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Matador is a Carnage weapon in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE. It is one of the Carnages that Chrom can become.

Weapon Stats[]

Name Type


GIR Sword Icon Sword

Power GIR Sword Icon GIR Lance Icon GIR Axe Icon GIR Bow Icon GIR Fire Icon GIR Ice Icon GIR Electricity Icon GIR Force Icon GIR Light Icon GIR Dark Icon
87 - Weak Resist - - - - - Weak Null
Effect Skills Performa Required

Raises Hit & Evade at the start of combat. Lasts for three turns.

Dual Dispatch
Quick Step

Inferno Force. x1
??? x1
3-Star Prestige x5

* Only after a second Carnage Unity.


Matador means 'bullfighter' in European Spanish and Portuguese. It is derived from the late Latin word mactator, which means to subdue or kill.


  • Matador is named for the Shin Megami Tensei demon Matador. His most prominent appearance comes in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, in which he appears as a boss in the Great Underpass of Ginza on the path to Ikebukuro and fights the Demi-Fiend for possession of an item called a Menorah of Sovereignty, dropping the Menorah of Foundation once defeated. The "Espada" skill is named for Matador's sword.