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Rally (叫び, Sakebi lit. Cry in the Japanese version) is a series of skills and a skill mechanic that was introduced in Fire Emblem Awakening.


A unit equipped with at least one of the skills below will have an additional action option called Rally.

Awakening & Fates[]

Upon activation, all Rally Skills on that user will activate, granting stat boost to all allies within a 3-tile (2 or 4 in Fates) radius of the user. This command will end that unit's turn after they activate the Rally Command. The effect lasts from when it is used to the beginning of the unit's side's next turn, being active for the rest of the current turn and the other side(s) following turn(s).

A unit may have multiple Rally skills equipped and all will activate once the Rally Command is used. Thus, a unit with Rally Speed, Rally Magic, and Rally Defense will boost Speed, Magic, and Defense upon activation. Multiple units may activate separate Rally Skills and still have the compounded effect. However Rally Skills do not stack upon themselves. Therefore if two units activate Rally Speed in the same area, all allies in the range of both will only get +4 Speed, not +8. Rally Spectrum and Rally Heart's stat boost do stack on other Rally Skills's individual stat boosts. This gives a maximum of +14 to Luck, +2 to Movement, and +10 to all other stats if all 10 Rally Skills are used simultaneously on one unit.

In Fire Emblem Fates, Laslow and Shigure have personal skills that function like Rally skills, though they are not named such.

Three Houses[]

Rally is a separate command in battle and allows a unit with at least one Rally skill to give a stat boost to one ally. Rally skills are tied to Authority and certain characters learn Rally skills as their Authority improves. If a unit has multiple Rally skills equipped, they will apply all applicable ones when the Rally command is used.


A unit equipped with any Rally skill equipped in their Support Skill slot will be able to interact with an single ally. Upon doing so, they will apply their Rally boost to said ally unless the ally has visible buffs that exceed the total of the stat boost their rally skill would provide.

Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Rather than existing as a command in battle, Rally skills instead make use of the Adjutant system. When a unit is paired up with an adjutant, if the adjutant has a Rally skill, it will grant the corresponding stat bonus to the active unit. All Rally skills in this are learned by reaching Mastery Level 3 of the Dancer class with certain characters.

Rally Skills[]

Awakening & Fates[]

Icon Name Effect Class Level
StrengthCry Rally Strength Strength +4 Warrior (Awakening)
Berserker (Fates)
Magiccryicon Rally Magic Magic +4 Sage (Awakening)
Onmyoji (Fates)
SkillCryFE13Icon Rally Skill Skill +4 Bow Knight 5
SpeedCry Rally Speed Speed +4 Falcon Knight 5
LuckCry Rally Luck Luck +8 War Monk/War Cleric (Awakening)
Monk/Shrine Maiden (Fates)
DefenseCry Rally Defense Defense +4 General (Awakening)
Wyvern Lord (Fates)
ResistanceCry Rally Resistance Resistance +4 Valkyrie (Awakening)
Strategist (Fates)
MovementCry Rally Movement Movement +1 Dark Flier (Awakening)
Dark Falcon (Fates)
Rainbow Cry Rally Spectrum Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res+4 (Awakening)
Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res+2 (Fates)
Grandmaster 15
Is 3ds rally heart Rally Heart Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res+2, Mov+1 Bride (Awakening only) 1
AzureDance Fancy Footwork Strength +1 Speed +1 None (Personal skill of Laslow) n/a
Tuning Perfect Pitch 10% of maximum HP recovered None (Personal skill of Shigure) n/a

Three Houses[]

Icon Name Effect Authority Level Personal Ability
Rally Strength FE16 Rally Strength Str +4 D (Raphael, Alois, Balthus)
S (Ignatz)
Perseverance (Annette)
Rally Magic FE16 Rally Magic Mag +4 D (Hubert, Ingrid, Constance) Crest Scholar (Hanneman)
Rally Dexterity FE16 Rally Dexterity Dex +8 D (Ferdinand, Hapi)
C+ (Ignatz)
Rally Speed FE16 Rally Speed Spd +4 D (Ignatz)
C+ (Annette)
S (Hubert)
Rally Luck FE16 Rally Luck Lck +8 D (Flayn, Anna) Compassion (Alois)
Rally Defense FE16 Rally Defense Def +4 D (Seteth, Gilbert) N/A
Rally Resistance FE16 Rally Resistance Res +4 D (Annette)
C (Constance)
C+ (Hubert)
S (Seteth)
Rally Charm FE16 Rally Charm Cha +8 D (Dorothea, Manuela)
S (Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude)
Rally Movement FE16 Rally Movement Mv +1 S (Byleth, Annette) N/A

Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Icon Name Effect Character
Rally Strength FE16 Rally Strength Str +10 Raphael
Rally Magic FE16 Rally Magic Mag +10 Ingrid
Rally Dexterity FE16 Rally Dexterity Dex +10 Ferdinand
Rally Speed FE16 Rally Speed Spd +10 Ignatz
Rally Luck FE16 Rally Luck Lck +10 Flayn
Rally Defense FE16 Rally Defense Def +10 Seteth
Rally Resistance FE16 Rally Resistance Res +10 Monica
Rally Charm FE16 Rally Charm Cha +10 Dorothea, Manuela
Rally Strength FE16 Rally Deluxe Str/Spd/Res +10 Annette


  • These skills are considered a spiritual successor to the Tide and Pool skills from Radiant Dawn, due to their similar icon designs and stat-boosting effects.