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Fire Emblem Wiki

Persecution Complex is the Personal Ability of Bernadetta in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, as well as her Unique Support Ability in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.


Fire Emblem Three Houses[]

Name Activation Capacity
Persecution Complex
Persecution Complex
If HP ≤ 99% -
Effects +5 damage dealt when activated.
Users Bernadetta
Notes Personal ability of Bernadetta.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity
Persecution Complex
Persecution Complex Lv 1
Hit by enemy attack -
Effects Grants a very low chance to temporarily increasing damage dealt to foes.
Users Bernadetta

Name Activation Capacity
Persecution Complex
Persecution Complex Lv 2
Hit by enemy attack -
Effects Grants a low chance to temporarily increasing damage dealt to foes.
Users Bernadetta

Name Activation Capacity
Persecution Complex
Persecution Complex Lv 3
Hit by enemy attack -
Effects Grants a moderate chance to temporarily increasing damage dealt to foes.
Users Bernadetta


  • Persecution Complex in Three Houses is a slightly stronger variant of Fiery Blood, giving +5 damage to Bernadetta's attacks compared to +4 to Rinkah's attacks.