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“I can fight... I'm...very angry... The food here... It was terrible, and...they gave us hardly any... I... will have vengeance.”
—Ilyana in Radiant Dawn

Ilyana is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. She is a Mage who joins the Greil Mercenaries in Chapter 8 of Path of Radiance.


Ilyana was born and raised in a town in Daein. She eventually decided to become a mage and left home to seek employment. When she first started out on her journey, life was particularly difficult, as she was often unable to satiate her hunger, causing her to collapse frequently. During one of these fainting spells, Ilyana was found by a merchant caravan and nursed back to health. To repay their kindness, she decided to stay with the merchants, acting as their bodyguard with her magic.

Path of Radiance[]

At some point after in Chapter 8, Ilyana is separated from her group due to a Daein invasion. She is then forcefully enlisted into the Daein army to fight the Greil Mercenaries. Upon learning that the mercenaries are guarding her caravan friends, Ilyana unhesitatingly defects from the Daein army to help them. Ilyana then remains with the Greil Mercenaries until the Mad King Ashnard is defeated.

Radiant Dawn[]

A few years later in Radiant Dawn, Ilyana and the rest of the merchant convoy are captured and held in Gribe Prison by Begnion's occupying forces in Daein. In Chapter 1-3, she joins the Dawn Brigade after Sothe rescues her, Aimee, and Micaiah from a Daein prison. Ilyana will then assist Micaiah on her quest to liberate Daein from Begnion's rule. After the Dawn Brigade's final victory at Nevassa, Ilyana leaves Daein with the rest of the caravan.

Later in Chapter 3-2, Ilyana joins Ike's group when her merchant convoy arrives in Begnion. As the war continues, she fights in the Apostle's Army alongside the rest of the Greil Mercenaries. After the war, Ilyana continues to travel around the continent of Tellius with the merchant convoy.


Ilyana is best known for her voracious metabolism, causing her to remain ravenous no matter how much she eats, to the extreme that she can and will collapse even after having consumed large meals. Ilyana's support conversations with Mia in Path of Radiance show this taken to a hilarious extreme, where she gets so hungry to the point that after collapsing onto the floor, she begins to nibble Mia's boots.

Ilyana's huge appetite has also greatly influenced her memory. Although she is terrible at remembering people's names and faces, she can perfectly remember the names of people who have treated her to delicious meals or are good at cooking, including Heather, Zihark, and Gatrie. And when first encountered in Radiant Dawn, Ilyana is observed to express her anger over being served inferior-quality food in meager quantities while in prison.

Ilyana shares a unique bond with Zihark, although its extent is neither explicitly confirmed nor explored by the games. This can first be observed when Ilyana meets Zihark in Chapter 1-5 of Radiant Dawn, where she comments that it has been "too long" since she last met him, remarking that she often thinks of him. Chapter 3-7 further fleshes out this bond, where Zihark will refuse to attack her, claiming that he has known her for a longer time than the other members of their armies. If the pair share a transferred A support from Path of Radiance, Ilyana will be able to convince him to defect from the Daein Army and join the Greil Mercenaries.


Path of Radiance[]


  • Chapter 8: Ilyana appears as an enemy unit in this chapter. Have Ike speak to her to get her to defect from the Daein army.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
FE9 Ilyana Mage Sprite MageFE9Light Light
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Shade (FE9) ShadeFE9 Thunder Thunder - D
FE9 Fire Fire - E
FE9 Wind Wind - E
FE9thunder Thunder
FE9elthunder Elthunder
FE9Vulnerary Vulnerary

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
45% 25% 50% 45% 30% 45% 15% 50%

Support Conversations[]

See also: Ilyana/Supports

Promotion Gains[]

Item Required Promoted Class
(FE9masterseal Master Seal) FE9 Ilyana Sage Sprite Sage
1 +4 +2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1
Skills Weapon Levels
FE9 Knife Skill Knife* FE9 StaffE* FE9 FireD** FE9 WindD**

* Depends on player's choice.
** If her weapon rank is still at E before promotion.


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Ilyana has a higher Strength growth than Soren and Tormod, which means she loses less attack speed from wielding tomes, a trait that may be able to compensate for her relatively low Speed growth. Despite her higher Strength growth, giving Ilyana staves instead of knives upon promotion is helpful, as knives require very high Strength to be powerful in this game, and Ilyana usually will hit harder with magic anyways. Pairing her up with someone will fully utilize her useful Shade skill, especially support options like Mia and Gatrie. Her average magic rating among the playable Sages is compensated with her excelling in thunder magic, the strongest tome type in the game; though thunder magic is the least accurate among the usable magic types, she has a decent skill growth rate to balance it out.

Radiant Dawn[]


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Endgame
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E P 1 2 3 E P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E P 1 2 3 4 5 E A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

◎=Forced ○=Available □=Available for selected △=Reinforcement

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
FE10 Ilyana Thunder Mage Sprite Thunder MageFE10Light Light
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Shove Shove
Shade Shade
FE10 Thunder Magic Thunder - CFE10thunder Thunder
FE10elthunder Elthunder

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
55% 45% 50% 60% 30% 40% 30% 50%


RD Biorhythm G

Promotional Gains[]

Item Required Promoted Class
(FE10masterseal Master Seal) FE10 Ilyana Thunder Sage Sprite Thunder Sage
1 +2 +3 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +1 +1
Weapon Levels
FE10 Fire Magic E FE10 Wind Magic E

Item Required Promoted Class
(FE10mastercrown Master Crown) FE10 Ilyana Arch Sage Sprite Archsage
1 +4 +5 +2 +2 +2 +5 +2 +0 +0
Skills Weapon Levels
Flare Flare FE10 Thunder Magic A* FE10 Fire Magic D** FE10 Wind Magic D** FE10 Staff E

* Only if Thunder mastery rank is at B or lower.

** Only if Fire/Wind mastery rank is at E.


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

In Radiant Dawn, Ilyana returns as the only playable Thunder Mage. As the only playable character who can achieve SS rank in Thunder, she is the only one capable of using Rexbolt. With her improved growths in Magic and Skill, the offensive problems associated with Thunder magic in Radiant Dawn may be compensated for to an extent. Ilyana can be a useful backline attacker (and later healer), but her Shade skill greatly improves her survival ability around other units, so she can be used in less defensive formations as well.

Ilyana is recruited in Part I, but then leaves the Daein Liberation Army to join the Greil Mercenaries for the most part of Part III. As this gives her the best availability of any unit in the game, over-using her in Part I is not recommended, as the Daein Liberation Army needs all the experience possible to reduce the difficulty level of Chapters 3-6, 3-12, and 3-13. If Ilyana is trained to a reasonable level and is chosen to be an Endgame character, she will potentially be able to reduce the difficulty level of Chapter 4-E, as she is capable of exploiting the blessed Rexbolt tome's ability to immense damage to the Dragon Laguz or strike from afar with a blessed Bolting. This will allow her to assist in the fight against Dheginsea, assuming her speed does not fall behind.

If given the proper training in Path of Radiance, Ilyana will receive data transfer bonuses.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Bond Ring[]

Hero from beyond Elyos who wields lightning magic. Joined Ike when she found herself in a battle against her will. She looks fragile, but she's a big eater and always seems hungry.
Bond Ring Ilyana
FE17 C Rank Bond RingC Rank Res +1
FE17 B Rank Bond RingB Rank Lck +1 Res +1
World FE17 A Rank Bond RingA Rank Dex +1 Lck +1 Res +1
Ike Emblem Ring Radiant Hero FE17 S Rank Bond RingS Rank Dex +1 Lck +1 Res +2

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Hungering Mage
A girl whose constant hunger pangs cause stress for her and worry for others. Has a seemingly bottomless stomach. Appears in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Base Stats[]

Ilyana Heroes spriteTitle
Hungering Mage
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense ElthunderFEH Thunder Tome Tome
Ilyana Heroes spriteTitle
Hungering Mage
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Blárfox
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Thunder Tome Tome
Ilyana Heroes spriteTitle
Hungering Mage
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Blárfox+
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Thunder Tome Tome
Resplendent ✯✯✯✯✯
Resplendent Ilyana Heroes spriteTitle
Hungering Mage
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Blárfox+
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Thunder Tome Tome


FEH skill offenseThunder---
Blárfox-FEH Star Rarity 4-
Blárfox+BlárfoxFEH Star Rarity 5FEH Star Rarity 5
Craver's Tome-FEH Star Rarity 5-
FEH skill specialChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 5-
Iceberg--FEH Star Rarity 5
AFEH Warding Blow 1 Warding Blow 1--
FEH Mirror Strike 1 Mirror Strike 1FEH Warding Blow 1 Warding Blow 1FEH Star Rarity 3
FEH Mirror Strike 2 Mirror Strike 2FEH Mirror Strike 1 Mirror Strike 1FEH Star Rarity 4
CFEH Res Ploy 1 Res Ploy 1--
FEH Res Ploy 2 Res Ploy 2FEH Res Ploy 1 Res Ploy 1-
FEH Res Ploy 3 Res Ploy 3FEH Res Ploy 2 Res Ploy 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Hungering Mage Ilyana
Ilyana hungering mage pop01 Ilyana is a mage who seems fragile and delicate at first glance...but appearances can be deceiving!
Ilyana hungering mage pop02 You see, Ilyana has a voracious appetite. She'll eat enough to feed a family, and still she'll be left hungry, causing her to wander in search of more food. She's almost like a hungry ghost!
Ilyana hungering mage pop03 For a while, Ilyana was accompanying a merchant caravan, but was separated from them due to...some complications from Daein's war. She later encountered the merchants again, but this time on the battlefield. The merchants had linked up with the Greil Mercenaries, and Ilyana wasted no time in joining up with Ike's group as well.
Ilyana hungering mage pop04 Ilyana normally has an easy-going, unhurried disposition, but when there's food involved, she gets serious. Well, we've got plenty of good food here in Askr, so she's got something to fight for!
Closely Associated Characters
Ike A kindhearted but stoic young man who has taken command of his father's mercenary band. He helps Ilyana after she gets mixed up in the war with Daein.
Jorge A merchant from Crimea. Formed a traveling convoy with his peers, doing business within various countries. For a while, Ilyana joined him in his travels.

Treat Harvester
A mage always on the verge of collapsing from hunger, attracted to the harvest festival by the sights and smells of delicious foods. Appears in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Heroes Iyana Treat Harvester spriteTitle
Treat Harvester
Heroes Armored Armored
FEH skill offense Spooky Censer+
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Thunder Tome Tome


FEH skill offenseLight---
Spooky Censer---
Spooky Censer+-FEH Star Rarity 5-
FEH skill specialChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 5-
IcebergChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Bold Fighter 1 Bold Fighter 1--
FEH Bold Fighter 2 Bold Fighter 2FEH Bold Fighter 1 Bold Fighter 1-
FEH Bold Fighter 3 Bold Fighter 3FEH Bold Fighter 2 Bold Fighter 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Atk Res Gap 1 Atk/Res Gap 1--
FEH Atk Res Gap 2 Atk/Res Gap 2FEH Atk Res Gap 1 Atk/Res Gap 1-
FEH Atk Res Gap 3 Atk/Res Gap 3FEH Atk Res Gap 2 Atk/Res Gap 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Treat Harvester Ilyana
Ilyana treat harvester pop01 Hmm? I can feel someone staring at me... Oh, it's Ilyana! And she's wearing a harvest festival costume! She looks like a real queen of the night, doesn't she?
Ilyana treat harvester pop02 Ever the starving waif, Ilyana's been pestering everyone she can find for harvest festival treats. That coffin-shaped bag on her back is overflowing with sweets!
Ilyana treat harvester pop03 But too much candy isn't enough candy for Ilyana, and I hear that she'll be going out to get even more from her friends later. Apparently this habit started when Mordecai treated her to some food a while back...
Ilyana treat harvester pop04 She's always feeling hungry, and today's the day to indulge her! Have as much candy as you want, Ilyana!
Closely Associated Characters
Mordecai A tiger warrior from Gallia, the home of the beast tribe of laguz. A kind, peace-loving giant. Has given food to the ever-hungry Ilyana on occasion.

Awakened Appetite
A girl who is endlessly hungry. She has a knack for magic, many Heroes' worth of rations will it take to satisfy her appetite? Appears in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Ilyana Awakened Appetite Heroes spriteTitle
Awakened Appetite
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Windy War Tome
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Wind Tome Tome


FEH skill offenseWind---
Windy War Tome--
FEH skill specialChilling Wind---
GlaciesChilling Wind--
BFEH Lull Atk Res 1 Lull Atk Res 1-FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH Lull Atk Res 2 Lull Atk Res 2FEH Lull Atk Res 1 Lull Atk Res 1-
FEH Lull Atk Res 3 Lull Atk Res 3FEH Lull Atk Res 2 Lull Atk Res 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Atk Res Gap 1 Atk Res Gap 1--
FEH Atk Res Gap 2 Atk Res Gap 2FEH Atk Res Gap 1 Atk Res Gap 1-
FEH Atk Res Gap 3 Atk Res Gap 3FEH Atk Res Gap 2 Atk Res Gap 2-


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance Options[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Awakened Appetite Ilyana
Ilyana awakened appetite pop01 What's this? Who is this girl who's begging me for snacks? Actually...I think I've seen her somewhere before? Wait—is that Ilyana?!
Ilyana awakened appetite pop02 There's no doubt about it! That gentle, dreamy expression on her face and the circlet on her forehead are dead giveaways! Oh, Ilyana, why didn't you just come say hi before you started demanding food? You startled me!
Ilyana awakened appetite pop03 It seems Ilyana has had quite the appetite ever since she was a little girl. I guess she normally keeps her emergency supply of snacks in that pouch on her waist!
Ilyana awakened appetite pop04 Well, it looks like she's gone to ask someone else now that she knows I don't have any food. I hope you find what you're looking for, Ilyana!
Closely Associated Characters
Jorge A merchant from Crimea. Formed a traveling convoy with his peers, doing business within various countries. He and Ilyana traveled together when she was older.


Battle Quotes[]

Against Sothe in Part 3 Chapter 7[]

  • Ilyana: Hello, Sothe...
  • Sothe: If you're here with the Greil Mercenaries, does that mean the caravan is with you, too?
  • Ilyana: Yes. Everyone is back together. Why don't you join us? You should bring Micaiah, of course. Everyone is worried about you two...
  • Sothe: I'm sorry, I can't...
  • Ilyana: I see... I'm sorry, Sothe.

Against Zihark in Part 3 Chapter 7[]

  • Ilyana: Hello, Sir Zihark.
  • Zihark: Ilyana... You're on their side, too?
  • Ilyana: And you stand with the enemy...
  • Zihark: I don't know why, but it feels like you've been in my life longer than the others. I couldn't handle it if you got hurt. Ilyana, please pull back before something awful happens. I beg of you.
  • Ilyana: Oh, Zihark...

Against Jill in Part 3 Chapter 7[]

  • Jill: Ilyana? You're with the Laguz Alliance? No, I mean the Greil Mercenaries?
  • Ilyana: Yes. Muston and the others are with me, too.
  • Jill: I see... We fought together in Ashnard's War, and in the war to liberate Daein. We didn't spend much time together, but you were a trustworthy comrade.
  • Ilyana: Thank you... I wonder why we're here. Why is Daein attacking us?
  • Jill: I don't know. The occupation soldiers left Daein. But Daein still cannot refuse a request from Begnion. Liberation was only a dream.
  • Ilyana: Yet you continue to stay with the Daein army? Why do you do that to yourself?
  • Jill: Because I can't abandon my comrades.

Against Sothe in the Part 3 Endgame[]

  • Ilyana: Hello, Sothe. Shall we get started?
  • Sothe: Uh, I thought you'd hesitate to fight me. I'm... a little surprised.
  • Ilyana: You've made your choice, Sothe, and I've made mine. It's really that simple, isn't it? Anyway, I'm starving. If I don't eat something soon, I think I'll pass out...
  • Sothe: Well, we can't have that. Ready when you are, Ilyana.

Against Tauroneo in the Part 3 Endgame[]

  • Ilyana: ...Sigh.
  • Tauroneo: Taking a break on the battlefield? Things don't seem to rattle you, Ilyana.
  • Ilyana: I'm not taking a break. I'm just sad I have to fight against you, General. Well, that, and I'm really, really hungry right now...
  • Tauroneo: I should've known. Let's get this over with so you can get back and have something to eat.
  • Ilyana: ...General Tauroneo, I hope we can meet again under different circumstances.
  • Tauroneo: I hope so as well, Ilyana. We'll have to see what happens.

Against Nailah in the Part 3 Endgame[]

  • Ilyana: Wolf Queen...
  • Nailah: Ilyana. I am not familiar with beorc magic. You might actually stand a chance, if you strike quickly.
  • Ilyana: Um, OK... But... Queen Nailah? Would you promise me something? If we both live through this, will you take me for some good Hatari cooking?

Against Pelleas in the Part 3 Endgame[]

  • Pelleas: Ilyana... I'm sorry. If I were a better king, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry...
  • Ilyana: Your Majesty, I don't know what's happened. All I know is that my friends are hurting each other. If that means I have to stop you to save them, then I'm going to try. I'm sorry...

Against Zihark in the Part 3 Endgame[]

  • Zihark: Ilyana, we've no time for doubts now. This mess has to finish its course. Let's get this over with.
  • Ilyana: Sir Zihark... I wish it didn't have to be this way...

Against Jill in the Part 3 Endgame[]

  • Ilyana: War is always sad. It never changes. It is always cruel. Can't we just pretend that it's all over?
  • Jill: I know. No matter how many times you experience it, you can never get used to it. But no, Ilyana, we can't. I'm sorry.

Death Quotes[]

—Ilyana's death quote in Path of Radiance
—Ilyana, as an enemy in Chapter 8 of Path of Radiance.
“No! Ahh... I'm dying... on an empty stomach...”
—Ilyana's death quote in Radiant Dawn


Ilyana/Heroes Quotes


Path of Radiance[]

"Muston and the others are going to Daein, and I think I'm going to go with them. Thank you for everything, General Ike. Hmm... I hope they packed enough food... I'm pretty hungry..."

Radiant Dawn[]

Wandering Sage (放浪の賢者, Hōrō no kenja)
Ilyana returned to travel with the merchant caravan as she had before. Somewhere, right now, she is hungry.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]

A character based on Ilyana appears in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE as a staff member of Cafe Seiren. She offers a few side quests to gather ingredients for new menu items that the player can order once they are completed.

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Ilyana is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 150 CYL Ilyana POR Portrait
Path of Radiance
160 CYL Ilyana RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn
CYL2 131
CYL Ilyana POR Portrait
Path of Radiance
CYL Ilyana RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn
CYL3 67
(From highest)
CYL Ilyana POR Portrait
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
(From combined)
CYL4 107
CYL Ilyana RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL5 167
CYL Ilyana POR Portrait
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
CYL6 172
CYL Ilyana POR Portrait
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
CYL7 155
CYL Ilyana RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance

CYL8 175
CYL Ilyana POR Portrait
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn


Ilyana is a corruption of Iliyana, a name that has been changed and altered throughout cultures; Iliana (Spanish) and Ileana (Spanish and Romanian). In Romanian folklore, she was kidnapped by monsters and rescued by a heroic knight, which is rather similar to Ilyana's situation in Path of Radiance.


  • Ilyana shares her Heroes English voice actress, Ryan Bartley, with Peony.
  • Ilyana is one of only two playable units who start both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn in a completely unpromoted base class, the other being Jill. All other returning characters in Radiant Dawn are in advanced classes (including Mist because, although she is still a Cleric, that class is an advanced class in Radiant Dawn).
  • Ilyana has the highest availability of any unit in Radiant Dawn, being available for 23 chapters in the game; two more than the main character, Micaiah.
  • In Radiant Dawn, Ilyana is the only unit capable of wielding Rexbolt. This makes her the only unit in the entire game who effectively has a non-personal SS-rank weapon entirely exclusive to them, since all other SS-rank weapons have at least two potential playable users.
    • Relatedly, Ilyana is the only playable character in the series capable of reaching SS-rank with thunder magic.
  • Ilyana's Sage model in Path of Radiance is a palette swap of Calill's. This explains why Ilyana's hair is suddenly up in a ponytail, along with having a more mature appearance.
  • In Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, there is a waitress who looks somewhat like Ilyana. They also share the same Japanese voice actress, Saori Gotō.
  • According to Tellius Recollection, Ilyana was designed with an apparent age of 16 in Path of Radiance and 19 in Radiant Dawn.


See main article: Ilyana/Gallery.