Hans von Nilsson is a character mentioned in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
Hans is the head of House Nilsson, a viscounty in the Leicester Alliance that protects the Eastern Church.
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Characters - Classes - Weapons - Skills - Combat Arts & Magic - Items - Battalions - Materials - Weapon Attributes - Chapters - Achievements - Voice Actors - Music
Playable Characters
Protagonist(s) | Shez | |
Scarlet Blaze | Edelgard - Hubert - Dorothea - Ferdinand - Bernadetta - Caspar - Petra - Linhardt - Monica - Manuela - Jeritza | |
Azure Gleam | Dimitri - Dedue - Felix - Mercedes - Ashe - Annette - Sylvain - Ingrid - Rodrigue - Seteth - Flayn - Catherine | |
Golden Wildfire | Claude - Lorenz - Hilda - Raphael - Lysithea - Ignatz - Marianne - Leonie - Shamir - Holst | |
Ashen Wolves | Yuri - Balthus - Constance - Hapi | |
Other | Byleth - Jeralt - Rhea - Sothis - Arval - Gatekeeper |
Non-Playable Characters
Important Weapons