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“I know you're napping around here somewhere. On your feet and back to work already, yeah?”
—Getz to Shez.

Getz is a character from Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He's a mercenary working for Berling's Mercenaries.


After waking Shez up and helping them remember their name, Getz takes part in Captain Berling's plan to take on Jeralt's Mercenaries in order to become the greatest mercenaries in the Leicester Alliance. While everything goes well at first, once Byleth and the main force of Jeralt's Mercenaries enter the fray, Lazley and Captain Berling are quickly cut down. As Shez takes on Byleth, Getz is overwhelmed and killed.


Base Stats[]

As an Ally[]

Starting ClassCrest
FE16 Brigand IconBrigand-
MagicCombat ArtsAbilitiesStarting Items
---FE16 Axe Weapon IconIron Axe

