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Personality Shift is the Unique Action Ability of Constance in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.


Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Personality Shift
Personality Shift Lv 1
Passive / ZR -
Effects Generate a small number of orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of 6. Press ZR to launch the orbs.
Users Constance

Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Personality Shift
Personality Shift Lv 2
Passive / ZR -
Effects Generate a small number of orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of 10. Press ZR to launch the orbs.
Users Constance

Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Personality Shift
Personality Shift Lv 3
Passive / ZR -
Effects Generate a small number of orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of 13. Press ZR to launch the orbs.
Users Constance


  • Much like its predecessor Circadian Beat, Personality Shift changes between if the map has sunlight or not, with maps set at dusk being treated just like maps set at night.
    • The skill is not a dynamic activating skill, meaning missions that are Fog of War missions will still have Constance be in "no sunlight" mode even after the fog clears.