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Fire Emblem Wiki

Labraunda is an Axe that debuts in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It is a Sacred Weapon associated with the Crest of Seiros.


When Labraunda's power is unleashed at the Blacksmith, its might and durability greatly increase, and the attribute Divine Glow is unlocked. Divine Glow greatly restores the wielder's HP at regular intervals.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Type

FE16 Sacred Axe Weapon Icon Labraunda

FE16 Axe Weapon Icon Axe

Rank Mt Durability Worth Attributes
E 40/140 70/140 0 Divine Glow

If the user has a Crest of Seiros, boosts all healing effects.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Method Location
Inventory Edelgard - Chapter 4 (Scarlet Blaze)


Labraunda is an ancient archaeological site five kilometers west of Ortaköy, Muğla Province, Turkey, in the mountains near the coast of Caria. In ancient times, it was held sacred by Carians and Mysians alike. The cult icon here was a local Zeus Labrandeus, a standing Zeus with the tall lotus-tipped scepter upright in his left hand and the double-headed axe, the labrys, over his right shoulder.
