Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

The Frostfire Breath is a Blue Breath that debuts in Fire Emblem Heroes as the exclusive weapon of Harmonic Harvest Tiki.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Type

Frostfire Breath

FEH Thunder Breath Breath

Mt Rng SP Rarity
16 1 400 FEH Star Rarity 5

Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk+3. If [Bonus] is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat, and also grants bonus to unit's Atk = total bonuses on unit's Def and Res x 1.5 during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only". Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

