes! I guarantee it!
- Corrin: If you're sure, then... why not? I'm game.
- Forrest: You won't regret this!
- Corrin: Haha... You get this sparkle in your eyes whenever the subject of clothing comes up.
- Forrest: I simply can't help myself! You know I'm not ashamed of the way I dress, Corrin. And I feel I should show that confidence and pride in public. The only way the world will grow more tolerant is to see people like me.... See us living, loving, and being both our unique selves and quite ordinary. When we're not invisible, we can become part of the pattern - woven into the fabric.
- Corrin: Well said, Forrest. Your passion makes you so vibrant and full of life. I think you're at least as splendid as any of your creations.
- Forrest: Why, thank you, Corrin!
S Support[]
- Forrest: Corrin! Be a dear and try this on, when you have a spare moment.
- Corrin: A hairpin? Did you make this too?
- Forrest: I have talents in more than needlework, you see. It was made just for you. Ah... just as I'd hoped, it brings out your eyes magnificently. I made a matching necklace, if you wouldn't mind trying this on as well.
- Corrin: Go right ahead.
- Forrest: Why, it looks perfect on you!
- Corrin: Haha, thank you. But you didn't have to do all this for me... That lovely dress with all the patches was enough for me.
- Forrest: That was something of a test run for what I really wanted to put together. There's another dress for you in this bag. I...I put everything I had into this one.
- Corrin: Hmm? O-OK... Good heavens! Is...is this...a wedding dress?!
- Forrest: I think you'd look wonderful walking down the aisle in it. Will you marry me, Corrin?
- Corrin: Come again?!
- Forrest: The hairpin, necklace, and dress are all part of a wedding ensemble. I love you more than anyone else in the entire world. I can't imagine anyone else loving you as much as I do. Won't you please be my very own princess?
- Corrin: Forrest...
- Forrest: I crafted a ring for you as well. Will you accept it...?
- Corrin: ...
- Forrest: Your silence says everything. I suppose you can't see yourself with a man like me...
- Corrin: Don't be so sure. Granted, you look to me like a young lady on the outside, which isn't usually my type.
- Forrest: But?
- Corrin: But you have a noble heart. Your passion, drive, and consideration for others... I couldn't ask for anything more in a man.
- Forrest: Then...that means...
- Corrin: I accept your dress, your ring, your necklace. I accept your proposal. I accept you, Forrest, in every way.
- Forrest: Corrin! Thank you, thank you... I swear I'll make you happy!
- Corrin: I hope I can do the same for you.
- Forrest: Gracious me, I haven't a moment to lose. I must set to work on another dress!
- Corrin: What's wrong with this one? Didn't we just establish that it looks fine on me?
- Forrest: Yours is taken care of, yes. But I still need to make one for myself!
- Corrin: Hmph. You're going to look better than me at my own wedding, aren't you.
- Forrest: Wouldn't it be stranger if I didn't?
- Corrin: ...Good point. It's part of what I find so charming about you. Then shall we wear your fashions as we swear our love to each other?
- Forrest: Gladly! I love you for who you are. As I know you love me. What a lovely pair we make. May love always triumph over ignorance.
With Female Corrin (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Corrin: Why hello, Forrest. What's up?
- Forrest: I wanted to give you something.
- Corrin: Oh? You got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Corrin: Wow! How lovely. The fabric is so smooth and comfortable.
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Corrin: Thank you so much, Forrest. Tell me, why did you decide to make me this dress?
- Forrest: H-how could you tell that I made it?
- Corrin: This is clearly your handiwork. You're the only one around who can do these tiny, detailed stitches.
- Forrest: Well, thank you very much!
- Corrin: I noticed you used all my favorite colors too. I would wear this every day if I could.
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, where's the fun in wearing the same thing all the time? How about I make you a bunch of new outfits instead?
- Corrin: That would be great! Thanks, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Corrin: Did something happen, Forrest? You look upset.
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Corrin: A mother can always tell. And besides, it's written all over your face.
- Forrest: I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies today and ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Corrin: That's awful. I'm so sorry. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Corrin: Ah, Forrest...
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room... forever!
- Corrin: But, Forrest, if you lock yourself away, then you will miss opportunities to do good. I'm proud of you. Just think- if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man!
- Forrest: *gasp* You're right! I must find my courage again.
- Corrin: Callous people will always find a reason to be mean. But that's not a good reason to stop being true to yourself.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I won't change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Corrin: Good. You shouldn't give in to them. If you're feeling sad, come find me. I might not be able to do anything, but I'm always happy to listen.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Corrin: Heehee...
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look happy today. Did something good happen?
- Corrin: Something quite wonderful. I wore that dress you made me into town this morning. Nearly every person I passed complimented the design!
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing.
- Corrin: Heehee. I must admit, it felt good to hear your work getting praised. I know they just loved the dress. But after so many comments, it kind of felt like they were calling me beautiful too. Heehee. I feel like I'm walking on clouds.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Corrin: You're almost as good with flattery as you are with a needle and thread. However, it wasn't the dress that had me feeling so proud.
- Forrest: It wasn't?
- Corrin: A stranger asked me a question that would delight any other mother. She wanted to know if I had raised the charming girl she'd seen the other day. She saw you help that old man, and she was impressed by your kindness.
- Forrest: Really?!... I just realized something. I can't let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate towards others.
- Corrin: That's good to hear!
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice from earlier and keep being myself. I think I'll start by making you another dress to wear around town. I'm sure you'll love it!
- Corrin: How exciting. Thank you, Forrest!
With Azura (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have such great timing!
- Azura: Hmm? Hello, Forrest. Why do I have great timing?
- Forrest: Because I have something to give you. I was just on my way to see you, in fact.
- Azura: Oh, really? A present for me... What is it?
- Forrest: It's an extra-special dress!
- Azura: Oh my, it looks so comfortable and lovely! And it's just my size. This will be so wonderful to move around in.
- Forrest: I'm glad
--and relieved--that you like it. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you. - Azura: It's absolutely perfect. Thank you, Forrest. What was it that drove you to make a dress for me?
- Forrest: How could you tell that I made it?
- Azura: This embroidery in the front is a sure sign of your work, of course. I don't know very many people who could craft something so complex.
- Forrest: Aww, thank you, Mother. Your kind words mean a great deal.
- Azura: And look at these colors. It was no accident that you used my favorites. I'm tempted to wear this every day, right up until the sleeves wear out!
- Forrest: You don't have to do that! And anyway, why would you wear the same thing? Give me a little time, and I'll happily make you a variety of clothes to wear!
- Azura: Heehee. Well, thank you, Forrest. That would be wonderful.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Azura: Hey there, Forrest. You look sad. Did something happen?
- Forrest: Mother... How could you tell? Mother's intuition?
- Azura: I wouldn't need that to see you're upset. It's written all over your face.
- Forrest: Ah, I see... I was in town, picking up some supplies, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Azura: That's terrible, dear. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Azura: Forrest...
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room... forever!
- Azura: But, Forrest, if you lock yourself away, then you will miss opportunities to do good. Just think
--if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man. The world needs you to be brave. - Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I must find my courage again.
- Azura: Remember, dear, callous people will always find a reason to be mean. But you cannot let that be an excuse to turn your heart to stone.
- Forrest: your right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Azura: You can always come and talk to me when you're feeling sad, dear. Even if all I can offer you is a sympathetic ear, you know I'm always here for you.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Azura: Heeheehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look very happy today. Did something good happen?
- Azura: Oh yes, Forrest. Something wonderful. I wore the dress you made for me when I went into town today, and... I was absolutely overwhelmed with compliments from everyone I met.
- Forrest: Truly? That makes me really happy to hear, Mother!
- Azura: Nothing makes a mother happier than hearing praise for something her child did. And though everyone;s compliments were directed at the dress... I still felt like the most beautiful woman while I was wearing it.
- Forrest: What do you mean? You are beautiful! It wasn't just the dress that made you so. All the dress did was highlight your natural traits.
- Azura: Heehee, that's very sweet of you, Forrest. However, that's not why I was so proud.
- Forrest: No?
- Azura: A stranger asked me a question that would delight any other mother's heart. She wanted to know if I had raised the charming girl she'd seen the other day. She saw you help that old man, and she was impressed by your kindness.
- Forrest: Really?!. ...Mother, you've made me realize something... I cannot let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate towards others.
- Azura: Good. I'm glad to hear it!
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice from earlier and keep being me. I think I'll start by making you another dress to wear around town. I'm sure you'll love it!
- Azura: Heehee. Thank you, Forrest.
With Felicia (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Felicia: Did you need something, Forrest?
- Forrest: Actually, I wanted to give you something.
- Felicia: Oh, you got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Felicia: My, it's gorgeous. What a comfortable fabric. It's even my size too!
- Forrest: I'm so glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Felicia: I can't believe you made this just for me.
- Forrest: How did you know?
- Felicia: It's so obvious. All the embroidery is incredibly detailed. You're the only person who can sew like that.
- Forest: Aww, thank you, Mother! Your kindness means the world to me.
- Felicia: You even used every one of my favorite colors too! If I could, I would wear this every day!
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, why would you want to always wear the same thing? How about I make you a nice array of outfits instead?
- Felicia: Heehee. You're a wonderful son, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Felicia: What's on your mind, Forrest? Did something happen?
- Forrest: Is it that obvious?
- Felicia: Sweetie, it's written all over your face. Mothers always notice these things.
- Forrest: I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies today and ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Felicia: That must have hurt his feelings. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Felicia: That's terrible...
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could just shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Felicia: You can't do that! Just think-if you stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man. You've got to be brave, Forrest. The world needs people like you.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I must find my courage again.
- Felicia: You can't let awful people keep you from being yourself.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Felicia: I'll always be here to support you. Whenever you're feeling sad, come find me. I might not be able to do anything, but I'm always happy to listen.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Felicia: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look happy today. Did something good happen?
- Felicia: Something wonderful. This morning, I went into town wearing the dress you made for me. People were paying me compliments left and right!
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing.
- Felicia: Heehee. Every mother loves to hear her child's accomplishments praised. I know the townsfolk were just complimenting this wonderful dress... But it kind of felt like they were saying I was beautiful, too. This day has been like a dream!
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Felicia: You're almost as good with flattery as you are with needle and thread, Forrest. However, it wasn't the dress that had me feeling so proud.
- Forrest: No?
- Felicia: No! A women said the most wonderful thing! She said I must be an amazing mom to have raised a daughter like you! She saw you help out that old man, and she as so impressed!
- Forrest: Really? Wow. ...I just realized something. I can't let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Felicia: I'm so happy to hear you say that.
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice from earlier and keep being myself. I think I'll start by making another dress to wear around town. I'm sure you'll love it!
- Felicia: Heehee. How exciting!
With Mozu (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Mozu: Whatcha need, darling?
- Forrest: I wanted to give you something.
- Mozu: Oh? You got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Mozu: Awwwww! This is one of the prettiest garments I've ever seen. The fabric is soft as can be, and it looks to be just my size!
- Forrest: I'm so glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Mozu: Don't be silly. It was awful kind of you to whip up this dress for your old ma.
- Forrest: How could you tell that I made it?
- Mozu: It's obvious. All these teeny tiny stitches are identical. I've never met anybody who can do work that precise.
- Forest: I can't believe you noticed. Thank you, Mother!
- Mozu: You even used all of my favorite colors... I wish I could wear this every day!
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, why would you want to always wear the same thing? How about I make you a nice array of outfits instead?
- Mozu: Heehee. Why thanks, Son.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Mozu: Well hey there, Son. Say, did something happen? You look upset.
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Mozu: Heh. I looked at your face. Give me a little credit. After all, I am your ma.
- Forrest: I see... Well, I went into town to pick supplies today, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Mozu: Well, gee... That sure ain't neighborly. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand idly by, but they were laughing at him!
- Mozu: I don't get it either, Son.
- Forrest: I guess I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Mozu: Forrest, you can't do that. Locking yourself away won't do you any good. You gotta keep getting out there and doing your part to make the world better.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I must find strength again.
- Mozu: Exactly! Sometimes, people can be awful cruel. But you can't let bad folks keep you from being yourself.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Mozu: It sure would. Listen, you're tougher than you realize. And when things get hard, come on down and talk to me. I'll always be around, even if you just need a friendly ear, OK?
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Mozu: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look happy today. Did something good happen?
- Mozu: Something wonderful! I wore that lovely dress you made into town this morning... Everyone I bumped into kept telling me how much they loved the design!
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing.
- Mozu: Heehee... I sure do love hearing folks praise your hard work, Son. I understand that they were just praising the dress. But the thing is...it ended up making me feel like I was pretty too. I'm not used to people treating me like some kind of fancy princess.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Mozu: Now don't go teasing your ma. Besides, it wasn't the dress that made me so proud.
- Forrest: Oh?
- Mozu: A stranger came up to me and asked me a question that warmed my heart. She said I must be a wonderful mom to have raised such a kindhearted girl. She saw you help that old man the other day, and she was so touched.
- Forrest: Really? ...Mother, I just realized something. I cannot let the laughter of a few cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress...and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate either.
- Mozu: That's the spirit
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice from earlier and keep being myself. I think I'll start by making you another dress to wear into town. I'm sure you'll it!
- Mozu: I can't wait to see it!
With Leo (Father)[]
C Support[]
- Leo: Forrest? What's this? Are you sewing again?
- Forrest: Ah! Father! I'm so sorry... Let me clean this up right away.
- Leo: There's no need to rush. Aren't you still working on that garment?
- Forrest: I assumed you didn't want to see this. I know you don't approve of me making feminine clothing...
- Leo: That's not true at all. Don't you enjoy making clothes? I know I've objected in the past, but that was very wrong of me. I don't ever intend to dissuade you from following your passions.
- Forrest: I...I'm so happy to hear you say that.
- Leo: Your sewing skills are most impressive. Perhaps you would consider making something special for me?
- Forrest: Really?! I would love to!
- Leo: Excellent. Say, when did you start learning to sew?
- Forrest: A long time ago... It's funny. I was actually inspired because of a compliment you once paid me. When I was little, I ran around the house in a dress. You saw me and said I looked adorable.
- Leo: Did I really?
- Forrest: You don't remember? It was a long time ago. I recall that dress so vividly. It was made from white satin, with tons of pink ruffles and soft lace.
- Leo: Yes... Yes, I remember it now. If memory serves, it was a hand-me-down from Elise. One of her old summer dresses. Initially, she gave it to a girl taking care of you. But you took one look at it and were instantly enamored.
- Forrest: I was only trying to satisfy my curiosity at first, but then you praised me. That moment meant a great deal to me. I felt elated. And that's when I took an interest in sewing my own clothing.
- Leo: Hmm... I never knew.
- Forrest: Granted, I knew other boys didn't wear dresses or skirts... But I didn't care. I wanted elegant gowns and cute accessories! So I kept sewing and sewing, and I progressively improved. And when I put on a dress and looked at myself in the mirror... I felt like a beautiful princess right out of a storybook. This new passion helped me forget all about my loneliness.
- Leo: Forrest...
- Forrest: Before I knew it, my closet was filled with gorgeous clothing. I got to a point where I just couldn't stop. I loved making dresses and wearing them. Even if people don't understand and treat me poorly because of it, I won't stop.
- Leo: I'm so sorry, Forrest. No one should ever have to feel ashamed of who they are. That's the last thing I want for my beloved son...
- Forrest: Father! Please, it's alright. Knowing you understand me is all I need.
- Leo: I'm glad to hear it. One day, I will be so proud to have you carry on my title.
- Forrest: It will be my honor. Everything I am now is thanks to you.
B Support[]
- Leo: Ah, there you are, Forrest.
- Forrest: Why hello, Father.
- Leo: Your mother said I might find you here. Do you come to this church often?
- Forrest: I like to come where people are fighting. I pray for the soldiers to return home unharmed from the battlefield.
- Leo: Hmm, I see.
- Forrest: Did you need me for something?
- Leo: Do you recall our conversation about you carrying on my title someday? It made me think that perhaps we should discuss the future. Your future.
- Forrest: What do you mean, Father?
- Leo: I'm sure you've noticed the tome I carry with me, yes?
- Forrest: You mean Brynhildr?
- Leo: Yes, precisely. Someday, this book will be yours.
- Forrest: What?! Really?
- Leo: You and I both possess a unique and powerful potential for magic. One day, I believe that you will be able to handle this sacred book. If you can make it your own, I know that—
- Forrest: Father, wait. May I have some time to think it over first?
- Leo: Why is that necessary? There should be no room for hesitation. This is the strongest tome in existence.
- Forrest: That's precisely why I am hesitant. I wish to follow the will of the gods and heal those in need. But Brynhildr can be used very effectively to hurt innocent people. I wouldn't dream of taking on that responsibility without thinking it over.
- Leo: That's an excellent point...
- Forrest: All I want to do is be responsible and live up to your expectations, Father. I'm honored that you want me to be your successor one day... But I'm not sure what I want for myself. I hope you're not too disappointed. I just need a bit more time.
- Leo: Very well. I will respect your wishes. We shall speak soon.
- Forrest: Thank you, Father.
A Support[]
- Leo: Good evening, Forrest. Have you given any more thought about what you'd like to do regarding Brynhildr?
- Forrest: Yes, I have. But I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you yet.
- Leo: I see... It's noble that you wish to keep people from harm. I certainly don't want to force the book upon you. However, I think there is another way to look at the situation. Powerful magic is dangerous, but it can also be used to protect people.
- Forrest: Hm? How do you mean?
- Leo: There are those who will always wish to take advantage of the weak. History has shown us this time and time again. But a strong defense can repel even the most vicious attack. It can sometimes even prevent fighting altogether. Can we agree on that much?
- Forrest: Certainly. But fear of one's enemy can also lead to reckless action.
- Leo: True... It's a double-edged sword. The important thing is to be thoughtful and to wield your power responsibly.
- Forrest: I suppose that's true.
- Leo: I have great faith in you, Forrest. In my heart, I know that you would use Brynhildr wisely. Considering your compassionate nature and loving heart... You could do far greater things with this tome than I've ever dreamed of.
- Forrest: I don't know...
- Leo: Abusing one's power is a great evil in this world. Possibly the greatest. Since receiving this book, I've always tried to keep that in mind. I've often wondered how best to use it. What actions are permitted. As the heir of Brynhildr, I hope you will do the same someday. Control of the earth, gravity, and life itself will be in your hands.
- Forrest: Hmm... I don't know if I can handle that responsibility right now. But perhaps eventually, once I've matured a bit more... I do hope you will entrust me with Brynhildr when the time is right. Eventually, I would like to walk the same path as you... I need to reflect on what it truly means to possess incredible power. But I would love to protect people from the devastation of war.
- Leo: I'm pleased, Forrest. I look forward to when that day comes.
With Peri (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Peri: Hello, Forrest. Did you need something?
- Forrest: Actually, I wanted to give you something.
- Peri: Really? You got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Peri: Wow... It's gorgeous! What a comfortable fabric. It's even my size too!
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Peri: You made this just for me? Thank you.
- Forrest: How did you know that I made it?
- Peri: Oh, sweetie, it's super obvious! You're the only person I've ever known who can do detailed embroidery like this.
- Forrest: Aww, thank you, Mother! Your kindness means the world to me.
- Peri: It's even bright red! You remembered my favorite color. I wanna wear this every day!
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, why would you want to always wear the same thing? How about I make you a nice array of outfits instead?
- Peri: Heehee! That would be amazing! Thank you, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Peri: Forrest, what's wrong? Did something happen to you?
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Peri: I'm your mother, silly! And it's obvious that you're feeling gloomy today.
- Forrest: I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies today, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Peri: That's horrible! I'm sorry that they were so mean. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Peri: Ugh! Some people need to learn how to shut their mouths.
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Peri: Well, you can't do that, sweetie! You'd miss out on opportunities to do good. Just think-if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man.
- Forrest: You're right! I must find my courage again.
- Peri: Exactly! You can't let a bunch of idiot keep you from getting out there and being kind. Please, don't let those creeps change you. I'll always be there to encourage you and make everything better, OK?
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Peri: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Morning, Mother! You look so happy. Did something good happen?
- Peri: I've had a super-wonderful day! Earlier, I went into town wearing the dress you made. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was telling me how gorgeous I looked.
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing!
- Peri: Heehee. I was so proud to hear people complimenting something you made. Even though everyone was just praising the dress...it kind of felt like they were saying that I was pretty too... I felt like a princess!
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Peri: Heehee. You're so silly. Besides, it wasn't the dress that made me so proud.
- Forrest: It wasn't?
- Peri: Nope! A woman came up to me and told me I must be an awesome mom. She saw how you helped that old man, and she was so impressed with you!
- Forrest: Really? Wow. ...I just realized something. I can't let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress...and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Peri: That's the spirit!
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice and keep being myself. In fact, I think I will start by making you another dress to wear around town. I bet you'll love it!
- Peri: I'm sure I will! Thank you, Forrest.
With Selena (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Selena: What is it, Forrest?
- Forrest: I wanted to give you something.
- Selena: Huh? You got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Selena: Wow... This is incredible. The fabric is so smooth, and it's just my size.
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Selena: That's so nice. But I have to ask... Why did you decide to make me this dress?
- Forrest: How could you tell that I made it?
- Selena: It's SO obvious, Son. You're the only person around who can do perfectly detailed embroidery like this.
- Forrest: Aww, thank you, Mother! That's very kind.
- Selena: I see you picked all my favorite colors, too. Who knows? Maybe I'll wear this every day.
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, where's the fun in wearing the same thing all the time? How about I make you a nice bunch of outfits instead?
- Selena: That would be wonderful. Thank you.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Selena: What happened, Forrest? You look upset.
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Selena: Oh, I can tell. I'm your mother, after all.
- Forrest: I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies today and ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Selena: Oh. My. Gods! They have some nerve! What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't get it. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Selena: Ugh! That's terrible!
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Selena: Listen, you can't do that! Just think-if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man! The world needs you to be brave.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I must find my courage again.
- Selena: Good. People will always find a reason to be mean, but you can't let that change you.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Selena: That's right. Don't let those stupid bullies win so easily. When you're feeling down, come find me. I'll always be here for you. Even if you just wanna talk.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Selena: Heehee...
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look happy today. Did something good happen?
- Selena: No... Something AWESOME happened! I wore that dress you made into town this morning. And everyone I passed couldn't help but compliment the design.
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing.
- Selena: Heehee. I must admit, it felt pretty good to hear your work getting praised. I know they just loved the dress... But after so many comments, it kind of felt like they were calling me beautiful too. I guess that's why I'm in such a good mood.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Selena: Now quit trying to flatter me. Besides, it wasn't the dress that had me so proud.
- Forrest: It wasn't?
- Selena: Nope! A lady came up and told me the sweetest thing. She saw you help that man the other day, and she was so impressed. She said I must have done a wonderful job of raising you.
- Forrest: Well, you did. ...Mother, I just realized something. I cannot let the laughter of a few cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being kind either.
- Selena: That is wonderful to hear.
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice from earlier and keep being myself. I think I'll start by making you another dress to wear around town. I'm sure you'll love it!
- Selena: How exciting. Thank you, Forrest!
With Beruka (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Beruka: What do you need, Forrest?
- Forrest: I wanted to give you something.
- Beruka: You got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Beruka: It's pretty. The fabric is so soft, and it's just my size.
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Beruka: Why did you make me this dress?
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Beruka: It's obvious. The detailed embroidery is clearly your handiwork.
- Forrest: Aww, thank you, Mother! Your kindness means the world to me.
- Beruka: Your choice of color is very striking. I could wear this dress every day.
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, why would you want to always wear the same thing? How about I make you a nice array of outfits instead?
- Beruka: That would be wonderful. Thank you, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Beruka: Forrest, what happened? You look unhappy.
- Forrest: Is it that obvious?
- Beruka: To me it is. I'm your mother, after all.
- Forrest: I see... Well, I went into town to pick up some supplies today and ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Beruka: Hmm, I see. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Beruka: That is terrible.
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Beruka: You should be proud that you did the right thing. You cannot let a few fools scare you into hiding who you are.
- Forrest: Mother, you're right. I must find my courage again.
- Beruka: Good. People will always find an excuse to be mean. But that's no reason to stop being true to yourself.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Beruka: Don't listen to those stupid jerks. When things get tough, come to me. I'll always be here for you. Even if you just want to talk.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Beruka: Heehee...
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look happy today. Did something good happen?
- Beruka: Yes, indeed. Something surprising, actually. I wore the dress you made into town this morning. Everyone I passed commented on the gorgeous design.
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing.
- Beruka: Heehee. I love hearing people compliment your work, Forrest. It makes me very happy. Granted, I know they were just praising the dress, but still... After so many comments, it felt like they were calling me beautiful too. I'm sorry. I don't usually get carried away. It's been a strange day.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Beruka: Please, don't flatter me, Forrest. Besides, it wasn't the dress that made me happy.
- Forrest: It wasn't?
- Beruka: No. A woman told me how proud I should be of raising such a wonderful daughter. She saw you help the old man, and she was impressed.
- Forrest: I just realized something. I cannot let the laughter of cruel people stop me from me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress...and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Beruka: That's good to hear.
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice from earlier and keep being myself. I think I'll start by making you another dress to wear around town. I'm sure you'll love it!
- Beruka: I would like that very much. Thank you, Forrest.
With Effie (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! What wonderful timing!
- Effie: Oh, Forrest. Can I help you?
- Forrest: Actually, I brought you something...
- Effie: Oh really? A present, huh? What is it?
- Forrest: It's a very special dress!
- Effie: Oh my, what a gorgeous design! And it's just my size! I can already tell that this will be a dream to move around in.
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Effie: It's absolutely perfect. Thank you. What is it that drove you to sew this lovely piece for me?
- Forrest: Wait, how could you tell I made it?
- Effie: This is obviously your handiwork. That detailed embroidery is something only your nimble fingers are capable of.
- Forrest: Awww, thanks, Mother! Those kind words mean the world to me.
- Effie: You even incorporated all my favorite colors, too! It's going to be hard not to wear this every day, but I don't want to wear it out!
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, why would you want to wear the same thing? Honestly, I would love to make a wide array of garments for you to wear!
- Effie: Heehee. Thanks so much, Forrest. That would be wonderful.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Effie: Hey there, Forrest. Why so glum? Did something happen?
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Effie: It's written all over your face. I am your mother, after all.
- Forrest: Ahh, I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies earlier, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Effie: I'm so sorry that they did that. People can be so awful... What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were mocking him!
- Effie: You're absolutely right... That's terrible!
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Effie: But, Forrest, you can't lock yourself away! You'll miss opportunities to do good. Just think-if you'd stayed home, who would've helped that old man? You've gotta be brave. The world needs people like you.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother, I must find my courage again.
- Effie: Yes! Some people will always find a reason to be cruel. Don't let that keep you from being true to yourself.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Effie: Just know that you can always come and talk to me whenever you're feeling sad. Even if you just need a sympathetic ear, I will always be here for you.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thanks, Mother.
A Support[]
- Effie: Heehee...*hum*
- Forrest: Morning, Mother! You look so chipper. What's going on?
- Effie: Something wonderful, Forrest. I wore the dress you made me when I went into town... And I received compliments from everyone who walked past me!
- Forrest: Truly? That makes me really happy to hear, Mother!
- Effie: Nothing pleases a mother more than getting praise for something her child did. I know they were just praising the dress... But it made me feel like the most radiant woman while I was wearing it. I've been walking on clouds ever since.
- Forrest: What? Mother, you are beautiful! My dress simply complimented your charming face.
- Effie: I see that your flattery is almost as good as your sewing these days. However, the dress wasn't the reason I was so proud.
- Forrest: It wasn't?
- Effie: Nope! A stranger asked me a question. She wanted to know if I'd raised the nice young lady she'd seen the other day. She saw you help that old man, and she was impressed by your kindness.
- Forrest: Really?! ...Mother, I just realized something. I will never let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress...and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Effie: I'm so glad to hear you say that!
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice and keep being me. In fact, I think I will start by making you another dress to wear around town. I bet you'll love it!
- Effie: Heehee. Thank you, Forrest.
With Nyx (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Nyx: Hello, Forrest. Do you need something?
- Forrest: Actually, I have something to give you.
- Nyx: You got me a present?
- Forrest: I did. It's a very special dress!
- Nyx: Oh my... This is lovely. It looks so comfortable, and it's just my size, too!
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Nyx: I appreciate you making this for me.
- Forrest: How could you tell that I made it?
- Nyx: The handiwork is obvious. You're the only one that can do such delicate embroidery.
- Forrest: Aww, thank you, Mother! Your kindness means the world to me.
- Nyx: It's a wonderful garment. You even used all my favorite colors too. I wish I could wear this dress every day.
- Forrest: Oh you don't have to do that! Besides, why would you want to wear the same thing? Honestly, I would love to make you a wide variety of dresses!
- Nyx: Heehee. That would be lovely. Thank you, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Nyx: What's wrong, Forrest? You look upset.
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Nyx: I'm your mother. I know that look on your face.
- Forrest: Ahh, I see... I was in town today, picking up some supplies, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I couldn't believe people could be so cruel.
- Nyx: *sigh* Unfortunately, the world is full of people who enjoy knocking others down... The important thing is—what did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Nyx: That's awful, Son.
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Nyx: But, Forrest, if you lock yourself away, you let them win. Just think—if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man. The world needs you to be brave!
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I must find my courage again.
- Nyx: Exactly. Callous people will always find a reason to be mean. Don't let those cowards keep you from being yourself.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Nyx: Don't be afraid to fight for yourself. I will always be your ally, Forrest.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Nyx: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Morning, Mother! You look so happy. Did something good happen?
- Nyx: Indeed. Something wonderful. Earlier, I went into town wearing that dress you made for me... Every single person I ran into had something lovely to say about it.
- Forrest: Oh really? That's incredible!
- Nyx: Heehee. Every mother loves to hear praise for her child's accomplishments. I know the townsfolk were just complimenting the dress... But after so many nice comments, it was like they were complimenting me, too.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Nyx: Your flattery is almost as good as your sewing! However, it wasn't the dress that made me so proud.
- Forrest: It wasn't?
- Nyx: No. A stranger came up to me and asked me a question. She wanted to know if I'd raised the lovely young woman she saw the other day. She saw you help that old man, and she was very impressed.
- Forrest: Really? ...Mother, you've made me realize something. I cannot let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Nyx: That is good to hear!
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice and keep being myself. In fact, I think I will start by making you another dress to wear around town. I bet you'll love it!
- Nyx: I'm sure I will. Thank you, Forrest.
With Charlotte (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Charlotte: Oh? Did you need something, Forrest?
- Forrest: Actually, I have something to give you.
- Charlotte: You got me a present? What is it?
- Forrest: It's a very special dress!
- Charlotte: Oh, how gorgeous! And just my size too. This fabric is so soft.
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Charlotte: Don't be silly! Tell me, why did you decide to make me a dress?
- Forrest: How could you tell that I made it?
- Charlotte: Your embroidery on the front is a dead giveaway. It's soooo obvious. Only nimble fingers are capable of intricate details like this.
- Forrest: Awww, thank you, Mother! Your kindness means the world to me.
- Charlotte: You even used all my favorite colors! Maybe I'll start wearing this dress every day.
- Forrest: You don't have to do that! Besides, why would you want to wear the same thing? Honestly, I would love to make you a wide variety of dresses!
- Charlotte: Heehee. That would be so great!
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Charlotte: Did something happen? Spit it out already, Forrest.
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Charlotte: You're such a silly boy. I'm your mother. And besides, it's written all over your face.
- Forrest: Ahh, I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies today, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Charlotte: Hmmm... People can be pretty awful. I'm so sorry that happened. ...What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Charlotte: *sigh* Forrest.
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Charlotte: But, sweetie, locking yourself away won't do you any good! Just think—if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man!
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother! I've got to find my courage.
- Charlotte: Absolutely, dear. Stupid people will always voice their stupid opinions. But that's no reason to stop being true to yourself.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Charlotte: Don't give in to those jerks. If you're feeling down, you can always come and find me. I'll always be here. Even if you just need someone to talk to.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Charlotte: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Morning, Mother! You look so chipper. Did something good happen?
- Charlotte: No, Forrest. Something WONDERFUL happened! I went into town today wearing the dress you made. And every person I passed told me they loved it!
- Forrest: Oh really? That makes me so happy to hear!
- Charlotte: Heehee. Every mother just loves to hear praise for her child's accomplishments. I wasn't fishing for compliments, but everyone I passed said something. Men, women, even little children! It was just fantastic! I know it was just the dress, but it still felt like they were complimenting me too.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Charlotte: Ohhh, don't try and flatter me. Besides, it wasn't the dress I was so happy about.
- Forrest: No?
- Charlotte: A lady said the sweetest thing to me. She said I must be an amazing mom to have raised such a lovely young woman. She saw you help that old man, and she was so impressed!
- Forrest: Really?! ...You know, Mother, I've just decided something. I won't let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Charlotte: Good for you, Forrest!
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice and keep being me. In fact, I think I will start by making you another dress to wear around town. I bet you'll love it!
- Charlotte: How exciting! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
With Hinoka (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have wonderful timing!
- Hinoka: Hello, Forrest. Do you need something?
- Forrest: Actually, I have something to give you.
- Hinoka: Really? A present for me?
- Forrest: It's a very special dress!
- Hinoka: This garment is wonderful. What a comfortable design. It's even my size, too!
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Hinoka: Thank you so much for making me this dress.
- Forrest: How could you tell that I made it?
- Hinoka: I may not know much about sewing, but your handiwork is obvious. You're the only one that can do such detailed embroidery.
- Forrest: Aww, thank you, Mother! Your kindness means the world to me.
- Hinoka: The colors are lovely as well. I would wear it every day if I could.
- Forrest: Don't do that! Besides, why would you want to wear the same thing? Honestly, I would love to make you a wide variety of dresses!
- Hinoka: Heehee. Thank you, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Hinoka: What's wrong, Forrest? Did something bad happen?
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Hinoka: It's written all over your face.
- Forrest: Ahh, I see... Well, I went into town to pick up supplies today and ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Hinoka: Some people just don't know how to keep their mouths shut. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Hinoka: Forrest...
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised! People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Hinoka: You can't do that! If you lock yourself away, you'll miss opportunities to do good. Just think—if you'd stayed home, no one would have rescued that old man. You've got to be brave! The world needs you.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. I must find my courage again.
- Hinoka: There will always be thoughtless people who think it's funny to insult others. But that is no reason to stop being kind.
- Forrest: You're right. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Hinoka: You're no weakling. Don't give in to their cruelty. If anything happens, you can always count on me to be there. Even if only to talk. I'll always be on your side.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Hinoka: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Morning, Mother! You look so happy. Did something good happen?
- Hinoka: Something great! Earlier I went into town wearing the dress you made. Every single person stopped me to compliment the design.
- Forrest: Wow, really? That's amazing.
- Hinoka: Heehee. Every mother loves to hear her child's accomplishments praised. I know the townsfolk were just complimenting the dress... But after a while, I felt like they were calling me beautiful. It's odd. I've never felt like this before.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply drew attention to your lovely face.
- Hinoka: Now stop that! Don't try to flatter me with your foolishness. Besides, it wasn't the dress that made me so proud!
- Forrest: No?
- Hinoka: A woman came up to me and asked me the most wonderful question. She wanted to know if you were my daughter. She saw you help that old man, and she was SO impressed!
- Forrest: Really?! Aww... I just realized something. I can't let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Hinoka: That's wonderful to hear.
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice and keep doing what makes me happy. In fact, I think I will start by making you another dress to wear around town. I bet you'll love it!
- Hinoka: Heehee. Thank you, Forrest.
With Sakura (Mother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Mother! You have such great timing!
- Sakura: Hmm? Did you need something, Forrest?
- Forrest: Actually, I have something to give you. I was just on my way to see you, in fact.
- Sakura: Oh, you got me a present?
- Forrest: Yes. It's a very special dress!
- Sakura: Oh, it's beautiful. The fabric is so soft. And it's just my size!
- Forrest: I'm glad you like it. And a little relieved. I was worried it wouldn't appeal to you.
- Sakura: It's wonderful. Thank you so much, Forrest. Say, why did you decide to make this dress for me?
- Forrest: How could you tell I made it?
- Sakura: Isn't it obvious? The detailed embroidery is something few people are capable of. It's an obvious sign of your handiwork.
- Forrest: Awww, thank you, Mother! Your kind words mean the world to me.
- Sakura: You even used all my favorite colors, too. I wish I could wear this every day!
- Forrest: Oh, you don't have to do that! Besides, why would you want to wear the same thing? Honestly, I would love to make you a wide variety of dresses.
- Sakura: Heehee. That would be wonderful!
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh*
- Sakura: Hello, Forrest. You look so sad. Did something happen?
- Forrest: How could you tell?
- Sakura: The look on your face. Mothers can always tell these things.
- Forrest: Ah, I see... I was in town today, picking up some supplies, and I ran into the worst people. There was an elderly man who had gotten lost, and no one would help him. A few townsfolk were mocking him! I was disheartened to see people be so cruel.
- Sakura: Hmmm, I see. Well, that certainly wasn't nice of them. Sometimes, people can be very mean. What did you do?
- Forrest: I helped him get home, of course! The poor dear was so confused. I don't understand. It's one thing to stand by idly, but they were laughing at him!
- Sakura: Oh, Forrest...
- Forrest: I know I shouldn't be surprised. People can be incredibly unkind. Sometimes I wish I could shut myself up in my room...forever!
- Sakura: But, Forrest, this is exactly why you can't lock yourself away. You'll miss opportunities to help people! What if you'd stayed home today? Who would've helped that man?
- Forrest: You're right. I must be brave!
- Sakura: Yes. Some people will always be callous and cruel to others. But that's not a good reason to stop treating other people with love.
- Forrest: Thanks, Mother. It would hurt even more to change myself just to avoid their cruelty.
- Sakura: Just know that you can always come and talk to me whenever you're feeling sad. Even if you just need a sympathetic ear, I will always be here for you.
- Forrest: I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you, Mother.
A Support[]
- Sakura: Heehee... *hum*
- Forrest: Hello, Mother! You look so chipper today. Did something good happen?
- Sakura: Yes! Something lovely, Forrest. I wore that pretty dress you made me when I went into town... People were complimenting me left and right!
- Forrest: Oh really? That makes me so happy to hear!
- Sakura: Every mother loves receiving praise for something her child did. I know they were just complimenting the dress... But I couldn't help feeling radiant while I was wearing it. It's like I've been walking on clouds ever since.
- Forrest: What do you mean? Mother, you are beautiful! The dress simply complemented your lovely face.
- Sakura: You're just flattering me. However, it wasn't the dress that made me proud.
- Forrest: No?
- Sakura: A stranger asked me a question that would warm any mother's heart. She wanted to know if I had raised the sweet girl she'd seen the other day. She saw you help that old man, and she was impressed by your kindness.
- Forrest: Really?! ...Mother, I just realized something. I will never let the laughter of cruel people stop me from being who I am. Long ago, I decided I wouldn't let them change the way I dress... and I certainly won't let them stop me from being compassionate toward others.
- Sakura: I'm happy to hear you say that.
- Forrest: Thank you, Mother. I'll follow your advice and keep being myself. In fact, I think I'll start by making you another dress to wear around town. I bet you'll love it.
- Sakura: Heehee. How exciting!
With Kana (Brother)[]
C Support[]
- Kana: Hey, Forrest! Wanna go on patrol with me?
- Forrest: Huh? You mean right now?
- Kana: Mhm! I want to help everyone out as much as possible! Which for now means patrolling as much as possible! Are you in?
- Forrest: Sure! What kind of big brother would I be if I weren't?
- Kana: Yay! Let's go!
- Forrest: Wait. You mean just the two of us?
- Kana: Yup! You'll be OK, though. I've been training a whole lot.
- Forrest: I'm not worried about myself...
- Kana: It'll be fine, it'll be fine! With our special sibling powers, we can take on anything!
- Forrest: Heehee. All right. Fine. But you better stick close to me, all right?
- Kana: Woohoo! We should go patrolling every day!
- Forrest: E-every day?
- Kana: Yeah! I mean, patrols need to be done every day anyways. Why not by us?
- Forrest: Every... day...
- Kana: What's the matter?
- Forrest: Oh, nothing. Just saying good-bye to all my tailoring projects for the next few months...
- Kana: Oh, OK. Neat! Let's get moving!
B Support[]
- Kana: Thanks for coming on patrol with me today, Forrest!
- Forrest: No problem, Kana. I've been enjoying these little patrols. It's neat seeing my little brother grow into such a capable young man.
- Kana: You mean it?!
- Forrest: Mhm! I think you've got a natural talent for this sort of thing.
- Kana: Heehee. Thanks! What about you? Do you have any special talents?
- Forrest: Me? I'm pretty good at healing others I guess.
- Kana: I bet if we combined our powers, we'd be unstoppable!
- Forrest: I'm not so sure about that. But we'd be formidable, for sure.
- Kana: Yeah! Now, we should get moving. We're burning daylight here! We've still got a long ways to go if we're gonna be the best patrollers in camp.
- Forrest: K-Kana? Kana! Hey, wait for meeeeee!
A support[]
- Kana: Forrest! Guess what time it is! That's riiiiiiiiiiiiight! Iiiit's PATROL TIME!
- Forrest: OK, Kana. Let me just grab my things, and we'll be on our way.
- Kana: Er, but... first I wanted to ask you a favor.
- Forrest: Oh? What kind of favor?
- Kana: I want you to teach me to be like you!
- Forrest: Hm? What do you mean?
- Kana: Like, how to heal people! Cause I'm the youngest kid in the camp, right? So there's a lot I still can't do. But if I learn a bunch of new skills, maybe I could be more useful. Besides, I've always wanted to learn something from my big brother! I used to wonder a lot about what it would be like to spend more time with you.
- Forrest: Kana...
- Kana: So now that I can, I want to learn as much from you as possible! ... Is that OK?
- Forrest: Of course it's OK. I'm glad you asked! I'll teach you everything I know.
- Kana: Thank you so much!
- Forrest: But I"m not going to let you get ahead of me so easily. I want to learn from you too. Let's make it a competition to see who can grow stronger the fastest!
- Kana: OK, but you'd better prepare to lose!
- Forrest: We'll see about that! So, then- today, patrol duty. But tomorrow, the real training begins.
- Kana: Sounds good to me!
With Kana (Son)[]
C Support[]
- Kana: Hey, Papa. Can I talk to you about something?
- Forrest: Sure, Kana. What is it?
- Kana: It's Mama. I feel like she's always treating me like a child.
- Forrest: Well, that's only natural. You're her son... And you ARE still pretty young.
- Kana: I know, I know. I just mean I'm not as young as I used to be. I want to help with things. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.
- Forrest: Ah, I see. You want some responsibilities of your own.
- Kana: Yeah! I want to show her she can rely on me. I wonder if there's anything I could do that would make her super happy...
- Forrest: Hmm... Well, I usually make pretty clothes for her. She seems to love that!
- Kana: Oh...
- Forrest: Hm? What's wrong?
- Kana: I can't make clothes like you can, Papa. And besides, those are special Papa gifts. I don't wanna just copy you...
- Forrest: Hm. Good point. Let me think...
- Kana: Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!
- Forrest: A contest?
- Kana: Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things! Whoever Mama thanks the most wins!
- Forrest: Heehee... A contest between father and son, huh? Sounds fun. I'm in!
- Kana: Really? Yay!
- Forrest: But remember, I'm Corrin's husband. I love her more than anything in the world. So I'm going to take this competition seriously, all right? No pulling punches.
- Kana: That's fine by me, Papa. I'm gonna beat you fair and square!
- Forrest: Very well. Then let the best man win!
B Support[]
- Kana: Hey, Papa! I've been making so much progress on our contest! How about you?
- Forrest: Well, I haven't done anything too special yet, but I've been thanked a lot. I have a tally right...here! Take a look.
- Kana: WOW! That's a lot! You got all these already?
- Forrest: Yep! I'm as surprised as you are. I guess I do more for your mother than I thought!
- Kana: Hmph... Well, I'm still not going to lose! Here, see! I recorded all mine too! And the total is...um...
- Forrest: H-hey, wait! You have just as many as me! How did you even do this?
- Kana: I do? I do! Haha! Kana's gonna beat you big-time, Papa! I don't have to work like you, so I can spend all day helping her!
- Forrest: Ah, so that's your secret. And what all have you been doing for her?
- Kana: Mostly I've been trying to help out around camp. I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then, at lunch, I slice the bear meat and hand out food to the soldiers. Oh, and at night I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little things whenever I have the time!
- Forrest: That's a lot of work! I'm impressed. You really have been growing up, haven't you?
- Kana: Huh?
- Forrest: Oh, just a thought. It wasn't so long ago you were still in your swaddling clothes. Now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army. Maybe I've been treating you like a child too.
- Kana: Heehee. Yeah, I've been working real hard. Soon there'll be nothing I can't do!
- Forrest: I believe it. And I bet your mother has been very proud of you.
- Kana: I hope so! And I'm gonna try to make her even prouder tomorrow!
- Forrest: Looks like this is getting interesting. Can't get careless now...
A Support[]
- Kana: *grumble*
- Forrest: Hey there, Kana.
- Kana: Hi, Papa...
- Forrest: What's the matter? I thought you'd be still exulting over your little victory the other day. Or has beating your old man lost its charm already?
- Kana: Oh, no. I'm still happy about that, I guess. It's just that I was trying to do things for Mama earlier, and she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I'm old enough to handle helping out around camp?
- Forrest: Ah, so that's it. I wouldn't worry. It's not you. You're doing good work. I promise.
- Kana: Then why doesn't she want me to help with anything?
- Forrest: I think your mother knows full well you're capable of handling the work. But seeing you acting so grown up makes her feel sad.
- Kana: Huh? Why?
- Forrest: Well, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. She is very, very proud that you're growing up and working so hard. But at the same time, she's worried it means you won't need her anymore. It's a little contradictory, but it's true. Parents can be funny like that.
- Kana: So...what should I do?
- Forrest: I think you should keep helping around camp, but don't work yourself so hard. Take breaks to see your friends, play games, go on adventures. You know. And try to spend some quality time with your mother every now and then. Think you can handle that?
- Kana: But...
- Forrest: What's wrong? Do you not want to spend time with your mother?
- Kana: No, that's not it! It's just... I feel like that stuff is for babies.
- Forrest: No, Kana, it's not for babies. It's for children. And your mother wants you to stay a child for just a while longer. We both do.
- Kana: Papa...
- Forrest: Kana, we know that you're growing and that you want more responsibilities. And we know that you're going to be a fine young man someday. But for now...relax. Don't try to grow up too quickly.
- Kana: OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you said.
- Forrest: Good! You know... I think it would be good if you spend the night in with your mother. I'll go talk to her.
- Kana: Wait! Aren't you gonna stay with us?
- Forrest: What? Me? No, I've got to---
- Kana: But, Papa! I thought you wanted me to enjoy my childhood. It wouldn't be much of a childhood without a papa...
- Forrest: Erk. Well, when you put it that way... All right, all right. Go tell your mother.
- Kana: Yaaay!
- Forrest: Heh. Sometimes I wonder which of us is really in charge here... Ooh! Maybe I should whip us up some cute pajamas to wear!
With Shigure[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Hello, Shigure. What's that you're painting? Oh! And are those oil paints?
- Shigure: They are. I thought I'd try something other than my usual watercolors. This type of painting was the norm a century ago. It's always an interesting exercise to immerse oneself in the history of an art.
- Forrest: I agree! I love revisiting fashions that have come and gone throughout history. A hundred years ago in Nohr, there was a tremendous cultural explosion. Not just in painting and the arts, but in fashion as well. Now that I think about it, I really must try to study more old portraits. There must be a wealth of fashion knowledge to be gained from them. In fact, I cut my hair based on one such portrait done when this style was in vogue.
- Shigure: That makes sense. I remember seeing many paintings from then of ladies wearing their hair like yours. It seems that fashion and painting are more closely related than I'd ever considered.
- Forrest: I'm happy to see you taking an interested in the subject. It is one close to my heart.
- Shigure: Haha. I could say the same thing of you. Perhaps we'll make a painter of you yet.
- Forrest: Ooh! I just had an idea for something we could do!
- Shigure: Hm? What is it?
- Forrest: Here, listen. I bet we can surprise everyone! *whisper whisper* ...
- Shigure: Mmhmm... Uh-huh...
B Support[]
- Forrest: You mean it's finished?
- Shigure: Yes, and it looks splendid, if I do say so myself. Here we are: Lady Wald's portrait. I hope you approve of the new name.
- Forrest: It's perfect! I can't wait to see how our friends react. They'll never guess it's me in those ancient clothes! And you did a bang-up job of painting in that antiquated style.
- Shigure: Honestly, the hardest part was aging the canvas and the paints. I had to be very careful not to overdo it.
- Forrest: Well you did a great job of that too!
- Shigure: Haha. Thank you. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we tell them it's really you! I'm laughing just thinking about it!
- Forrest: Then let's go! We'll show it to everyone right now!
- Shigure: Wait, no! If we both go running up to show it to them, it will look suspicious. You have to go hide somewhere!
- Forrest: Oh, you're right! That was a close one...
- Shigure: Yes... I think, however, if you show up after some of the others, it will be OK. So just wait here a few minutes, and then come when you hear us all talking.
- Forrest: OK, I got it! Teehee!
A Support[]
- Forrest: T-to think they would ALL get it right...
- Shigure: Yes... I would have sworn we'd done a better job then this...
- Forrest: I was really looking forward to seeing their faces, too.
- Shigure: Ah, well... it's not all bad, I suppose.
- Forrest: Yes, you're right. They were all very impressed with your painting. They said they were only able to tell it was me because you painted my face so well...
- Shigure: Hey, now. They sang your praises as well. "There is only one beauty in this entire army, and his name is Forrest." That's a pretty tall compliment, isn't it? We've got a few lookers in this outfit.
- Forrest: Haha. Oh, stop it. You're making me blush! Our prank may have been a bust, but all things told, I think it went pretty well.
- Shigure: Yeah. And it was a lot of fun to put together, too. Plus you've got an old-timey costume now!
- Forrest: Yes, I may have to look into making more garments in old fashions in the future. Say, Shigure. This little project has kindled an interest in painting in me. Would you mind teaching me a thing or two about art?
- Shigure: Of course! But only if you agree to teach me about fashion!
- Forrest: Done and done! I can't wait for our first lesson!
- Shigure: Haha. Me either.
With Shigure (Brother)[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Hmmm... Where did Shigure run off to? I can't imagine why he'd have come to this distant field... But I couldn't find him anywhere around the camp either.
- Shigure: *singing*
- Forrest: Ah! There he is! Now why would he be out here sitting on that tree stump? And why is he surrounded by a whole bunch of... forest animals?! Rabbits, squirrels... Is that a bear? And they're all gathered, as if it were perfectly natural.
- Shigure: I think that's enough for one day. How did you like it?
- Forrest: Shigure, why are you trying to talk with those animals?
- Shigure: Ah! Who's there?! Wait! No! Don't go!
- Forrest: Oh! I made them all run away. That was totally my fault. Sorry about that.
- Shigure: They were just startled, Forrest. Frankly, I was too! But don't worry about it. They can't help being a little shy. So tell me, what are you doing all the way out here?
- Forrest: I was looking for you. Since we were raised apart, we never got to form any sort of brotherly bond. I would love to know you better. Do you want to spend some time together?
- Shigure: Oh... I don't know what to say. I'm really not the most interesting person around. You might have a better time talking with someone more outgoing.
- Forrest: D-don't say that. It's not true.
- Shigure: Please, you shouldn't feel obligated to be my friend just because we're related. Honestly, I'm not in the most social mood right now. You'll have to excuse me.
(Shigure leaves)
- Forrest: W-wait up! Why did he leave...?
B Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh* Shigure ran off again today. Which probably means he's hiding out in that clearing. Surrounded by all those animals he's friends with in the forest. Heehee. Looks like I was right. Hello, Shigure!
- Shigure: Forrest?! What are you doing out here? Ah! Ah! Don't go!
- Forrest: Oh no! They ran off. Sorry for driving them away again.
- Shigure: N-no, don't worry about it. They aren't used to other people being around here. It's easy to startle them.
- Forrest: O-oh, I see. They sure seem fond of you though. We may have the same parents, but we really couldn't be more different.
- Shigure: Why were you looking for me again? Did you need something?
- Forrest: I still want to spend time with you. We're siblings, but it's almost like you and I are strangers. But you're my only brother in the world.
- Shigure: That's true. Listen, I'm sorry for being cold the other day. It makes me happy to know that you care so much. I'm your brother, and I don't want to let you down.
- Forrest: Do you mean it? Can I stay here with you for a while? Maybe you can call back those animals.
- Shigure: Honestly, I don't think they would be comfortable around you.
- Forrest: R-really? And yet they're so happy around you. Maybe if I worked really hard, they would want to be my friends, too. Are there any secret tips that you can share with me?
- Shigure: Hmm... I'm not sure if this will help, but... Animals are highly attuned to the feelings of people around them. Most likely, they detected something in you that drove them off.
- Forrest: Like what? Why would I be angry at some cute animals?
- Shigure: They can sense what you were thinking. Were you sizing them up to figure out which one might make a tasty dinner? Even just for a moment?
- Forrest: No, Shigure! I'm not a glutton. And I wouldn't want their fur either!
- Shigure: Of course, I'm sorry. That's just the biggest reason I could think of for them to run away. I appreciate how sincere you are about befriending them. I'll try to think of what can be done to make them feel safe around you. There has to be a way to help out my kindhearted brother.
- Forrest: I certainly hope so!
A Support[]
- Forrest: Hello, Shigure...
- Shigure: What's wrong, Forrest? You look unhappy.
- Forrest: I've just been thinking about the animals from the other day.
- Shigure: Oh, did you want to go pay them a visit? I was just about to head in that direction if you want to come along. Are you ready to prove that you don't mean them any harm?
- Forrest: That's the thing. I realized that I was feeling upset when I encountered them.
- Shigure: What do you mean?
- Forrest: Honestly, I saw how well you got along with them, and I felt jealous. It was frustrating. I just wanted to spend time with you, but they were in the way. The animals must have sensed how I felt. I was wrapped up in being selfish, and I didn't realize it. I feel so mean...
- Shigure: Forrest, I'm glad you thought about this and talked to me.
- Forrest: There is no way I can go back there.
- Shigure: Don't say that. You should absolutely go back. By opening up, you've changed, and the animals will be able to tell. I think they'll be more welcoming.
- Forrest: I'm not sure...
- Shigure: Well I am. You didn't have to say that you were feeling jealous. But you did anyway. That tells me that you've got a good soul. They'll be able to see that, too. Look! There's a rabbit hopping this way.
- Forrest: GAAH! What do I do?
- Shigure: Just calm down. Relax, and take a breath. Quiet your mind and be peaceful... Just think about how you want to be friends with the furry critter.
- Forrest: A-all right, I'll try... ...AHH! Wow, look! He's letting me pet him! It seems like he's really enjoying it too.
- Shigure: See? I told you everything would work out just fine.
- Forrest: Heehee. You were right. I'm so glad!
- Shigure: Now you can meet all of the other animals. I think you will get along with everyone. Let's wander to the clearing in the woods. I bet your friends will be waiting there.
- Forrest: OK! Thank you for being such a good brother, Shigure. Lead on!
With Kana (Female)[]
C Support[]
- Kana: *sniffle* Where are they all the time? They're always busy... *sniff, sniffle* Papa...Mama...
- Forrest: What's wrong, Kana?
- Kana: Nothing. I'm all right. Don't worry.
- Forrest: All right, if you say so. I'll be on my way then, Kana.
- Kana: No, wait, Forrest!
- Forrest: Yes?
- Kana: Don't tell anyone you saw me crying. Please, Forrest. Promise me.
- Forrest: Very well. It'll be our secret.
- Kana: Th-thanks...
- Forrest: I understand though.
- Kana: What?
- Forrest: I used to cry now and then too, growing up in the Deeprealms. I'd hide away somewhere no one could find me and cry my eyes out.
- Kana: You'd hide to cry?
- Forrest: I did. Sometimes that's what a good cry requires. But other times it's important to talk to a friend. So seek me out anytime you need to talk out your tears, all right?
- Kana: I...I will. Thanks, Forrest.
B Support[]
- Kana: *sniffle* Why did I come here? They never have any time for me! Papa...Mama... *sniff, sniffle*
- Forrest: Hello, Kana. I don't mean to intrude. But I need some help.
- Kana: Fr-from me?
- Forrest: I think you're the only one I know who can help me with this! I'm embroidering a tapestry. My hands are too big to do the most delicate work.
- Kana: But I don't know a thing about sewing.
- Forrest: I'll teach you a basic stitch. You'll be perfect at it.
- Kana: You really think so?
- Forrest: No doubt. You'll be the best for this. Ready to learn the stitch?
- Kana: Y-yes, I think so. How do these stitches look, Forrest?
- Forrest: Beautiful work!
- Kana: You really think so?
- Forrest: I do. I fear you'll be a better embroiderer than even me before long. I bow to your excellence, Kana.
- Kana: Now you're just being silly.
- Forrest: I'm serious! Few people can sew this well on their first day. Even fewer are able to transform their tears into beauty as you just did.
- Kana: Huh?
- Forrest: Sorrow is the wellspring of art, Kana. Let me share a secret with you. When I was young, I missed my parents terribly. I cried and cried. For years, it seemed. One day I found a needle and thread. I began sewing. Every tear, a stitch. Soon I had a beautifully sewn line. I had also stopped crying. Was it a distraction? Perhaps. But I like to think I turned my tears into stitches. And so, sewing became my constant companion.
- Kana: So that's why you really asked me to sew a little... Thanks for letting me help, Forrest. That cheered me up.
- Forrest: Oh, you think you're done? We have a LOT more embroidery to do.
- Kana: R-really? All right, Forrest!
A Support[]
- Kana: Forrest, Forrest!
- Forrest: Hello, Kana. Ready to help me with more embroidery?
- Kana: Yes! I can't wait to get started.
- Forrest: I'll teach you a new technique today. Ready?
- Kana: Let's get sewing! The chain stitch isn't nearly as hard as I thought.
- Forrest: Well, it's exactly as hard as it looks. You're just a natural, Kana.
- Kana: You're a good teacher.
- Forrest: I'm lucky to have such a good student. You'll be inventing your own stitches soon.
- Kana: Uh, Forrest? Can I say something?
- Forrest: Anything, Kana.
- Kana: I think I'm done crying over Mama and Papa having so little time for me.
- Forrest: There's nothing wrong with a good weep now and then. But if you're glad to be done crying, then I'm glad too.
- Kana: I'm not so lonely anymore, I mean, now that you've taken me under your wing. I never knew I could embroider.
- Forrest: I'm happy to have someone to work with me on these projects. Maybe we'll start sewing a bigger project soon. Wouldn't that be fun?
- Kana: Yes, yes, yes!
- Forrest: Ha! Then I will take that as a yes.
- Kana: You've been so nice to me, Forrest.
- Forrest: Nonsense. I needed a sewing partner. I'm delighted to have found one.
- Kana: Hee hee! OK, Forrest.
- Forrest: I bet you'll be teaching me stitches soon enough, good friend.
- Kana: Maybe I will!
S Support[]
- Kana: *sniff, sniffle* Mama...Papa...
- Forrest: Having a good cry, Kana?
- Kana: I still need to...sometimes. But do you want to start on a new embroidery project?
- Forrest: I think so. But I don't want to rush a good weeping session.
- Kana: I...I'm done.
- Forrest: Please don't stop for my sake. Let it all out, I say. It seemed that I went through a few lakes of tears when I was young. Growing up in the Deeprealms felt so awfully isolating at times.
- Kana: B-but you told me that you turned all your tears into stitches.
- Forrest: It didn't happen overnight. I sewed large tapestries in my Deeprealm.
- Kana: So how do you sew now, if all your tears are gone?
- Forrest: Who said they're gone? I need them now more than ever!
- Kana: What?
- Forrest: My tears belong to me. They're a source of inspiration. I plan to sew beautiful things for the rest of my life.
- Kana: Will I?
- Forrest: I'd say cry when you need to and sew when you want to. You'll be so proud of yourself in time. I know I am.
- Kana: Th-then you won't be embarrassed if I cry right now?
- Forrest: Will you mind if I sew while you do?
- Kana: Go...go right ahead. *sniffle, sniff* W-W-WAAAH!
- Forrest: Let it all out, Kana...
- Kana: You were right, Forrest. I feel much better now.
- Forrest: Good. And I've just started a new tapestry.
- Kana: Really? Let me see! What's it going to be when it's done?
- Forrest: You tell me.
- Kana: Huh?
- Forrest: These stitches are just a few ideas for a border. I need your help. I want to make the most majestic tapestry ever. It could take years to finish! I don't know what images to sew into the tapestry. You choose!
- Kana: I...I don't think I know how... I mean, of course I will. I'll come up with some ideas. With you as my friend, I think we'll make something really beautiful.
- Forrest: I think we already have, Kana. Friendship forever?
- Kana: Forever, Forrest.
With Sophie[]
C Support[]
- Sophie: Hey there, Forrest!
- Forrest: Why hello, Sophie.
- Sophie: You look amazing today! That's a killer outfit.
- Forrest: Heehee. You're too kind, Sophie. You're looking very dear yourself.
- Sophie: Haha, who, me? I'm about as cute as a swamp. Nothing looks good on me but armor. I've tried wearing more casual clothes around camp, but...well...
- Forrest: But...?
- Sophie: Let's just say my wardrobe is...horse oriented.
- Forrest: "Horse oriented"...?
- Sophie: Yeah! I'm really into clothes with silhouettes of horses like Avel. Or fabric that's the same color as Avel's coat. You know, stuff like that.
- Forrest: That doesn't sound like much of a problem to me. There are many fine outfits and accessories with horse patterns on them.
- Sophie: That's fine for most people. But when I wear them, everyone bursts out laughing! I have no idea why... *sigh* I wish I had your fashion sense so I could pull off outfits like that.
- Forrest: If you'd like, I could help you select a few choice ensembles.
- Sophie: Really...? I would LOVE that!
- Forrest: I'd be happy to help. My services are free to anyone who wants to look cute.
- Sophie: You're on! Ooh, this is so exciting!
- Forrest: For me too! When I'm through, you'll be cute as a button!
B Support[]
- Sophie: Forrest! Is that offer you made the other day still good?
- Forrest: You mean my offer to help you choose a few cute outfits?
- Sophie: Yep! How would today work for you? I brought along some clothes I thought were cute for you to take a look at.
- Forrest: I have plenty of time. Let's see these outfits of yours.
- Sophie: Yay! OK, so what do you think of this shirt? Keep or dump?
- Forrest: Th-that horse's face embroidered on the front it...striking... It was very bold of the designer to have it take up almost the entire surface...
- Sophie: Doesn't it look just like Avel?! It's so adorable!
- Forrest: It's one of a kind, to be sure... I've seen my share of horse-patterned outfits, but none so...audacious...
- Sophie: It was on display at the shop, and I bought it before I could even think twice! The shopkeeper was pretty surprised. He said he thought he'd never sell it.
- Forrest: Y-yes, well...
- Sophie: Hey, I have an idea! What if I embroidered the letters A-V-E-L at the bottom here? Wouldn't that be to die for?
- Forrest: You're going to sew Avel's name into it?!
- Sophie: Bad idea? Ooh, maybe I should sew MY name instead!
- Forrest: Go ahead, if you're fine with people thinking the horse is named Sophie...
- Sophie: Hmm...I hadn't thought about it like that. But that's not your real objection, is it?
- Forrest: Huh? N-no, well, you see...
- Sophie: *sigh* I knew it... I thought it would be so cute, but I just don't have an eye for this stuff.
- Forrest: It's not a terrible idea, Sophie. It's just that the shirt isn't... Well, it's not...
- Sophie: I'm sorry to bug you so much, Forrest. I'll bring something cuter next time. See you!
- Forrest: Sophie, wait...
A Support[]
- Forrest: Good day, Sophie!
- Sophie: Ah, hey, Forrest. What's up?
- Forrest: I have with me some clothes I'd like you to try on.
- Sophie: For me? Thanks, Forrest? This should be a big help! Gods know I can't dress myself...
- Forrest: Take a look. I think you'll quite like it.
- Sophie: Of course I'll like it! I know anything you give me is gonna be the cutest thing I've- Ohmygods! Is that... Is that the shirt with the horse on it I showed you?
- Forrest: No, but I used that shirt as a reference when crafting this. See, I've even embroidered Avel's name beneath the image, just as you suggested. Do you like it?
- Sophie: It's everything I ever wanted! This is the cutest shirt I've ever seen! ... Though I'm probably the only one who'll think so, huh?
- Forrest: Heehee. Frankly, I don't totally understand the appeal myself.
- Sophie: I knew it...
- Forrest: But if you think it's cute, then it's cute.
- Sophie: Huh? How do you figure?
- Forrest: Everyone has their own idea of what's cute and what's stylish. What you need to do is find what works for you. That's the essence of fashion.
- Sophie: Huh... I never thought of it like that!
- Forrest: It's true. Finding unique, interesting clothing isn't so hard. It's all in how you wear it and combine it with other things. Wear it with pride, and I think that shirt will look smashing on you.
- Sophie: Haha, I wish! But I'll give it a try! Thank you SO much, Forrest!
- Forrest: You're very welcome, Sophie.
S Support[]
- Forrest: *sigh* This is a pickle indeed...
- Sophie: Wanna talk about it?
- Forrest: Sophie? I didn't hear you approach...
- Sophie: You probably wouldn't guess it, but I'm a great listener! I mean... I can listen, but I'm crummy at coming up with a solution... But sometimes that's all you need, right?
- Forrest: Hmhm... Very true. So you don't mind if I unburden a bit?
- Sophie: Not at all! Lets hear it!
- Forrest: This is a secret, but... I'm in love.
- Sophie: Holy moly! With who?! No, no, let me guess! Um... umm... Gosh, I give up! I have no idea who your type would be!
- Forrest: I'll give you one hint. It's a girl.
- Sophie: A girl! OK, that narrows it down. Not that much, though... There's like, hundreds of girls in the army... and I only know a few of them!
- Forrest: My problem is, I want to tell this girl how I feel. But I've never done this before and I'm not sure what the best way is...
- Sophie: Yeah, that makes sense. I can understand how that would bother you.
- Forrest: ...
- Sophie: ...What?
- Forrest: Um... is that all? You don't have any advice on the subject?
- Sophie: Haha, didn't I tell you? I'm a great listener, but I'm hopeless at figuring out what to do after that.
- Forrest: Ah, right, you did mention that.
- Sophie: Sorry! You've been so good to me that I wish I could help...
- Forrest: Oh, you helped quite a bit. With you as a sounding board, I managed to work through my feelings...
- Sophie: Really? Did I miss it?
- Forrest: I've always thought of myself as a prince riding a white steed. Someday, I assumed, I would come across the princess of my heart.
- Sophie: That's so... poetic.
- Forrest: But as it happens, I had it all wrong. The rider of that steed wasn't me, but my princess. And it wasn't a noble white mount, but a cantankerous, unruly horse...
- Sophie: Wait... you don't mean...
- Forrest: I do. You are the princess of my heart, Sophie.
- Sophie: M-ME?! Your princess?!
- Forrest: I love you, Sophie. Heehee! I finally got the words out.
- Sophie: ... No way... I always thought you were amazing too, Forrest! So when you just said you were in love before... I couldn't give you any advice because I was so jealous. Sorry about that...
- Forrest: Oh, Sophie... I'm so glad that things worked out between us. I was rather nervous for a moment!
- Sophie: And I'm glad I was worrying over nothing. I'm excited for our life together, Forrest...
- Forrest: So am I. I look forward to spending the rest of my days with you...
With Midori[]
C Support[]
- Midori: There you are, Forrest! I have a present for youuuu. Ta-daaah!
- Forrest: What... What is it?
- Midori: It's a new cream I developed!
- Forrest: A cream, eh? But I don't feel any stiffness, and I don't have any rashes...
- Midori: Oh, it's not that kind of cream. THIS stuff makes you prettier!
- Forrest: A cream for beauty? I never knew there was such a thing.
- Midori: There wasn't—not until I made some! It can't do anything about your face, but it'll help your hair and pores.
- Forrest: Interesting... It has been a problem maintaining my looks when on the march. This should help with that considerably. Thank you.
- Midori: Sounds perfect for you, if it works as well as it should. Try it! I really want to see the results!
- Forrest: Yes, I think I'll start using it today. Maybe even right now!
- Midori: Yesss! You'll be prettier than ever! Ooooh, I can't wait to see.
- Forrest: Hahah! Oh, Midori...
B Support[]
- Forrest: Hello, Midori.
- Midori: Forrest... Your skin looks SO GOOD! You're using that cream I gave you, huh!
- Forrest: My hair and skin have never felt better, and it's all thanks to you.
- Midori: Yay! It worked!
- Forrest: And to show my gratitude, I have this for you.
- Midori: Wow! What a cute, frilly apron! Did you make this for me?
- Forrest: Yes. The idea was to give you something to wear when brewing medicine. I sewed in plenty of pockets for storage and picked a color that will hide stains. I'm fairly pleased with the results.
- Midori: Thank you! It's wonderful! But, um...the color...
- Forrest: You don't like the color? My apologies...
- Midori: No, no! The color is great! I like what you were going for. The thing is, when you brew medicine, you actually WANT the stains to show. Some of the stronger reagents I use are dangerous if they get on you. So it's important to be able to tell right away if that happens...
- Forrest: Hmm. I'll take that into account next time. Let me take this one back, and I'll sew you up a new—
- Midori: N-no!
- Forrest: No?
- Midori: This apron is too cute! It's not good for brewing medicine, but I'll wear it for other stuff! Thanks for making me such a great outfit.
- Forrest: You're very welcome. It gives me joy to see others delighting in my creations.
A Support[]
- Midori: Oooh, there you are, Forrest!
- Forrest: Ah, Midori. Good timing.
- Midori: Oh yeah...? Did you need me for something?
- Forrest: Yes. Here, this is for you.
- Midori: Another apron! And it's pure white! Forrest, you remembered!
- Forrest: Yes. I made you a more suitable apron to wear while brewing medicine. On your advice, I made this one so that stains would be more readily apparent.
- Midori: So I see! And look at these frills! They're adorable!
- Forrest: I'm pleased that you like them. Oh, but you greeted me... Did I interrupt? Was there something you needed?
- Midori: Oh, right! I made a new and improved cream, and I wanted you to have some!
- Forrest: Would this be the skin cream you had me try before?
- Midori: Yep. This version will make your skin even smoother. Not only that, it moisturizes your hair! I daresay it's my masterpiece!
- Forrest: I look forward to trying it. Haha, I just realized...
- Midori: Hmmm?
- Forrest: It's almost like we've formed our own little private market. You give me creams, I supply you with clothes, and so on and on...
- Midori: Haha, you're right. But hey, I'm having fun with it. Probably because you always get so excited when I give you something new!
- Forrest: Funny, that's just what spurs me to make the little gifts I give you.
- Midori: Heehee! I keep trying to make better and better stuff, just to see your reaction.
- Forrest: Then I can't let the quality of my creations flag either.
S Support[]
- Forrest: Hey, Midori.
- Midori: Forrest! I see you've got a box with you again today. Another present for me?
- Forrest: Yes, and this time I've prepared a very special gift.
- Midori: Really? Aww, I'm sorry, Forrest. And here I am without any new cream for you.
- Forrest: I don't mind. I didn't make this for you with the expectation of something in return.
- Midori: What do you mean?
- Forrest: Can you extend your left hand, Midori?
- Midori: Like this?
- Forrest: Just like that. Now let's see... ... There. A perfect fit.
- Midori: A bracelet? It's nice, but...what's so special about it?
- Forrest: It's a friendship bracelet. I care for you very much and wanted to show it.
- Midori: You...care for me? Like...romantically?
- Forrest: Yes. I've felt that way for a while now, actually. Our gift exchanges are always the highlight of my day. I can't tell whether I'm happier to receive your gifts or to give you mine. Of everyone I know, I can't think of anyone else I get along with so well. Don't you think so?
- Midori: You know what...? Yeah. I didn't bring cream, but I was thinking up new ideas for some on the way here. So I think I know just what you mean.
- Forrest: So you'll be mine?
- Midori: Yep! Haha, I guess I have a gift for you after all, huh?
- Forrest: And a very precious one at that. I'll keep on returning the favor as long as it makes you happy.
- Midori: And I'll keep the cream coming to have you looking prettier than ever!
With Siegbert[]
C Support[]
- Siegbert: Forrest! Are you going out to do some shopping?
- Forrest: I am! I heard some new fabrics have just arrived at the tailor's. I'm so excited. I haven't had a nice swath of silk in ages!
- Siegbert: Are you going alone? Perhaps I could accompany you.
- Forrest: Oh, did you have some shopping to do too?
- Siegbert: Not exactly. I just feel like it's been too long since we've chatted.
- Forrest: What do you mean? We talked for three hours straight yesterday! Or was there something in particular you wanted to talk about?
- Siegbert: Er...well, no. I apologize. Would you prefer to go alone?
- Forrest: No, it's not that. But you don't really wish to have a chat, do you? You're trying to protect me again.
- Siegbert: *sigh* Guilty as charged. Is that so terrible of me? You're my cousin. I just want to make sure you're safe.
- Forrest: I'm touched by your concern, but I really don't need looking after. But...I suppose it's all right, just this once.
- Siegbert: Are you sure? It's all right if you don't want me to go.
- Forrest: Yes, I'm certain. At the very least, it will give me the pleasure of your conversation. Shall we depart?
- Siegbert: By all means! After you.
B Support[]
- Siegbert: Forrest! Off to go shopping again?
- Forrest: Siegbert? Yes, actually I am.
- Siegbert: I was just thinking about going shopping again as well! May I tag along?
- Forrest: ...
- Siegbert: Forrest? Is something wrong?
- Forrest: Thank you for helping me fend off that pack of ruffians that attacked us last time.
- Siegbert: Huh? Oh, think nothing of it. I will not allow anyone to harm my cousin. I simply did what had to be done.
- Forrest: Right. And you plan on joining me today in case something similar happens?
- Siegbert: Indeed. Do you mind?
- Forrest: Yes, I do.
- Siegbert: But...if I hadn't been there last time... Forrest, you were outnumbered!
- Forrest: Either way, my decision stands. I can take care of myself. I don't need you protecting me all the time!
- Siegbert: This is nonsense.
- Forrest: I am not a child. I know your intentions are pure, but you're my cousin, not my keeper! So just let me take care of myself from now on, OK?
- Siegbert: I...I just... As you wish, I suppose. I don't like it, but I respect your decision.
- Forrest: *sigh* Thank you. Sorry if that sounded harsh. I'll take my leave of you now.
(Forrest leaves)
- Siegbert: ...
A Support[]
- Forrest: Siegbert. I'm sorry about the other day. I was too harsh.
- Siegbert: No, I should be the one apologizing. It was my fault in the first place. You were right. I was so worried about your safety, I treated you like a child. I know you're not weak or anything. I just worry about you. Anyway, I'm so very sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was unforgivably wrong.
- Forrest: Siegbert...it's OK. I understand. Your heart was in the right place. I'm happy you were trying to protect me. It's nice having a guardian angel. But from here on out, I want you to see me as your ally, not your obligation, OK?
- Siegbert: Yes, of course. I never meant to do otherwise. I swear it. You're still my cousin, and I love you. I will always want to protect you. But you're as capable a man as I, and I will respect that from now on.
- Forrest: Exactly! I'm so happy you understand.
- Siegbert: So! Want to go shopping? I really do have something to do in town this time, I promise!
- Forrest: Yes, that sounds wonderful. Let's go!
With Ignatius[]
C Support[]
- Ignatius: Hmm...
- Forrest: Um, Ignatius? Why are you staring at me?
- Ignatius: Huh? Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was staring. I was just admiring your hat. It goes really well with your shirt.
- Forrest: Well, thanks! I made them both.
- Ignatius: I've been thinking I could use a new look. People tell me I'm "unapproachable." I don't see why.
- Forrest: Well, your face does look kind of intimidating, to be honest. You know...the expression you're making.
- Ignatius: That's just it. I'm not making an expression. This is just how I look. Do you think some new clothes would help?
- Forrest: Well...
- Ignatius: Bah, forget I said anything.
- Forrest: No, hear me out! I was going to say that I pretty much make only women's clothes. But I suppose I could try to make something that would look nice on you.
- Ignatius: It's OK. I appreciate the offer, but I don't know what I was thinking. See you later, Forrest.
(Ignatius leaves)
- Forrest: Hmm...
B Support[]
- Forrest: Hey, Ignatius! Check it out!
- Ignatius: Hello, Forrest. What is that?
- Forrest: It's a blouse. I mean...shirt. It's a shirt.
- Ignatius: I see. Well, it certainly appears to have been competently tailored.
- Forrest: Is that all you have to say? I stayed up all night working on it.
- Ignatius: I don't know what else to say. I'm sure it'll look good on you.
- Forrest: Um, this shirt is actually for you, Ignatius.
- Ignatius: That shirt...for me? Um...
- Forrest: You said the other day that people were getting the wrong impression about you. So I thought something like this could help!
- Ignatius: Yeah. I guess I wasn't expecting something so...floral.
- Forrest: Oh. You know, I put a lot of work into this garment. The least you could do is try it on.
- Ignatius: I'm sorry, Forrest, but I don't think I could ever wear that. So what's the point in trying it on?
- Forrest: I see. Well, I did tell you that I didn't have much experience with men's clothing.
- Ignatius: And I told you not to bother. Remember? Anyway, never mind. It's my fault. I never should have said anything.
- Forrest: It's OK. I can still salvage the fabric and turn it into something I can wear. See you around, Ignatius.
(Forrest leaves)
- Ignatius: Damn.
A Support[]
- Ignatius: Hey, Forrest. Do you have a moment?
- Forrest: Hey, Ignatius. Sure. What's going on?
- Ignatius: I feel terrible about the other day. About the shirt. Do you still have it?
- Forrest: Yes. I haven't done anything with it yet. But why?
- Ignatius: Can I try it on?
- Forrest: I thought it was too girly for you. Aren't you worried about your reputation?
- Ignatius: People can think what they want. It hurts me that I rejected a friend like you who was just trying to help. So will you let me try the shirt on or not?
- Forrest: Of course! I can't wait to see how my first men's shirt turned out!
- Ignatius: Now I'm not saying I'm going to wear this shirt into battle or anything...
- Forrest: Ha! Well, I didn't design it for battle anyway. It's more of an... après-battle shirt.
- Ignatius: Right. I mean, I wouldn't want to distract anyone on the battlefield.
- Forrest: Of course. So come on back to my tent and you can try it on. I actually made a few accessories to go with it!
- Ignatius: Oh?
- Forrest: Yeah, I made a hat and a... well, let's call it a kilt.
- Ignatius: It's a skirt, isn't it?
- Forrest: Yes. Yes, it is.
With Velouria[]
C support[]
- Forrest: If I start here, it should fit the fabric exactly... Yes, this will work nicely.
- Velouria: *stare*
- Forrest: Velouria? Might I help you with something?
- Velouria: Nope, I'm good. Just watching you sew.
- Forrest: I see...
- Velouria: *stare*
- Forrest: Do you want to join in? Is that it? Because if so, just say the word and I'll fetch the necessary materials.
- Velouria: No, keep sewing. Pretend I'm not here.
- Forrest: A-all right...
- Velouria: *stare*
- Forrest: Um... I'm almost done...
- Velouria: Really? I guess you'll be going back to your tent, then.
- Forrest: I had planned to, yes. And you?
- Velouria: Never mind that.
- Forrest: S-sorry, I didn't mean to pry. Well... I guess I'll be on my way.
(Forrest leaves)
- Velouria: ... Hehe... heeheeheehee. Look at all these cloth scraps and wasted thread lying around... So much treasure! And it's all mine! Heeheehee! I don't have to share with ANYONE!
B Support[]
- Velouria: Hey, Forrest. Aren't you sewing today?
- Forrest: In fact, I was just thinking of starting a new project now.
- Velouria: Whew! More treasure for me...
- Forrest: I'm sorry, what?
- Velouria: Nothing. Ignore me.
- Forrest: Um... are you going to be watching me from over there again?
- Velouria: Yeah. Why, do you not want me to?
- Forrest: Heehee, no, no, feel free. I take it you're interested in sewing? If so, I have good news, because I brought a second kit for you to use. Would you like to sew with me?
- Velouria: No. I don't care about sewing.
- Forrest: What?! Y-you don't? B-but I don't understand... Why else would you be watching me so raptly?
- Velouria: So I can keep an eye on the amazing treasure you create.
- Forrest: Er... I'm glad you like it, but I don't think I quite understand.
- Velouria: It's fine. Do your sewy thing. Cut your cloth and wiggle your needle and all that. I'll watch from over here.
- Forrest: You enjoy merely... watching me?
- Velouria: No, that's actually really boring. But when you're finished... Ooh, that's what I can't wait for. Heheheh! An unbelievable bounty of thread and fabric is mine for the taking...
- Forrest: At this point, I'm not sure I even want to understand...
A Support[]
- Velouria: Hey, Forrest. You're going to do a bunch more sewing today, right?
- Forrest: Indeed I will. I take it you'll watch again?
- Velouria: You know it.
- Forrest: And when I'm done, you'll gather up all the scraps and fibers, yes?
- Velouria: Yeah... those are my treasure.
- Forrest: Heehee. You're so funny, Velouria.
- Velouria: Pffft. You're one to talk.
- Forrest: Haha, true enough. But I meant it as a compliment.
- Velouria: How? What is it you like about me?
- Forrest: The depth of your commitment, for one. You firmly believe things that most people don't value are, in fact, treasures. You live by your own set of values, and I think that's wonderful.
- Velouria: Hmm, I don't know if it's as cool as you made it sound. Then again, you make it sound not so weird, and I like that. Thanks, Forrest. But aren't you just like me?
- Forrest: In what way?
- Velouria: You wear whatever you want, no shame, no matter what anyone says. That's "living by your own set of values" too, right?
- Forrest: Haha, in a way, yes.
- Velouria: So we're a lot alike, huh.
- Forrest: In that we are both kooks?
- Velouria: Yeah. We're alike in our kookiness.
- Forrest: Heehee. I can think of worse bases for friendship, hmm?
- Velouria: So are you going to finish your sewing project, or...?
S Support[]
- Velouria: Whoooa, this hair ball... *sniff* *sniff* Smells like a horse's rear... What a find!
- Forrest: Hello, Velouria. Hunting for treasure again?
- Velouria: Sure am. I've found so much great stuff! What about you? What brings you to the forest today?
- Forrest: I came seeking treasure as well.
- Velouria: Really? What kinda treasures do you find in the forest?
- Forrest: Very rare ones. I've found a particularly beautiful treasure just now.
- Velouria: Now I'm curious. If it's all right, can I see your treasure?
- Forrest: Absolutely. Here, have a look.
- Velouria: Woah... this is a nice mirror. It's all shiny and cute. Yep, this is just the kind of mirror you would have.
- Forrest: It's a beautiful mirror, I agree. But the mirror is not my forest treasure.
- Velouria: What give, then?! You said you'd show me the treasure you found here. *sniff* *sniff* There's nothing else in your pockets... Are you playing a prank on me?
- Forrest: Oh dear... No, Velouria. The treasure isn't the mirror; it's what the mirror shows.
- Velouria: You're your own treasure?!
- Forrest: No, no! It's you, Velouria! Of all the things in this forest, I treasure you most. And not just in the forest, but in the wider world as well.
- Velouria: Wow! How did you say that with a straight face?
- Forrest: Heehee. It's easy. When something needs doing, I get it done.
- Velouria: Woah. That was a pretty cool line... I think my heart skipped a beat.
- Forrest: But now you know how I feel. What do you think of that?
- Velouria: Hmm. If I'm your treasure, that means you'll take good care of me, right?
- Forrest: Naturally. One must never be careless with what one values most.
- Velouria: Heehee. OK then. And I'll take care of you too, just like one of my treasures.
- Forrest: H-hopefully that doesn't mean hoarding me away out of sight for all time...
With Ophelia[]
C Support[]
- Ophelia: Make my liege cry, will you?! You will pay for you impertinence in the fiery afterlife! Did you think I wouldn't have my trusty Missiletainn tome at hand?! Now, I will begin and end this battle with my finishing move! Luminary Upper---
- Forrest: No, Ophelia! Don't attack him!
- Ophelia: This man made you cry! I turned my back for one instant. And he struck like a viper! No punishment is too great for him! He should be burned to cinders! His cinders should be flung onto an ocean! Then the ocean should be boiled dry!
- Forrest: You've got this poor fellow all wrong, Ophelia. He's just a spice merchant! I was sampling his saffron when I got a speck in my eye. It's all MY fault! Please, put away your powerful tome before someone gets hurt.
- Ophelia: You say he's just a merchant? The consider yourself lucky, merchant of tears! Until next we meet!
- Forrest: Everyone in the market is staring, Ophelia. Let's be on our way---now!...I'm honored that you'd come to my defense, Ophelia. But don't you think that was a little overboard?
- Ophelia: Overboard is the least I can do for you, the son of Prince Leo! My father has pledged his loyalty to your father---and I pledge mine to you. Generations of your family, watched over by generations of ours...Can you not hear the ringing of justice throughout all eternity?! Well. even if you can't, I can! So let the bells toll the death of your enemies!
- Forrest: I appreciate that, Ophelia. But you really need to calm yourself.
- Ophelia: Calm is for sheep! The fox is in the henhouse! A wolf is on the prowl! I put down the shepherd's crook and pick up a flaming sword! Yaaah!
- Forrest: Ugh. How can I ever go to the market again with her around? She's liable to make the shops run with blood before she's through...
B Support[]
- Ophelia: I warned you, merchant of tears! You wouldn't get a second chance! Now, you're the ones who's going to be crying...in your grave!
- Forrest: No, Ophelia! Not again! You can't attack the shopkeepers!
- Ophelia: But, Forrest, this time he sprayed you with that vile fluid! This time, he will pay.
- Forrest: This isn't even the same shopkeeper as last time, Ophelia.
- Ophelia: Really?
- Forrest: And this one didn't do anything wrong either. It's perfume. I tested it on myself. Everyone's upset, Ophelia. We had better leave before you start a riot!...I'm begging you, Ophelia. Please stop attacking the shopkeepers. Or anyone else that's not obviously an enemy.
- Ophelia: My eyes are well trained to detect assassins out for your blood. I am a chosen one, after all.
- Forrest: I can protect myself.
- Ophelia: You're strong, Forrest, but my eyes are highly tuned to glimmers of evil. Are you sure that was perfume? That he wasn't an assassin? Any one of those shopkeepers could have evil in their heart. Or all of them!
- Forrest: Perhaps, but I doubt it.
- Ophelia: I need to protect my liege. I will stay at your side when I can. I will watch from afar when I can't! Thus is the life of a chosen one.
- Forrest: You have to stop this, Ophelia.
- Ophelia: Stop?! I have hardly started! Next time you go to the market, those merchants won't be selling. They'll be paying...WITH THEIR LIVES.
- Forrest: This most certainly is not going to end well.
A Support[]
- Ophelia: Wait up, Forrest! Are you heading to the market again?
- Forrest: Ah, Ophelia. You found me.
- Ophelia: I've followed you for a while. So many zigs and zags. I thought you might have gotten lost, but now I see you've found your bearings!
- Forrest: If a shopkeeper shows me something, are you going to attack again?
- Ophelia: With every fiber of my eternal being! I am chosen one!
- Forrest: Then I demand that you stay here.
- Ophelia: Why?!
- Forrest: You're making me miserable by seeing enemies everywhere they're not! I know you just want to keep me safe, but I can't let innocents get hurt.
- Ophelia: You can't go by yourself.
- Forrest: Let's say there was an assassin out to get me---aren't there easier ways to do it? Setting up a stall, arranging merchandise, selling there day after day...All in the hopes that I might show up one day?
- Ophelia: When you put it that way...Yes.
- Forrest: Ugh, Ophelia. If I was out for my blood, I'd follow me until I was somewhere private. A market is the last place I'd try to off myself.
- Ophelia: You're too noble of blood to realize how low some will go.
- Forrest: Thank you for your service, Ophelia. But if you truly do serve my royal family, then obey me now. Stay here. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Not them or you.
- Ophelia: Only if you make me a promise, Forrest. Watch your back. And your sides. Your front, above and below! Danger abounds in a market. But I never meant to make you sad. So do go without me. Be careful.
- Forrest: Really? You'll stay here?
- Ophelia: I'll do better than that. I give you my solemn vow never to attack shopkeepers.
- Forrest: In that case, care to come with me to the market? I've got my eye on a nice scarf. If you promise not to destroy anyone, I'd love to get your opinion on it.
- Ophelia: I'd love to! As I said, my eyes are well trained to detect---Er, bargains.
- Forrest: Now there you can watch my back. I can be such a spendthrift!
S Support[]
- Forrest: Hello, Ophelia. I wonder if you'd walk with me a bit?
- Ophelia: Anything for you. Where are we going?
- Forrest: Wait and see!
- Ophelia: What? I can't wait. Tell me!
- Forrest: Trust me. I know you'll like it.
- Ophelia: All right, Forrest...We're deep in the forest...Forrest.
- Forrest: We'll be there any moment. Ah! There.
- Ophelia: What a beautiful lake!
- Forrest: I wasn't sure I could find it again. But here we are.
- Ophelia: Clearly, a sacred place. The energy here laps at the shores of my heart---I may swoon!
- Forrest: Well, don't swoon yet. I want to tell you about the legend of this lake.
- Ophelia: Oooh! A legend, you say? Tell me more. Tell me everything!
- Forrest: It's said that if two people pledge themselves to each other here...they live happily ever after.
- Ophelia: Really?
- Forrest: W-well then, Ophelia?
- Ophelia: Y-yes, Forrest?
- Forrest: I pledge myself to you.
- Ophelia: You do? To me? But I thought...that you thought...that I was too...
- Forrest: Too what? Too protective of me? Yes, a tad overzealous. But your devotion to me could fill this lake to overflowing. Or too vivid? Too colorful? Why, that's everything I love! You're unlike anyone I've ever met. How lucky I'd be to spend my life with you.
- Ophelia: This whole time, I didn't think you really understood the depth of Ophelia Dusk...
- Forrest: So, since we are here at this lake of legend, where love lasts forever...What do you say?
- Ophelia: I say we ensure our happy ending by enacting the rose-petal ritual of legend!
- Forrest: What ritual?
- Ophelia: We will scatter rose petals across the surface of this lake. And when---and ONLY when ---we have this lake pink with petals, we'll dive in!
- Forrest: That's a lot of roses. It will be a romantic adventure finding so many!
- Ophelia: We will leave no stone unturned in our search. No volcano unexplored!
- Forrest: Then we'd better start. We'll be searching for the rest of your lives together!
- Ophelia: There would be no better way to spend an eternity with you, Forrest.
With Soleil[]
C Support[]
- Forrest: Oh no! My glove—it's blowing away!
- Soleil: I've got it! Here you go, cutie.
- Forrest: Thank you! I stopped for tea, but I can't believe how windy it is! ...Uh, Soleil? Why are you staring like that? It's my hair, isn't it? Ugh! I knew it. The wind's ruined me!
- Soleil: Your hair's fine! Actually, it's more than fine. I've been meaning to ask you... How DO you get those adorable curls? They're too cute!
- Forrest: Oh, well, thank you. It's easy! While my hair is wet, I pin each section into place. Once my hair dries—instant ringlets!
- Soleil: No!
- Forrest: Yes!
- Soleil: Haha, nice try! You use some kind of magic on your hair. That's cool. Heehee!
- Forrest: I do not!
- Soleil: Don't freak out! I won't tell anyone! I knew it! No one has hair THAT cute. You've got a special stave just for hairdos. Will you show me sometime? Please?!
- Forrest: *sigh* Soleil, I told you! I am not using magic!
- Soleil: Cool. I'll stop by later. *wink* It will be our little secret!
B Support[]
- Soleil: Oh, look! It's Forrest's bag. Hmm... Let me dig through here...
- Forrest: Soleil! What are you doing?!
- Soleil: Oh, uh... hi, Forrest! I was just searching for the secret to your super-cute hair. ...And I think I just found it! Aha! It wasn't a stave. It was a potion!
- Forrest: That's not a potion. That's a bottle of shampoo! Perhaps you've heard of it?
- Soleil: No way! This stuff smells a-mazing—like it's made of roses and pegasus tears!
- Forrest: You're right about the roses. It's very expensive, so please—put that back!
- Soleil: Huh. It's regular shampoo? You're not washing your hair with magic? Then how do you get it like that?! *gasp* Oh! I just figured it out. Your hair's fake!
- Forrest: It is not fake!
- Soleil: Can I touch your wig? Please?!
- Forrest: You may touch my hair, but I told you—it's NOT a wig!
- Soleil: Wow. It's so silky. That's amazing! It feels real...if real hair could feel THAT soft!
- Forrest: Thank you, I think. Soleil?! What are you doing?! Ow! Ow, ow, ow!
- Soleil: Whoa. Your wig is so firmly attached! How do you do that?
- Forrest: They're called roots!
- Soleil: What?! This is your real hair?! I could've sworn it was a wig! Oh, Forrest. I'm so sorry. I tugged really hard just now. I bet that hurt!
- Forrest: It did! But that's OK, Soleil. I forgive you.
- Soleil: You do?
- Forrest: Yes. I know you meant it as a compliment.
- Soleil: That's true. I did! I've never met anyone with such pretty hair before. I didn't think it was possible. ...Sometimes I wish I could have cute hair too.
- Forrest: Are you serious? But you have such thick, gorgeous tresses!
- Soleil: Thanks, but I never do anything special to it. I wear this same headband every day.
- Forrest: Is that what this is all about? I'd be happy to teach you how to curl your hair.
- Soleil: Really?! Awww! I'd love that!
- Forrest: Great! It will only take a few hours, so I'll see you tomorrow morning around five.
- Soleil: WHAT?! You get up at five just to do your hair?!
- Forrest: Yep! Beauty like this takes time! I'll see you bright and early!
A Support[]
- Soleil: *yawn* Thanks again for fixing my hair, Forrest! I still can't believe you get up this early every morning! That's crazy!
- Forrest: It's nothing. While my curls set, I mend and press my outfit. All this travel is hard on clothing! If you don't take care of things, they won't last.
- Soleil: I never thought about that before.
- Forrest: I can tell. ...Now, let's see. I'm almost done with the back. You have a LOT of hair. So many girls would be jealous of your thick, shiny locks! Did you know that?
- Soleil: Really?
- Forrest: Yes! I'm going to unpin this back section and see how your curls are turning out. ...Oh dear.
- Soleil: What's wrong?
- Forrest: Nothing.
- Soleil: Forrest! You just said, "Oh dear." That doesn't sound like nothing!
- Forrest: Well, it's just... um... I didn't expect it to turn out quite so...frizzy.
- Soleil: Huh? Let me see that mirror! If you hold the other one like so, I can see the back—ACK! Forrest! What did you do to me?! I look like a... a...
- Forrest: You look like a poodle! I'm SO sorry, Soleil. I don't know what happened.
- Soleil: Well, I know what happened! You made me get up at dawn to look like this!
- Forrest: I apologize. If I find you the right hat, it will be OK. Accessories make the look!
- Soleil: It's my fault. I'm the one who dragged you into this. I should've left you and your super-cute hair alone.
- Forrest: Don't say that!
- Soleil: But I've done nothing but annoy you! And now, look at me! I better go shower.
- Forrest: Here. Take this.
- Soleil: Forrest, I can't use this! It's your expensive shampoo!
- Forrest: I want you to use it. If you can't have curls, at least your hair will smell like roses. Besides, your hair's already lovely. I should've left it alone.
- Soleil: Aww... Thanks, Forrest.
- Forrest: For what?! I made you look terrible!
- Soleil: It was really kind of you to help me, and we had some good bonding time. Now that I think about it... it's sort of funny. Heeheehee!
- Forrest: You're right. *snort* Bahaha! Quick! You better run before someone sees you!
- Soleil: Haha! Good idea!
- Forrest: Wait up! Maybe you should borrow my hat!
S Support[]
- Forrest: Hello, Soleil. I'm sorry again about the hair debacle! You've looked so down ever since! Maybe I can make it up to you. I'd be happy to sew you something. Perhaps you'd like a capelet like mine? Would that cheer you up?
- Soleil: That's really sweet of you, Forrest, but I don't think a cape will help. I always say, "Turn that frown upside down," but sometimes that's hard to do.
- Forrest: I see. You're disappointed about your hair. I don't know why. It's beautiful straight!
- Soleil: Oh, that's not it! I'm bummed because you won't want to hang out with me anymore. My curls and I are hopeless!
- Forrest: Why would you say that? There are other things we could do besides hair!
- Soleil: Really? I thought someone super-cute like you would have tons of friends already.
- Forrest: I have friends, but I've always got room for one more.
- Soleil: And what if I don't want to be your friend?
- Forrest: Oh! Well, in that case, I'll just be on my way...
- Soleil: No! Wait! I didn't mean it like that. What if I want to be MORE than your friend?
- Forrest: Huh?
- Soleil: You know I have a thing for super cute girls, right?
- Forrest: Right... but you know that I'm...a...
- Soleil: A super-cute man dressed like a girl? Yep! I know. Totally adorable!
- Forrest: Well, Soleil, I think you're pretty adorable too.
- Soleil: Really?
- Forrest: Yes! You have so much energy. When you show up, you light up the whole room. I don't even mind all of the hair pulling and shampoo stealing...
- Soleil: Wait a minute! You said I could borrow it!
- Forrest: I'm teasing! In fact, I have a gift for you. I got you your very own bottle.
- Soleil: What?! For me? You mean, I can smell like roses all the time?
- Forrest: Yes! I have a thing for super-cute girls too, you know.
- Soleil: Aww... Thanks, Forrest! You really know how to make a girl feel special.
- Forrest: Anytime!
With Nina[]
C Support[]
- Nina: Forrest...
- Forrest: Hello, Nina. How are you?
- Nina: Fooooorrest... Foooooorrest... Hee hee!
- Forrest: Uh. I can hear you, you know.
- Nina: What? Oh! That's strange. For some reason I'm totally comfortable chatting with you...unlike most other boys. There's something special about you, Forrest. Foooooorrest... Fooooorrest... Hee hee!
- Forrest: Nina? What is going on?!
- Nina: Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I drift off into a little special world of my own. Hee!
- Forrest: Uh...I see. Well, would you mind not, er, chanting my name so excessively?
- Nina: Oh, Forrest. I think the two of us should be friends. I mean, my father works for your father, so that could be a little weird, but... I just find you FASCINATING. I want us to be besties, OK?
- Forrest: Well...sure. We can be friends, I guess.
- Nina: Oh yesssss. I'm very glad to hear that. What an adorable new friend I've made!
- Forrest: Honestly, though? You're kinda creeping me out right now, Nina.
B Support[]
- Forrest: OK, Nina...are you ready to head into town?
- Nina: *stare*
- Forrest: Nina? We're going shopping, right?
- Nina: "Forrest, Forrest, what a guy... Lovely hair and pretty eyes..."
- Forrest: Huh? Did you say something?
- Nina: "The boys in town all called his name... Forrest! Won't you play a game?"
- Forrest: Hello? Is Nina in there? We'd like to have a conversation with her!
- Nina: "But Forrest didn't want to play... He'd turn his back and waltz away."
- Forrest: ...
- Nina: "Oh, Forrest, Forrest, can't you see? The only one for you is ME!"
- Forrest: Nina!
- Nina: Huh? Oh, Forrest, when did you get here?
- Forrest: I've been here the whole time. The WHOLE time.
- Nina: Oh. Er, what did I say? Nothing strange, I hope. My daydreams can be...intense.
- Forrest: I'll say. So what, exactly, were you daydreaming about?
- Nina: Oh. Well, this one wasn't THAT intense, I guess. I was just daydreaming about, uh, world peace. Yeah, that's it.
- Forrest: Really. Really?
- Nina: Aw, why does it matter? C'mon, let's go shopping. Hee hee!
- Forrest: Argh...
A Support[]
- Nina: Hey, Forrest... Can I ask you a personal question? Do you have any interest in other men? You know...like, if you see a cool-looking guy, does your heart skip a beat?
- Forrest: Well, if you put it that way...I suppose so.
- Nina: Really?!
- Forrest: Well, sure. There are so many talented and beautiful people out there. I definitely find myself starstruck from time to time.
- Nina: Um, that's not exactly what I meant.
- Forrest: Well, what DID you mean?
- Nina: Ugh, why is it so hard to talk about this kind of stuff? I guess it's just...I think of you like a girl friend. But you're a guy. And, y'know, I'm just wondering if you are also INTO guys, if you get my drift.
- Forrest: Well, that's pretty forward of you to ask. But for your information...no. I'm not "into" guys. I know I have a pretty feminine style. But that's just what I like! I guess I'm sorry I'm not quite the person you want me to be, Nina.
- Nina: Oh, please don't apologize! If anything, I'm the one who needs to say I'm sorry. The thing is...you ARE the person I want you to be. But I'm the worst. I can't believe how rude I've been. You're so important to me, and look at how I'm treating you. *sob* *sob*
- Forrest: Nina, I---
- Nina: Forrest, I'm going to make this up to you somehow. Just give me the chance.
- Forrest: Nina, it's okay. There's nothing to make up. Please don't be so hard on yourself!
- Nina: Really? Do you mean that?
- Forrest: I do. You've become a good friend, and I like you just the way you are.
- Nina: Oh, Forrest. You're too wonderful. And so dreamy... No! That's not what I meant to say! Grr! Am I too crazy for you, Forrest?
- Forrest: No. And please don't call yourself crazy.
- Nina: Aw, why must you be so admirable? All right, let's just continue on as friends, shall we?
- Forrest: Yes, that's what I want, Nina.
- Nina: Sounds good to me!
S Support[]
- Forrest: Nina, can we talk?
- Nina: What's the matter, Forrest?
- Forrest: I love you, Nina.
- Nina: HUH?! You love...me?
- Forrest: Why should that surprise you?
- Nina: Sorry, I've thought about it quite a bit. I assumed I wasn't your type.
- Forrest: I thought we'd been over this...
- Nina: Oh, not that. I mean me---that I'm not the kind of girl you'd like.
- Forrest: And that is?
- Nina: Fancier than I am. Frillier? Flouncier?
- Forrest: I like you---indeed, love you---as you are.
- Nina: Are you sure?
- Forrest: Do I seem like someone who doesn't very exactly know his tastes? You mentioned that you'd given this some thought, Nina. Can I assume...you have the same feelings for me?
- Nina: Yes. And no. But also yes! It's complicated. You see, I think all sorts of men are beautiful. To pick just one? He'd have to make the others pale in comparison.
- Forrest: I see. Well, do I?
- Nina: Oh! You expect an answer? Right here, right now?
- Forrest: We can postpone this discussion for as long as you like. But it seems like we have been agonized over this in secret for a while. It might be best to simplify this down to a basic question.
- Nina: Do we love each other?
- Forrest: For me, I pledge with all my heart this simple answer. Yes, yes. A thousand times yes.
- Nina: Ooooh! My heart is suddenly a-flutter! How exciting! Maybe you are the perfect fit for me!
- Forrest: So I can take that as a...?
- Nina: YES!
- Forrest: A...thousand times yes?
- Nina: Just once is enough, Forrest. I'm a no-frills kind of girl. And you swear you love me, despite me not being as beautifully frilly as you are?
- Forrest: I do, Nina. I honestly and truly do.
With Kiragi[]
C Support[]
- Kiragi: Hey, Forrest. How goes it?
- Forrest: Prince Kiragi! Well met. It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a fellow prince.
- Kiragi: Same to you! But, uh, could you do me a favor and drop the "Prince" for me?
- Forrest: As you like. I hope you don't mind me asking, but... what is the reason for your appearance?
- Kiragi: Huh? My appearance? Do I look funny?
- Forrest: Well, for starters, your hair looks as though it houses several large rodent clans. And your clothes! They're covered in some kind of unnatural grime. And is that a hole I see in your trousers?! Those poor, poor garments...
- Kiragi: Oh, is that it? Heehee. Yeah, these clothes have seen their share of fights and hunting trips.
- Forrest: And your hair?
- Kiragi: I got a bad bedhead? Heh heh.
- Forrest: A waste, if you ask me. A fine, royal waste. If you but put some thought into your attire, you would be a splendid prince! Why do you neglect your appearance so?
- Kiragi: Oh, I don't look prince-y enough for you? Is that it?
- Forrest: It has nothing to do with your royal status. I just feel it's a waste to dress like this unless one is reduced to extreme poverty.
- Kiragi: Er, well, I mean... it's hard to move around in fancy clothes.
- Forrest: You mean on the battlefield?
- Kiragi: That too, I guess. But I was thinking more about hunting.
- Forrest: Ah, I see. Come to think of it, you do seem to enjoy roving the mountain trails.
- Kiragi: Sure do! You should come with sometime!
- Forrest: Very kind of you to offer, but I believe I'll pass.
- Kiragi: Aw, don't say that! It's always good to try new things, right? Plus you'll get firsthand experience of why fancy clothes might be bad for hunting!
- Forrest: I-I suppose such knowledge would be beneficial to any tailor worth his salt. Very well. I will go with you. But I don't have a good feeling about this...
B Support[]
- Kiragi: Ahhhh! It's so refreshing out here. Nothing like a mountain air at the crack of dawn! Right, Forrest?
- Forrest: *sigh* What do you mean "dawn"? The sun hasn't risen! It's practically still last night! When you said we'd go hunting, I never imagined we'd be out this abominably early. What possessed you to visit this cruelty upon me? Did I wrong you somehow?
- Kiragi: Nope! Hunters just have to get up early to catch the animals at the right time. So buck up and rub the sleep out of your eyes! Get it? Buck? Heehee, Hunting puns!
- Forrest: You ARE aware that sleep is a necessity, are you not? Without proper sleep, your hair will lose its sheen and your skin will dry out!
- Kiragi: Hey, look! It's a wild mountain hare! Guess I just found us breakfast!
- Forrest: B-Breakfast?! That sweet, fluffy little bunbun?! What did he ever do to you? You would never truly hurt such an adorable, harmless old bunny, would you?
- Kiragi: What? Of course I would! He's our prey! We should be grateful that nature has provided us with such plenty. Now, ready...aim...FIRE!
- Forrest: N-no...
- Kiragi: Woohoo! I got 'im! And I bet we could get some fish in the creek nearby. Nothing like surf and turf, am I right?
- Forrest: I don't think I'll ever eat meat again... And what's this about fish? We didn't even bring any fishing gear!
- Kiragi: We don't need any! The creek's shallow. We can just catch them with our hands!
- Forrest: But that would mean getting our feet wet, and these boots are brand new...
- Kiragi: You bet it does! And new is good. Means we can really break 'em in! Now, c'mon! Move your feet, not your lips!
- Forrest: *sigh* Very well. *pant pant*
- Kiragi: Almost there! It's just on the other side of this crag!
- Forrest: *pant pant* Well, this has certainly been an interesting morning... I almost drowned in the river trying to catch those fish... Then I fell out of three different trees, each taller than the last... THEN I torn my favorite pair of stockings on those blasted thornbushes... And to top it all off, I was attacked by a horde of insane, blood-hungry chickens! Where did they even come from?! There aren't any farms around here! And NOW you want me to climb this cliff? I'm beginning to doubt whether I should have ever even agreed to come with you.
- Kiragi: Well, to be fair, you did hit one of those chickens first. A few times. And as for coming with me, well... *snicker*
- Forrest: Those were accidents! And what's so funny, Kiragi?
- Kiragi: You'll see. Everything you have to go through today will be worth it in a second. OK?
- Forrest: What could possibly be worth all this? I swear, I haven't felt so beat up since- Oh! My word!
- Kiragi: Whew! I was worried we wouldn't make it in time. Isn't the sunrise beautiful from here?
- Forrest: I must admit, I've never seen one quite so breathtaking.
- Kiragi: Yeah. There's truly nothing like it. Sorry I kept pushing you to go faster... I just didn't want you to miss this. I would have told you, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise, you know?
- Forrest: It's OK. You did the right thing. Thank you. I will remember this morning for the rest of my life. Of that I have no doubt.
- Kiragi: So... still wishing you hadn't come?
- Forrest: Of course not! Again... thank you, Kiragi.
- Kiragi: Anytime, friend-o!
A Support[]
- Kiragi: Morning, Forrest.
- Forrest: Good morning, Kiragi. Thank you for taking me on that hike the other day. The scenery was gorgeous.
- Kiragi: Heehee. Glad you like it! Here's to many more hikes in the future!
- Forrest: Haha. Yes, of course. I was wondering, however... Don't you think it would be fair if I chose what we did together next?
- Kiragi: Huh? Where's this coming from?
- Forrest: Well, I went hiking with you- against my inclinations- just as you requested. And now... I was wondering if you would return the favor.
- Kiragi: Y-you don't mean...
- Forrest: Oh, but I do! I've envisioned the perfect outfit for a prince like you, Kiragi.
- Kiragi: B-but I don't need any fancy clothes!
- Forrest: Kiragi... we did what you wanted to do. This is what I want to do. Please, I implore you. Surely you don't mean for this to be such a one-sided friendship, do you?
- Kiragi: Aw, man... Fine, fine. All right. So... what exactly are you going to make me wear?
- Forrest: A little something of my own devising, of course. I call it the Ultimate Princely Hiking Outfit, Mark II!
- Kiragi: A hiking outfit?
- Forrest: Precisely. Our hike yesterday gave me a lot of ideas for more-robust types of clothing. It has been a refreshing change of pace from the usual finery, I must admit.
- Kiragi: Oh, really? That's great, Forrest! I had no idea.
- Forrest: And rest assured, these clothes will all be appropriate for many mountain trips. No ruffles, ribbons, or bows. Nothing transparent or easily torn. No silk. What we need is good, strong fabrics. Well-tanned, high-quality leather. Things that repel water and dirt, so you always look fresh. At the same time, we want to make sure that it is not too rigid.
- Kiragi: Because it'd be harder to get around with that stuff, right?
- Forrest: Yes. Climbing and swimming require one have a full range of motion. Your boots, for example, should be made of a slightly softer, flexible leather. As soft as we can get away with, without sacrificing too much durability. You won't be very flashy, but my outfit will serve its purpose. And, of course, I have taken pains to include some small stylistic choices. The color, for example, will flatter you but also suggest the beauty of the mountains. Deep, rich earth tones will do wonderfully, I believe. Does this sound satisfactory to you?
- Kiragi: Yes! Of course! This sounds amazing, Forrest! When you first said it'd be the perfect outfit for a prince like me, well... Let's just say I was worried. I don't go in for samite and ribbons, you know?
- Forrest: Silk and ruffles are not the only colors in my palette. What is important is not the elements, but rather the sum of their parts. A master tailor puts unity of purpose before all else!
- Kiragi: Oh, man! I can't wait to try it out!
- Forrest: I am glad you have finally come to see the light. And you are in luck. I must insist that we test them as soon as possible with a hike. It will allow me to make observations on the limits of the design. And, of course, I will be on the lookout for any oversights that must be fixed.
- Kiragi: Thanks, Forrest! You're the best!
- Forrest: Heehee. I'm glad everything turned out this way. It seems we have more in common than we ever would have thought!
With Selkie[]
C Support[]
- Selkie: Forrest! What are you working on? Wanna go climb trees or something?
- Forrest: Hey, Selkie. No thanks, I'm busy sewing right now.
- Selkie: What's sewing?
- Forrest: You've never heard of sewing? Where do you think your clothes came from?
- Selkie: I dunno. I never thought about it. So you make clothes by sewing, eh? That sounds kind of fun! Can I try it?
- Forrest: Sure! I'm always happy to introduce someone to the wonderful world of sewing!
- Selkie: Yay! So, what do I do first?
- Forrest: Well, the basics of sewing involve cutting fabric and then---
- Selkie: Ooh, scissors? They didn't let me play with these when I was younger. But I'm super good with 'em. Watch this! *snip* *snip* *snip* Take that, fabric! *snip* *snip* *snip*
- Forrest: Oh no! What are you doing?! My fabric is ruined!
- Selkie: Whew, that was great! I can totally see why you like sewing, Forrest.
- Forrest: That wasn't sewing, Selkie. That wasn't sewing at all...
B Support[]
- Selkie: Hey, Forrest!
- Forrest: Oh. Hi, Selkie.
- Selkie: What's going on? You don't seem very happy to see me.
- Forrest: Well...I can't honestly say I am.
- Selkie: Aww, that's too bad. I'm happy to see you! I was thinking we could sew some more.
- Forrest: *shudder* Ugh...
- Selkie: What's wrong? C'mon, let's cut up all this pretty fabric!
- Forrest: No! Don't touch it!
- Selkie: Why not?
- Forrest: Because, Selkie...sewing isn't just cutting up pretty fabric! I never got a chance to tell you before, but you have to have a plan before you begin.
- Selkie: Did I do something I shouldn't have the other day?
- Forrest: Well, to be blunt, YES. You ruined a really nice swatch of fabric I was saving.
- Selkie: Oh no! I'm so sorry, Forrest! I had no idea. I just got carried away when I saw those shiny scissors.
- Forrest: It's OK. I'm over it. And I should have explained more clearly up front.
- Selkie: No, please! It's not your fault. I know I just jumped right in---that's what I do! I think I can make it up to you, though. Do you still have the fabric I cut?
- Forrest: Well, it's in the garbage, but I haven't actually disposed of it yet.
- Selkie: Great! Hand it over!
- Forrest: You realize that the fabric is completely shredded, right? It's unusable.
- Selkie: Yep!
- Forrest: And you still want it?
- Selkie: Yep!
- Forrest: Suit yourself...
A Support[]
- Selkie: Check it out, Forrest. I'm all finished!
- Forrest: Finished with what?
- Selkie: Remember how I took all those fabric scraps the other day?
- Forrest: Yeah? Did you cut them into even smaller pieces or something?
- Selkie: No, dum-dum! I made a cushion for you! Here, take it!
- Forrest: You made this cushion? But...it looks nothing like the fabric I gave you.
- Selkie: Yeesh, and people think I'm slow! I stuffed all your pretty fabric inside another cushion. It turned out to be REALLY comfy. You've gotta try it out!
- Forrest: You're...you're right! It's so soft!
- Selkie: Told you! And it was so easy. Anyway, I want you to have it. It's the least I can do for ruining your fabric.
- Forrest: Selkie...I'm really touched. Thank you so much!
- Selkie: Aww, it's nothing. Just promise that you'll try sleeping on it tonight.
- Forrest: Of course! I can't wait...
S Support[]
- Selkie: Hey, Forrest, can I ask you a question? Do you really love making clothes?
- Forrest: Of course! Isn't it obvious? Anyway, why do you ask?
- Selkie: Well, I've just been thinking... If I ever have kids, I should probably learn how to sew for their sake.
- Forrest: Aww, that's a cute idea. But you know that you can just BUY clothes, right?
- Selkie: Believe it or not, it's hard to find outfits that accommodate my tail.
- Forrest: Oh, right.
- Selkie: Anyway, it just seems like something a mother should be able to do.
- Forrest: Selkie, I know plenty of wonderful mothers who couldn't sew a stitch. And besides, what if your husband could do the sewing?
- Selkie: Oh! I hadn't thought of that.
- Forrest: I mean...I hope to have kids, and I'll definitely be the...seamster...in the family.
- Selkie: Perfect! Then we can just get married, and it'll all work out!
- Forrest: Wait, what? Are you serious?
- Selkie: Or not, I guess, based on that reaction.
- Forrest: No, no, that's not what I meant... It's just...do you love me?
- Selkie: Hmm, I dunno...but I sure like you an awful lot. How do you feel about me, Forrest?
- Forrest: Well, I was really touched by your gesture with the cushion... And I can't stop thinking about you. I think that's what love is...isn't it?
- Selkie: Great! I think that means we can go ahead and get married.
- Forrest: Maybe we should just start out by dating. It seems everyone is in a rush to marry...
- Selkie: That sounds good too! Let's do it!
- Forrest: I...I like you a lot, Selkie. I'm so glad you cut up all that fabric the other day. This might have never happened otherwise!
- Selkie: Me too! Got any more pretty fabric you want me to destroy? Maybe something else good will happen!
- Forrest: Er...nah. Let's not push our luck.
With Rhajat[]
C Support[]
- Rhajat: Hmph.
- Forrest: Hello, Rhajat. Is something the matter?
- Rhajat: Your clothes are adorable.
- Forrest: Well, thank you very much!
- Rhajat: I hate you.
- Forrest: What?! What did I ever do to you?
- Rhajat: I mean...I could never pull off a style like that. And it's not fair that you can!
- Forrest: Aw, that's just not true. First of all, I really like your style. It's so exotic and yet...familiar...at the same time. And secondly, you could totally pull this off. You're gorgeous.
- Rhajat: Pfft. Empty flattery.
- Forrest: No, I mean it! I've always admired your confident beauty. You can make anything look good.
- Rhajat: Whatever. I'm so tired of wearing the same thing all the time.
- Forrest: Well, why don't we go into town and shop for some new clothes for you?
- Rhajat: And be upstaged by your outfit? No thanks.
- Forrest: Upstaged? Please! Rhajat---
- Rhajat: ...I'm leaving now.
(Rhajat leaves)
- Forrest: Yeesh!
B Support[]
- Forrest: Hello, Rhajat. I know we got off to a weird start the other day... And I wanted to try to make it up to you. So I made this.
- Rhajat: You made an entire outfit for me?
- Forrest: Yeah, well...you mentioned the other day that you didn't have any clothes you liked. And that made me sad, so...here we are.
- Rhajat: Have you been spying on me? How would you know what size I wear?
- Forrest: Of course not! I've just got an excellent eye for sizing, if I do say so myself...
- Rhajat: OK, where were you yesterday at 7:18 in the morning?
- Forrest: I...uh...I was asleep, I guess?
- Rhajat: Asleep? A likely story. You were spying on me, weren't you? You're trying to figure out the secret ingredients to my spells...is that it?
- Forrest: No! I promise you, I haven't been spying on you. And I have no interest in spells!
- Rhajat: I don't believe you. But I will take these clothes.
- Forrest: Well, that's...something.
- Rhajat: Thank you, Forrest.
- Forrest: You're welcome...I guess...
A Support[]
- Rhajat: Hey, Forrest. Sorry for being weird the other day. And thank you for the clothes.
- Forrest: Oh, you're welcome. I'm relieved to hear you say that. How did the clothes fit?
- Rhajat: They fit perfectly. Almost as if you had been spying on me. But I know that you weren't. Because I caught the person that actually WAS spying on me. Heh. Heh. Let's just say...she won't make the same mistake again...
- Forrest: Riiight. Anyway, I'm glad you liked the clothes.
- Rhajat: Oh, yes. They're just my style. But again, I have to ask---why did you bother making them for me? You barely knew me at the time.
- Forrest: Well, like I said...it made me sad that you didn't have any you liked. And, you know...I just love making clothes.
- Rhajat: But our styles are so different. You're so bright, and I'm so dark and dreary.
- Forrest: I disagree! You say dark and dreary... I say bold and sassy!
- Rhajat: Hah! All right, I like you. We can be friends. IF you can handle my friendship.
- Forrest: What's that supposed to mean?
- Rhajat: Well, if we become friends and I want to see you, I will hunt you down, day or night. But on the plus side, if you have an enemy, I will gladly hex him into oblivion!
- Forrest: Well, I don't think I have any enemies...but that sounds good. And I think I can handle being hunted down from time to time.
- Rhajat: Very well. Let our friendship commence! You'll never escape me now. Muhahaha!
- Forrest: Yeah? Well you won't escape me either! Heeheehee! Oh, I need to work on that laugh...
S Support[]
- Forrest: Rhajat...I have something important to tell you.
- Rhajat: Oh? What's wrong?
- Forrest: Brace yourself.
- Rhajat: What is this? You're freaking me out!
- Forrest: We promised to be friends forever, right?
- Rhajat: Yes...
- Forrest: Well...that's just not good enough for me anymore.
- Rhajat: Unbelievable. I really thought you were special. I never imagined you would betray me like this. I'll curse you! I'll---
- Forrest: Rhajat! Hear me out!
- Rhajat: This better be good...
- Forrest: I...I want to be MORE than just friends, Rhajat! That's why being your friend isn't good enough anymore.
- Rhajat: Well, why didn't you say that FIRST?!
- Forrest: I'm sorry! It wasn't easy to say. I was nervous that you wouldn't like me that way.
- Rhajat: Oh. That makes sense. But I thought I was going to die!
- Forrest: Well?
- Rhajat: Well, what?
- Forrest: Well, do you like me back or what? Now I fell like I'M going to die!
- Rhajat: Oh. Haha... Yes, I like you back. But I'm mad that you waited this long to tell me. As punishment, I sentence you to a life of caring for me.
- Forrest: I suppose I can live with that...