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This is a list of Skills, called Abilities in-game, found in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Personal Abilities[]

Innate abilities that each character has at the start. These skills cannot be removed and there’s only one for each character.

Icon Skill Character Effect
Teacher's Guidance Professor's Guidance Byleth Multiplies this unit's and adjacent allies' experience earned by 1.2.
Professor's Guidance+ Professor's Guidance+ Byleth (Chapter 10 Battle) Unit deals 2 extra damage during combat. Multiplies this unit's and adjacent allies' experience earned by 1.2.
Imperial Bloodline Imperial Lineage Edelgard Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
Imperial Lineage+ Imperial Lineage+ Edelgard (Post-Timeskip) If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Res +4 for 1 turn. Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
Royal Bloodline Royal Lineage Dimitri Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
Royal Lineage+ Royal Lineage+ Dimitri (Post-Timeskip) Grants Avo +20 while unit is at full HP. Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
Alliance Bloodline Leicester Lineage Claude Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
Leicester Lineage+ Leicester Lineage+ Claude (Post-Timeskip) Allows unit to pass through spaces occupied by foes. Multiplies experience earned by 1.2.
Strategist Officer Duty Hubert Grants Mt +5 with gambits.
Songstress skill Songstress Dorothea Adjacent allies recover up to 10% of max HP at the start of each turn.
Confidence skill Confidence Ferdinand Grants Hit/Avo +15 when unit is at full HP.
Persecution Complex Persecution Complex Bernadetta Grants Atk +5 when unit is not at full HP.
Born Fighter Born Fighter Caspar Adjacent foes suffer Avo -10 during combat.
Catnap Catnap Linhardt If unit takes no action except Wait, recovers up to 10% of max HP.
Hunter's Boon Hunter's Boon Petra Grants Crit +20 when foe's HP is ≤ 50%.
Live to Serve FE16 Live to Serve Mercedes When healing an ally with white magic, unit recovers the same amount of HP.
Staunch Shield skill Staunch Shield Dedue If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Def +4 for 1 turn.
Lone Wolf skill Lone Wolf Felix Unit deals 5 extra damage when no battalion is assigned or when battalion endurance is 0.
Wisdom to Live Lockpick Ashe Allows unit to open doors and chests without keys.
Perseverance Perseverance Annette Use Rally to grant Str +4 to an ally.
Philanderer Philanderer Sylvain If a female ally is adjacent, unit deals 2 extra damage and takes 2 less damage during combat.
Lady Knight skill Lady Knight Ingrid Grants Mt +3 and Hit +5 with gambits.
Prestigious Noble Distinguished House Lorenz Unit deals 2 extra damage while in formation with a battalion.
Plead Advocate Hilda Adjacent male allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Catnap Goody Basket Raphael Chance to recover up to 10% of max HP at the start of each turn. Trigger % = Lck stat.
Mastermind icon Mastermind Lysithea Doubles skill experience earned in battle.
Watchful Eye Watchful Eye Ignatz Grants Hit +20.
Animal Friend Animal Friend Marianne Unit recovers up to 20% of max HP at the start of each turn when adjacent to a cavalry or flying ally.
Rivalry FE16 Rivalry Leonie If a male ally is adjacent, unit deals 2 extra damage and takes 2 less damage during combat.
Plead Infirmary Master Manuela Adjacent allies gain Crit Avo +10 during combat.
Crest Scholar FE16 Crest Scholar Hanneman Use Rally to grant Mag +4 to an ally
Confidence skill Fighting Spirit Catherine Unit takes 5 less damage when no battalion is assigned or when battalion endurance is 0.
Compassion FE16 Compassion Alois Use Rally to grant Lck +8 to an ally.
Plead Guardian Seteth Adjacent female allies deal 3 extra damage during combat
Plead Lily's Poise Flayn Adjacent allies take 3 less damage during combat.
Prestigious Noble Veteran Knight Gilbert Unit takes 2 less damage while in formation with a battalion.
Confidence skill Survival Instinct Shamir If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants Str/Mag/Dex/Spd +4 for one turn.
Aptitude FE16 Aptitude Cyril Makes each stat 20% more likely to increase on level up.
Born Fighter Murderous Intent Death Knight If unit initiates combat, grants Hit +20 during combat.
Pomp & Circumstance FE16 Business Prosperity Anna Grants Lck +5.
FE16 Honorable Spirit icon Honorable Spirit Yuri If unit is not near an ally, grants Atk +3 when in combat with a foe one space away.
FE16 Circadian Beat icon Circadian Beat Constance Grants Str/Mag +3 when indoors and Def/Res +3 when outdoors.
FE16 King of Grappling icon King of Grappling Balthus Grants Str/Def +6 when HP ≤ 50%.
FE16 Monstrous Appeal icon Monstrous Appeal Hapi Makes all attacks effective against monsters and makes it easier for monsters to target unit.
Hunter's Boon Blade Breaker Jeralt If unit damages foe, foe suffers Str/Def -6 for 1 turn after combat.
Sacred Power FE16 Sacred Power Rhea Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage and take 3 less damage during combat.
General skill FE16 General Lonato, Gwendal, Judith, Ladislava, Randolph Nullifies instant death effects and halves damage from enemy gambits.
Steal FE16
Steal Miklan Unit can steal non-weapon items from enemies with lower Spd than self.
Poison Strike FE16
Poison Strike Acheron If unit initiates combat, enemy loses up to 20% HP.
Miasma Δ FE16 Agarthan Technology Solon, Kronya, Thales, Cornelia, Myson, Odesse, Bias, Chilon, Pittacus Adjacent foes deal 3 less damage during combat.
Heartseeker FE16
Heartseeker Metodey Reduces Avoid of adjacent foes by 20.
Commander FE16 Commander Rodrigue, Lord Arundel, Aelfric Nullifies instant death effects, status effects, and movement effects, and greatly reduces damage from enemy gambits.
Magic Bind FE16 Magic Bind The Wind Caller If unit lands a hit, targeted foe is unable to use magic for 1 turn.
Monster Effect Null FE16 Monster Effect Null The Immovable Nullifies any extra effectiveness against monsters.
Mighty King of Legend FE16 Mighty King of Legend Nemesis Negates 1 attack per turn and strengthens stats while the 10 Elites are present.
Ten Elites Skill FE16 10 Elites Blaiddyd, Riegan, Lamine, Goneril, Charon, Fraldarius, Gloucester, Dominic, Gautier, Daphnel Grants power to the Mighty King of Legend.
Umbral Leech Skill FE16 Umbral Leech Umbral Beast Unit absorbs HP from phantoms.

Class Abilities[]

Innate abilities for each class. It’s granted to that class only and disappears if you change class.

Icon Skill Class Effect
Charm FE16
Charm FE16 Lord Edelgard Icon FE16 Lord Dimitri Icon FE16 Lord Claude IconLord
FE16 Armored Lord IconArmored Lord
FE16 High Lord Dimitri IconHigh Lord
FE16 Wyvern Master Icon Wyvern Master
FE16 Emperor Icon Emperor
FE16 Great Lord Dimitri IconGreat Lord
FE16 Barbarossa IconBarbarossa
FE16 Archbishop IconArchbishop
FE16 Archbishop IconSaint
Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage during combat.
Canto FE16
Canto FE16 Cavalier IconCavalier
FE16 Pegasus Knight IconPegasus Knight
FE16 Paladin IconPaladin
FE16 Wyvern Rider IconWyvern Rider
FE16 Wyvern Master IconWyvern Master
FE16 Death Knight Jeritza IconDeath Knight
FE16 Dark Flier IconDark Flier
FE16 Valkyrie Icon Valkyrie
FE16 Falcon Knight Icon Falcon Knight
FE16 Wyvern Lord IconWyvern Lord
FE16 Great Knight IconGreat Knight
FE16 Bow Knight IconBow Knight
FE16 Dark Knight IconDark Knight
FE16 Holy Knight IconHoly Knight
FE16 Barbarossa IconBarbarossa
Allows unit to move again after completing certain actions, if there is movement remaining.
Unarmed Combat FE16
Unarmed Combat FE16 Brawler IconBrawler
FE16 Grappler IconGrappler
FE16 War Monk IconWar Monk
FE16 War Cleric IconWar Cleric
Allow unit to fight without a weapon.
Fire FE16
Fire FE16 Mage IconMage Allows unit to cast Fire. If Fire is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often.
Miasma Δ FE16
Miasma Δ FE16 Dark Mage IconDark Mage
FE16 Dark Bishop IconDark Bishop
Allows unit to cast Miasma. If Miasma is already available, then unit can cast it twice as often.
Heartseeker FE16
Heartseeker FE16 Dark Mage IconDark Mage
FE16 Dark Bishop IconDark Bishop
FE16 King of Liberation Enemy IconKing of Liberation
Adjacent foes suffer Avo -20 during combat.
Steal FE16
Steal FE16 Thief IconThief Allows unit to steal a non-weapon item from a foe with a lower Spd stat.
Locktouch FE16
Locktouch FE16 Thief IconThief
FE16 Assassin IconAssassin
FE16 Trickster IconTrickster
Allows unit to open doors and chests without keys.
Avo+10 FE16
Avoid +10 FE16 Pegasus Knight IconPegasus Knight
FE16 Falcon Knight IconFalcon Knight
FE16 Wyvern Lord IconWyvern Lord
FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the Desert
Increases Avoid by 10.
Bowrange+1 FE16
Bowrange +1 FE16 Archer IconArcher
FE16 Sniper IconSniper
Increases Bow range by 1.
Bowrange+2 FE16
Bowrange +2 FE16 Bow Knight IconBow Knight Increases Bow range by 2.
Heal FE16
Heal FE16 Priest IconPriest
FE16 War Monk IconWar Monk
FE16 War Cleric IconWar Cleric
Allows unit to cast Heal. If Heal is already available, then unit can caste it twice as often.
White Magic Heal+5 FE16
White Magic Heal +5 FE16 Priest IconPriest Heal 5 extra HP when using white magic.
White Magic Heal+10 FE16
White Magic Heal +10 FE16 Bishop IconBishop Heal 10 extra HP when using white magic.
Swordfaire FE16
Swordfaire FE16 Hero IconHero
FE16 Swordmaster IconSwordmaster
FE16 Assassin IconAssassin
FE16 Mortal Savant IconMortal Savant
FE16 Enlightened One Male Byleth IconFE16 Enlightened One Female Byleth IconEnlightened One
FE16 King of Liberation Enemy IconKing of Liberation
Grants Atk +5 when using a sword.
Axefaire FE16
Axefaire FE16 Fortress Knight IconFortress Knight
FE16 Warrior IconWarrior
FE16 Wyvern Rider IconWyvern Rider
FE16 Armored Lord IconArmored Lord
FE16 Wyvern Lord IconWyvern Lord
FE16 Great Knight IconGreat Knight
FE16 War Master IconWar Master
FE16 Emperor IconEmperor
Grants Atk +5 when using an axe.
Lancefaire FE16
Lancefaire FE16 Paladin IconPaladin
FE16 High Lord Dimitri IconHigh Lord
FE16 Death Knight Jeritza IconDeath Knight
FE16 Falcon Knight IconFalcon Knight
FE16 Great Knight IconGreat Knight
FE16 Great Lord Dimitri IconGreat Lord
Grants Atk +5 when using a lance.
Bowfaire FE16
Bowfaire FE16 Sniper IconSniper
FE16 Wyvern Master IconWyvern Master
FE16 Bow Knight IconBow Knight
FE16 Barbarossa IconBarbarossa
Grants Atk +5 when using a bow
Fistfaire FE16
Fistfaire FE16 Grappler IconGrappler
FE16 War Monk IconWar Monk
FE16 War Cleric IconWar Cleric
FE16 War Master IconWar Master
Grants Atk +5 when brawling.
Black Tomefaire FE16
Black Tomefaire FE16 Warlock IconWarlock
FE16 Dark Knight IconDark Knight
FE16 Dark Flier IconDark Flier
FE16 Mortal Savant IconMortal Savant
FE16 Verrat IconVerrat
Grants Atk +5 when using Black Magic.
Dark Tomefaire FE16
Dark Tomefaire FE16 Dark Knight IconDark Knight Grants Atk +5 when using Dark Magic.
White Tomefaire FE16
White Tomefaire FE16 Holy Knight IconHoly Knight Grants Atk +5 when using White Magic.
Vantage FE16
Vantage FE16 Hero IconHero
FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Crimson Flower Only) FE16HealthBar3-0
When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if HP is ≤ 50%.
Weight -5 FE16
Weight -5 FE16 Fortress Knight IconFortress Knight Reduces total equipment weight by 5.
Terrain Resistance FE16
Terrain Resistance FE16 Paladin IconPaladin
FE16 Bishop IconBishop
FE16 Holy Knight IconHoly Knight
FE16 Enlightened One Male Byleth IconFE16 Enlightened One Female Byleth IconEnlightened One
FE16 Archbishop IconArchbishop
FE16 Archbishop IconSaint
Nullifies damage from terrain.
Black Magic Uses x2 FE16
Black Magic Uses ×2 FE16 Warlock IconWarlock
FE16 Gremory IconGremory
FE16 Verrat IconVerrat
Doubles the number of uses for Black Magic.
Dark Magic Uses x2 FE16
Dark Magic Uses ×2 FE16 Gremory IconGremory Doubles the number of uses for Dark Magic.
White Magic Uses x2 FE16
White Magic Uses ×2 FE16 Bishop IconBishop
FE16 Gremory IconGremory
Doubles the number of uses for White Magic.
Sword Crit +10 FE16
Sword Critical +10 FE16 Swordmaster IconSwordmaster Grants Crit +10 when using a sword.
Stealth FE16
Stealth FE16 Assassin IconAssassin
FE16 Trickster IconTrickster
Makes it more difficult for foes to target unit.
Axe Crit +10 FE16
Axe Critical +10 FE16 Warrior IconWarrior Grants Crit +10 when using an axe.
Crit +20 FE16
Critical +20 FE16 War Master IconWar Master Increases Crit by 20.
Fiendish Blow FE16
Fiendish Blow FE16 Dark Bishop IconDark Bishop
FE16 Verrat IconVerrat
If unit initiates combat, grants Mag +6 during combat.
Lucky 7 FE16
Lucky Seven FE16 Trickster IconTrickster Each turn, grants +5 to one of the following stats: Str, Mag, Spd, Def, Res, Hit or Avo.
Transmute FE16
Transmute FE16 Dark Flier IconDark Flier If unit is hit with a magic attack during enemy phase, grants +3 to all stats until next player phase ends.
Black Magic Range +1 FE16
Black Magic Range +1 FE16 Valkyrie IconValkyrie Increases black magic range by 1.
Dark Magic Range +1 FE16
Dark Magic Range +1 FE16 Valkyrie IconValkyrie Increases dark magic range by 1.
Seal Magic FE16
Seal Magic FE16 Agastya Enemy IconAgastya If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Mag -6 for 1 turn after combat.
Seal Strength FE16
Seal Strength FE16 Agastya Enemy IconAgastya If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Str -6 for 1 turn after combat.
Commander FE16
Commander FE16 Archbishop IconArchbishop
FE16 Archbishop IconSaint
FE16 King of Liberation Enemy IconKing of Liberation
Nullifies instant death effects, status effects, and movement effects, and greatly reduces damage from enemy gambits.
Ancient Dragonskin
Ancient Dragonskin FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One
FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the Desert
FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the Lake
Halves all damage taken, negates some abilities and combat arts, and prevents unit from being moved.
Ancient Dragon Wrath
Ancient Dragon Wrath FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Crimson Flower Only) Calculates damage using the lower of the foe's Prt or Rsl.
Counterattack FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One
FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the Desert
FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the Lake
FE16 Umbral Beast IconUmbral Beast
Allows unit to counterattack regardless of distance to attacker.
FE16 Icon Skill Surging Light
Surging Light FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Silver Snow Only) Performs Staggering Blow immediately.
Armored Blow FE16
Armored Blow FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the Lake If unit initiates combat, grants Def +6 during combat.
Death Blow FE16
Death Blow FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Crimson Flower Only) FE16HealthBar3-2
FE16 Experimental Demonic Beast IconBlack BeastFE16HealthBar2-0
If unit initiates combat, grants Str +6 during combat.
Magic Bind FE16
Magic Bind FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Crimson Flower Only) FE16HealthBar3-1
FE16 Experimental Demonic Beast IconBlack BeastFE16HealthBar2-1
If unit lands a hit, targeted foe is unable to use magic for 1 turn.
Wrath FE16
Wrath FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Crimson Flower Only) FE16HealthBar3-0 If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is ≤ 50%, grants Crit +50.
Miracle FE16
Miracle FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Silver Snow Only)FE16HealthBar3-2
FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the DesertFE16HealthBar3-1
FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the LakeFE16HealthBar3-1
Chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, if HP is > 1. Trigger % = Lck stat.
Defiant Str FE16
Defiant Strength FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Silver Snow Only)FE16HealthBar3-1 Grants Str +8 when HP is ≤ 25%.
Darting Blow FE16
Darting Blow FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the DesertFE16HealthBar3-2 If unit initiates combat, grants AS +6 during combat.
Desperation FE16
Desperation FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the DesertFE16HealthBar3-0 If unit initiates combat with HP ≤ 50%, unit’s follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe’s counterattack.
Renewal FE16
Renewal FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the LakeFE16HealthBar3-2 Unit recovers up to 20% of max HP at the start of each turn.
Quick Riposte FE16
Quick Riposte FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the LakeFE16HealthBar3-0 If Unit's HP ≥ 50%, if attacked by a foe, unit automatically makes a follow-up attack.
FE16 Icon Barrier Skill Vital Defense FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One
FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the Desert
FE16 Experimental Demonic Beast IconBlack Beast
FE16 Hegemon Husk IconHegemon Husk
FE16 Umbral Beast IconUmbral Beast
Makes critical hits against this unit impossible.
FE16 Icon Barrier Skill Giant Wings FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Crimson Flower Only)
FE16 Lord of the Desert IconLord of the Desert
FE16 Flying Demonic Beast IconFlying Demonic Beast
FE16 Giant Bird IconGiant Bird
FE16 White Beast IconWhite Beast
Grants Avo +30 against sword, lance, or axe users.
FE16 Icon Barrier Skill Divine Dragon Horn FE16 The Immaculate One IconThe Immaculate One (Silver Snow Only) Unit recovers 100% of HP at the start of each turn if a White Beast is within 10 spaces.
FE16 Icon Barrier Skill Pavise FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the Lake
FE16 Titanus IconTitanus
Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat.
FE16 Icon Barrier Skill Aegis FE16 Lord of the Lake IconLord of the Lake
FE16 Titanus IconTitanus
Chance to reduce bow/magic damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat.
FE16 Icon Barrier Skill Anti-Magic Armor FE16 Altered Golem IconAltered Golem Nullifies damage from magic attacks.

Standard Abilities[]

These are abilities learned according to the character’s skill levels or from mastering classes. Unlike class abilities, they can be customized and are independent of class.

Abilities learned from Skill Levels[]

Skill Skill Lvl Icon Ability Effect Characters
FE16 sword iconSword E+
Sword Prowess Lv 1
Sword Prowess Lv. 1 Grants Hit +5, Avo +7 and Crit Avo +5 when using a sword. All
Sword Prowess Lv 2
Sword Prowess Lv. 2 Grants Hit +6, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +6 when using a sword. All
Sword Prowess Lv 3
Sword Prowess Lv. 3 Grants Hit +7, Avo +13 and Crit Avo +7 when using a sword. All
Axebreaker FE16
Axebreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using a sword against axe users. All
Sword Prowess Lv 4
Sword Prowess Lv. 4 Grants Hit +8, Avo +16 and Crit Avo +8 when using a sword. All
Sword Prowess Lv 5
Sword Prowess Lv. 5 Grants Hit +10, Avo +20 and Crit Avo +10 when using a sword. All
Sword Crit +10 FE16
Sword Critical +10 Grants Crit +10 when using a sword. All
Swordfaire FE16
Swordfaire Grants Atk +5 when using a sword. All
FE16 lance iconLance E+
Lance Prowess Lv 1
Lance Prowess Lv.1 Grants Hit +6, Avo +6 and Crit Avo +5 when using a lance. All
Lance Prowess Lv 2
Lance Prowess Lv.2 Grants Hit +8, Avo +8 and Crit Avo +6 when using a lance. All
Lance Prowess Lv 3
Lance Prowess Lv.3 Grants Hit +10, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +7 when using a lance. All
Swordbreaker FE16
Swordbreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using a lance against sword users. All
Lance Prowess Lv 4
Lance Prowess Lv.4 Grants Hit +12, Avo +12 and Crit Avo +8 when using a lance. All
Lance Prowess Lv 5
Lance Prowess Lv.5 Grants Hit +15, Avo +15 and Crit Avo +10 when using a lance. All
Lance Crit +10 FE16
Lance Critical +10 Grants Crit +10 when using a lance. All
Lancefaire FE16
Lancefaire Grants Atk +5 when using a lance. All
FE16 axe iconAxe E+
Axe Prowess Lv 1
Axe Prowess Lv.1 Grants Hit +7, Avo +5 and Crit Avo +5 when using an axe. All
Axe Prowess Lv 2
Axe Prowess Lv.2 Grants Hit +10, Avo +6 and Crit Avo +6 when using an axe. All
Axe Prowess Lv 3
Axe Prowess Lv.3 Grants Hit +13, Avo +7 and Crit Avo +7 when using an axe. All
Lancebreaker FE16
Lancebreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using an axe against lance users. All
Axe Prowess Lv 4
Axe Prowess Lv.4 Grants Hit +16, Avo +8 and Crit Avo +8 when using an axe. All
Axe Prowess Lv 5
Axe Prowess Lv.5 Grants Hit +20, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +10 when using an axe. All
S Axe Crit +10 FE16 Axe Critical +10 Grants Crit +10 when using an axe. All
S+ Axefaire FE16 Axefaire Grants Atk +5 when using an axe. All
FE16 bow iconBow E+
Bow Prowess Lv 1 FE16
Bow Prowess Lv.1 Grants Hit +6, Avo +6 and Crit Avo +5 when using a bow. All
Bow Prowess Lv 2 FE16
Bow Prowess Lv.2 Grants Hit +8, Avo +8 and Crit Avo +6 when using a bow. All
C Close Counter FE16 Close Counter Allows unit to counterattack adjacent foes. All
Bow Prowess Lv 3 FE16
Bow Prowess Lv.3 Grants Hit +10, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +7 when using a bow. All
Bow Prowess Lv 4 FE16
Bow Prowess Lv.4 Grants Hit +12, Avo +12 and Crit Avo +8 when using a bow. All
Bow Prowess Lv 5
Bow Prowess Lv.5 Grants Hit +15, Avo +15 and Crit Avo +10 when using a bow. All
Bow Crit +10 FE16
Bow Critical +10 Grants Crit +10 when using a bow. All
Bowfaire FE16
Bowfaire Grants Atk +5 when using a bow. All
FE16 brawl iconBrawl E+
Brawling Prowess Lv 1 FE16
Brawling Prowess Lv.1 Grants Hit +5, Avo +7 and Crit Avo +5 when brawling. All
Brawling Prowess Lv 2 FE16
Brawling Prowess Lv.2 Grants Hit +6, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +6 when brawling. All
Brawling Prowess Lv 3 FE16
Brawling Prowess Lv.3 Grants Hit +7, Avo +13 and Crit Avo +7 when brawling. All
Brawling Prowess Lv 4 FE16
Brawling Prowess Lv.4 Grants Hit +8, Avo +16 and Crit Avo +8 when brawling. All
Brawling Prowess Lv 5 FE16
Brawling Prowess Lv.5 Grants Hit +10, Avo +20 and Crit Avo +10 when brawling. All
Brawl Crit +10 FE16
Brawl Critical +10 Grants Crit +10 when brawling. All
Fistfaire FE16
Fistfaire Grants Atk +5 when brawling. All
FE16 reason iconReason E+
Reason Lv 1 FE16
Reason Prowess Lv.1 Grants Hit +7, Avo +5 and Crit Avo +5 when using black or dark magic. All
Reason Lv 2 FE16
Reason Prowess Lv.2 Grants Hit +10, Avo +6 and Crit Avo +6 when using black or dark magic. All
Reason Lv 3 FE16
Reason Prowess Lv.3 Grants Hit +13, Avo +7 and Crit Avo +7 when using black or dark magic. All
Reason Lv 4 FE16
Reason Prowess Lv.4 Grants Hit +16, Avo +8 and Crit Avo +8 when using black or dark magic. All
Reason Lv 5 FE16
Reason Prowess Lv.5 Grants Hit +20, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +10 when using black or dark magic. All
Black Magic Range +1 FE16
Black Magic Range +1 Increases black magic range by 1. All but Edelgard, Hubert, Lysithea, and Hapi
Dark Magic Range +1 FE16
Dark Magic Range +1 Increases dark magic range by 1. Edelgard, Hubert, Lysithea, and Hapi
Black Tomefaire FE16
Black Tomefaire Grants Atk +5 when using black magic. All but Edelgard, Hubert, Lysithea, and Hapi
Dark Tomefaire FE16
Dark Tomefaire Grants Atk +5 when using dark magic. Edelgard, Hubert, Lysithea, and Hapi
FE16 faith iconFaith E+
Faith Lv 1
Faith Prowess Lv.1 Grants Hit +5, Avo +7 and Crit Avo +5 when using white magic. All
Faith Lv 2
Faith Prowess Lv.2 Grants Hit +6, Avo +10 and Crit Avo +6 when using white magic. All
Faith Lv 3
Faith Prowess Lv.3 Grants Hit +7, Avo +13 and Crit Avo +7 when using white magic. All
Faith Lv 4
Faith Prowess Lv.4 Grants Hit +8, Avo +16 and Crit Avo +8 when using white magic. All
Faith Lv 5
Faith Prowess Lv.5 Grants Hit +10, Avo +20 and Crit Avo +10 when using white magic. All
White Magic Range +1 FE16
White Magic Range +1 Increases White Magic range by 1 for attacks that damage foes. All
White Tomefaire FE16
White Tomefaire Grants Atk +5 when using white magic. All
FE16 authority iconAuthority E+
Authority Lv 1
Authority Prowess Lv.1 Grants Mt +2 with gambits. All
Rally Magic FE16
Rally Magic Use Rally to grant Mag +4 to an ally. Hubert, Ingrid, Constance


Rally Charm FE16
Rally Charm Use Rally to grant Cha +8 to an ally. Dorothea, Manuela, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude


Rally Dexterity FE16
Rally Dexterity Use Rally to grant Dex +8 to an ally. Ferdinand, Ignatz, Hapi

C/ C+/ S

Rally Resistance FE16
Rally Resistance Use Rally to grant Res +4 to an ally. Annette, Hubert, Seteth, Constance


Rally Strength FE16
Rally Strength Use Rally to grant Str +4 to an ally. Raphael, Alois, Ignatz, Balthus

C+/ S

Rally Speed FE16
Rally Speed Use Rally to grant Spd +4 to an ally. Ignatz, Annette, Hubert
Rally Defense FE16
Rally Defense Use Rally to grant Def +4 to an ally. Seteth, Gilbert
Rally Luck FE16
Rally Luck Use Rally to grant Lck +8 to an ally. Flayn, Anna
Authority Lv 2
Authority Prowess Lv.2 Grants Mt +4 with gambits. All


Battalion Vantage FE16
Battalion Vantage When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3. Byleth, Edelgard, Felix, Sylvain, Lorenz, Catherine, Dimitri, Ignatz, Anna, Yuri


Battalion Wrath FE16
Battalion Wrath If foe initiates combat while unit’s battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, grants Crit +50. Hubert, Bernadetta, Caspar, Petra, Dimitri, Dedue, Hilda, Raphael, Seteth, Alois, Gilbert, Annette, Claude, Jeritza, Hapi


Battalion Desperation FE16
Battalion Desperation If unit initiates combat when battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, unit’s follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe’s counterattack. Dorothea, Ferdinand, Ashe, Ingrid, Claude, Lysithea, Ignatz, Leonie, Hanneman, Cyril, Shamir, Byleth, Hubert, Seteth, Jeritza, Balthus


Battalion Renewal FE16
Battalion Renewal Unit recovers up to 30% of max HP at the start of each turn while battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3. Linhardt, Mercedes, Annette, Marianne, Manuela, Flayn, Edelgard
Authority Lv 3
Authority Prowess Lv.3 Grants Mt +6 with gambits. All
C+ Sacred Power FE16 Model Leader Doubles experience earned for battalions. Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Seteth, Claude, Yuri
Defensive Tactics FE16
Defensive Tactics Battalion endurance takes half damage. All
Authority Lv 4
Authority Prowess Lv.4 Grants Mt +8 with gambits. All
Authority Lv 5
Authority Prowess Lv.5 Grants Mt +10 with gambits. All
Rally Movement FE16
Rally Movement Use Rally to grant Mv +1 to an ally. Byleth, Annette
Offensive Tactics FE16
Offensive Tactics Grants Mt +5 and Hit +20 with gambits. All
FE16 heavy armor iconHeavy Armor C
Weight -3 FE16
Weight -3 Reduces total equipment weight by 3. All
Weight -5 FE16
Weight -5 Reduces total equipment weight by 5. All
Armored Effect Null FE16
Armored Effect Null Nullifies any extra effectiveness against armored units. All
FE16 riding iconRiding C
Dexterity +4 FE16
Dexterity +4 Increases Dex by 4. All
Movement +1 FE16
Movement +1 Increases Mv by 1. All
Cavalry Effect Null FE16
Cavalry Effect Null Nullifies any extra effectiveness against cavalry units. All
FE16 flying iconFlying B
Alert Stance FE16
Alert Stance If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Avo +15 for 1 turn. All
Alert Stance+ FE16
Alert Stance+ If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Avo +30 for 1 turn. All
Flying Effect Null FE16
Flying Effect Null Nullifies any extra effectiveness against flying units. All

Abilities learned from Mastering Classes[]

Icon Ability Effect Mastered Class
HP+5 FE16
HP +5 Increases HP by 5 Noble
Speed 2 FE16
Speed +2 Increases Spd by 2 Myrmidon
Defense 2 FE16
Defense +2 Increases Def by 2 Soldier
Strength 2 FE16
Strength +2 Increases Str by 2 Fighter
Magic 2 FE16
Magic +2 Increases Mag by 2 Monk
Resistance 2 FE16
Resistance +2 Increases Res by 2 Lord
Vantage FE16
Vantage When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if HP is ≤ 50%. Mercenary
Steal FE16
Steal Allows unit to steal a non-weapon item from a foe with a lower Spd stat. Thief
Desperation FE16
Desperation If unit initiates combat with HP ≤ 50%, unit’s follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe’s counterattack. Cavalier
Darting Blow FE16
Darting Blow If unit initiates combat, grants AS +6 during combat. Pegasus Knight
Death Blow FE16
Death Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Str +6 during combat. Brigand
Armored Blow FE16
Armored Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Def +6 during combat. Armored Knight
Hit 20 FE16
Hit +20 Increases Hit by 20. Archer
Unarmed Combat FE16
Unarmed Combat Allows unit to fight without a weapon. Brawler
Fiendish Blow FE16
Fiendish Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Mag+6 during combat Mage
Poison Strike FE16
Poison Strike If unit initiates combat and lands a hit, targeted foe loses up to 20% of max HP after combat. Dark Mage
Miracle FE16
Miracle Chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, if HP is > 1. Trigger % = Lck stat. Priest
Special Dance FE16
Special Dance When using the Dance ability, grant Dex/Spd/Lck +4 to target ally. Dancer
Pomp & Circumstance FE16
Pomp & Circumstance Increases Lck/Cha by 4. Armored Lord
High Lord
Wyvern Master
Sacred Power FE16
Sacred Power Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage and take 3 less damage during combat. Enlightened One
Defiant Str FE16
Defiant Strength Grants Str +8 when HP is ≤ 25%. Hero
Lethality FE16
Lethality Chance to instantly kill a foe when dealing damage. Trigger % = 0.25×Dex. Assassin
Aegis FE16
Aegis Chance to reduce bow/magic damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat. Paladin
Wrath FE16
Wrath If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is ≤ 50%, grants Crit +50. Warrior
Pavise FE16
Pavise Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat. Fortress Knight
Seal Defense FE16
Seal Defense If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Def -6 for 1 turn after combat. Wyvern Rider
Tomebreaker FE16
Tomebreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when brawling against magic users. Grappler
Bowbreaker FE16
Bowbreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using magic against bow users. Warlock
Lifetaker FE16
Lifetaker Unit recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt after defeating a foe. Dark Bishop
Renewal FE16
Renewal Unit recovers up to 20% of max HP at the start of each turn. Bishop
Warding Blow FE16
Warding Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Res +6 during combat. Mortal Savant
Defiant Avo FE16
Defiant Avoid Grants Avo +30 when HP is ≤ 25%. Falcon Knight
Quick Riposte FE16
Quick Riposte If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is ≥ 50%, unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack. War Master
Defiant Crit FE16
Defiant Critical Grants Crit +50 when HP is ≤ 25%. Wyvern Lord
Defiant Def FE16
Defiant Defense Grants Def +8 when HP is ≤ 25%. Great Knight
Defiant Spd FE16
Defiant Speed Grants Spd +8 when HP is ≤ 25%. Bow Knight
Defiant Mag FE16
Defiant Magic Grants Mag +8 when HP is ≤ 25%. Gremory
Seal Resistance FE16
Seal Resistance If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Res -6 for 1 turn after combat. Dark Knight
Defiant Res FE16
Defiant Resistance Grants Res +8 when HP is ≤ 25%. Holy Knight
Counterattack Allows unit to counterattack regardless of distance to attacker. Death Knight
Duelist's Blow FE16
Duelist's Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Avo +20 during combat. Trickster
Brawl Avo 20 FE16
Brawl Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when brawling. War Monk
War Cleric
Transmute FE16
Transmute If unit is hit with a magic attack during enemy phase, grants +3 to all stats until next player phase ends. Dark Flier
Uncanny Blow FE16
Uncanny Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Hit +30 during combat Valkyrie

Abilities learned from Budding Talents[]

Icon Ability Budding Talent Effect Characters
Black Mag Crit 10 FE16
Black Magic Critical +10 Reason Grants Crit +10 when using black magic. Edelgard, Felix, Balthus
Black Mag Avo 20 FE16
Black Magic Avo +20 Reason Grants Avo +20 when using black magic. Sylvain
Seal Strength FE16
Seal Strength Reason If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Str -6 for 1 turn after combat. Ignatz
Seal Magic FE16
Seal Magic Reason If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Mag -6 for 1 turn after combat. Flayn
White Mag Avo 20 FE16
White Magic Avo +20 Faith Grants Avo +20 when using white magic. Byleth, Dorothea
Seal Speed FE16
Seal Speed Heavy Armor If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Spd -6 for 1 turn after combat. Ferdinand, Hilda
Seal Movement FE16
Seal Movement Riding If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Mv -1 for 1 turn after combat. Dimitri
Pass FE16
Pass Riding Allows unit to pass through spaces occupied by foes. Bernadetta, Anna
Darting Blow FE16
Darting Blow Flying If unit initiates combat, grants AS +6 during combat. Jeritza

Other Abilities[]

Icon Ability Effect How to Get
Sword Avo 20 FE16
Sword Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when using a sword. Win the White Heron Cup
Mastermind icon
Mastermind Doubles skill experience earned in battle. Starting skill of Jeritza

Unknown/Enemy-exclusive abilities[]

Icon Ability Effect
Effect Null FE16 Effect Null Cancels all types of effectiveness.
Infantry Effect Null FE16 Infantry Effect Null Cancels effectiveness against infantry units.
Dragon Effect Null FE16 Dragon Effect Null Cancels effectiveness against dragons.
Monster Effect Null FE16 Monster Effect Null Nullifies any extra effectiveness against monsters.
Swordbreaker FE16
Swordbreaker+ Grants Hit/Avo +30 when using a lance against sword users.
Lancebreaker FE16
Lancebreaker+ Grants Hit/Avo +30 when using an axe against lance users.
Axebreaker FE16
Axebreaker+ Grants Hit/Avo +30 when using a sword against axe users.
FE16 Icon Skill Fistbreaker
Fistbreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using a bow against a brawling foe.
Paragon FE16 Paragon Doubles experience earned.
Mastermind icon Discipline Doubles skill experience earned in battle.
White Mag Crit 10 FE16 White Magic Crit +10 Grants Crit +10 when using White Magic.
Dark Mag Crit 10 FE16 Dark Magic Crit +10 Grants Crit +10 when using Dark Magic.
Lance Avo 20 FE16 Lance Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when using a lance.
Axe Avo 20 FE16 Axe Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when using an axe.
Bow Avo 20 FE16 Bow Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when using a bow.
Dark Magic Avo 20 FE16 Dark Magic Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when using dark magic.
Black Magic Uses x4 FE16 Black Magic Uses ×4 Quadruples the number of uses for black magic.
Dark Magic Uses x4 FE16 Dark Magic Uses ×4 Quadruples the number of uses for dark magic.
White Magic Uses x4 FE16 White Magic Uses ×4 Quadruples the number of uses for white magic.
Infinite Magic FE16 Infinite Magic Removes the limitation on the number of times magic can be used.
Immune Status FE16 Immune Status Nullifies status effects and debuffs.
Unsealable Magic Unsealable Magic Nullifies silence
Magic Bind FE16 Magic Bind If unit lands a hit, targeted foe is unable to use magic for 1 turn.
Noncombatant FE16 Noncombatant Unit cannot be targeted by foes.
Poison Skill FE16 Poison Chance to inflict poison on foe when dealing damage. Trigger % = Dex stat.
Cursed Power FE16 Cursed Power Unit recovers HP on swamp terrain.
Anchor FE16 Anchor Prevents unit from being moved.
Keen Intuition FE16 Keen Intuition Grants Avo +30 during combat with a foe 2 or more spaces away.
General skill FE16 General Nullifies instant death effects and halves damage from enemy gambits.
Commander FE16 Commander Nullifies instant death effects, status effects, and movement effects, and greatly reduces damage from enemy gambits.
Twin Crests FE16 Twin Crests Allows unit to take two actions in one turn.
Ancient Dragon Wrath Ancient Dragon Wrath Calculates damage using the lower of the foe's Prt or Rsl.
FE16 Icon Skill Surging Light Surging Light Performs Staggering Blow immediately.
Manifests Phantoms Skill FE16 Manifest Phantoms Unit births phantoms.
Enhanced Fortitude Skill FE16 Enhanced Fortitude Halves all damage taken, negates some abilities and combat arts, and prevents unit from being moved.