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Not to be confused with Glen, a non-playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

Glenn is a character mentioned in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. He was the first son of Lord Rodrigue, the older brother of Felix, and the fiancé of Ingrid.


Glenn was the firstborn son of Lord Rodrigue of House Fraldarius. Upon the birth of Ingrid of House Galatea in Imperial Year 1162, she and Glenn were betrothed. At only 15, he was named a knight in the Royal Guard. It was stated that he could be quite rude and was constantly picking fights with others to prove his mettle, but was highly respected for his combat abilities.

In 1176, Glenn was one of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus nobles killed during the Tragedy of Duscur. Dimitri, the sole survivor of the incident, recalled seeing Glenn's corpse, especially his face, which was full of "pain and regret", becoming one of his lifelong regrets. His death also affected both his younger brother and fiancée.

In Felix's case, his personality would eventually change to be much like Glenn's. It also created a rift between him and Rodrigue; Felix had looked up to Glenn, while Rodrigue believed that he died in glorious service to the king, with Felix believing that he did not truly care for Glenn at all.

Ingrid took his death particularly hard as she loved him and admired his capabilities as a knight, thus shaping her desire to become the same kind of knight he was. His death, supposedly by the hands of the people of Duscur, formed her grudge against the Duscurians.


  • Coincidentally, there's another character in Sacred Stones whose name is very similar to Glenn (to the point of it being a one-letter difference), and is a very skilled warrior in his country and getting himself killed because of a betrayal, leaving his brother behind.
  • Glenn's middle name is revealed in a collectible document titled "Old Letter" found in the fourteenth chapter of Azure Gleam in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It is found in the middle building in camp, on the back table.