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Prepared to Die is a skill that debuted in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It's a hidden Innate Ability earned by mastering the War Master class with certain characters.


Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity
Defiant Str FE16
Prepared to Die
HP% and Warrior Gauge below one bar -
Effects Rapidly restores the Warrior Gauge when HP is at a certain percentage or below and the Warrior Gauge is less than one bar.
Users Master War Master with Dedue, Jeralt, or Gatekeeper
Notes -


  • All three units that can learn this skill can/will die back in Three Houses:
    • Jeralt always dies in Part I.
    • Dedue will die during the transition period between Parts I and II of the Azure Moon route if his Paralogue wasn't completed in time, he is an enemy unit in the Crimson Flower route during the Third Battle at Tailtean Plains, dying there as a result, and he can potentially die during the Siege of Enbarr in both the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind routes if left unprotected.
    • The Gatekeeper is revealed to have died during the Siege of Garreg Mach during the Crimson Flower route, and will be replaced by his Imperialist identical younger brother.