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The following is a list of weapons from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. All weapons except Staves give +1 to weapon experience, and it takes 50 weapon experience to increase a character's Weapon Rank.

FE5 Sword IconSwords[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
Shortsword Short Sword E 1 40 8 6 75% 0% 1,000 -
FE5ironsword Iron Sword E 1 40 6 6 70% 0% 2,200 -
FE5poisonsword Poison Sword E 1 40 6 3 60% 0% - Inflicts Poison upon contact. Becomes Iron Sword when stolen.
FE5slimsword Slim Sword E 1 30 2 3 100% 5% 2,600 -
Elitesword Elite Sword E 1 40 9 9 65% 0% 5,800 Grants Paragon skill while equipped. Defense +5.
Long Sword Long Sword D 1 30 12 10 65% 0% 1,400 -
FE5steelsword Steel Sword D 1 30 11 9 65% 0% 2,900 -
FE5ironblade Iron Blade C 1 30 15 12 55% 0% 2,000 -
FE5rapier Rapier C 1 20 3 4 90% 10% 1,000 Effective vs. Armored/Horseback units.
FE5killingedge Killing Edge C 1 30 7 9 80% 30% 3,800 -
FE5kingsword King Sword C 1 60 10 13 70% 20% - Allows user to strike twice in one attack. Grants Charm skill while equipped.
Greatsword Great Sword B 1 20 16 15 55% 0% 2,000 -
FE5silversword Silver Sword B 1 20 8 14 75% 0% 4,200 -
FE5armorslayer Armorslayer B 1 30 12 10 60% 0% 4,400 Effective vs. Armored units.
FE5herosword Brave Sword B 1 60 14 15 75% 0% - Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
FE5flamesword Flame Sword B 1-2 40 9 9 70% 0% 8,200 When attacking from afar, deals magical fire damage. Magic +5.
FE5thundersword Levin Sword B 1-2 40 9 9 70% 0% 8,200 When attacking from afar, deals magical thunder damage. Skill +5.
FE5windsword Wind Sword B 1-2 40 9 9 70% 0% 8,200 When attacking from afar, deals magical wind damage(no effective bonus vs. flying units). Speed +5.
Mastersword Meisterschwert A 1 20 15 14 60% 10% 4,200 Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
FE5sleepsword Sleep Sword A 1 10 20 8 55% 0% 2,000 Inflicts Sleep upon contact.
FE5berserksword Berserk Sword A 1 10 20 8 55% 0% 3,000 Inflicts Berserk upon contact.
Light Sword Light Brand * 1-2 60 10 12 80% 0% - Leif only. When attacking from afar, deals magical light damage. Luck +10. When used as an item, restores all HP.
FE5earthsword Earth Sword * 1-2 60 9 12 80% 0% - Nanna only. When attacking from afar, deals magical light damage. Restores HP to user equal to damage dealt.
Darknesssword Shadow Sword * 1 60 6 11 70% 20% - Mareeta only. Allows user to strike twice in one attack. Grants Nihil skill while equipped.
FE5mareeta'ssword Mareeta's Sword * 1 60 6 11 70% 20% - Mareeta only. Allows user to strike twice in one attack. Grants Nihil skill while equipped.
Beosword Beo Sword * 1 60 13 16 70% 30% - Diarmuid/Fergus only. Grants Vantage and Wrath skills while equipped.
FE5holysword Blessed Sword * 1 60 11 17 65% 20% - Olwen only. Allows user to strike twice in one attack. Effective vs. Horseback units. Magic +10. Grants Miracle skill while equipped.
FE5blaggisword Bragi Sword * 1 60 12 15 70% 0% - Leif/Nanna/Diarmuid/Fergus only. Effective vs. Armored units. Negates effects of Loptyr Sword. Grants Miracle skill while equipped.
FE5loputosword Loptyr Sword * 1 60 20 15 70% 0% - Halves enemies' attack power. Magic +20.
FE5brokensword Broken Sword E 1 - 20 0 0% 0% 200 -

FE5 Lance IconLances[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5ironlance Iron Lance E 1 40 9 7 70% 0% 2,200 -
FE5slimlance Slim Lance E 1 20 6 4 100% 5% 2,000 -
FE5poisonlance Poison Lance E 1 25 9 4 70% 0% - Inflicts Poison upon contact. Becomes Iron Lance when stolen.
FE5shortlance Short Lance E 1 20 8 5 70% 0% 800 -
FE5darknesslance Darkness Lance E 1-2 60 20 20 60% 0% 200 Unused. Grants Nihil skill while equipped.
FE5steellance Steel Lance D 1 30 15 10 65% 0% 3,200 -
FE5longlance Long Lance D 1 20 13 11 65% 0% 1,400 -
FE5javelin Javelin D 1-2 20 12 6 50% 0% 1,200 -
Great Lance Great Lance C 1 20 18 18 60% 0% 2,200 -
FE5silverlance Silver Lance B 1 20 10 15 75% 0% 4,000 -
FE5knightkiller Knight Killer B 1 20 13 14 60% 0% 3,000 Effective vs. Horseback units.
FE5killerlance Killer Lance B 1 20 10 12 80% 30% 3,000 -
FE5gaebolg Gáe Bolg B 1-2 90 2 20 100% 50% 200 Unused. Strength +10. Grants Charm/Vantage/Nihil/Wrath skills while equipped.
FE5gungnir Gungnir B 1 90 1 20 100% 70% 200 Unused. Defense +10. Grants Vantage/Nihil/Wrath/Paragon skills while equipped.
Masterlance Master Lance A 1-2 20 16 14 55% 0% 3,400 Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
Dragon Lance Dragonpike * 1 60 12 16 65% 0% - Dean only. Allows user to strike twice in one attack. Grants Vantage skill while equipped.
FE5herolance Brave Lance * 1 60 9 13 70% 10% - Finn only. Allows user to strike twice in one attack. Luck +10.
Brokenlance Broken Lance E 1 - 15 0 0% 0% 200 -

FE5 Axe IconAxes[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5ironaxe Iron Axe E 1 30 10 9 65% 0% 1,100 -
FE5poisonaxe Poison Axe E 1 30 10 6 65% 0% - Inflicts Poison upon contact. Becomes Iron Axe when stolen.
FE5devilaxe Devil Axe E 1 20 20 20 50% 0% 1,200 May inflict damage on the user instead when attacking.
FE5steelaxe Steel Axe D 1 25 15 13 55% 0% 1,700 -
FE5handaxe Hand Axe D 1-2 20 12 6 45% 0% 1,000
FE5heroaxe Brave Axe D 1 60 12 14 70% 0% - Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
FE5hammer Hammer C 1 20 18 12 50% 0% 1,200 Effective vs. Armored units.
FE5killeraxe Killer Axe C 1 20 10 12 75% 30% 2,000 -
FE5poleaxe Poleaxe C 1 20 17 15 60% 0% 2,200 Effective vs. Horseback units.
FE5silveraxe Silver Axe B 1 20 12 18 65% 0% 4,200 -
FE5battleaxe Battle Axe B 1 20 14 13 60% 10% 1,000 -
Masteraxe Master Axe B 1-2 20 16 15 55% 0% 3,200 Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
Pugi Vouge * 1-2 60 9 10 80% 30% - Osian only.
Brokenaxe Broken Axe E 1 - 20 0 0% 0% 200 -

FE5 Bow IconBows[]

All bows are effective against flying units, unless stated.

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5ironbow Iron Bow E 2 40 6 7 65% 0% 2,200 -
FE5poisonbow Poison Bow E 2 40 6 4 55% 0% - Inflicts Poison upon contact. Becomes Iron Bow when stolen.
FE5shortbow Short Bow E 2 20 6 5 75% 0% 800 -
FE5steelbow Steel Bow D 2 30 12 10 60% 0% 3,200 -
FE5longbow Longbow D 2 20 11 10 65% 0% 1,400 -
Great Bow Great Bow C 2 20 16 18 55% 0% 2,200 -
FE5silverbow Silver Bow B 2 20 9 15 70% 0% 4,000 -
FE5killerbow Killer Bow B 2 20 9 11 70% 30% 3,200 -
FE5herobow Brave Bow B 2 60 10 14 95% 20% - Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
Masterbow Meisterbogen A 2 20 14 13 65% 0% 3,000 Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
FE5longarch Long Arch * 3-10 10 20 15 75% 0% 2,200 Long Arch class only.
FE5ironarch Iron Arch * 3-15 10 20 20 75% 0% 4,200 Iron Arch class only.
FE5poisonarch Poison Arch * 3-15 10 20 10 50% 0% - Poison Arch class only. Inflicts Poison upon contact. Becomes Long Arch when stolen.
FE5brokenbow Broken Bow E 2 20 0 0 0% 0% 200 -

FE5 Fire IconFire Magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5fire Fire E 1-2 20 4 5 70% 0% 2,200 -
FE5elfire Elfire C 1-2 20 7 11 60% 0% 3,200 -
FE5bolganone Bolganone A 1-2 10 18 20 90% 0% 2,200 Unused.
FE5meteor Meteor A 3-10 5 20 9 75% 0% 2,200 -
FE5falaflame Valflame * 1-2 50 15 20 90% 20% - Unused. Nobody can equip.

FE5 Thunder IconThunder Magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5thunder Thunder E 1-2 30 5 7 60% 5% 3,200 -
FE5thoron Thoron A 1-2 10 9 18 70% 20% 2,200 -
FE5bolting Bolting A 3-10 5 20 10 70% 20% 2,200 -
FE5dimethunder Dire Thunder * 1-2 60 12 15 70% 10% - Olwen only. Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
FE5thorhammer Mjölnir * 1-2 50 15 20 90% 30% - Unused. Ishtar only.

FE5 Wind IconWind Magic[]

All Wind magic excluding Blizzard is effective against flying units.

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5wind Wind D 1-2 20 1 6 90% 10% 2,200 -
FE5tornado Tornado A 1-2 10 10 18 80% 0% 2,200 -
FE5blizzard Blizzard A 3-10 5 20 9 70% 0% 2,200 Inflicts Sleep upon contact.
FE5grafcalibur Grafcalibur * 1-2 40 3 13 100% 40% - Asbel only.
FE5holsety Forseti * 1-2 50 6 20 90% 30% - Ced only. Skill +20, Speed +20.

FE5 Light IconLight Magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5lightning Lightning E 1-2 20 6 9 75% 20% 3,200 -
FE5resire Nosferatu B 1-2 60 12 12 65% 0% 5,200 Restores HP to user equal to damage dealt.
FE5aura Aura A 1-2 80 12 20 100% 0% 200 Unused.

FE5 Dark IconDark Magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt Cost Effects
FE5yotsmungand Jormungandr C 1-2 20 12 14 70% 10% 2,200 Inflicts Poison upon contact when used by enemy units.
FE5fenrir Fenrir A 3-10 5 20 18 80% 0% 2,200 -
FE5poison Poison A 3-10 3 20 8 70% 0% 3,200 Inflicts Poison upon contact. Becomes Fenrir when stolen.
FE5stone Petrify A 3-10 5 20 1 100% 0% - Inflicts Stone upon contact. Becomes Fenrir when stolen.
FE5hell Hel * 1-2 3 20 - 60% 0% - Enemy only. Reduces target's HP to 1 (0 if already at 1 HP).
FE5loputousu Loptyr * 1-2 3 15 0 60% 0% - Unused. Nobody can equip.

FE5 Staff IconStaves[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Weight EXP Cost Effects
FE5live Heal E 1 20 4 15 2,200 Restores minor HP to an adjacent ally.
FE5relive Mend D 1 15 6 17 2,300 Restores moderate HP to an adjacent ally.
FE5torchS Torch D - 5 6 30 2,200 Increases user's sight in Fog of War to a radius of 10 squares. Bonus decreases by 1 each turn.
FE5recover Recover C 1 10 8 20 2,200 Restores all HP to an adjacent ally.
FE5reblow Physic C 5 8 40 1,700 Restores a minor amount of HP to an ally.
FE5restore Restore C 1 5 8 40 3,200 Restores all conditions to an adjacent ally (excluding Stone).
FE5magicup Magic Up C 1 5 8 30 2,200 Increases an adjacent ally's Magic by 7. Bonus decreases by 1 each turn.
FE5sleep Sleep C 3 8 25 1,700 Inflicts Sleep to one enemy. Does not work on enemies on thrones or gates.
FE5watch Watch C 4 7 30 1,800 Unused. Supposed to reveal areas hidden under roofs.
FE5reserve Fortify B 3 9 35 1,700 Restores minor HP to all allies.
FE5rescue Rescue B 3 7 40 2,000 Teleports an ally to an adjacent space to user.
FE5silencestaff Silence B 3 9 30 1,400 Inflicts Silence on an enemy. Does not work on enemies on thrones or gates.
FE5warp Warp A 1 3 8 40 2,000 Teleports an adjacent ally to any traversable space on the map.
FE5berserk Berserk A 3 10 40 2,000 Inflicts Berserk on an enemy. Does not work on enemies on thrones or gates.
FE5return Return A 1 3 7 40 1,810 Unused. Lets an ally escape a map.
FE5rewarp Rewarp A 5 6 20 1,200 Teleports user to any traversable space on the map.
FE5repair Hammerne * 1 5 6 30 - Safy only. Fully repairs an adjacent ally's weapon to full durability.
FE5thief Thief * 4 5 30 - Tina only. Steals an enemy's weapon, staff, or item.
FE5unlock Unlock * 3 5 30 - Tina only. Opens a door or chest.
FE5kia Kia * 1 5 7 30 - Sara only. Cures Stone from an adjacent ally.