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Not to be confused with Marianne.

Morianne is a character mentioned in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. The sister of King Klaus I, she ignited the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus' war of succession when she found a note stating that the throne should pass to the son most beloved by the people.


When King Klaus I was suddenly struck with fever and on his deathbed, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus had to determine a successor, as Klaus hadn't yet chosen one himself. Morianne found a note in Klaus' handwriting which stated that "He who is most beloved by the people shall have the throne". With each brother now having an equal claim to the throne, a bloody war of succession began.

In the end, Krouffer, the middle brother, put an end to the war when he convinced his brothers Banfig and Kite to split the kingdom into three separate territories, these being the Eastern Kingdom, the Western Kingdom, and Leicester. This was incredibly frustrating to Morianne, as her scheme to install Kite as king had been disrupted by Krouffer, the brother who she found the least impressive due to his lack of a Crest.

A damaged book in the Shadow Library of Abyss titled "Burnt Remnants of a Report," states that Klaus I was likely assassinated and that the note in his handwriting found by Morianne is a forgery.
