“The League had reached Akaneian soil, so Marth gave them leave to recuperate in Port Warren, a harbor town known for commerce. Coin alone kept the town free. They paid Doluna dearly in taxes to preserve their autonomy. Naturally, then, theirs was a warm welcome when the Akaneian League arrived. Marth's soldiers were glad to rest there, nestled between mountain and sea, but their joy was spoiled by news that the enemy was fast approaching - as harsh an awakening as a rock beneath the pillow.” —Opening Narration
A single Pyrathian pirate with a droppable Silver Axe appears only in the SNES version of this chapter.
There are three units that can be recruited:
Roger - A knight who has fallen in love with Caeda. Can be used to replace Draug if dead. Has an incredible strength growth for a knight, but lacks in speed compared to Draug and Dolph, both worthy Generals. Usage varies on player opinion.
Radd - A red haired myrmidon who accompanies Caesar. Has a higher defense than Navarre but lacks strength, and is only at level one. He can become an incredible Swordmaster, however.
Caesar - Another mercenary, accompanied by Radd. Has a higher defense than Ogma but lacks strength. He can be a very good Sorcerer, being the only good one you'll get alongside with Etzel, but comes much earlier, and therefore can be used for a longer period of time. Is also good in his other classes.
Enemy Reinforcements[]
Beginning on Turn 10, (and ending at Turn 30 in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light), 2 cavaliers and a horseman appear at the NW forts.
Beginning on Turn 17, (and ending at Turn 30 in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light), knights and archers will spawn at the NE forts.
Crossing to Kannival's area triggers reinforcements if any remain.
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Be careful with low defense units in this chapter. If you happen to still have Lena's Warp staff, it may be useful to quickly warp your units over to Kannival in the east. Also, if Draug has a high defense, and/or Sedgar has been reclassed as a General, unequip them and put them as road blocks to wear down the enemy's weapons, then have your weaker units finish them.
This is also the first chapter where you can grind for infinite EXP via the arena, as this is the first chapter with a shop selling the heal staff and having an arena. This is especially helpful if your healers require some help in the EXP department.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Hirosi Yamaguti novel) - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Shinozaki Sunami novel) - Fire Emblem: Illusion Kingdom