Link Arena is a game mode in which two or more players battle between two gaming cartridges on GBA or DS. First introduced in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, a team up to 5 units battles one or more other teams of up to 5 units. The Link Arena is available in all of the GameBoy Advance titles.
Up to four players can enter the Link Arena. A single player can also battle against up to three of their own teams under computer control by selecting Practice in the Link Arena menu. Players enter the arena with a team of up to five units from one of their chapter saves (the chapter save will not be changed by Link Arena activities).
Players can create teams by heading to the game's save file, pick and arm their units accordingly. Only units capable of combat can participate in battle; e.g Troubadours cannot be selected, since they only use staves. In The Sacred Stones, characters obtained from Creature Campaign cannot be selected for a team.
Whether you are playing against another linked player or the computer, there are two victory conditions that can be selected in the Rules Options: survival or points. Under the Survival mode, the objective is to wipe out all of the opposing units; under the Points mode, the team with the most points wins.
In battle, units fight normally and in range for both parties to counterattack if available. A tome user will always engage melee users as if they were next to them, while a bow user will fight from afar with the opposing party unable to counterattack unless they possess a two tile ranged weapon. Longbows are treated as normal bows despite having a range of 3. Long-range tomes such as Eclipse cannot be used in Link Battle. Consumables cannot be used either.
At the end of each battle, players will get a varying amount of points depending on the unit's performance. If no damage was dealt (either as misses or the attack simply did no damage), 1 point is gained. If damage was dealt, the amount varies depending on how strong/weak the unit was against the opponent. When an enemy unit is killed, the player gets a varying amount of points based on their strength to the enemy's.
Silencer is an unusual outlier as units killed by it will cause the user to always receive 90 points regardless of the unit's strength. The battle repeats until one team remains, upon which they gain an additional 30 points for each unit in their team that still stands.
- If a unit gets poisoned by any poison weapons (poison lance, axe, sword), the condition will disappear immediately after the battle animation ends (eg. Poisoned units will flash purple during the combat sequence that they were afflicted with poison, but it will disappear immediately after the battle ends).