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The Grappler is a class that has been introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is a male only advanced class the requires a unit with a sufficient Brawl level to pass the Certification Exam. It is a physical combat class that specializes in close quarters combat and has proficiency in Brawling.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Grapplers are the promoted form of Brawlers and expand on the Brawler's strengths, being able to deal more damage with brawling weapons due to the innate Fistfaire ability. Combined with the gauntlets' ability to hit twice when striking first, this makes Grapplers far deadlier than Brawlers, especially if they can double their opponent. The fact that Fistfaire applies to every hit makes them extremely deadly on their phase. Especially useful for Grapplers is their exclusive use of the Fierce Iron Fist combat art, which allows the user to hit three times instead of two. Although the combat art requires mastering the class, it often gives Grapplers enough damage output to one-round enemies.

However, the key weaknesses of the Brawler still remain when a unit is promoted to Grappler, albeit somewhat mitigated by the Grappler's abilities. The low might of gauntlets mean that Grapplers generally do lower damage per hit, compared to other weapon specialists like the Warrior or even Swordmaster or Sniper, making them less effective on enemy phase. They are still locked to melee range, granting enemies with ranged capabilities an advantage against them. Although they have a much higher base Resistance compared to Brawlers, it is still lower than the standards of other Advanced classes, making them vulnerable to magic users (though the Tomebreaker ability obtained upon mastery helps them somewhat in dodging enemy magic).

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Grapplers return in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, where it represents the promoted form of the Brawler. It retains the Brawler's advantages over tome users and disadvantage against bow users.


Base Stats[]

FE16321781214101476--FE16 brawl icon A0

Growth Rates[]

FE1640/50%10/18%0%10/0%10/0%0%0/25%0%---FE16 brawl icon +35%

Class Modifiers[]


Class Skills[]

FE16Fistfaire FE16Fistfaire
Unarmed Combat FE16Unarmed Combat
Tomebreaker FE16Tomebreaker
Icon Combat Art FE16 BrawlFierce Iron Fist
Class Skill.
Class Skill.
Mastery Skill.
Mastery Skill.
FEW3HTome Buster Lv 3 Tome Buster Lv 3
Defiant Crit FE16 Boost Critical
Icon Combat Art FE16 Brawl Mystic Blow
Icon Combat Art FE16 Brawl Steady Mind
Brawling Prowess Brawling Prowess
Icon Combat Art FE16 Brawl Frozen Fist
Icon Combat Art FE16 Brawl Lightning Fist
Brawl Crit +10 FE16 Apex Gauntlet
Catnap Rejuvenation
Icon Combat Art FE16 Brawl Fierce Iron Fist
Class ability.
1-star Class Mastery for Raphael and Balthus.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
1-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for all units.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
2-star Class Mastery for certain units.
3-star Class Mastery for Raphael and Balthus.
3-star Class Mastery for most units.
3-star Class Mastery for all units.
Base ClassPromotion MethodPromoted Class
FE16Any classUse an FE16 Seal IconAdvanced Seal on a Level 20+ unit and pass the Grappler Certification Exam.FE16 Grappler IconGrappler
FEW3HFE16 Brawler Icon BrawlerUse an FE16 Seal Icon Advanced Seal on a male unit that has mastered the Brawler class.FE16 Grappler Icon Grappler
FEW3H FE16 Grappler Icon GrapplerUse a FE16 Seal Icon Master Seal on a male unit that has mastered the Grappler class.FE16 War Master Icon War Master