Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

Pits as they appear in Path of Radiance

A Pit (ピット) is a rare type of terrain only seen in the Tellius Series.


Pits are a terrain type that first appeared in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and subsequently appeared in Radiant Dawn. The terrain is only seen on maps set at the Riven Bridge that crosses the border between Crimea and Daein. Namely, Chapter 23 of Path of Radiance and Chapter 3-11 of Radiant Dawn.

A pit is a terrain tile that resembles a normal, benign tile that a unit can stand on or walk over until a non-flying unit sets foot on it. If a unit steps onto a disguised pit, the trap will activate, immediately halt the unit and inflict the paralysis condition, preventing them from taking any further action for the remainder of the turn.

Pits will not activate if a flying unit is situated on one while a non-flying unit passes through the space, as two units cannot be stopped on the same tile.
